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2023 Final Alabama Crimson Tide Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
djowen68 1
nin478 1
DaewooLanosMFerrr 2
dan4223 2
MrTheSpork 2
Our-Gardian-Angel 2
PumpSmash 2
Red261 2
RegionalBias 2 OT loss against the best team.
srs_house 2
_fastball 3
ALStark69 3 +2
BigBoutros 3
BorisNumber1 3
confirmd_am_engineer 3
CptCheese 3
D1N2Y 3 +2
DampFrijoles 3
Darth_Ra 3
DavoinShower-handle 3
Dropbackandpunt 3
fadingthought 3
GenialGiant 3
hascogrande 3
kflinderman 3
peachios 3
practicallybert 3
PromEmperorHarbaugh 3
skuhlke 3 Disagree with the computer here
SteemieRayVaughn 3
The_Good_Constable 3
TopGoose 3
WarEagle9 3
Xtremeloco 3
12panther 4
_n8n8_ 4
AllHawkeyesGoToHell 4
arrowfan624 4
BamaPride95 4
Bank_Gothic 4
bannista7 4
Bill3ffinMurray 4
blahblehblahwhoru 4
Blooblod 4
BlueSCar 4
BosskOnASegway 4
boxbeat 4
boxman151515 4
bties 4
BugsSuck 4
Cars-and-Coffee 4
Cecil_Hardboner 4
Ch-i-ef 4
ChemicalOle 4
Chris-P-Creme 4
cinciforthewin 4
coletheredditer 4 USC, Bad Miss, that defense is bad bad.
conchobor 4
cornholesurfer 4
crownebeach 4
cyberchaox 4
dabul-master 4
DarkLegend64 4
darkra01 4
dasani3x 4
digdat0 4
DisraeliEers 4
Drexlore 4
Due_Connection179 4 Congrats on retirement Saban. Sorry to Bama fans who will now see Bama back to a mid-top 25 team for a while.
EpicSchwinn 4
Extra_Excrement 4
fshi 4
galacticdude7 4
GatorBolt 4 While their resume got nitpicked, they ended up facing 3 of the teams in this top 5 and gave Michigan one of the biggest scares they had all year. While they went 1-2, that's still an impressive resume and I think despite the fact that I disagree with them being let in over FSU, the decision was justifiable.
goblue10 4
GoBlueScrewOSU7 4
halldaylong 4
Helifino 4
HelioOne 4
Hey_Its_Roomie 4
HieloLuz 4
Hobbes_121 4
huskerfan4life520 4
hypercube42342 4
hythloday1 4
I_am_bot_beep_boop 4
IAmAChemicalEngineer 4
Jakesnake42 4 84.04 Last Week: #4
jlh2b 4
jrichardh 4
jrluhn 4
JustAManAndHisLaptop 4
Keener1899 4
Knightro2011 4
lillipup03 4
Longvols 4
magnumweiner 4
malowry0124 4
Meany_Vizzini 4 24.5; SOR: 28.0 (4th); MOV: 20.9 (5th)
Megalomanizac 4
mellolizard 4
MWiatrak2077 4
nemoran 4
No11223456 4
noodlethebear 4
NotSoSuperNerd 4 6.85 (12-2)
one98d 4
owl_man 4
physedka 4
Pikachu1989 4
pileatedloon 4
Polarbear1914 4
PrimalCookie 4
Pure_Protein_Machine 4
RheagarTargaryen 4
RiffRamBahZoo 4
RollWarTideEagle 4
romulusjsp 4
ruwisc 4
ryseing 4
sasmith2015 4
soonerfreak 4
Sproded 4
stripes361 4
SwissArmyScythe 4 --
T-nawtical 4
tallg8tor 4
tdeff19 4
teddythe3rd 4
TheZachster 4
Ticklebump 4
TimeBroken 4 Rank: #5
tks231 4
TouchdownHeroes 4
typicaliconoclast 4
UMeister 4
vanburen1845 4
velociraptorfarmer 4
VerySeriousBanana 4
Wescat 4
ya111101 4
Zloggt 4 In the greater culture war between supporters of the traditional aspects of the sport (conferences, bowls, who should be considered best team) and the powerful new masters of the landscape (read: conference executives and television producers)...Bama sits in the middle of the crossfire! And as much fun it is to label them as the big bad elephant that represents EVERYTHING wrong about college football these days...they are actually rather innocent in all this? I mean, sure, losing to Texas SHOULD have been the eliminating factor, not to mention for how they struggled against the likes of South Florida (aged well!) and Auburn (aged not-so well)...but hey, Saban and his boys never quitted, and as shown in the SEC Championship, if the Tide have enough spark, then they can indeed get it done! A lot of the time, at least...and to be fair, they DID came close to beating the Wolverines (not a guarantee, but you know...), had it not been for that one unfortunate snap. Do I still think Florida State should've been in over Alabama? Well, duh - if they let a team like Cincinnati in one time, then surely Florida State would be a logical extension (especially if record is super important, you know!). But hey - if we gotta give these money-hungry ESPN people SOME credit (that they still don't really deserve)'s that these semifinal games were indeed pretty dang entertaining - and a good appetizer of future playoff fun to come. I'd never thought I would say this so soon - but happy trails, Mr. and Mrs. Saban!
AlphaH4wk 5
Archaic_1 5
BabyBladder 5
BallSoHerd 5
BearsAreGreat1 5
bernkastel87 5
bretticus33 5 In the preseason, I wrote about concerns I had about Alabama's offense surrounding an uncertain QB situation, lackluster skill players, and an OC that didn't have a stellar history prior to coming to Tuscaloosa. I wasn't exactly proven wrong. While Milroe ended up in the Heisman conversations, that Alabama offense had a lot of down games and the great defense had to save the day, as well as miracle plays like that against Auburn. Ultimately it's what led to their demise against Michigan, but they still won the SEC title so there's that.
BUSean 5
CambodianDrywall 5
Casaiir 5
Cassiyus 5
CFBHurts 5
Charlemagne42 5 571
CharlemagneOfTheUSA 5
ChaseTheFalcon 5 -
chweris 5
Corgi_Koala 5
corundum9 5
creative_penguin 5
d_mcc_x 5
Daigotsu 5
DarthYoda2594 5
e8odie 5
ewolfy13 5
Foxmcbowser42 5
fredmerc111 5
G-Aardvark 5
GilBrandt 5
HarbingerOfFun 5
hendarvich 5
HHcougar 5
Hugefootballfan44 5 LW: 6
IceColdDrPepper_Here 5
icklebush 5
infinitempg 5 0.757
Inkblot9 5
JaxofAllTrades13 5
JeromesNiece 5
KirbyDumber88 5
MADBuc49 5
Maladroit44 5
monkeymatt1836 5
Mr_Brews 5
ndbroski 5
nw____ 5
NyquillusDillwad20 5
olmsted 5
Omegaus492 5
outthawazoo 5
plannedsickdays 5
Pollaski 5
rain_parkour 5
Rakarei 5
royrules22 5
ScarletFever333 5
scronko 5
shadowwingnut 5
SlaminSammons 5
Sometimeswelose 5
SpadeRyker 5
strikersteve60 5
TaylorLeprechaun 5 +0
Texasagsman 5
The-Gothic-Castle 5
thomasosu 5
tjstanley 5
TossedRightOut 5
ttsci 5
UNC_Samurai 5
w8w8 5
wameron 5
wesman212 5
YellowSkarmory 5
Acm0028 6
aggiebruin27 6
AlexanderComet 6
Arteza147 6
bakonydraco 6 87.936
Blazeth 6
cfbguy 6
CPiGuy2728 6
esoterik 6
Fmeson 6
Hackasizlak 6
ikindalikelemons 6
jalexjsmithj 6
JCiLee 6
jeedf 6
jjjoebox 6
jmac_21 6
JonesUCF34 6
kdcoltred 6
Lex_Ludorum 6
luckroy 6 Pot 3
MahjongDaily 6
nbingham196 6
nburt13 6
OKgolfer 6
owlalwaysloveyew 6
Pablo49 6 -1 -- it's been a pleasure freaking out over how my poll would rank your team over the years, Saban.
PalmettoFace 6
posiitively 6
r0sco 6
retnuh101 6
SCsprinter13 6
seaotter2 6
SearonTrejorek 6 0.85179
Sophocles5 6
spasm01 6
Staind075 6
Striker743 6
TDenverFan 6
the_neverdoctor 6
thexraptor 6
washington_jefferson 6
WolverineDDS 6
A_Rolling_Baneling 7
Apep86 7
bwburke94 7 +16.8569813 (LW: #6)
DataDrivenPirate 7
eSpiritCorpse 7 0.9392
falconlover79 7
fo13 7
grjohnst 7
jimbobbypaul 7 43.49
joebob431 7
Noy_Telinu 7
ReallyCreative 7
ShogunAshoka 7
sirgippy 7
soonersthebetter 7
Stoneador 7
studio_sally 7
Terminal_BAS 7
theb52 7 62.929
udubdavid 7
AudiieVerbum 8
fourpinz8 8
frumious88 8
LiptonCB 8
deadtofall12 9
trumpet_23 10
GeauxTri 11
placid_salad 11
Ruhrgebietheld 11
ToeInDigDeep 11

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
chillmagic420 2
donbagert 2
Mini-Mussolini 2
Aggravating-Steak-69 3
Aidanj927 3
big_thunder_man 3
ChBass 3
chief_sitass 3
CriterionCrypt 3
daredassdude 3
DeerPrison 3 LW: 2
dheck2016 3
dterp13 3
EmotionalAd4185 3
Got_That_WeeFee 3
hurricaneatx 3 (12-2) - I think Alabama's performances against exceptionally strong Georgia and Michigan squads to close out the season pushes them ahead of Texas, with the week 2 loss being far enough back to give Alabama the nod at #3.
MemeLovingLoser 3
simplygabi 3
squibby 3
TheNSAAgent777 3
WaterRat13 3
0010MK 4
1Subject 4
_TGT7 4 +1
a_bit_of_a_misnomer_ 4 Here's the terrifying part about Alabama: this was a down year. Dread it... run from it... the Tide will always be there when it counts.
betterthanevar 4 Still Bama.
BeyondLiesTheWub 4 Battled Michigan into overtime, in my opinion they proved they deserved to be there.
BoilerUp28 4
brihimia 4
brucewaynewins 4
CakeEaters 4
charmingcharles2896 4
Dawg-Bite 4
DillyDillySzn 4
divey043 4
DownshiftGD 4
dubscurry30 4
ehoefler 4 84.51 | 0
Esb5415 4
fellohuman77 4
JamoRedhead 4
jibberishdhyukl 4
Josh_historybuff 4 20-27 vs. Michigan
JustinMSU21 4
Kirkwood641 4
Klaassy23 4
leadbymight 4
MainPeanut25 4
ManiacalBlazer 4 85.487
mathmanhale 4
maxwell6233 4
Morrgs 4
mthompson2320 4
ndbfsu22 4
nebsA1 4
newSomberMan 4
OCD3ds 4
OldCoaly 4
PattyKane16 4
Piptit 4
Player_1_has_Joined 4
PSUMediaPA 4
Pyroblockx 4
qwer546 4
RealignmentJunkie 4
saquad69 4
ShefCrl 4
silfarion10 4
slatibartifast3 4
SortaDecent 4
spaceblev11 4
SpeddyDawg 4
swdanley17 4
TheFalconGuy 4
thehornedlamb 4
ThompsonCreekTiger 4
Tornadohunter24 4
ziggysaysnada 4
70277027 5
ActuallyJasonPrice 5
Additional-Stick6374 5
AdministrativeAnt683 5
ard8 5
Arvandu 5
BananaBouquet 5
BenchRickyAguayo 5
BoukenGreen 5
cookie__monster___ 5
diehardcubforever 5
Doogitywoogity 5
EBuckhouse 5
FlashSpider-man 5
ianmcmoney 5
iHasMagyk 5
Jadenflo 5
JBonkies 5
josh55134 5
KansasChaser2021 5
manbeardawg 5
MemeofMemeJTG999999 5 (12-2) (down 1) L: 20-27 vs #1 Michigan (15-0) (Rose; in Pasadena)
mithrandir2398 5
mountain_troop86 5 Got lucky a lot this year. Bama fans will still say they're unlucky.
narwhalz27 5
Noelthemexican 5
OSUfan88 5
PerfectZeroKnowledge 5
PlactusTX 5 (4) L Michigan
RadiationRichard 5
redrumsoxLoL 5
rocco2246 5
Serenityy8 5
Sflabuckeye13 5
SleepsWithBlindsOpen 5
SomerandomIDFBfan 5 LW 5
stew_pac 5 -1
TallBear69 5
Tylex123 5
Underground_Bread 5
Weekly_Flatworm5707 5
WillWorkForSugar 5
AlphaMemory2 6
Cascadia-Rising 6
drneilpretenamen 6
Fantastic-Calendar-9 6 Milroe had fewer yards in the Rose Bowl than true freshman Brock Glenn in his bowl game
frone 6
FsuNolezz 6
grtgbln 6
luciusetrur 6 LW: 5
Milflover69cbb 6 This team was never great one of sabans worst let’s not change the narrative we have abt a team bc they made the playoffs unjustifiably
RedBarracuda25 6 Saban's black magic could only carry this team so far. Although 6 minutes to have a QB draw be your game defining play is certainly interesting. Alabama still seems like a QB away, but that O-line performance was pathetic. If Milroe develops he'll be a top QB and this team can go far, but if he doesn't...
RJEP22 6
SNjr 6
spencej98 6
TadKosciuszko 6
TheBeekman8 6
Xy13 6
youngs2309 6
cant_stop_the_crooks 7
grahamca 7 T6ᵗʰ W/L, T5ᵗʰ Predicted Wins, 8ᵗʰ Team Strength, 9ᵗʰ Quality of Wins
hoovereatscowpoop 7
OSU_Shecter 7
readonlypdf 7
soonertiger 7
CallMeTheKing 8 124-8-0
Protoco2 8
ColombianInIowa24 10 Loses Rose Bowl to #1 Michigan SEC Champ Notable Wins: #4 Georgia, #11 Ole Miss, #17 LSU Losses: #1 Michigan (B1G Champ), #9 Texas (Big XII champ)
mport97 10
samuelbassett 10
StumpVanDerHuge 10
TheSleaze22 10
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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