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2023 Final Kansas State Wildcats Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Fmeson 8
DataDrivenPirate 9
r0sco 11
CPiGuy2728 12
JeromesNiece 12
trumpet_23 12
deadtofall12 14
GeauxTri 14
HieloLuz 14
Meany_Vizzini 14 14.7; SOR: 12.8 (19th); MOV: 16.6 (11th)
the_neverdoctor 14
bwburke94 15 +12.4816458 (LW: #15)
hythloday1 15
Inkblot9 15
Megalomanizac 15
MrTheSpork 15
nw____ 15
Our-Gardian-Angel 15
Ruhrgebietheld 15
Terminal_BAS 15
The-Gothic-Castle 15
The_Good_Constable 15
TimeBroken 15 Rank: #15
12panther 16
bakonydraco 16 84.216
BallSoHerd 16
Bank_Gothic 16
corundum9 16
crownebeach 16
DavoinShower-handle 16
Foxmcbowser42 16
G-Aardvark 16
goblue10 16
Hackasizlak 16
halldaylong 16
HarbingerOfFun 16
Hey_Its_Roomie 16
HHcougar 16
Hobbes_121 16
I_am_bot_beep_boop 16
jalexjsmithj 16
Lex_Ludorum 16
luckroy 16 Pot 8
No11223456 16
plannedsickdays 16
posiitively 16
Rakarei 16
seaotter2 16
shadowwingnut 16
sirgippy 16
SlaminSammons 16
stripes361 16
studio_sally 16
TouchdownHeroes 16
VerySeriousBanana 16
Acm0028 17
bannista7 17
BearsAreGreat1 17
bernkastel87 17
Bill3ffinMurray 17
Blooblod 17
BlueSCar 17
boxman151515 17
bties 17
BugsSuck 17
BUSean 17
Cars-and-Coffee 17
cfbguy 17
conchobor 17
dabul-master 17
DaewooLanosMFerrr 17
Due_Connection179 17 My pre-season pick to win the Big XII, but hit more than a few bumps along the road. Lost their QB to Ohio State, but at least the Big XII is now super wide open where they will have a chance to win (with decent recruiting) every season going forward.
eSpiritCorpse 17 0.8891
fadingthought 17
fourpinz8 17
fshi 17
GatorBolt 17 I was tempted to vote them number 1. Did Michigan eat a mascot this year? Didn't think so.
GenialGiant 17
hascogrande 17
Jakesnake42 17 67.93 Last Week: #23
jimbobbypaul 17 24.17
jmac_21 17
jrluhn 17
kflinderman 17
lillipup03 17
magnumweiner 17
malowry0124 17
monkeymatt1836 17
one98d 17
outthawazoo 17
Pollaski 17
PrimalCookie 17
PromEmperorHarbaugh 17
ReallyCreative 17
RegionalBias 17
romulusjsp 17
ruwisc 17
ryseing 17
ScarletFever333 17
scronko 17
Sometimeswelose 17
soonerfreak 17
T-nawtical 17
TossedRightOut 17
UMeister 17
velociraptorfarmer 17
WarEagle9 17
Xtremeloco 17
ALStark69 18 NR
AudiieVerbum 18
BabyBladder 18
BamaPride95 18
BigBoutros 18
BorisNumber1 18
boxbeat 18
CambodianDrywall 18
Casaiir 18
Cassiyus 18
Ch-i-ef 18
ChemicalOle 18
chweris 18
CptCheese 18
D1N2Y 18 NR
Daigotsu 18
DarkLegend64 18
Darth_Ra 18
DisraeliEers 18
Drexlore 18
e8odie 18
EpicSchwinn 18
Extra_Excrement 18
GilBrandt 18
GoBlueScrewOSU7 18
HelioOne 18
hendarvich 18
huskerfan4life520 18
hypercube42342 18
IAmAChemicalEngineer 18
icklebush 18
ikindalikelemons 18
JonesUCF34 18
JustAManAndHisLaptop 18
Keener1899 18
mellolizard 18
Mr_Brews 18
MWiatrak2077 18
nburt13 18
nemoran 18
NotSoSuperNerd 18 4.43 (9-4)
NyquillusDillwad20 18
Omegaus492 18
peachios 18
physedka 18
placid_salad 18
PumpSmash 18
rain_parkour 18
Red261 18
royrules22 18
sasmith2015 18
SearonTrejorek 18 0.71763
ShogunAshoka 18
Sophocles5 18
Sproded 18
SteemieRayVaughn 18
strikersteve60 18
SwissArmyScythe 18 +6 (Big mover from other teams bad losses)
tdeff19 18
teddythe3rd 18
theb52 18 41.654
TopGoose 18
ttsci 18
w8w8 18
wameron 18
washington_jefferson 18
Wescat 18
wesman212 18
WolverineDDS 18
Zloggt 18 'Cats! Again, when watching the K-State/Mizzou game, I was VERY confident that it would've been another humiliation at the hands of the purple-colored Wildcats (especially since I remembered how last year's game went)...only for a certain Thicc Kiccer to prove me WRONG, actually. But "amazing ranked upset win to help spark a massive season-defining turnaround" was also an okay season for the Wildcats! Granted, they didn't run it back as Big 12 champs like they did last year, but they still had a feisty little thing going on at Manhattan! Beating their ranked rivals on the road, coming SUPER oh-so-close to knocking Texas out of CFP contention (again also on the road)...and then capping things off with an impressive bowl game victory against an equally-decent NC State squad! Oh yeah, now THAT was a good keynote to end the year off on...along with, you know, the mascot cannibalization to eat its oh-so-succulent strawberry insides that followed...
AlexanderComet 19
AlphaH4wk 19
arrowfan624 19
blahblehblahwhoru 19
Blazeth 19
Cecil_Hardboner 19
Charlemagne42 19 102
ChaseTheFalcon 19 NR
Corgi_Koala 19
cornholesurfer 19
dasani3x 19
esoterik 19
ewolfy13 19
Helifino 19
jeedf 19
jjjoebox 19
KirbyDumber88 19
MahjongDaily 19
nin478 19
noodlethebear 19
Pikachu1989 19
pileatedloon 19
Pure_Protein_Machine 19
RollWarTideEagle 19
srs_house 19
TaylorLeprechaun 19 +6
TDenverFan 19
Texasagsman 19
thexraptor 19
tjstanley 19
UNC_Samurai 19
vanburen1845 19
ya111101 19
Arteza147 20
BosskOnASegway 20
Chris-P-Creme 20
coletheredditer 20 TCU, Bad Miss, turns out when 15+ players are drafted or graduate, the team suffers
creative_penguin 20
cyberchaox 20
dan4223 20
falconlover79 20
fredmerc111 20
Knightro2011 20
nbingham196 20
RiffRamBahZoo 20
skuhlke 20
typicaliconoclast 20
_fastball 21
bretticus33 21 Congrats to KSU for winning the most important non NY6 bowl game over NC State, and getting to eat the world's largest Pop Tart. Realistically, KSU is a well run program with a good HC at the helm, so I don't expect KSU to go anywhere. However, the QB situation next season will be interesting with so many guys leaving the program.
digdat0 21
IceColdDrPepper_Here 21
joebob431 21
jrichardh 21
LiptonCB 21
MADBuc49 21
Pablo49 21 NEW
PalmettoFace 21
retnuh101 21
soonersthebetter 21
Staind075 21
Stoneador 21
Ticklebump 21
Apep86 22
infinitempg 22 0.554
owl_man 22
udubdavid 22
YellowSkarmory 22
Archaic_1 23
DarthYoda2594 23
olmsted 23
CFBHurts 24
darkra01 24
galacticdude7 24
JCiLee 24
jlh2b 24
spasm01 24
tallg8tor 24
aggiebruin27 25
DampFrijoles 25
Hugefootballfan44 25 LW: NR
JaxofAllTrades13 25
Longvols 25
Maladroit44 25
TheZachster 25

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
chief_sitass 8
BeyondLiesTheWub 13
Weekly_Flatworm5707 13
Mini-Mussolini 14
0010MK 15
Josh_historybuff 15 28-19 vs. NC State
qwer546 15
RadiationRichard 15
redrumsoxLoL 15
spencej98 15
squibby 15
BananaBouquet 16
brihimia 16
CallMeTheKing 16 107-25-0
chillmagic420 16
cookie__monster___ 16
drneilpretenamen 16
Fantastic-Calendar-9 16
hoovereatscowpoop 16
mathmanhale 16
mithrandir2398 16
narwhalz27 16
ShefCrl 16
SNjr 16
TheFalconGuy 16
ThompsonCreekTiger 16
Underground_Bread 16
WillWorkForSugar 16
AdministrativeAnt683 17
Aidanj927 17
AlphaMemory2 17
big_thunder_man 17
Cascadia-Rising 17
DillyDillySzn 17
EBuckhouse 17
EmotionalAd4185 17
Esb5415 17
fellohuman77 17
FsuNolezz 17
Got_That_WeeFee 17
hurricaneatx 17 (9-4)
JamoRedhead 17
jibberishdhyukl 17
mport97 17
mthompson2320 17
nebsA1 17
OCD3ds 17
PerfectZeroKnowledge 17
Piptit 17
Player_1_has_Joined 17
Protoco2 17
Pyroblockx 17
RealignmentJunkie 17
saquad69 17
StumpVanDerHuge 17
TheNSAAgent777 17
Tornadohunter24 17
Tylex123 17
1Subject 18
a_bit_of_a_misnomer_ 18 Dreams really do come true!
ActuallyJasonPrice 18
Aggravating-Steak-69 18
betterthanevar 18
CakeEaters 18
Dawg-Bite 18
DeerPrison 18 LW: 25
dheck2016 18
diehardcubforever 18
divey043 18
DownshiftGD 18
dterp13 18
dubscurry30 18
ehoefler 18 63.21 | NEW +8
frone 18
grtgbln 18
JustinMSU21 18
manbeardawg 18
ManiacalBlazer 18 71.491
maxwell6233 18
MemeofMemeJTG999999 18 (9-4) (up 10) W: 28-19 vs #20 NC State (Pop-Tarts; in Orlando)
Morrgs 18
mountain_troop86 18
newSomberMan 18
OldCoaly 18
OSU_Shecter 18
OSUfan88 18
PlactusTX 18 (22) W North Carolina State
rocco2246 18
Serenityy8 18
simplygabi 18
slatibartifast3 18
SortaDecent 18
TheBeekman8 18
thehornedlamb 18
70277027 19
BenchRickyAguayo 19
BoukenGreen 19
charmingcharles2896 19
iHasMagyk 19
josh55134 19
Kirkwood641 19
Klaassy23 19
MainPeanut25 19
PSUMediaPA 19
RedBarracuda25 19 I've disrespected the wildcats all year and I think it's time I atone for that. This is definitely a top 25 team and I just didn't see it. Great win, wildcats, go win the b12 again.
RJEP22 19
silfarion10 19
SomerandomIDFBfan 19 LW NR
spaceblev11 19
swdanley17 19
WaterRat13 19
youngs2309 19
_TGT7 20
BoilerUp28 20
cant_stop_the_crooks 20
ChBass 20
FlashSpider-man 20
grahamca 20 T28ᵗʰ W/L, T25ᵗʰ Predicted Wins, 10ᵗʰ Team Strength, 11ᵗʰ Quality of Wins
ianmcmoney 20
KansasChaser2021 20
Noelthemexican 20
PattyKane16 20
Sflabuckeye13 20
stew_pac 20 +5
Arvandu 21
donbagert 21
Jadenflo 21
luciusetrur 21 LW: NR
ndbfsu22 21
SleepsWithBlindsOpen 21
ziggysaysnada 21
Additional-Stick6374 22
CriterionCrypt 22
daredassdude 22
soonertiger 22
brucewaynewins 23
MemeLovingLoser 23
readonlypdf 23
TheSleaze22 23
ard8 24
Milflover69cbb 24
samuelbassett 24
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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