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2023 Final Kansas Jayhawks Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
JustAManAndHisLaptop 15
IceColdDrPepper_Here 16
Sproded 16
CptCheese 17
sirgippy 17
srs_house 17
boxman151515 18
corundum9 18
jjjoebox 18
magnumweiner 18
UMeister 18
12panther 19
Archaic_1 19
bakonydraco 19 79.551
Bank_Gothic 19
GatorBolt 19 There was a time where 9 wins would feel like a pipe dream in Lawrence. Hard for them to not be excited for an improving football team and deep renovations starting on their stadium as they head towards the new look Big 12.
monkeymatt1836 19
nw____ 19
Rakarei 19
stripes361 19
The_Good_Constable 19
arrowfan624 20
BamaPride95 20
Blazeth 20
Cecil_Hardboner 20
Daigotsu 20
Darth_Ra 20
ewolfy13 20
fourpinz8 20
Foxmcbowser42 20
hypercube42342 20
I_am_bot_beep_boop 20
Lex_Ludorum 20
MrTheSpork 20
MWiatrak2077 20
nburt13 20
posiitively 20
ReallyCreative 20
romulusjsp 20
ScarletFever333 20
Sophocles5 20
TDenverFan 20
ya111101 20
Zloggt 20 Ahhhhhh I have to? Well, I DO feel pretty good about how the Missouri season went, so in these good spirits, I have to be fair and respectful. Everybody knows just how hard it is to succeed in Lawrence! Well...on the GRIDIRON, that is. And especially after the Les Miles debacle (he knows that it's best to stick to Fansville commercial, it's what he's good at these days)...who could take such a program and glow it up? Well...Lance Leipold, that's who! And to their credit, he really IS a miracle worker, breaking what seemed to be an absolutely THICK ceiling to raise the Jayhawks' status higher and higher! And while there WERE some hiccups along the way...2023 ended up as a season to remember, especially after invoking their REAL HUMAN BEAN powers to take care of an uppity UNLV team in their bowl game (who was, coincidentally, a Missouri coach of old - so you know, lotta Tiger fans hoping for the upset there). And while I may feel just a TWINGE salty at the result (it would have to take, like, a Kansas/Liberty bowl for me to consider even begrudgingly root for KU lol), I must take the higher road and congratulate Lance and Lawrence for an impressive season! That's the most flattery I can give as a college football fan in general...
BigBoutros 21
blahblehblahwhoru 21
Blooblod 21
cfbguy 21
Charlemagne42 21 90.4
chweris 21
conchobor 21
crownebeach 21
DaewooLanosMFerrr 21
HarbingerOfFun 21
hascogrande 21
Helifino 21
icklebush 21
JonesUCF34 21
kdcoltred 21
lillipup03 21
luckroy 21 Pot 9
Omegaus492 21
owlalwaysloveyew 21
Pollaski 21
r0sco 21
RiffRamBahZoo 21
seaotter2 21
Sometimeswelose 21
Texasagsman 21
The-Gothic-Castle 21
TopGoose 21
trumpet_23 21
UNC_Samurai 21
vanburen1845 21
wameron 21
WarEagle9 21
WolverineDDS 21
AudiieVerbum 22
Bill3ffinMurray 22
BorisNumber1 22
boxbeat 22
bties 22
BugsSuck 22
Cars-and-Coffee 22
Casaiir 22
Ch-i-ef 22
Corgi_Koala 22
DarkLegend64 22
deadtofall12 22
Due_Connection179 22 A top 25 finish for Kansas in football might be more celebrated than Kansas basketball winning the Big XII again.
e8odie 22
EpicSchwinn 22
Extra_Excrement 22
fshi 22
G-Aardvark 22
GeauxTri 22
GenialGiant 22
GilBrandt 22
Hackasizlak 22
jlh2b 22
Keener1899 22
KirbyDumber88 22
LiptonCB 22
Megalomanizac 22
Mr_Brews 22
noodlethebear 22
one98d 22
Our-Gardian-Angel 22
PalmettoFace 22
peachios 22
Pikachu1989 22
plannedsickdays 22
PrimalCookie 22
Pure_Protein_Machine 22
rain_parkour 22
sasmith2015 22
scronko 22
T-nawtical 22
thexraptor 22
TimeBroken 22 Rank: #27
tjstanley 22
TouchdownHeroes 22
ttsci 22
VerySeriousBanana 22
w8w8 22
Wescat 22
Xtremeloco 22
BosskOnASegway 23
CambodianDrywall 23
ChemicalOle 23
cornholesurfer 23
creative_penguin 23
d_mcc_x 23
dasani3x 23
DataDrivenPirate 23
DisraeliEers 23
Drexlore 23
esoterik 23
fadingthought 23
GoBlueScrewOSU7 23
HieloLuz 23
huskerfan4life520 23
hythloday1 23
IAmAChemicalEngineer 23
Jakesnake42 23 62.51 Last Week: #24
jalexjsmithj 23
JeromesNiece 23
jmac_21 23
jrichardh 23
jrluhn 23
kflinderman 23
Longvols 23
MADBuc49 23
mellolizard 23
nemoran 23
nin478 23
outthawazoo 23
pileatedloon 23
PromEmperorHarbaugh 23
PumpSmash 23
RegionalBias 23
RollWarTideEagle 23
royrules22 23
ryseing 23
soonerfreak 23
soonersthebetter 23
SteemieRayVaughn 23
strikersteve60 23
studio_sally 23
SwissArmyScythe 23 NR
teddythe3rd 23
theb52 23 34.077
TheZachster 23
Ticklebump 23
typicaliconoclast 23
wesman212 23
_fastball 24
AlexanderComet 24
AlphaH4wk 24
ALStark69 24 NR New to poll: 18 Kansas State, 19 Tennessee, 24 Kansas, 25 West Virginia
BabyBladder 24
BallSoHerd 24
ChaseTheFalcon 24 NR
coletheredditer 24 Texas Tech, Miss, why did this team have preseason hype?
CPiGuy2728 24
dabul-master 24
digdat0 24
HelioOne 24
hendarvich 24
Hey_Its_Roomie 24
Hobbes_121 24
jeedf 24
jimbobbypaul 24 16.68
MahjongDaily 24
Meany_Vizzini 24 9.9; SOR: 10.7 (25th); MOV: 9.1 (25th)
nbingham196 24
physedka 24
shadowwingnut 24
tdeff19 24
bwburke94 25 +7.507691 (LW: #28)
Chris-P-Creme 25
DarthYoda2594 25
eSpiritCorpse 25 0.8623
falconlover79 25
Fmeson 25
fredmerc111 25
HHcougar 25
NotSoSuperNerd 25 4.22 (9-4)
ruwisc 25
spasm01 25
tallg8tor 25
TossedRightOut 25
velociraptorfarmer 25
washington_jefferson 25

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
WaterRat13 14
readonlypdf 15
SpeddyDawg 15
drneilpretenamen 17
Sflabuckeye13 17
saquad69 18
silfarion10 18
_TGT7 19
Arvandu 19
JamoRedhead 19
Josh_historybuff 19 49-36 vs. UNLV
KansasChaser2021 19
Mini-Mussolini 19
OSUfan88 19
ShefCrl 19
CakeEaters 20
CallMeTheKing 20 105-27-0
frone 20
iHasMagyk 20
Klaassy23 20
MemeofMemeJTG999999 20 (9-4) (was unranked) W: 49-36 vs UNLV (9-5) (Guaranteed Rate; in Phoenix)
mithrandir2398 20
rocco2246 20
SNjr 20
brihimia 21
cant_stop_the_crooks 21
chillmagic420 21
dterp13 21
EmotionalAd4185 21
fellohuman77 21
Got_That_WeeFee 21
grtgbln 21
jibberishdhyukl 21
narwhalz27 21
Piptit 21
RealignmentJunkie 21
Tornadohunter24 21
WillWorkForSugar 21
70277027 22
a_bit_of_a_misnomer_ 22 The Jayhawks’ turnaround has been incredibly impressive. Beating Oklahoma is a massive achievement and with a weakened Big 12, their playoff chances are surprisingly high.
AdministrativeAnt683 22
ard8 22
brucewaynewins 22
donbagert 22
DownshiftGD 22
FlashSpider-man 22
FsuNolezz 22
JBonkies 22
josh55134 22
Morrgs 22
ndbfsu22 22
OldCoaly 22
Pyroblockx 22
qwer546 22
RJEP22 22
samuelbassett 22
SomerandomIDFBfan 22 LW NR (26th)
spaceblev11 22
TheBeekman8 22
thehornedlamb 22
TheNSAAgent777 22
Underground_Bread 22
youngs2309 22
0010MK 23
Aggravating-Steak-69 23
AlphaMemory2 23
BananaBouquet 23
BeyondLiesTheWub 23
big_thunder_man 23
charmingcharles2896 23
CriterionCrypt 23
daredassdude 23
dheck2016 23
dubscurry30 23
Fantastic-Calendar-9 23
Jadenflo 23
manbeardawg 23
OCD3ds 23
Player_1_has_Joined 23
soonertiger 23
squibby 23
StumpVanDerHuge 23
Tylex123 23
ziggysaysnada 23
ActuallyJasonPrice 24
Aidanj927 24
Cascadia-Rising 24
Dawg-Bite 24
diehardcubforever 24
divey043 24
Esb5415 24
grahamca 24 T28ᵗʰ W/L, T25ᵗʰ Predicted Wins, 32ⁿᵈ Team Strength, 28ᵗʰ Quality of Wins
hurricaneatx 24 (9-4) -
JustinMSU21 24
leadbymight 24
ManiacalBlazer 24 65.490
mathmanhale 24
maxwell6233 24
newSomberMan 24
OSU_Shecter 24
PSUMediaPA 24
RadiationRichard 24
RedBarracuda25 24 This Jayhawks team keeps building. Not a strong start like last year, but a good year overall. If this team takes the leap, they'll be in the b12 mix.
redrumsoxLoL 24
simplygabi 24
swdanley17 24
betterthanevar 25
luciusetrur 25 LW: NR
mthompson2320 25
slatibartifast3 25
Weekly_Flatworm5707 25
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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