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2023 Week 15 & Bowls Kansas Jayhawks Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
ryumast3r 18
Charlemagne42 22 85
Darth_Ra 22
Rakarei 22
shadowwingnut 22 Up 2, SOS: 38
Cecil_Hardboner 23
70stang 24 Kansas takes 4th in Tier 8, with 1 Ranked win over Oklahoma and 4 losses to be 8-4. Despite having a better record, they sit below KSU due to head-to-head.
AlphaH4wk 24
Jakesnake42 24 61.92 Last Week: #25
MarlinsGuy 24
r0sco 24
stripes361 24
The_Good_Constable 24
CptCheese 25
Fmeson 25
JeromesNiece 25
ya111101 25

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
losbullitt 17
bryophyta_insolitam 18 Bye
CallMeTheKing 19 106-26-0
Harpua99 20
silfarion10 20
Bereft13 21 Power: 26, SoR: 22; LW: 23
spmartin1993 23
Weekly_Flatworm5707 23
why_doineedausername 23
asbestosman2 24
BeyondLiesTheWub 24 -1
0010MK 25
OSUfan88 25
perspicacious_crumb 25
swdanley17 25
Underground_Bread 25
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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