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2023 Week 15 & Bowls James Madison Dukes Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
MADBuc49 8 Cotton Bowl. Pick to win
A_Rolling_Baneling 9
grjohnst 9
ShogunAshoka 9
spasm01 9
tks231 9
Noy_Telinu 10 Should have won the Fun Belt, but rules and whatnot
Pablo49 10 +2
Apep86 11
nburt13 11
hythloday1 12
jalexjsmithj 12
joebob431 12
owl_man 12
placid_salad 12 LW #12
SearonTrejorek 12 0.80334
Stoneador 12
ToeInDigDeep 12
udubdavid 12
DampFrijoles 13
nbingham196 13
ruwisc 13
studio_sally 13
ChargerFan2121 14
ChickenTaco 14
ExternalTangents 14
Hey_Its_Roomie 14
jrichardh 14
lillipup03 14
skuhlke 14
velociraptorfarmer 14
ewolfy13 15
jimbobbypaul 15 25.4134
kflinderman 15
NyquillusDillwad20 15
olmsted 15
owlalwaysloveyew 15
YellowSkarmory 15
Bill3ffinMurray 16
boxman151515 16
bretticus33 16 Well at least JMU is going bowling.
BUSean 16
bwburke94 16 +11.9871895 (LW: #16)
coletheredditer 16 Best G5 Team
G-Aardvark 16
Hackasizlak 16
halldaylong 16
Inkblot9 16
jjjoebox 16
luckroy 16 Pot 6
posiitively 16
practicallybert 16 Stupid FBS transition rules
SwissArmyScythe 16 +3
blahblehblahwhoru 17
Blooblod 17
CPiGuy2728 17
cyberchaox 17
eSpiritCorpse 17 0.8858
hendarvich 17
HieloLuz 17 Points: 104.01 | Wins: 1 T3, 5 T5, 3 T6, 2 T7 | Losses: 1 T4 | 4 WP |
infinitempg 17 0.687
Jakesnake42 17 69.61 Last Week: #18
JonesUCF34 17
jrluhn 17
kamiller2020 17
Longvols 17
Muffinnnnnnn 17
theb52 17 42.917
ACCBiggz 18
Blazeth 18
Cassiyus 18
cfbguy 18
Colton3690 18
GenialGiant 18
JaxofAllTrades13 18
OKgolfer 18 Last week: #20. Idle. Up two spots because of Tulane and Toledo's losses.
Ruhrgebietheld 18
sirgippy 18
SlaminSammons 18
SpadeRyker 18
thexraptor 18
ALStark69 19 +2
BearsAreGreat1 19
BlueFalcon89 19
confirmd_am_engineer 19
dasani3x 19
hascogrande 19
MahjongDaily 19
nw____ 19
PromEmperorHarbaugh 19
Rakarei 19
the_neverdoctor 19
thomasosu 19
TimeBroken 19 Rank: #17
trumpet_23 19
_n8n8_ 20
AlphaH4wk 20
BallSoHerd 20
cinciforthewin 20
dabul-master 20
Drexlore 20
DrKennethJNoisewater 20
GatorBolt 20 A what if cloud will always hang over this season for the Dukes.
Helifino 20
jthomas694 20 Glad JMU is in a bowl game, blew their chance at an undefeated season against App
Pikachu1989 20
romulusjsp 20
seaotter2 20
Sometimeswelose 20
Staind075 20
strikersteve60 20
Wescat 20
woakley 20
12panther 21
AlexanderComet 21
Arteza147 21
BamaPride95 21
BlueSCar 21
Charlemagne42 21 88
chweris 21
EpicSchwinn 21
fadingthought 21
HarbingerOfFun 21
Hugefootballfan44 21 LW: 22
IceColdDrPepper_Here 21
Omegaus492 21
royrules22 21
sasmith2015 21
ScarletFever333 21
SCsprinter13 21
teddythe3rd 21
The_Good_Constable 21
VerySeriousBanana 21
_fastball 22
Acm0028 22
Archaic_1 22
arrowfan624 22
AudiieVerbum 22
bakonydraco 22 78.166 (#27)
bernkastel87 22
Casaiir 22
ChaseTheFalcon 22 NR
Conglossian 22
creative_penguin 22
DarkLegend64 22
DisraeliEers 22
Extra_Excrement 22
fshi 22
jlh2b 22
LiptonCB 22
magnumweiner 22
Mr_Brews 22
myghtymouse 22
noahthearc 22
one98d 22
plannedsickdays 22
Polarbear1914 22
Pollaski 22
puffadda 22
RiffRamBahZoo 22
soonerfreak 22
Sophocles5 22
TossedRightOut 22
UNC_Samurai 22
wameron 22
WarEagle9 22
Xtremeloco 22
BigBoutros 23
CambodianDrywall 23
Cars-and-Coffee 23
CFBHurts 23
CommodoreN7 23
conchobor 23
Corgi_Koala 23
corundum9 23
CptCheese 23
D1N2Y 23 +1
digdat0 23
e8odie 23
fredmerc111 23
GilBrandt 23
hypercube42342 23
Joester09 23
Keener1899 23
malowry0124 23
Meany_Vizzini 23 10.4; SOR: 13.6 (17th); MOV: 7.2 (32nd)
Nathanael-Greene 23
peachios 23
PHubbs 23
Pure_Protein_Machine 23
rain_parkour 23
RheagarTargaryen 23
TaylorLeprechaun 23 -1
Techwid 23
TheReformedBadger 23
tjstanley 23
tmothy07 23
w8w8 23
BosskOnASegway 24
boxbeat 24
bties 24
Buckeyes2010 24
captain_sasquatch 24
Ch-i-ef 24
ChemicalOle 24
cyclonepsycho 24
d_mcc_x 24
DavoinShower-handle 24
dogwoodmaple 24
esoterik 24
falconlover79 24
frumious88 24
IAmAChemicalEngineer 24
mellolizard 24
nemoran 24
nin478 24
noodlethebear 24
NotSoSuperNerd 24 4.26 (11-1)
Our-Gardian-Angel 24
RegulatorRWF 24
scronko 24
srs_house 24
SteemieRayVaughn 24
texas2089 24
UMeister 24
Zloggt 24
311polo 25
52hoova 25
Chris-P-Creme 25
cornholesurfer 25
darkra01 25
galacticdude7 25
GoBlueScrewOSU7 25
icklebush 25
justsaynotoreddit 25
Lex_Ludorum 25
ProbablyRickSantorum 25 6.791
RegionalBias 25 Boo on the NCAA
RollWarTideEagle 25
Sproded 25
tallg8tor 25
typicaliconoclast 25
wesman212 25
WolverineDDS 25

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
TadKosciuszko 8
MemeLovingLoser 9
ThompsonCreekTiger 9
1Subject 12
BenchRickyAguayo 12 Hi: 9 Low: 14 LW: 14 Avg: 12.2
Noelthemexican 12
owl-bears 12
PerfectZeroKnowledge 12
RJEP22 12
tomdawg0022 12
ChBass 13
mathmanhale 13
RealignmentJunkie 13
ColombianInIowa24 14 Arizona (11), Miami (OH) (45)
manbeardawg 14
ManiacalBlazer 14 76.857
DeerPrison 15 LW: 13
Fantastic-Calendar-9 15
stew_pac 15 -2
TheSunsNotYellow 15 .5609
Arvandu 16
boomersooner222 16
bryophyta_insolitam 16 Bye
ehoefler 16 71.37 | -1
grahamca 16 T8ᵗʰ W/L, T10ᵗʰ Predicted Wins, 21ˢᵗ Team Strength, 26ᵗʰ Quality of Wins
PlactusTX 16 (15) —
samuelbassett 16
SomerandomIDFBfan 16
why_doineedausername 16
chillmagic420 17 even JMU is better than SMU, they will get a bowl thankfully!
DownshiftGD 17
Mossed26 17
Pyroblockx 17
0010MK 18
cbusalex 18
Jacob_Sumner 18
MemeofMemeJTG999999 18 (11-1) (up 4) Bye Bowl: Armed Forces vs Air Force (8-4) (in Fort Worth)
mthompson2320 18 LW: 21
nebsA1 18
Player_1_has_Joined 18
readonlypdf 18
RedBarracuda25 18
TheFalconGuy 18
thehornedlamb 18
Tornadohunter24 18 (-) [11-1] Credentials: 2022 Sun Belt East Joint Champions, Final Record: 8-3, 2023, 2023 Sun Belt East Champions | 2023 Results So Far: 38-3 vs Bucknell [FCS, 4-7], 36-35 @ Virginia [3-9], 16-14 @ Troy [11-2], 45-38 @ Utah State [6-6], 31-23 vs South Alabama [6-6], 41-13 vs Georgia Southern [6-6], 20-9 @ Marshall [6-6], 30-27 vs Old Dominion [6-6], 42-14 @ Georgia State [6-6], 44-6 vs UConn [3-9], 23-26(OT) vs App State [8-5], 56-14 @ Coastal Carolina [7-5]
Underground_Bread 18
Bereft13 19 Power: 25, SoR: 18; LW: 21
Chipsahoy523 19
Doogitywoogity 19 Sad y’all lost your coach
Jadenflo 19
Mini-Mussolini 19
PattyKane16 19
Serenityy8 19
Totes_Not_an_NSA_guy 19
_TGT7 20 Very annoyed that the Dukes weren’t able to play in the Sun Belt championship, and that they’ll be relegated to some low tier bowl game. Now that they lost their coach, I hope that they’ll be able to keep up their success in a increasingly tougher sun belt.
EBuckhouse 20
evil_muffins_5436 20
grtgbln 20
JBonkies 20 (-1)
Josh_historybuff 20 Bye Week
mport97 20
rocco2246 20
samtaylor92 20
Shion314 20
thengineer2 20
WhalePadre5 20
Additional-Stick6374 21
Aggravating-Steak-69 21
carsonivey72 21
FlashSpider-man 21 One loss. We'll done.
geauxsaints777 21
HideNZeke 21
Icyy19_ 21
Jay_Dubbbs 21
Le_Jerk_My_Circle 21
mill1634 21
perspicacious_crumb 21
redrumsoxLoL 21
The_Candler 21
WRSpill 21 (23)
xX_GIGA_MAN_Xx 21 i think the program will be fine without Cignetti, but it depends on what they get at coach next year. boom-or-bust hire, could define whether they could move up to the American?
Yelich04 21
attax 22
ch1l1_ch33s3 22
cirtnecoileh 22
donbagert 22
FsuNolezz 22
penix4heisman 22
slatibartifast3 22
TheNSAAgent777 22
10catsinspace 23
ActuallyJasonPrice 23
BananaBouquet 23
cookie__monster___ 23
divey043 23
Dontworryaboutit1 23
leadbymight 23
luciusetrur 23 LW: 23
Milflover69cbb 23 I’m sorry.
ndbfsu22 23
newSomberMan 23
SNjr 23
SpeddyDawg 23
StumpVanDerHuge 23
tisofold 23
True_Ad5324 23
ziggysaysnada 23
70277027 24
a_bit_of_a_misnomer_ 24
Aidanj927 24
AnAngryPanda1 24
big_thunder_man 24 Should be the Sun Belt champion.
BoilerUp28 24
CallMeTheKing 24 100-32-0
ckubi 24
corona779 24
diehardcubforever 24
frone 24
hurricaneatx 24 (11-1) - JMU might be the second-best team in terms of power ranking across the G5, and nearly strung together an undefeated season before losing in overtime to 68th in FPI App State. Quality wins: Troy
jaybigs 24
LonghornInNebraska 24
Morrgs 24
ORGANICORANGE37 24 One loss in OT
OSU_Shecter 24
SignificanceFirm2398 24
squibby 24
TheRedKing75 24
titansfan174 24
BeyondLiesTheWub 25 -1
CallingUagoatUgoat 25 13.0 pts.
jaowerpower 25
josh55134 25
Kirkwood641 25
MainPeanut25 25
mountain_troop86 25
Sflabuckeye13 25
TheSleaze22 25
WillWorkForSugar 25 actually a legit football team and 11-1
youngs2309 25
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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