User | Rank | Reason |
Arteza147 | 1 | |
Bank_Gothic | 1 | |
bwburke94 | 1 | +30.7316623 (LW: #1) |
Conglossian | 1 | |
D1N2Y | 1 | |
DataDrivenPirate | 1 | |
EpicSchwinn | 1 | |
GeauxTri | 1 | |
Hugefootballfan44 | 1 | LW: 2 |
JeromesNiece | 1 | |
KJdkaslknv | 1 | |
Knightro2011 | 1 | |
Maladroit44 | 1 | |
NotSoSuperNerd | 1 | 4.10 |
Noy_Telinu | 1 | |
placid_salad | 1 | LW #1 |
puffadda | 1 | |
r0sco | 1 | |
ryseing | 1 | |
soonersthebetter | 1 | |
Sproded | 1 | |
SteemieRayVaughn | 1 | |
Stoneador | 1 | 64 ['Indiana', 'Western Kentucky', 'Notre Dame', 'Akron', 'South Florida', 'Middle Tennessee', 'Navy', 'North Carolina State', 'Central Michigan', 'Duke', 'Rice', 'UConn', 'Virginia', 'South Alabama', 'Eastern Michigan', 'Clemson', 'Northwestern', 'Houston', 'East Carolina', 'Oklahoma State', 'Massachusetts', 'Florida Atlantic', 'Syracuse', 'UTEP', 'Minnesota', 'UTSA', 'Sam Houston', 'Arizona State', 'New Mexico State', 'Western Michigan', 'Purdue', 'Army', 'Nebraska', 'Louisiana', 'Texas State', 'New Mexico', 'Ball State', 'Virginia Tech', 'Illinois', 'Northern Illinois', 'Louisiana Tech', 'UAB', 'Buffalo', 'Baylor', 'Nevada', 'Southern Miss', 'Old Dominion', 'Pittsburgh', 'Toledo', 'Boston College', 'FIU', 'UCF', 'San Jose State', 'North Texas', 'Kent State', 'Boise State', 'San Diego State', 'Ohio', 'Iowa State', 'Bowling Green', 'Georgia Tech', 'Wake Forest', 'Vanderbilt', 'Hawaii'] |
TaylorLeprechaun | 1 | +0 |
AlexanderComet | 2 | = |
AlphaH4wk | 2 | |
Archaic_1 | 2 | |
BamaPride95 | 2 | |
bannista7 | 2 | |
BosskOnASegway | 2 | |
boxbeat | 2 | |
BUSean | 2 | |
cota1212 | 2 | |
CptCheese | 2 | |
cyberchaox | 2 | |
DampFrijoles | 2 | |
eclectic_tastes | 2 | |
fadingthought | 2 | |
Fmeson | 2 | |
GoBlueScrewOSU7 | 2 | |
hascogrande | 2 | |
hendarvich | 2 | +1 |
HHcougar | 2 | |
hypercube42342 | 2 | |
IAmAChemicalEngineer | 2 | |
Jakesnake42 | 2 | 89.73. Last Week: #2 |
joebob431 | 2 | |
Keener1899 | 2 | |
MADBuc49 | 2 | If the season were to end right now: Rose Bowl |
Meany_Vizzini | 2 | 29.0 (+2.2), - |
monkeymatt1836 | 2 | |
nbingham196 | 2 | |
nburt13 | 2 | |
ndbroski | 2 | |
NyquillusDillwad20 | 2 | |
Pablo49 | 2 | |
posiitively | 2 | 169.21 |
RiffRamBahZoo | 2 | |
ruwisc | 2 | |
SkiFlashing | 2 | |
Sometimeswelose | 2 | |
soonerfreak | 2 | |
SpadeRyker | 2 | |
SwissArmyScythe | 2 | +1 |
tallg8tor | 2 | |
TouchdownHeroes | 2 | |
typicaliconoclast | 2 | |
Wescat | 2 | |
WolverineDDS | 2 | |
arrowfan624 | 3 | |
BearsAreGreat1 | 3 | |
BorisNumber1 | 3 | |
bretticus33 | 3 | It was a well earned bye week for Ohio State who saw their resume get stronger with Notre Dame beating Duke on the road. I still remain skeptical of the Buckeyes offense, specifically the QB. |
buckeyes75 | 3 | |
Charlemagne42 | 3 | Computer ranking: 14 |
ChickenTaco | 3 | |
CockADoodleBOOM | 3 | |
Colton3690 | 3 | |
Corporal_Hicks | 3 | |
darkra01 | 3 | |
DavoinShower-handle | 3 | |
digdat0 | 3 | |
DrKennethJNoisewater | 3 | |
Feral_Squirrel | 3 | |
Foxmcbowser42 | 3 | |
frumious88 | 3 | |
GilBrandt | 3 | |
halldaylong | 3 | |
huskerfan4life520 | 3 | |
Inkblot9 | 3 | |
JaxofAllTrades13 | 3 | |
JCiLee | 3 | |
Johnnycockseed | 3 | |
jrluhn | 3 | |
JustAManAndHisLaptop | 3 | |
kflinderman | 3 | |
LeWoofle | 3 | Notre Dame win looks better after ND beat a good Duke team; PSU, OSU, and Michigan all have claims to the number 2 spot and this is practically a 3 way tie. |
lillipup03 | 3 | |
LiptonCB | 3 | |
MahjongDaily | 3 | |
malowry0124 | 3 | |
Megalomanizac | 3 | |
noahthearc | 3 | |
Our-Gardian-Angel | 3 | |
Pollaski | 3 | |
Rakarei | 3 | |
RegionalBias | 3 | Rocked that bye week. Wait, all 5 opponents, counting next week, were undefeated at the time of playing. Weird stat. |
retnuh101 | 3 | |
Striker743 | 3 | Up 1 |
T-nawtical | 3 | |
T-Thugs | 3 | Ohio State has one of the season's best wins over Notre Dame (5-1) which looks even better after the Irish won at Duke. An upcoming game against Maryland (5-0) could make their resume look even better. |
tdeff19 | 3 | |
TDenverFan | 3 | |
tdoger | 3 | |
Texasagsman | 3 | |
The_Good_Constable | 3 | |
the_neverdoctor | 3 | |
ThePelvicWoo | 3 | |
TheZachster | 3 | |
tjstanley | 3 | |
UNC_Samurai | 3 | |
vanburen1845 | 3 | |
washington_jefferson | 3 | |
wesman212 | 3 | |
YellowSkarmory | 3 | The win at Notre Dame is one of the best, if not the best, win in the country. That's huge, even if I think OSU may be the third-best team in the east. I expect them to pull away from Maryland in the 2nd half this week. |
52hoova | 4 | |
ALStark69 | 4 | 0 |
arrow_dynamics | 4 | |
Bill3ffinMurray | 4 | |
blahblehblahwhoru | 4 | |
Blazeth | 4 | |
Blooblod | 4 | |
BlueSCar | 4 | |
Buckeyes2010 | 4 | |
captain_sasquatch | 4 | |
Casaiir | 4 | |
Cassiyus | 4 | |
CFBHurts | 4 | |
Ch-i-ef | 4 | |
Chucky1539 | 4 | |
Corgi_Koala | 4 | |
cornholesurfer | 4 | |
DarkLegend64 | 4 | |
Darth_Ra | 4 | |
Disregardskarma | 4 | |
Dropbackandpunt | 4 | |
ewolfy13 | 4 | |
Extra_Excrement | 4 | |
fredmerc111 | 4 | |
fshi | 4 | |
G-Aardvark | 4 | |
galacticdude7 | 4 | |
GatorBolt | 4 | Good timing for the bye week as they get ready for October Maryland. Moved them up a bit due to more credit for the Notre Dame |
GenialGiant | 4 | |
Hackasizlak | 4 | |
HarbingerOfFun | 4 | |
Hobbes_121 | 4 | |
icklebush | 4 | |
jeedf | 4 | |
JohnWickStuntDouble | 4 | |
JonesUCF34 | 4 | |
jthomas694 | 4 | Have one of the best wins of the year, look solid on both sides of the ball, however are as close as you can possibly get to being 3-1. |
justsaynotoreddit | 4 | 0.9094 |
kamiller2020 | 4 | |
Longvols | 4 | |
magnumweiner | 4 | |
Mr_Brews | 4 | |
Muffinnnnnnn | 4 | |
MWiatrak2077 | 4 | |
Nathanael-Greene | 4 | |
noodlethebear | 4 | |
olmsted | 4 | |
PalmettoFace | 4 | |
pileatedloon | 4 | |
ProbablyRickSantorum | 4 | |
Pure_Protein_Machine | 4 | |
rain_parkour | 4 | |
realclean | 4 | |
ReallyCreative | 4 | |
roaddogg | 4 | |
RollWarTideEagle | 4 | |
ScarletFever333 | 4 | |
scronko | 4 | |
Sophocles5 | 4 | |
Staind075 | 4 | |
studio_sally | 4 | |
ThaCarter | 4 | |
thomasosu | 4 | |
Ticklebump | 4 | |
tmothy07 | 4 | |
ToeInDigDeep | 4 | |
TossedRightOut | 4 | |
ucieaters33 | 4 | |
WarEagle9 | 4 | |
woakley | 4 | |
Zloggt | 4 | |
12panther | 5 | |
ACCBiggz | 5 | |
Acm0028 | 5 | |
AudiieVerbum | 5 | |
bties | 5 | |
BugsSuck | 5 | |
Cars-and-Coffee | 5 | |
CharlemagneOfTheUSA | 5 | |
ChaseTheFalcon | 5 | |
Chris-P-Creme | 5 | |
chweris | 5 | |
coletheredditer | 5 | Bye, that Notre Dame win looks pretty good after one week, and vs Maryland may turn out to be a possible challenge. |
CommodoreN7 | 5 | |
conchobor | 5 | |
CPiGuy2728 | 5 | |
creative_penguin | 5 | |
d_mcc_x | 5 | |
DarthYoda2594 | 5 | |
dasani3x | 5 | |
Due_Connection179 | 5 | Last Week #5 was a Bye Week Next Week vs Maryland : -19.5 pt favorites : Prediction - Lose Outright (Upset Alert Pick of the Week) |
DylanCarlson3 | 5 | |
fourpinz8 | 5 | |
grjohnst | 5 | |
HelioOne | 5 | |
ikindalikelemons | 5 | |
jalexjsmithj | 5 | 20.2 |
jjjoebox | 5 | |
MoneyManeVick | 5 | |
nw____ | 5 | |
oghawks18 | 5 | |
PHubbs | 5 | |
physedka | 5 | |
Pikachu1989 | 5 | |
PrimalCookie | 5 | 2.729 - note that EQW thinks the top 5 have separated themselves from the rest of the pack, with a .644 gap between Ohio State and Michigan |
PromEmperorHarbaugh | 5 | |
PumpSmash | 5 | |
RheagarTargaryen | 5 | |
Ruhrgebietheld | 5 | |
SearonTrejorek | 5 | 0.84275 |
spsellers | 5 | |
srs_house | 5 | |
texas2089 | 5 | |
thexraptor | 5 | |
tks231 | 5 | |
TopGoose | 5 | |
UMeister | 5 | |
w8w8 | 5 | |
Xtremeloco | 5 | |
ya111101 | 5 | |
aggiebruin27 | 6 | |
AllHawkeyesGoToHell | 6 | |
BigBoutros | 6 | |
Branzilla91 | 6 | |
cfbguy | 6 | |
ChemicalOle | 6 | |
DaewooLanosMFerrr | 6 | |
Daigotsu | 6 | |
djowen68 | 6 | |
falconlover79 | 6 | |
goblue10 | 6 | |
HieloLuz | 6 | Points: 81.25 | Wins: 1 T2, 2 T5, 1 T7 | |
I_am_bot_beep_boop | 6 | |
jmac_21 | 6 | |
Joester09 | 6 | |
KirbyDumber88 | 6 | |
Lex_Ludorum | 6 | |
luckroy | 6 | Pot 2 |
mellolizard | 6 | |
nemoran | 6 | |
nin478 | 6 | |
outthawazoo | 6 | |
plannedsickdays | 6 | |
RegulatorRWF | 6 | |
royrules22 | 6 | |
ryumast3r | 6 | |
sasmith2015 | 6 | |
SCsprinter13 | 6 | |
shadowwingnut | 6 | 420.68 |
sirgippy | 6 | |
strikersteve60 | 6 | |
stripes361 | 6 | |
Techwid | 6 | |
teddythe3rd | 6 | |
TimeBroken | 6 | Rank: #5 |
velociraptorfarmer | 6 | |
wameron | 6 | |
_fastball | 7 | |
Apep86 | 7 | |
bakonydraco | 7 | 84.824 |
corundum9 | 7 | |
deadtofall12 | 7 | |
DisraeliEers | 7 | |
e8odie | 7 | |
Helifino | 7 | |
IceColdDrPepper_Here | 7 | I don't know what to make of Ohio State. Are they good? Yes. Should they have lost to Notre Dame? Probably. Will they lose to Penn State, Michigan, or hell even Maryland? Who knows. |
jrichardh | 7 | |
kdcoltred | 7 | |
MrTheSpork | 7 | |
No11223456 | 7 | |
owlalwaysloveyew | 7 | |
Polarbear1914 | 7 | |
RobertNeyland | 7 | |
seaotter2 | 7 | |
311polo | 8 | |
BallSoHerd | 8 | |
cinciforthewin | 8 | |
confirmd_am_engineer | 8 | |
Drexlore | 8 | |
esoterik | 8 | |
eSpiritCorpse | 8 | 0.9483 |
ExternalTangents | 8 | 38.82 |
jimbobbypaul | 8 | 28.3299 |
Laschoni | 8 | |
OKgolfer | 8 | |
owl_man | 8 | |
SlaminSammons | 8 | Bye week. No real change. Notre Dame beat a good Duke team on the road. Vindicated |
TheJeemTeam | 8 | |
trumpet_23 | 8 | |
VerySeriousBanana | 8 | |
Cecil_Hardboner | 9 | |
dan4223 | 9 | |
hythloday1 | 9 | |
MarlinsGuy | 9 | |
one98d | 9 | |
practicallybert | 9 | |
Hey_Its_Roomie | 10 | |
infinitempg | 10 | 0.789 |
ShogunAshoka | 10 | |
skuhlke | 10 | 9.42833 |
theb52 | 10 | 51.000 |
FeliceDot27 | 11 | 101 |
jlh2b | 12 | |
70stang | 16 | Ohio State is seventh place in the 3rd Tier, with one home and one away win against P5 teams, as well as 1 G5 win and 1 FCS win. They are ranked lower than other teams in this tier with 5 games played, and above Wazzu due to strength of schedule. |
spasm01 | 16 | |
fo13 | 17 | |
ChargerFan2121 | 19 | |
A_Rolling_Baneling | 20 | |
udubdavid | 20 |
User | Rank | Reason |
Bereft13 | 1 | Power: 1, SoR: 3; LW: 2 |
brucewaynewins | 1 | |
ChBass | 1 | |
CheapTrickIsOkay | 1 | |
IBCBJ | 1 | |
jibberishdhyukl | 1 | Best win in the country, undefeated |
newSomberMan | 1 | |
RootBeerBloat | 1 | |
spencej98 | 1 | |
Strog18 | 1 | |
cartierboy25 | 2 | |
Chipsahoy523 | 2 | |
cirtnecoileh | 2 | |
cmcabrera | 2 | |
Dawg-Bite | 2 | |
Dontworryaboutit1 | 2 | |
ETHTrillionaire | 2 | |
GeyWeyner12 | 2 | |
Got_That_WeeFee | 2 | |
JBonkies | 2 | |
JetoGrov | 2 | Win @ND is one of the better ones in the country, even if it was only by the hair on their chinny chin chin. Game this week vs MD will actually be pretty fun to watch. Preseason "right" rating: 9/10...I'm only docking myself a point here b/c I thought they would lose to ND (which they ya know, almost did); was worried that line/QB play would be shaky...and, oh, look at that, it has been |
josh55134 | 2 | |
llamawhittlings | 2 | |
maknasty09 | 2 | |
Midnight-Mustang | 2 | no change |
moyboi2112 | 2 | |
mthompson2320 | 2 | LW: 2 |
OutRiteWite | 2 | |
PerfectZeroKnowledge | 2 | |
Player_1_has_Joined | 2 | |
RadiationRichard | 2 | |
Sflabuckeye13 | 2 | |
SNjr | 2 | |
SpeddyDawg | 2 | Notre Dame win looking better every week |
TheBeekman8 | 2 | While they didn’t play and I could have dropped them because other teams won that didn’t feel fair to me especially since this team is coming off a win in Notre dame against a top ten team who just took down the Blue devils in Durham |
TheNSAAgent777 | 2 | |
throwaway_6786 | 2 | On bye, but their win over Notre Dame is now clearly one of the best two wins in all of CFB. It's hard for me to drop them when they've looked great so far with a major marquee win on the resume. |
zenverak | 2 | |
10catsinspace | 3 | |
_TGT7 | 3 | Ohio State didn’t play this weekend, so they remain the #3 team in these rankings. Ohio State I believe has a better offensive situation than Georgia and Alabama, but Kyle McCord isn’t as strong as Ohio State QBs in previous seasons |
ActuallyJasonPrice | 3 | |
Arvandu | 3 | On a bye but that win against Notre Dame is looking better plus PSU, UW, and UGA all had off games (+3) |
Astone1996 | 3 | |
Bernard_Samson | 3 | |
bethe2ndmouse | 3 | |
boomersooner222 | 3 | |
CallMeTheKing | 3 | 56-0-76 |
daredassdude | 3 | |
DeerPrison | 3 | LW: 2 |
demolisty24 | 3 | |
diehardcubforever | 3 | |
DownshiftGD | 3 | |
drneilpretenamen | 3 | |
Effective-Lead-6657 | 3 | (-2) |
Fantastic-Calendar-9 | 3 | LW: 3 |
FlashSpider-man | 3 | |
Foriegn_Picachu | 3 | |
frone | 3 | |
funt9rtle | 3 | |
geauxsaints777 | 3 | |
HideNZeke | 3 | |
Jadenflo | 3 | |
JoeFreshwata | 3 | |
LonghornNaysh | 3 | |
losbullitt | 3 | |
Luarean | 3 | (LW:2, -1) |
mikecsiy | 3 | |
Mini-Mussolini | 3 | |
mithrandir2398 | 3 | |
Morrgs | 3 | |
narwhalz27 | 3 | - |
ndbfsu22 | 3 | |
nebsA1 | 3 | |
Protoco2 | 3 | |
Pylon-Cam | 3 | |
rocco2246 | 3 | |
samuelbassett | 3 | |
ScaratheBear | 3 | |
Sebene | 3 | |
Serenityy8 | 3 | |
siggyrambler | 3 | |
slashbopzing | 3 | |
SortaDecent | 3 | |
SpencoDaMainMan | 3 | |
spmartin1993 | 3 | |
tcomn | 3 | |
thatoneguyD13 | 3 | ND win holds up their resume. |
The_Candler | 3 | |
TheRedKing75 | 3 | |
TheSleaze22 | 3 | |
ToosUnderHigh | 3 | |
Tornadohunter24 | 3 | |
TXUSAW | 3 | |
usernamegoeshere763 | 3 | |
WhalePadre5 | 3 | |
Yelich04 | 3 | |
youngs2309 | 3 | |
1Subject | 4 | |
a_bit_of_a_misnomer_ | 4 | [IDLE] Interested to see how they do next week. |
Aidanj927 | 4 | |
AnAngryPanda1 | 4 | |
Beck4ou | 4 | |
BoukenGreen | 4 | |
bruhstevenson | 4 | |
Brutalist-outhouse | 4 | |
buckeye4249 | 4 | |
CaptainScuttlebottom | 4 | |
cbusalex | 4 | |
cfbpeoplespoll | 4 | |
chillmagic420 | 4 | |
DillyDillySzn | 4 | |
donbagert | 4 | |
Doogitywoogity | 4 | |
DragonFire101Gamer | 4 | |
Gnarlybro365 | 4 | |
grtgbln | 4 | |
ianmcmoney | 4 | |
jakepadres23 | 4 | |
Jay682002 | 4 | |
jaybigs | 4 | 0.9698 |
JHallquist | 4 | |
Loopylime | 4 | |
ltyboy | 4 | |
luciusetrur | 4 | LW: 3 |
ManiacalBlazer | 4 | |
mathmanhale | 4 | |
mcdsmaster8824 | 4 | |
McIntyre2K7 | 4 | |
MemeofMemeJTG999999 | 4 | (4-0) (down 1) Bye Next Week: vs #25 Maryland (5-0) |
Mossed26 | 4 | |
Ok_Elderberry7070 | 4 | |
pianoprofiteer | 4 | |
PythonLemon | 4 | |
ReadySetMeow | 4 | |
RealignmentJunkie | 4 | |
redrhino777 | 4 | |
redrumsoxLoL | 4 | |
Scott72901 | 4 | |
SharkMovies | 4 | |
Shion314 | 4 | |
soneill06 | 4 | |
soonertiger | 4 | |
spaceblev11 | 4 | |
stoeseri000 | 4 | |
TheSunsNotYellow | 4 | .844 |
TheThirdViceroy | 4 | |
TommyTwoTaps | 4 | |
True_Ad5324 | 4 | |
Tylex123 | 4 | |
Underground_Bread | 4 | |
visor841 | 4 | |
WRSpill | 4 | (4) |
70277027 | 5 | |
_JustinTheGreat_ | 5 | |
ard8 | 5 | |
aredna | 5 | |
CallingUagoatUgoat | 5 | T-5. 1 SP+ T-10 win. Tied with Washington and Oklahoma - tie breaks decided by SP+ ranking. |
carsonivey72 | 5 | |
charmingcharles2896 | 5 | |
Cooliamabeast | 5 | |
Dan20698 | 5 | |
DaveSoccer | 5 | |
dawgfan24348 | 5 | |
divey043 | 5 | |
dterp13 | 5 | |
evil_muffins_5436 | 5 | |
FsuNolezz | 5 | |
Harpua99 | 5 | |
hurricaneatx | 5 | |
JustinMSU21 | 5 | |
KansasChaser2021 | 5 | Another team on a bye. Offense needs to be better. |
Maize_n_Boom | 5 | |
mauliknshah | 5 | |
meowrkatt | 5 | |
MuhMuhManRay | 5 | |
Noelthemexican | 5 | |
OG_Felwinter | 5 | |
OldCoaly | 5 | Not fully sold on McCord but they are a well-rounded team. The defense has played very well. |
OSU_Shecter | 5 | |
OSUfan88 | 5 | |
patriots230 | 5 | |
PattyKane16 | 5 | |
penix4heisman | 5 | |
PlactusTX | 5 | LW: 7 | Bye |
qwer546 | 5 | |
samtaylor92 | 5 | |
sconbon | 5 | |
Sidewinder83 | 5 | |
Small_Bet_9433 | 5 | |
Swaggy-7 | 5 | |
Tight_Discipline_134 | 5 | |
URhyno | 5 | |
Viselli | 5 | |
WBLwiffleball | 5 | |
666haha | 6 | |
andy-022 | 6 | 1231.38 4 - 0 58 26.0 (14) Notre Dame - |
big_thunder_man | 6 | BYE |
Code2008 | 6 | |
ColombianInIowa24 | 6 | BYE week as well, after the Notre Dame win, a much needed bit of rest before facing a once again undefeated Maryland. |
corona779 | 6 | |
dubkent | 6 | |
grahamca | 6 | T1ˢᵗ W/L, T6ᵗʰ Predicted Wins, 2ⁿᵈ Team Strength, 11ᵗʰ Quality of Wins |
iHasMagyk | 6 | |
Piptit | 6 | |
Pyroblockx | 6 | |
saquad69 | 6 | |
sly2bfox | 6 | |
StumpVanDerHuge | 6 | I think they'll finish lower but for now they're here |
TheFalconGuy | 6 | |
TinderForMidgets | 6 | |
BananaBouquet | 7 | |
BoilerUp28 | 7 | |
Cascadia-Rising | 7 | |
GhostDosa | 7 | Undefeated. Struggled in multiple games. Ranked win versus Notre Dame |
good4steve | 7 | |
hoovereatscowpoop | 7 | |
IDropFatLogs | 7 | Wins have not been impressive but the defense is looking good |
leadbymight | 7 | |
mill1634 | 7 | |
StannisGrammarMannis | 7 | |
twr96 | 7 | |
ViewFrom209 | 7 | |
AdministrativeAnt683 | 8 | |
ch1l1_ch33s3 | 8 | |
chief_sitass | 8 | |
EmotionalAd4185 | 8 | |
JoshuaMan024 | 8 | |
Klaassy23 | 8 | |
maxwell6233 | 8 | |
orbania | 8 | |
PSUMediaPA | 8 | |
schneeplehoppen | 8 | |
swdanley17 | 8 | |
thehornedlamb | 8 | |
thejawa | 8 | |
titansfan174 | 8 | |
stew_pac | 9 | -2 |
tbutrie1916 | 9 | |
camus69x | 10 | |
JamoRedhead | 10 | |
MemeLovingLoser | 10 | 66.68 |
rgalexan | 10 | |
heelxtiger | 11 | 85.7 Score 85.7 Power Rating 4-0 Record |
manbeardawg | 11 | |
owl-bears | 11 | |
bryophyta_insolitam | 12 | Bye |
drewscottt | 12 | |
ehoefler | 13 | 79.33 | -10 |
Elegant_Extreme3268 | 16 | |
RJEP22 | 16 | (4-0) - 89.918pts |
tomdawg0022 | 16 | |
squibby | 17 | |
TadKosciuszko | 17 | |
SleepsWithBlindsOpen | 20 | The algorithm doesn't like the Buckeyes schedule so far this year, but this was the first executive bump I made (23->20) because I couldn't let ND be ahead of Ohio State |