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2023 Week 6 West Virginia Mountaineers Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
DylanCarlson3 15
hythloday1 19
70stang 21 At the top of the 5th Tier sits WVU. This tier is for teams with 1 Loss to P5 opponents, and 3 P5 wins otherwise. WVU has one away and two home wins against P5 competition, and lost their only game away at a P5 opponent. To round out their 4-1 record, they beat a single FCS team. They get the nod over Utah here due to human-adjusted quality of beaten opponents.
GilBrandt 21
Stoneador 21 37 ['Pittsburgh', 'Texas Tech', 'TCU', 'Houston', 'SMU', 'UTSA', 'Sam Houston', 'Louisiana Tech', 'Charlotte', 'Texas State', 'FIU', 'UTEP', 'Baylor', 'Nevada', 'Southern Miss', 'North Texas', 'UConn', 'UCF', 'Kent State', 'Boise State', 'San Diego State', 'Ohio', 'Florida Atlantic', 'Iowa State', 'Bowling Green', 'Oklahoma State', 'Georgia Tech', 'Arizona State', 'Wake Forest', 'Vanderbilt', 'Old Dominion', 'Hawaii', 'Louisiana', 'New Mexico State', 'UAB', 'Buffalo', 'New Mexico', 'Massachusetts'] - ['Penn State']
RobertNeyland 22
spasm01 22
ACCBiggz 23
I_am_bot_beep_boop 23
infinitempg 23 0.685
ryumast3r 23
ShogunAshoka 23
MADBuc49 24 Only in due to Deservedness keeping Clemson out
ryseing 24
shadowwingnut 24 320.32
wesman212 24
Archaic_1 25
Buckeyes2010 25
cfbguy 25
conchobor 25
EpicSchwinn 25
fadingthought 25
noahthearc 25
NyquillusDillwad20 25
scronko 25
SpadeRyker 25

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
squibby 7
SleepsWithBlindsOpen 14 The first one loss team on the list. WVU managed to squeak out the win against TCU and their only loss is against #1 Penn State.
ColombianInIowa24 19 The worst looking 4-1 team, so strange that even my model has thrown its hands up and catapulted them up here.
visor841 20
CallingUagoatUgoat 21 0 SP+ T-25 wins, 1 SP+ T-25 loss. A very quiet 4-1. Texas Tech win + TCU win + PSU loss > UK's wins over Ball State, Akron, and Vandy.
1Subject 23
Code2008 23
Dan20698 23
thatoneguyD13 23 Only loss is to top 5 team on road. Several decent wins.
Cooliamabeast 24
Elegant_Extreme3268 24
heelxtiger 24 69.9 Score 87.4 Power Rating 4-1 Record
owl-bears 24
PattyKane16 24
Strog18 24
thejawa 24
TheRedKing75 24
TommyTwoTaps 24
DeerPrison 25 LW: NR
Dontworryaboutit1 25
pianoprofiteer 25
qwer546 25
RJEP22 25 (4-1) - 78.656pts
rocco2246 25
saquad69 25
TheSleaze22 25
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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