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2023 Week 5 Washington Huskies Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
311polo 1
arrowfan624 1
bakonydraco 1 87.505
BallSoHerd 1
Bank_Gothic 1
BigBoutros 1
CFBHurts 1
ChemicalOle 1
conchobor 1
Corgi_Koala 1
crownebeach 1
DataDrivenPirate 1
DisraeliEers 1
Due_Connection179 1 Last Week #1 vs California : Won 59 - 32. If you just look at the box score, you might think "how is this your #1 team when they just gave up 32 pts at home vs a bad Cal team." What you might not realize is that when the starters went out of the game with 11:28 left in the 3rd, the score was 52-12! The Huskie starters have outscored their opponents by 144 points and have played just one series in the 4th quarter all season. They are the only team that hasn't struggled against lesser competition this season, and would be averaging 70 PPG if they played their starters for the whole game. Next Week at Arizona - 18 pt favorites - Prediction : Wins and covers the spread
eclectic_tastes 1
fadingthought 1
G-Aardvark 1
Hackasizlak 1
Hugefootballfan44 1 LW: 2
ikindalikelemons 1
Joester09 1
JonesUCF34 1
LiptonCB 1
MarlinsGuy 1
Muffinnnnnnn 1
nin478 1
oghawks18 1
owl_man 1
pileatedloon 1
RheagarTargaryen 1
Ruhrgebietheld 1
spsellers 1
Terminal_BAS 1
ThaCarter 1
ToeInDigDeep 1
trumpet_23 1
UMeister 1
VerySeriousBanana 1
Xtremeloco 1
_fastball 2
arrow_dynamics 2
Casaiir 2
ChargerFan2121 2
deadtofall12 2
digdat0 2
falconlover79 2
Foxmcbowser42 2
fredmerc111 2
fshi 2
halldaylong 2
HHcougar 2
huskerfan4life520 2
infinitempg 2 0.947
jalexjsmithj 2
JohnWickStuntDouble 2
kdcoltred 2
Megalomanizac 2
No11223456 2
noodlethebear 2
plannedsickdays 2
Rakarei 2
ryseing 2
SCsprinter13 2
SearonTrejorek 2 0.87847
SlaminSammons 2 Scariest offense in the country by far. Final score shows Cal putting up points in garbage time.
udubdavid 2
A_Rolling_Baneling 3
AlexanderComet 3
Blazeth 3
boxman151515 3
CambodianDrywall 3
Cars-and-Coffee 3
Cassiyus 3
dasani3x 3
Drexlore 3
Dropbackandpunt 3
fo13 3
HelioOne 3
hythloday1 3
IceColdDrPepper_Here 3
jimbobbypaul 3 LY: 8 TY: 5
Lex_Ludorum 3
nbingham196 3
nw____ 3 What can you say about that offense? Good grief, Penix. As an OU fan, he makes me miss Baker Mayfield and Kyler Murray. And that's not even mentioning the trio of receivers. Would like to see a bit more on defense against Cal (though Cal is also not as terrible as I thought they'd be), but hard to knock them for a win.
owlalwaysloveyew 3
placid_salad 3 LW #1
PromEmperorHarbaugh 3
Red261 3
seaotter2 3
shadowwingnut 3 457.50 - 3rd last week
sirgippy 3
skuhlke 3 8.391667
Striker743 3
Techwid 3
TheJeemTeam 3
thomasosu 3
TimeBroken 3 Rank: #1
12panther 4
AllHawkeyesGoToHell 4
AudiieVerbum 4
bernkastel87 4
boxbeat 4
coletheredditer 4 “So Washington has beaten up all of their opponents, Cal was a fluke they shouldn’t of beaten them by 24 they should’ve beaten them by 40.”
CommodoreN7 4
creative_penguin 4
DampFrijoles 4
FeliceDot27 4 117
GatorBolt 4 They keep passing my eye-test with flying colors. However, a team passed them today.
GeauxTri 4
hascogrande 4
hendarvich 4 -
hypercube42342 4
jjjoebox 4
jlh2b 4
Johnnycockseed 4
justsaynotoreddit 4 0.9004
MoneyManeVick 4
Our-Gardian-Angel 4
posiitively 4
RiffRamBahZoo 4
royrules22 4
strikersteve60 4
studio_sally 4
The-Gothic-Castle 4
tks231 4
TouchdownHeroes 4
velociraptorfarmer 4
w8w8 4 Very impressed by Washington but easily interchangable with tOSU for me. But if they played head-to-head I could definitely see a likely scenario where Washington pulls out the win.
52hoova 5
70stang 5 Washington has played no FCS opponents, and has gone 4-0 against 2 P5 teams and 2 G5 teams. Their human-subjective quality of opponents is lower than USC, with the same home/away lineup of one P5 away, and everybody else at home.
aggiebruin27 5
blahblehblahwhoru 5
bties 5
buckeyes75 5
bwburke94 5 +26.6810845 (Final 2022: #8)
Ch-i-ef 5
Chris-P-Creme 5
confirmd_am_engineer 5
cornholesurfer 5
D1N2Y 5
Darth_Ra 5
DrKennethJNoisewater 5
ExternalTangents 5
Extra_Excrement 5
fourpinz8 5
GilBrandt 5
JaxofAllTrades13 5
JCiLee 5
jrichardh 5
kflinderman 5
KJdkaslknv 5
MADBuc49 5 If the season were to end right now: based on this poll, they’d go to Fiesta Bowl
Meany_Vizzini 5 24.6 (-0.2), -3
monkeymatt1836 5
Mr_Brews 5
nburt13 5
NotSoSuperNerd 5 3.77
ProbablyRickSantorum 5
RegionalBias 5
RobertNeyland 5
ryumast3r 5
ShogunAshoka 5
soonersthebetter 5
Staind075 5
SteemieRayVaughn 5
TDenverFan 5
tdoger 5
teddythe3rd 5
theb52 5 64.750
ThePelvicWoo 5
TheZachster 5
ucieaters33 5
WolverineDDS 5
Archaic_1 6
BamaPride95 6
BearsAreGreat1 6
BlueSCar 6
BosskOnASegway 6
bretticus33 6 Washington’s offense is easily the best in the country and I feel confident that Penix will be in NYC for the Heisman presentation. Washington still needs to be properly tested though and I’m not sure Arizona provides that.
BUSean 6
CharlemagneOfTheUSA 6
ChaseTheFalcon 6
corundum9 6
CPiGuy2728 6
CptCheese 6
cyclonepsycho 6
DaewooLanosMFerrr 6
DarkLegend64 6
darkra01 6
djowen68 6
e8odie 6
Feral_Squirrel 6
Helifino 6
Hobbes_121 6
icklebush 6
jrluhn 6
KirbyDumber88 6 Penix Jr IS THAT DUDE
Longvols 6
malowry0124 6
noahthearc 6
olmsted 6
outthawazoo 6
Polarbear1914 6
Pure_Protein_Machine 6
ReallyCreative 6
RollWarTideEagle 6
Sometimeswelose 6
SpadeRyker 6
TaylorLeprechaun 6 +0
texas2089 6
thexraptor 6
tjstanley 6
TossedRightOut 6
typicaliconoclast 6
washington_jefferson 6
ya111101 6
ACCBiggz 7
ALStark69 7 +2
Blooblod 7
Branzilla91 7
Buckeyes2010 7
captain_sasquatch 7
ChickenTaco 7
Chucky1539 7
chweris 7
cinciforthewin 7
Conglossian 7 -2
Corporal_Hicks 7
cota1212 7
cyberchaox 7
d_mcc_x 7
dan4223 7
DarthYoda2594 7
eSpiritCorpse 7 0.9658
ewolfy13 7 This is a contender
GenialGiant 7
goblue10 7
grjohnst 7
IAmAChemicalEngineer 7
jmac_21 7
jthomas694 7 Have not played a game that is in any doubt. Complete control and the opposite of Penn State in that the offense is electric and the defense needs to round out. The only knock on them beyond that is that they haven't really been tested yet.
Keener1899 7
lillipup03 7
MahjongDaily 7
mellolizard 7
myghtymouse 7
NyquillusDillwad20 7
OKgolfer 7
one98d 7
Pollaski 7
PumpSmash 7
retnuh101 7
romulusjsp 7 (-) I'm not gonna lie, I was drunk by the time this game was on. Being an East Coast fan of West Coast football is rough
ruwisc 7
scronko 7
soonerfreak 7
T-nawtical 7
tdeff19 7
the_neverdoctor 7
TheReformedBadger 7
Ticklebump 7
ttsci 7
vanburen1845 7
wameron 7
WarEagle9 7
Wescat 7
wesman212 7
woakley 7
Zloggt 7 Honestly starting to look THE most dominant of the Pac-12 teams...
113milesprower 8
Acm0028 8
BabyBladder 8
Colton3690 8
Daigotsu 8
EpicSchwinn 8
GoBlueScrewOSU7 8
HieloLuz 8 Points: 60 | Wins: 4 T5 |
jeedf 8
JeromesNiece 8
Nathanael-Greene 8
nemoran 8
Noy_Telinu 8
peachios 8 much like usc damn good offense, better D it appears too
Pikachu1989 8
practicallybert 8
RegulatorRWF 8
ScarletFever333 8
Sophocles5 8
spasm01 8
Sproded 8
Texasagsman 8
TopGoose 8
UNC_Samurai 8
bannista7 9
Bill3ffinMurray 9
BorisNumber1 9
Cecil_Hardboner 9
cfbguy 9
Charlemagne42 9 Computer ranking: 2
esoterik 9
I_am_bot_beep_boop 9
Maladroit44 9
Pablo49 9
PalmettoFace 9
r0sco 9
rain_parkour 9
realclean 9
SkiFlashing 9
stripes361 9
galacticdude7 10
Hey_Its_Roomie 10 Washington has an erratic drop after benefiting strongly from the simpler formula rewarding their heavy MoV. They have no T44 wins at this point.
LeWoofle 10
magnumweiner 10
sasmith2015 10
SwissArmyScythe 10 +2
The_Good_Constable 10
Arteza147 11
DavoinShower-handle 11
dabul-master 12
HarbingerOfFun 12
MrTheSpork 12
PrimalCookie 12 1.312 (Tied with UNC) - my #1 if I was doing a human ranking
srs_house 12
Stoneador 12 19 ['Boise State', 'Tulsa', 'Michigan State', 'California', 'San Diego State', 'Northern Illinois', 'Central Michigan', 'North Texas', 'Ohio', 'Boston College', 'South Alabama', 'Louisiana Tech', 'Florida Atlantic', 'Iowa State', 'Bowling Green', 'Oklahoma State', 'FIU', 'Arizona State', 'UConn']
YellowSkarmory 12
tallg8tor 13
Inkblot9 14
Jakesnake42 14 73.96 Last Week: #11
T-Thugs 14 Washington is 4-0 with wins over Michigan State (2-2) and Cal (2-2)
AlphaH4wk 15

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
AlphaMemory2 1
drewscottt 1
Jadenflo 1
knon24 1
luciusetrur 1
manbeardawg 1
mcdsmaster8824 1
PattyKane16 1
penix4heisman 1
PerfectZeroKnowledge 1
rgalexan 1
RJEP22 1 4-0 - 97.697 pts
sconbon 1
stoeseri000 1 It pains me but they look like the best team so far.
TheBeekman8 1 So far through five weeks they have seemed to be the best team in the country.
Tornadohunter24 1
Xy13 1 Currently looks like the best team in CFP. Defense is underrated. Played probably the strongest first 4 games. Big Margins of Victory while pulling starters.
Yelich04 1 -
10catsinspace 2 Dominant in general
666haha 2
Aidanj927 2
bloodmuffins793 2
CaptainScuttlebottom 2 Maybe the best resume so far
ch1l1_ch33s3 2
ChBass 2
corona779 2
DillyDillySzn 2
ETHTrillionaire 2
JustinMSU21 2
kevinsdomain 2
Klaassy23 2
SpeddyDawg 2 Completely dominated entire schedule.
SpursUpSoundsGudToMe 2 Haven't played a big time game yet, so they could drop lock a rock with a loss, but so far they have absolutely walked the dog(s) on everyone they've played so far
swdanley17 2
youngs2309 2
CallMeTheKing 3 26-0-106
CheapTrickIsOkay 3
chief_sitass 3
grahamca 3 T1ˢᵗ W/L, T1ˢᵗ Predicted Wins, 8ᵗʰ Team Strength, 1ˢᵗ Quality of Wins
ianmcmoney 3
leadbymight 3
llamawhittlings 3 #4 SP+, #7 Resume
maxwell6233 3
MemeLovingLoser 3 75.28
MuhMuhManRay 3
ogpeplowski64 3
OSU_Shecter 3
owl-bears 3
SharkMovies 3
stew_pac 3 +5
Thehomelessguy11 3
throwaway_6786 3 They haven't played any particularly tough teams, but good Lord this team looks damn near unstoppable. I'm impressed with how this team has scored almost at will and has put together fairly solid defensive performances to go with it. It's a shaky #3 ranking because of their relatively weak schedule, but at least for now, the Huskies have earned it.
TinderForMidgets 3
Yung_Carrot 3
zenverak 3
Bereft13 4 Power: 3, SoR: 10; LW: 8
bryophyta_insolitam 4 W 59-32 vs. California
Dan20698 4
daredassdude 4
hoovereatscowpoop 4
IDropFatLogs 4
Luarean 4 (LW:5, +1)
Maize_n_Boom 4
mathmanhale 4
mikecsiy 4
mill1634 4
Morrgs 4
ndbfsu22 4
Noelthemexican 4
saquad69 4
StumpVanDerHuge 4
TheFalconGuy 4
a_bit_of_a_misnomer_ 5 The Huskies are a damn good football team. There are some very convincing cases to have them even higher.
Arvandu 5 Was up 40 when the backups went in, might be the best offense in the country
Astone1996 5
Dontworryaboutit1 5
DownshiftGD 5
DragonFire101Gamer 5
drneilpretenamen 5
dubkent 5
Effective-Lead-6657 5 (+4)
FlashSpider-man 5 They have taken care of business. They look good. I think they are a really good team, though maybe it's just them having greater experience early season. I've been high on them coming in to the season, and may be looking for an excuse to bump them up a couple more.
Midnight-Mustang 5 If Washington had played some tougher opponents I would consider putting them in the top 4-- but you play who's in front of you, and they've manhandled everyone in their way so far.
OG_Felwinter 5
orbania 5
Pylon-Cam 5
Sflabuckeye13 5
SortaDecent 5
spaceblev11 5 Lots of Scoring in Cal/Wash game, and more points for Washington which means it's a win.
TheRedKing75 5
TheSleaze22 5
titansfan174 5
tomdawg0022 5
True_Ad5324 5
Weekly_Flatworm5707 5
andy-022 6 1213.17 4 - 0 40 32.8 (60) Michigan State -
Beck4ou 6
BoilerUp28 6
bread_bird 6
carsonivey72 6
cartierboy25 6
Cascadia-Rising 6
divey043 6
EmotionalAd4185 6
evil_muffins_5436 6
forkedravioli 6
frone 6
FsuNolezz 6
geauxsaints777 6
HideNZeke 6
Jay682002 6
jaybigs 6
josh55134 6
journey1986 6 This team has a very good argument for top 5, maybe even top 3 in the country. Their matchup against Oregon in a couple weeks will be their first true test that could get them there.
Kodak6lack 6
ManiacalBlazer 6
Mossed26 6
newSomberMan 6
patriots230 6
PSUMediaPA 6
Pyroblockx 6
qwer546 6
samuelbassett 6 Good team, no drama. Should win the P12 and get into the CFP but might be left out
ScaratheBear 6
SleepsWithBlindsOpen 6 Solid performance so far this year 2-0 verse P5 teams and no FCS bye week.
squibby 6
StateOfTheArt- 6
thejawa 6
TheSunsNotYellow 6 .784
Underground_Bread 6
ViewFrom209 6
WRSpill 6 (7)
70277027 7
AnAngryPanda1 7
big_thunder_man 7 Absolutely dominated Cal, Penix is as good as anyone in the country. Mich State win still looks great, and the Boise win seems to be aging better as the Broncos play more. Absolutely four way dog fight for the Pac.
boomersooner222 7
cfbpeoplespoll 7 Offense looks legit, will see when they play tougher teams going forward.
Cooliamabeast 7
demolisty24 7
dterp13 7
ehoefler 7 89.65 | -2
Fantastic-Calendar-9 7 LW: 8
FloridaBoy317 7
heelxtiger 7 95.2
iHasMagyk 7
JamoRedhead 7
JoeFreshwata 7
MemeofMemeJTG999999 7 (4-0) (up 1) W: 59-32 vs California (2-2) Next Week: @ Arizona (3-1)
mithrandir2398 7
moyboi2112 7
mport97 7
mubert 7
nebsA1 7
OSUfan88 7
pianoprofiteer 7
redrhino777 7
roll2tide 7
samtaylor92 7
Serenityy8 7
Shion314 7
StannisGrammarMannis 7
tcomn 7
thehornedlamb 7
TheSlyPudding 7
twr96 7
Viselli 7 One of the best offenses in the country.
_TGT7 8
bethe2ndmouse 8
BoukenGreen 8
chillmagic420 8
Chipsahoy523 8
colton_97 8
Consistent_Train128 8
Dawg-Bite 8 59 points and an elite offense but allowing 32 points from a Cal team that only scored 10 in their own house off of like 4 Auburn turnovers leads me to believe their defense may be a vulnerability against a team that is actually balanced
donbagert 8
Foriegn_Picachu 8
Harpua99 8
J4ckiebrown 8
JBonkies 8
JustYourAvrageWorker 8
KansasChaser2021 8
Key_Spinach 8
Loopylime 8
narwhalz27 8 ^1
Ok_Elderberry7070 8
Piptit 8
PythonLemon 8
RadiationRichard 8
ReadySetMeow 8
redrumsoxLoL 8
rocco2246 8
Scott72901 8
siggyrambler 8
Small_Bet_9433 8
spencej98 8
Swaggy-7 8
Tight_Discipline_134 8
TommyTwoTaps 8
Tylex123 8
UnkelEarl 8
visor841 8
WBLwiffleball 8
ziggysaysnada 8
ActuallyJasonPrice 9
AdministrativeAnt683 9
bruhstevenson 9 #8 team from last week, only moves down because of Oregon’s more impressive victory
CheekyRasta2023 9
cirtnecoileh 9
cmcabrera 9
diehardcubforever 9
GeyWeyner12 9
GhostDosa 9
ilikepie145 9
maknasty09 9
meowrkatt 9
mthompson2320 9 LW: 9
oneforthehaters 9
Player_1_has_Joined 9
RootBeerBloat 9
Sebene 9
thatoneguyD13 9
TheGlassRemains 9
TheNSAAgent777 9
DeerPrison 10 LW: 16
Got_That_WeeFee 10 Potential best QB and best offense in the nation.
grtgbln 10
JetoGrov 10 AND I STARTED BLASTING. Prayers to the defenses that have to line up against this team. My #1 team from Eye Test this far, but the lack of signature win keeps the Huskies at #10 for now
Mini-Mussolini 10
soneill06 10
CallingUagoatUgoat 11 0 SP+ T-25 wins. If eye test was included in this poll, UW would be much higher. The Huskies will have their chance to prove they're as good as advertised when they play Oregon in a few weeks.
losbullitt 11
RealignmentJunkie 11
sly2bfox 11
usernamegoeshere763 11
Protoco2 12
spmartin1993 12
ard8 13
cbusalex 13
Devintheroaster 13 800.65 Points
1Subject 14
Jacob_Sumner 14
TadKosciuszko 14
ColombianInIowa24 15 Underrated as heck. If I did this ranking on my own, Huskies to the moon.
FigletPiglet 17
PlactusTX 19 (14) W California
soonertiger 19
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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