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Player_1_has_Joined Ballot for 2023 Week 5

Ballot Type: Computer

Submitted: Sept. 24, 2023, 10:49 a.m.

Overall Rationale: My computer ballot is an attempt to predict how the committee will make their selections. It begins as a strict computer power ranking and then throughout the season weights resume more and more into its ranking. This week is the first week where I feel that I've noticed resume really begin to hold more weight as some teams without a signature win: Michigan and USC are being under ranked in my personal opinion. Those are the two really big stand outs. I feel like Washington is also being slightly underrated as well but that is coming more from the power rating side not quite catching up. My power rating really likes OU as well and believes they have had a strong resume which seems a little off but if you look at the previous ballots, it has been high on OU all year. Alabama I believe is also too high and I feel this is an opposite case of Washington where the power rating aspect of the ballot hasn't caught up to what Alabama has actually been this year.

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