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2023 Week 13 Washington Huskies Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
311polo 1
70stang 1 Tier 1, the Playoff Tier, is composed of undefeated teams with multiple P5 wins and one or more ranked win. Washington takes the top spot with 4 Ranked wins over Arizona, Oregon, Utah, and Oregon State to be 11-0.
A_Rolling_Baneling 1
aggiebruin27 1
AlphaH4wk 1
AudiieVerbum 1
Bank_Gothic 1
CambodianDrywall 1
cfbguy 1
ChickenTaco 1
Colton3690 1
conchobor 1
dabul-master 1
Daigotsu 1
Hey_Its_Roomie 1
jalexjsmithj 1
jlh2b 1
jrichardh 1
kflinderman 1
KJdkaslknv 1
LiptonCB 1
luckroy 1 Pot 1
magnumweiner 1
Megalomanizac 1
MoneyManeVick 1
Muffinnnnnnn 1
nbingham196 1
nin478 1
Noy_Telinu 1
Pablo49 1 --
pileatedloon 1
plannedsickdays 1
RheagarTargaryen 1
Ruhrgebietheld 1
shadowwingnut 1 No Change, 637.99, SOS: 21 - Number 1 last week and another top level win. Nobody should expect anything different until they lose a game.
ShogunAshoka 1
skuhlke 1
soonerfreak 1
SpadeRyker 1
spasm01 1
Sproded 1
Stoneador 1
tallg8tor 1
theb52 1 80.000
tmothy07 1
ToeInDigDeep 1
typicaliconoclast 1
udubdavid 1
VerySeriousBanana 1
YellowSkarmory 1
AllHawkeyesGoToHell 2
arrowfan624 2
bannista7 2
BearsAreGreat1 2
blahblehblahwhoru 2
Blooblod 2
boxman151515 2
Buckeyes2010 2
buckeyes75 2
ChemicalOle 2
CommodoreN7 2
cyclonepsycho 2
d_mcc_x 2 Only team with two (2) top ten wins this year. Gutsy win on the road in terrible conditions. Penix Jr playing at a high level
DavoinShower-handle 2
DisraeliEers 2
fadingthought 2
Feral_Squirrel 2
fourpinz8 2
GilBrandt 2
grjohnst 2
HelioOne 2
HieloLuz 2 Points: 219.54 | Wins: 1 T2, 2 T3, 3 T4, 2 T5, 2 T6, 1 T7 | 1 WB | 4 WP |
hythloday1 2
Inkblot9 2
JCiLee 2
MADBuc49 2 If season were to end right now: Sugar Bowl
Mr_Brews 2
NyquillusDillwad20 2
olmsted 2
practicallybert 2
ReallyCreative 2
RiffRamBahZoo 2
ryseing 2
SearonTrejorek 2 0.93997
strikersteve60 2
SwissArmyScythe 2 +2
T-Thugs 2 Washington is undefeated with nice wins over Oregon (10-1), Arizona (8-3), and Oregon State (8-3)
tdeff19 2
TheZachster 2
tks231 2
vanburen1845 2
woakley 2
Xtremeloco 2
_fastball 3
ACCBiggz 3
Arteza147 3
BallSoHerd 3
bernkastel87 3
Blazeth 3
BlueFalcon89 3
BlueSCar 3
boxbeat 3
bretticus33 3 Washington played a strong defensive game and while I think Penix’s Heisman campaign took a big hit, he still came up with some clutch throws.
bwburke94 3 +18.5123287 (LW: #4)
Cars-and-Coffee 3
Cassiyus 3
chweris 3
cinciforthewin 3
corundum9 3
crownebeach 3
cyberchaox 3
D1N2Y 3 +1
DaewooLanosMFerrr 3
dasani3x 3
digdat0 3
Drexlore 3
DrKennethJNoisewater 3
Due_Connection179 3
e8odie 3
eclectic_tastes 3
galacticdude7 3
GeauxTri 3
hascogrande 3
HHcougar 3
Hugefootballfan44 3 LW: 3
IceColdDrPepper_Here 3
ikindalikelemons 3
infinitempg 3 0.942
Jakesnake42 3 93.22 Last Week: #4
JaxofAllTrades13 3
jeedf 3
jjjoebox 3
Joester09 3
jthomas694 3
kamiller2020 3
kdcoltred 3
Knightro2011 3
MahjongDaily 3
malowry0124 3
monkeymatt1836 3
MrTheSpork 3
myghtymouse 3
Nathanael-Greene 3
nw____ 3
outthawazoo 3
owlalwaysloveyew 3
PHubbs 3
Polarbear1914 3
puffadda 3
Rakarei 3
ruwisc 3
Sometimeswelose 3
spsellers 3
srs_house 3
T-nawtical 3
TDenverFan 3
The_Good_Constable 3
thexraptor 3
TossedRightOut 3
UNC_Samurai 3
wameron 3
washington_jefferson 3
Wescat 3
ya111101 3
12panther 4
52hoova 4
Acm0028 4
AlexanderComet 4
ALStark69 4 +1
Apep86 4
BabyBladder 4
Bill3ffinMurray 4
BosskOnASegway 4
Branzilla91 4
BUSean 4
Casaiir 4
Ch-i-ef 4
CharlemagneOfTheUSA 4
ChaseTheFalcon 4 Better wins than FSU and beating Oregon State despite being the underdog makes me think this team is more legit than I thought
Chris-P-Creme 4
CockADoodleBOOM 4
coletheredditer 4
Corgi_Koala 4
cornholesurfer 4
Corporal_Hicks 4
cota1212 4
CptCheese 4
DarkLegend64 4
DarthYoda2594 4
deadtofall12 4
dogwoodmaple 4
Dropbackandpunt 4
EpicSchwinn 4
eSpiritCorpse 4 0.9596
ewolfy13 4
Extra_Excrement 4
falconlover79 4
Foxmcbowser42 4
fredmerc111 4
frumious88 4
GatorBolt 4 Gutsy win on the road in Corvallis. Now the Apple Cup awaits.
GenialGiant 4
goblue10 4 It'd be fun to play them in the playoffs
GoBlueScrewOSU7 4
Hackasizlak 4
halldaylong 4
HarbingerOfFun 4
Hobbes_121 4
icklebush 4
jimbobbypaul 4 45.6
joebob431 4
JonesUCF34 4
JustAManAndHisLaptop 4
Lex_Ludorum 4
lillipup03 4
Longvols 4
Maladroit44 4
MarlinsGuy 4
Meany_Vizzini 4 26.0 (-0.2), -; SOR: 34.1 (1st, +0.0, -), MOV: 18.0 (10th, -0.3, -1)
nburt13 4
ndbroski 4
nemoran 4
noahthearc 4
NotSoSuperNerd 4 6.10 (11.7-0.3)
one98d 4
Our-Gardian-Angel 4
peachios 4
physedka 4
Pollaski 4
PrimalCookie 4
Pure_Protein_Machine 4
Red261 4
RegionalBias 4 Plays with fire and wins
RegulatorRWF 4
retnuh101 4
RobertNeyland 4
RollWarTideEagle 4
royrules22 4
ScarletFever333 4
SCsprinter13 4
seaotter2 4
SlaminSammons 4
soonersthebetter 4
Sophocles5 4
Staind075 4
SteemieRayVaughn 4
Striker743 4
studio_sally 4
TaylorLeprechaun 4 +0
Techwid 4
teddythe3rd 4
ThaCarter 4
The-Gothic-Castle 4
the_neverdoctor 4
thomasosu 4
tjstanley 4
TopGoose 4
ucieaters33 4
UMeister 4
velociraptorfarmer 4
w8w8 4 Call me crazy but I think they’re going to win out.
WarEagle9 4
wesman212 4
Zloggt 4 This should be the week they jump the Seminoles!
Archaic_1 5
bakonydraco 5 85.165
BorisNumber1 5
Cecil_Hardboner 5
CFBHurts 5
Charlemagne42 5 523
Conglossian 5
creative_penguin 5
dan4223 5
ExternalTangents 5
fo13 5
fshi 5
G-Aardvark 5
Helifino 5
IAmAChemicalEngineer 5
justsaynotoreddit 5
Keener1899 5
KirbyDumber88 5
mellolizard 5
noodlethebear 5
Pikachu1989 5
PromEmperorHarbaugh 5
PumpSmash 5
sasmith2015 5
scronko 5
texas2089 5
Texasagsman 5
trumpet_23 5
ChargerFan2121 6
hypercube42342 6
placid_salad 6 LW #8
ProbablyRickSantorum 6
stripes361 6
CPiGuy2728 9
DataDrivenPirate 9
tdoger 9
Darth_Ra 10
JeromesNiece 13
r0sco 13
Fmeson 14
ryumast3r 15

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
0010MK 1
1Subject 1
asbestosman2 1
BenchRickyAguayo 1
Bereft13 1 Power: 6, SoR: 1; LW: 3
boblovespi 1
CallingUagoatUgoat 1 48.5 pts. 1 SP+ T-10 win (Oregon). 2 SP+ T-25 wins (Arizona, Oregon State). Washington lost two SP+ T-25 wins (USC, Utah) and gained two more this week (Arizona, Oregon State) and moves up to take the top spot this week.
CallMeTheKing 1 126-0-6
ColombianInIowa24 1 Dominant win over a solid Oregon State team keeps them up (+1). Up next Wazzu.
corona779 1
DeerPrison 1 LW: 3
Doogitywoogity 1 I don’t get why more people don’t have you guys at 1.
JamoRedhead 1
Noelthemexican 1
PerfectZeroKnowledge 1
PlactusTX 1 (1) W Oregon State
samtaylor92 1
SleepsWithBlindsOpen 1
squibby 1
TadKosciuszko 1
The_Candler 1
Additional-Stick6374 2
big_thunder_man 2 11-0. The best resume in the country (wins vs USC, Oregon, Utah, Arizona, Oregon St, Mich State, and Boise St).
boomersooner222 2
bryophyta_insolitam 2 W 22-20 @ Oregon State
camus69x 2
Cascadia-Rising 2
ChBass 2
diehardcubforever 2
DillyDillySzn 2
divey043 2
dubkent 2
Effective-Lead-6657 2 (2) The Huskies won a PAC-12 after dark game in Corvallis. I don’t care if it was close; that is still an achievement. Adding another ranked win is good for the resume.
ehoefler 2 97.97 | 0
Esb5415 2
HideNZeke 2
hoovereatscowpoop 2
Is_Flacco_Elite 2
KansasChaser2021 2
mcdsmaster8824 2
Middle_Wheel_5959 2
Morrgs 2
nebsA1 2
newSomberMan 2
owl-bears 2
PSUMediaPA 2
rgalexan 2
RJEP22 2 (11-0) - 245.175pts
Serenityy8 2
silfarion10 2
slatibartifast3 2
tcomn 2
Tornadohunter24 2 (+2) [11-0] Credentials: 2022 Alamo Bowl Champs, Final AP Rank: #8 [11-2] | 2023 Results So Far: 56-19 vs Boise State [6-5], 43-10 vs Tulsa [3-8], 41-7 @ Michigan State [4-7], 59-32 vs California [5-6], 31-24 @ Arizona [8-3], 36-33 vs Oregon [10-1], 15-7 vs Arizona State [3-8], 42-33 @ Stanford [3-8], 52-42 @ USC [7-5], 35-28 vs Utah [7-4], 22-20 @ Oregon State [8-3]
visor841 2
WRSpill 2 (5)
ard8 3
Arvandu 3
BananaBouquet 3
BoukenGreen 3
brucewaynewins 3
cant_stop_the_crooks 3
ch1l1_ch33s3 3
cirtnecoileh 3
civfan5843 3
daredassdude 3
dawgfan24348 3
EmotionalAd4185 3
Fantastic-Calendar-9 3 LW: 5
frone 3
FubarSnafuTarfu 3
funt9rtle 3
headyhawk 3
JBonkies 3 (+1)
josh55134 3
JustinMSU21 3
Klaassy23 3 (LW Change: 0)
leadbymight 3
McIntyre2K7 3
nurbs24joker 3
OldCoaly 3
OSU_Shecter 3
PattyKane16 3
Player_1_has_Joined 3
RedBarracuda25 3 I've been saying "phew" after too many huskies games. They've been playing tough opponents and avoiding the traditional PACannibalism, but my trust in this team is waning. Either matchup of Oregon or Arizona in the PAC12 champ will be good litmus tests for the Huskies.
redrumsoxLoL 3
rocco2246 3
Salmon-Dude 3
samspopguy 3
samuelbassett 3
SNjr 3
soonertiger 3
SpeddyDawg 3
StumpVanDerHuge 3
TheFalconGuy 3
TheRedKing75 3
Totes_Not_an_NSA_guy 3
True_Ad5324 3
WhalePadre5 3
Wumbology724 3
Yelich04 3
10catsinspace 4
70277027 4
_TGT7 4
a_bit_of_a_misnomer_ 4
Aggravating-Steak-69 4
Aidanj927 4
betterthanevar 4
BoilerUp28 4
carsonivey72 4
cbusalex 4
cfbpeoplespoll 4
chillmagic420 4
Chipsahoy523 4
ckubi 4
cookie__monster___ 4
Dan20698 4
dheck2016 4
donbagert 4
DownshiftGD 4
ETHTrillionaire 4
evil_muffins_5436 4
FlashSpider-man 4
FsuNolezz 4
geauxsaints777 4
grtgbln 4
hurricaneatx 4 (11-0) - Quality wins: @Arizona, Oregon, Utah, @Oregon State
ianmcmoney 4
Icyy19_ 4
J4ckiebrown 4
Jadenflo 4
jaowerpower 4
Jay_Dubbbs 4
jaybigs 4
Josh_historybuff 4 22-20 vs. Oregon State
Kirkwood641 4
LonghornInNebraska 4
maknasty09 4
Matchbeak 4
maxwell6233 4
MemeofMemeJTG999999 4 (11-0) (no change) W: 22-20 @ #9 Oregon State (8-3) Next Week: vs Washington State (5-6) Projected Bowl: Rose vs Ohio State
Mossed26 4
narwhalz27 4 ^1
penix4heisman 4
Pyroblockx 4
PythonLemon 4
qwer546 4 1300
readonlypdf 4
RealignmentJunkie 4
Ressurwr3kd 4
saquad69 4
schneeplehoppen 4
Sflabuckeye13 4
SharkMovies 4
Shion314 4
Soggy_Seagull 4
SomerandomIDFBfan 4 LW 4
SortaDecent 4
spmartin1993 4
supercon21 4
Swaggy-7 4
thatoneguyD13 4 Win out and they're in. One loss Pac-12 winner would also likely be in.
TheBeekman8 4
thehornedlamb 4
thengineer2 4
TheNSAAgent777 4
TheSleaze22 4
titansfan174 4
tomdawg0022 4
UVUboi2 4
VietnameseAnglo 4
ziggysaysnada 4
AnAngryPanda1 5
brihimia 5
dterp13 5
Foriegn_Picachu 5
Harpua99 5
losbullitt 5
MainPeanut25 5
manbeardawg 5
ManiacalBlazer 5 86.423
mathmanhale 5
Milflover69cbb 5
mithrandir2398 5
MyCatsNameIsMilton 5
Piptit 5
Prof_Pie 5
RootBeerBloat 5
sconbon 5
SpursUpSoundsGudToMe 5
TheSunsNotYellow 5 .7008
twr96 5
Tylex123 5
Underground_Bread 5
why_doineedausername 5
xX_GIGA_MAN_Xx 5 close win over OSU, now just the last Apple cup to finish out their regular season
youngs2309 5
BeyondLiesTheWub 6 no change, moved up from 13 because they're undefeated
CriterionCrypt 6 Washington gets a little bit of a nod to an undefeated season. I know that overall record isn't the primary driver of my poll, but I have to respect it. To be fair, Washington reminds me a lot of Oklahoma, but slightly more disciplined. They aren't wowing me, but ugly wins are better than close losses any day of the week.
grahamca 6 T1ˢᵗ W/L, T2ⁿᵈ Predicted Wins, 14ᵗʰ Team Strength, 13ᵗʰ Quality of Wins
mill1634 6
Mini-Mussolini 6
RadiationRichard 6 LW - 6
tatteredgnome_23 6
donald_flap 7
stew_pac 7 -2
ThompsonCreekTiger 7
drewscottt 8
mthompson2320 8 LW: 7
zenverak 8
aredna 9
Weekly_Flatworm5707 11
spencej98 13
WillWorkForSugar 13
MemeLovingLoser 14
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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