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2022 Week 6 Penn State Nittany Lions Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Charlemagne42 2 105.80
spasm01 2
ryumast3r 3
A_Rolling_Baneling 4
ACCBiggz 4
Acm0028 4
crownebeach 4
Knightro2011 4
relax_on_the_mat 4
Sometimeswelose 4
The-Gothic-Castle 4
The_Horse_Joke 4 It's a coin toss between them and Michigan. I think Penn State has a better shot of going 2-0 against Michigan and Ohio State (and by extension, going 11-1 or 12-0) than Michigan does which is why I have them above Michigan
wameron 4
AlphaH4wk 5
Apep86 5
esoterik 5
KommanderKeen-a42 5
Maladroit44 5
ndhuskerpower 5
puffadda 5
RavenclawWiz816 5
theb52 5
TouchdownHeroes 5 LW: 5
BlueSCar 6
Colton3690 6
confirmd_am_engineer 6
Darth_Ra 6
deadtofall12 6
djowen68 6
Inkblot9 6
jchurch8073 6
JCiLee 6
MarlinsGuy 6
nbingham196 6
noodlethebear 6
NyquillusDillwad20 6
OKgolfer 6
PrimalCookie 6 -1
SearonTrejorek 6 0.84623
srs_house 6
StevvieV 6
ThePelvicWoo 6 Beta_Rank number 9
TopheryG8er 6
113milesprower 7
311polo 7
Conglossian 7 +2
DavoinShower-handle 7
GoBlueScrewOSU7 7
halldaylong 7
HelioOne 7
Hey_Its_Roomie 7 PSU schedule alongside USC, and Tennessee, started strong, but has slipped in recent movements, knocking them down.
huskerfan4life520 7
hythloday1 7
I_am_bot_beep_boop 7
joebob431 7
mellolizard 7
ScarletFever333 7
SCsprinter13 7
SteemieRayVaughn 7
Striker743 7 Up 2 - looked bad, but teams above looked worse
tdoger 7
turkishguy 7
BabyBladder 8
bties 8
Cassiyus 8
Corporal_Hicks 8
cota1212 8
drgnlis 8
Dropbackandpunt 8
eclectic_tastes 8
falconlover79 8
Feral_Squirrel 8
fo13 8
frumious88 8
fshi 8
GilBrandt 8
IAmAChemicalEngineer 8
Jakesnake42 8 80.93
jrichardh 8
kdcoltred 8
Keener1899 8
LEGEN--wait_for_it 8
LiptonCB 8
moistats_ 8
MoneyManeVick 8
MWiatrak2077 8
nin478 8
NoMorning6152 8
nw____ 8 Not the world’s best showing against Northwestern, but a win is a win. Need to look better to keep getting the benefit of the doubt. Already looking ahead to Michigan??
owlalwaysloveyew 8
realclean 8
RegionalBias 8
RheagarTargaryen 8
RobertNeyland 8
ruwisc 8
ShamusJohnson13 8
T-Thugs 8 Penn State is 5-0 after defeating Northwestern. Their best wins are over Auburn (3-2) and Purdue (3-2).
TDenverFan 8
THECrew42 8
TimeBroken 8
tmothy07 8
TossedRightOut 8
UNC_Samurai 8
WolverineDDS 8
YellowSkarmory 8 Penn State's win at Purdue looks a whole lot better after Purdue's upset win over Minnesota this past week. That gives them two road wins over teams with winning records, joining the Auburn win they have. A big trip to Michigan is their next game, but they get a bye week before it; after that, they host Minnesota and Ohio State, so they're heading into the tough part of their schedule.
ALStark69 9 +3
arrowfan624 9
bakonydraco 9 81.14
BamaPride95 9
BigBoutros 9
blahblehblahwhoru 9
Blazeth 9
Blooblod 9
BlueFalcon89 9
boxbeat 9
Branzilla91 9
Casaiir 9
ChickenTaco 9
chweris 9
Corgi_Koala 9
creative_penguin 9
DarkLegend64 9
doggo816 9
DrKennethJNoisewater 9
DylanCarlson3 9 LW: 9
Foxmcbowser42 9
GenialGiant 9
HarbingerOfFun 9
Harmbert_ 9
hascogrande 9
ItsZizk 9
jjjoebox 9 + 4 Welcome back to the top 10 Penn St!
jmac_21 9
kamiller2020 9
kdbvols 9 No T2 wins
kflinderman 9
LeWoofle 9
Lex_Ludorum 9
lillipup03 9
Longvols 9
MahjongDaily 9
Meany_Vizzini 9 19.3, +0.2, +2, 26.9 (10th), 14.7 (15th). Northwestern stayed relatively close, but that was offset by a strength of schedule boost from Purdue. They gain places due to others falling.
molodyets 9
notyogrannysgrandkid 9
one98d 9
owl_man 9
PalmettoFace 9
peachios 9 fun game next week really see them vs mich
physedka 9
placid_salad 9
posiitively 9
practicallybert 9
rain_parkour 9
RiffRamBahZoo 9
SlicksterRick 9 78.1
soonerfreak 9
spsellers 9
studio_sally 9
tallg8tor 9
teddythe3rd 9
thomasosu 9
tks231 9
ToLongDR 9
ttsci 9
typicaliconoclast 9
VerySeriousBanana 9
Xtremeloco 9
ya111101 9
_fastball 10
AllHawkeyesGoToHell 10
Bill3ffinMurray 10
BorisNumber1 10
boxman151515 10
Buckeyes2010 10
BUSean 10
cajunaggie08 10
CambodianDrywall 10
captain_sasquatch 10
Cars-and-Coffee 10
Ch-i-ef 10
Chucky1539 10
cmdrcaboose2 10
CockADoodleBOOM 10
corundum9 10
crimsonlaw 10
d_mcc_x 10
dan4223 10
DarthYoda2594 10
DataDrivenPirate 10
DisraeliEers 10
Drexlore 10
EpicSchwinn 10
eSpiritCorpse 10 0.9578
ExternalTangents 10 8.54
Extra_Excrement 10
fadingthought 10
fourpinz8 10
G-Aardvark 10
G-manP 10
GatorRich 10
GeauxTri 10
grjohnst 10
Helifino 10
icklebush 10
ikindalikelemons 10
jnoobs13 10
Johnnycockseed 10
JohnWickStuntDouble 10
JonesUCF34 10
Laschoni 10
monkeymatt1836 10
Mr_Brews 10
Nathanael-Greene 10
nburt13 10
nemoran 10
njm1314 10
not_folie 10
outthawazoo 10
Pablo49 10 1484
Pikachu1989 10
pileatedloon 10
Pollaski 10
PromEmperorHarbaugh 10
PumpSmash 10
ReallyCreative 10
RegulatorRWF 10
retnuh101 10
royrules22 10
seaotter2 10
SportingMoose 10
stesser 10
tdeff19 10
Techwid 10
Texasagsman 10
ThaCarter 10
TheReformedBadger 10
Thorteris 10
Ticklebump 10
tjstanley 10
TopGoose 10
TrojanMan35T 10
ucfskuba 10
WarEagle9 10
Wescat 10
wesman212 10
zacheiny 10
badgers4194 11
BallSoHerd 11
Bank_Gothic 11
buckeyes75 11
Cecil_Hardboner 11
CFBHurts 11
conchobor 11
cornholesurfer 11
cyclonepsycho 11
DampFrijoles 11
digdat0 11
galacticdude7 11
Hackasizlak 11
IceColdDrPepper_Here 11 Points - 18, Poll Points - 7033
JaxofAllTrades13 11
JeromesNiece 11
MrTheSpork 11
Omegaus492 11
PHubbs 11
plannedsickdays 11
Polarbear1914 11
r0sco 11
Rakarei 11
Red261 11
ryseing 11
SCRx 11
sirgippy 11
soonersthebetter 11
T-nawtical 11
tauzeta 11
thexraptor 11
TheZachster 11
ToeInDigDeep 11 5-0. 17-7 over Northwestern
vanburen1845 11
Zloggt 11
aggiebruin27 12
Arteza147 12
bretticus33 12 It was a sloppy ugly day in Happy Valley and the weather proved to be an equalizer. Still, Penn State won and the game was never really in doubt. PSU is off to a great start and they get a bye week now to rest up for Big 10 play.
cinciforthewin 12
coogs35 12
CptCheese 12
Daigotsu 12
darkra01 12
Disregardskarma 12
dogwoodmaple 12
Impudicity2001 12
JustAManAndHisLaptop 12
myghtymouse 12
RollWarTideEagle 12
sasmith2015 12
SpadeRyker 12
thegreendalegelf 12
admiraltarkin 13
arrow_dynamics 13
CommodoreN7 13
e8odie 13
infinitempg 13 0.784
King-Clover 13
SlaminSammons 13 If there wasn't turmoil below them I would have dropped Penn St. Northwestern is really bad.
strikersteve60 13
velociraptorfarmer 13 .828
woakley 13
jlh2b 14
malowry0124 14
olmsted 14
SPRX97 14
stripes361 14
TaylorLeprechaun 14 +2
ucieaters33 14
12panther 15
Staind075 15
goblue10 16
hypercube42342 16
ndbroski 16
NotSoSuperNerd 16 28.41
bwburke94 18 +12.78804 (LW #2)
ChargerFan2121 18
Hobbes_121 18
justsaynotoreddit 18 0.6745
luckroy 19 Pot 3
TheJeemTeam 19
andrewthestudent 20
dabul-master 21

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
brucewaynewins 5
Cooliamabeast 5
TheRedKing75 5
TheSunsNotYellow 5
bethe2ndmouse 6
bocraw 6
ianmcmoney 6
JBonkies 6 Penn State scared me a little with how they looked against Northwestern. They won the game and will get a week off before heading to the big house.
the_neverdoctor 6
tomdawg0022 6
Bereft13 7 Power: 9, SOR: 5; LW: 7
cmcabrera 7
Coolwhip87 7
FrolfAholic 7
Luarean 7
OldCoaly 7
Pure_Protein_Machine 7
RJEP22 7 (5-0) 81.583 pts
stew_pac 7 -
TheFalconGuy 7
usernamegoeshere763 7
zachw900 7
1Subject 8 +6
_TGT7 8
Beck4ou 8
Caps23 8 Clifford is good now???? They seem to be pretenders but have not shown weakness thus far, with a tough schedule to follow
Chipsahoy523 8
colton_97 8
Due_Connection179 8 I avoided last weeks game vs Northwestern because it was basically unwatchable. I never thought Penn State was ever in trouble, but winning 17-7 at home against an unranked team never looks good. Only reason Tennessee didn't jump them is because they were on a bye week. Penn State's turn for a bye week, then they get #4 Michigan. Next week: BYE WEEK
entropy888 8
fredmerc111 8
frone 8
Hugefootballfan44 8
Igwanea 8
ilikepie145 8
jaybigs 8
Jaymoney00 8
JmGrim 8
JustinMSU21 8
mauliknshah 8
mcdsmaster8824 8
Megalomanizac 8
PNW_Jeff 8
PolitiBob 8
qwer546 8
romulusjsp 8
RootBeerBloat 8
sconbon 8 Tier #2
Sflabuckeye13 8
Somali-Pirate-Lvl100 8
Terminal_BAS 8
thatoneguyD13 8 Struggled a bit with Northwestern but game was never in doubt.
UrashibaKazukoto 8
zsmaster23 8
BertGallagher 9
bubbleheads_ 9
Butternades 9
CallMeTheKing 9
camus69x 9
CheapTrickIsOkay 9 2603
cirtnecoileh 9
coletheredditer 9
Comit22 9
D1N2Y 9 (+5) Most of these gains are the teams moving around, still won a game in sloppy conditions
donald_flap 9 undefeated
Dravens19 9
dusklord1 9 Ugly win in ugly weather, but teams above them lost.
dustingibson 9 895
Foriegn_Picachu 9
FourteenClocks 9
GatorBolt 9
GoCardinals74 9
grahamca 9 T1ˢᵗ W/L, T21ˢᵗ Predicted Wins, 8ᵗʰ Team Strength, 9ᵗʰ Quality of Wins
ione107 9 0.419
jibberishdhyukl 9 I think they're the second best team in the B1G, but they'll have to prove it against Michigan
jthomas694 9
losbullitt 9
madskillzmatt 9
Matthias382 9
McYwP 9
moyboi2112 9
mthompson2320 9
nebsA1 9
Noelthemexican 9
OSUfan88 9
OutRiteWite 9
PaulMSURon 9
perspicacious_crumb 9
pianoprofiteer 9
Pyroblockx 9 Have done what they had to and looked good doing it; I have a strong feeling this week against Northwestern was a fluke.
secoja8 9
shadowwingnut 9
SwitchingC 9
TadKosciuszko 9
tapswitch 9
texas2089 9
TheBeekman8 9
TheSlyPudding 9
TrashGamer_ 9
vindictivejazz 9
WhiteRhino91 9
10catsinspace 10
70277027 10
_n8n8_ 10
AdministrativeAnt683 10
AlexanderComet 10
AnAngryPanda1 10
Archaic_1 10
asbestosman2 10
BananaBouquet 10
ch1l1_ch33s3 10
colonel750 10
DaewooLanosMFerrr 10
Dan20698 10
Dawg-Bite 10 Penn State struggled in the rain but remain undefeated and now have a top 25 win over Purdue to add to their resume in my rankings.
diehardcubforever 10
Dontworryaboutit1 10 top ten reserved for undefeated teams
dtynes10 10
EmotionalAd4185 10
ewolfy13 10 Gutted out a win in terrible weather. The offense was bad (5 turnovers), but some of that can be attributed to the rain
Fantastic-Calendar-9 10 LW: 16
FsuNolezz 10
Gator9604 10
giveupanddie 10
hershculez 10
horaff 10
IMissMW2Lobbies 10
itsnotnews92 10
jalexjsmithj 10
JamoRedhead 10
jlucaspope 10
LamarcusAldrige1234 10
Loopylime 10
maknasty09 10
ManiacalBlazer 10
mill1634 10
NINFAN300 10
noffinater 10
PSUMediaPA 10
rocco2246 10
samspopguy 10
Shion314 10
Steelthornn 10
SwissArmyScythe 10
Tatertaint 10
tcomn 10
The_Good_Constable 10
therealindyjones 10
TimJressel 10
titansfan174 10
True_Ad5324 10
WBLwiffleball 10
WitchKing17 10
Xarathustria 10
-Bibingka- 11
59brad 11
bannista7 11
beaver333 11
ChaseTheFalcon 11
DownshiftGD 11
Harpua99 11
iDevourer 11
MADBuc49 11 Auburn and Northwestern wins aren’t as great
magnumweiner 11
mathmanhale 11 Haven't shown much
Muffinnnnnnn 11
newSomberMan 11
PattyKane16 11
Piptit 11
RealignmentJunkie 11
Ruhrgebietheld 11
spmartin1993 11
swdanley17 11
the_lost_carrot 11
visor841 11
ActuallyJasonPrice 12
BearsAreGreat1 12 They’ve oddly struggled to teams but are undefeated. Not too long before they play Michigan
catman1256 12
colby983 12
Devintheroaster 12 738.88 points
iliveintexas 12
just-regular-I-guess 12
mikecsiy 12
professorberrynibble 12
TommyTwoTaps 12 A really poor performance offensively. Think Allar should have got some playing as Clifford didn't impress. The first big challenge in two weeks against a good Michigan defense.
washington_jefferson 12
Yelich04 12 -1, five turnovers... if they play any other big ten team bar maybe Nebraska, they probably lose that game. They should count their lucky stars they played a team who is anemic to offense that wasn't Iowa, bc if it was Iowa it'd have been like 8 turnovers.
Amane_VIII 13
HideNZeke 13
igloo27 13
TwoStepCEO 13
drneilpretenamen 14
mcfly97 14
mmaxey14 14
zenverak 14
drewscottt 15 +4
twitter_paulbd 15 [2x] (2022) 5-0
GreenAndYellow12 16
Phillyfan3 16
russdb 16 struggled against UR nwu
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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