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2022 Week 6 Kentucky Wildcats Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
confirmd_am_engineer 4
andrewthestudent 8
woakley 8
BorisNumber1 9
dan4223 9
ShamusJohnson13 9
TheJeemTeam 9
CommodoreN7 10
creative_penguin 10
e8odie 10
NotSoSuperNerd 10 30.18
boxbeat 11
cajunaggie08 11
Cars-and-Coffee 11
cinciforthewin 11
cmdrcaboose2 11
drgnlis 11
DylanCarlson3 11 LW: 6
Harmbert_ 11
jnoobs13 11
JustAManAndHisLaptop 11
King-Clover 11
malowry0124 11
olmsted 11
peachios 11 closoe one in a top test this week
Striker743 11 Down 1 - close loss to good team
ucieaters33 11
WarEagle9 11
12panther 12
_fastball 12
admiraltarkin 12
BallSoHerd 12
Bill3ffinMurray 12
blahblehblahwhoru 12
bties 12
Buckeyes2010 12
Casaiir 12
Cassiyus 12
cyclonepsycho 12
DavoinShower-handle 12
doggo816 12
G-manP 12
GenialGiant 12
jmt85 12
Keener1899 12
MahjongDaily 12
MrTheSpork 12
ndhuskerpower 12
NoMorning6152 12
one98d 12
owlalwaysloveyew 12
PHubbs 12
Polarbear1914 12
PromEmperorHarbaugh 12
SlaminSammons 12 Should have won. O-Line gives me pause, but D held Ole Miss well in second half.
SPRX97 12
Staind075 12
stesser 12
T-nawtical 12
tallg8tor 12
thomasosu 12
Thorteris 12
Wescat 12
Xtremeloco 12
Acm0028 13
aggiebruin27 13
BamaPride95 13
bretticus33 13 Kentucky was playing with fire the last couple weeks and they finally got burned. The offense hasn’t been encouraging and Will Levis has to start stepping up and playing better. The defense is the biggest reason why Kentucky is where they are.
captain_sasquatch 13
Ch-i-ef 13
dogwoodmaple 13
Drexlore 13
esoterik 13
fourpinz8 13
fshi 13
GatorRich 13
GoBlueScrewOSU7 13
Helifino 13
hypercube42342 13
icklebush 13
jchurch8073 13
jjjoebox 13 -6
jlh2b 13
Johnnycockseed 13
Knightro2011 13
Lex_Ludorum 13
MoneyManeVick 13
Nathanael-Greene 13
nemoran 13
noodlethebear 13
Omegaus492 13
physedka 13
Pikachu1989 13
Pollaski 13
practicallybert 13
PumpSmash 13
rain_parkour 13
ReallyCreative 13
RegulatorRWF 13
royrules22 13
sasmith2015 13
SCRx 13
seaotter2 13
soonerfreak 13
tauzeta 13
Texasagsman 13
ThaCarter 13
thegreendalegelf 13
TheReformedBadger 13
thexraptor 13
TimeBroken 13
tmothy07 13
TopGoose 13
TrojanMan35T 13
wesman212 13
Zloggt 13
ALStark69 14 -5
arrow_dynamics 14
BlueSCar 14
boxman151515 14
chweris 14
CockADoodleBOOM 14
coogs35 14
CptCheese 14
d_mcc_x 14
DampFrijoles 14
darkra01 14
deadtofall12 14
Disregardskarma 14
djowen68 14
Dropbackandpunt 14
galacticdude7 14
GeauxTri 14
GilBrandt 14
Hackasizlak 14
ikindalikelemons 14
JCiLee 14
jmac_21 14
JonesUCF34 14
justsaynotoreddit 14 0.7004
LeWoofle 14
Longvols 14
moistats_ 14
nburt13 14
not_folie 14
OKgolfer 14
pileatedloon 14
RollWarTideEagle 14
StevvieV 14
tdeff19 14
tjstanley 14
wameron 14
arrowfan624 15
Arteza147 15
BlueFalcon89 15
Colton3690 15
G-Aardvark 15
Hey_Its_Roomie 15
ItsZizk 15
lillipup03 15
mellolizard 15
Mr_Brews 15
MWiatrak2077 15
notyogrannysgrandkid 15
PalmettoFace 15
plannedsickdays 15
puffadda 15
realclean 15
RheagarTargaryen 15
ScarletFever333 15
Sometimeswelose 15
strikersteve60 15
TaylorLeprechaun 15 -8
ttsci 15
turkishguy 15
ya111101 15
BabyBladder 16
Blooblod 16
BUSean 16
CambodianDrywall 16
ChickenTaco 16
conchobor 16
Conglossian 16 -4
cornholesurfer 16
Corporal_Hicks 16
crimsonlaw 16
DarkLegend64 16
falconlover79 16
frumious88 16
IAmAChemicalEngineer 16
IceColdDrPepper_Here 16 Points - 17, Poll Points - 7754
Inkblot9 16
JaxofAllTrades13 16
joebob431 16
nin478 16
RavenclawWiz816 16
RegionalBias 16 113 points for but 74 against in 4 FBS games Look tough against anyone, and capable of losing to anyone
retnuh101 16
SpadeRyker 16
TDenverFan 16
tdoger 16
The_Horse_Joke 16 I still think Kentucky can be competing for the SEC East, but given they are 0-1 against the other 2 teams who can get that spot I have to leave them out
THECrew42 16
ThePelvicWoo 16 Beta_Rank number 20
ToLongDR 16
WolverineDDS 16
zacheiny 16
311polo 17
Branzilla91 17
Chucky1539 17
DarthYoda2594 17 Don't want to drop too far, but the offense is a concern
Extra_Excrement 17
fadingthought 17
Hobbes_121 17
huskerfan4life520 17
kdbvols 17 1 T1 L
LiptonCB 17
myghtymouse 17
nw____ 17 Tough loss that really could’ve easily gone the other way (what was that fumble, Levis???). This team is far from dead.
outthawazoo 17
ryumast3r 17
SCsprinter13 17
sirgippy 17
Techwid 17
TossedRightOut 17
ACCBiggz 18
cota1212 18
DrKennethJNoisewater 18
eclectic_tastes 18
Foxmcbowser42 18
kamiller2020 18
KommanderKeen-a42 18
Laschoni 18
nbingham196 18
Rakarei 18
ryseing 18
spsellers 18
TopheryG8er 18
ucfskuba 18
UNC_Samurai 18
VerySeriousBanana 18
Blazeth 19
dabul-master 19
digdat0 19
EpicSchwinn 19
goblue10 19
grjohnst 19
LEGEN--wait_for_it 19
NyquillusDillwad20 19
owl_man 19
PrimalCookie 19 -10
Red261 19
RiffRamBahZoo 19
soonersthebetter 19
stripes361 19
teddythe3rd 19
TheZachster 19
AllHawkeyesGoToHell 20
BigBoutros 20
buckeyes75 20
crownebeach 20
Daigotsu 20
Feral_Squirrel 20
monkeymatt1836 20
SportingMoose 20
SteemieRayVaughn 20
corundum9 21
HarbingerOfFun 21
molodyets 21
placid_salad 21
r0sco 21
ruwisc 21
SlicksterRick 21 71.8
studio_sally 21
T-Thugs 21 Kentucky is 4-1. They have a nice win over Florida (3-2)
Ticklebump 21
TouchdownHeroes 21 LW: 21
typicaliconoclast 21
vanburen1845 21
velociraptorfarmer 21 .710
AlphaH4wk 22
badgers4194 22
Bank_Gothic 22
CFBHurts 22
kdcoltred 22
posiitively 22
bakonydraco 23 79.46
Cecil_Hardboner 23
halldaylong 23
HelioOne 23
kflinderman 23
njm1314 23
tks231 23
113milesprower 24
DataDrivenPirate 24
eSpiritCorpse 24 0.8955
ExternalTangents 24 5.63
I_am_bot_beep_boop 24
JeromesNiece 24
srs_house 24
hascogrande 25
Maladroit44 25
ndbroski 25
YellowSkarmory 25 A road win at Florida looks pretty good right now for Kentucky, and even though they just dropped their first game of the year to Ole Miss, they take the final spot for this week. They host South Carolina next. First 5 out: BYU, Washington State, Cincinnati, Utah, North Carolina

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
zsmaster23 9
drewscottt 10 -4
iliveintexas 10
muzikjamr 10
WhiteRhino91 10
colby983 11
coletheredditer 11
D1N2Y 11 (-4) Loss to Ole Miss, need to get shit back together or face damnation against South Carolina
dtynes10 11
EmotionalAd4185 11
Hugefootballfan44 11
Jaymoney00 11
jthomas694 11
madskillzmatt 11
McYwP 11
nebsA1 11
samspopguy 11
Somali-Pirate-Lvl100 11
the_neverdoctor 11
therealindyjones 11
usernamegoeshere763 11
beaver333 12
diehardcubforever 12
DownshiftGD 12
Due_Connection179 12 I'm not gonna lie, I was cheering hard for Kentucky to be a cinderella this season and somehow navigate their way to the SEC Champonship Game, but now they have an uphill battle. I still really like this team, but they do have to win out now to make that season dream happen. Next week: vs South Carolina
frone 12
GreenAndYellow12 12
ianmcmoney 12
ilikepie145 12
jlucaspope 12
MADBuc49 12 A close loss on the road to the #6 team shouldn’t drop them
perspicacious_crumb 12
PSUMediaPA 12
secoja8 12
Sflabuckeye13 12
swdanley17 12
TrashGamer_ 12
Xarathustria 12
70277027 13
AnAngryPanda1 13
Archaic_1 13
asbestosman2 13
BananaBouquet 13
bannista7 13
Bereft13 13 Power: 14, SOR: 17; LW: 8
brucewaynewins 13
Caps23 13 Unlucky loss to Ole Miss, but still can hang with the big guys
catman1256 13
colonel750 13
DaewooLanosMFerrr 13
drneilpretenamen 13
entropy888 13
FsuNolezz 13
Gator9604 13
hershculez 13
horaff 13
iDevourer 13
itsnotnews92 13
JamoRedhead 13
JustinMSU21 13
LamarcusAldrige1234 13
Loopylime 13
maknasty09 13
newSomberMan 13
OSUfan88 13
pianoprofiteer 13
Piptit 13
Pure_Protein_Machine 13
russdb 13 lost to 16 miss
Shion314 13
tapswitch 13
TommyTwoTaps 13 Not a big fall for the 'Cats. Played well, specifically the defense, and Levis looked good.
UrashibaKazukoto 13
WitchKing17 13 Man what a tough loss by the the Wildcats. That fumble by Levis at the end was a heartbreaker, but they definitely are still a team to beat this year.
Yelich04 13 -8, tough loss but it was close and came down to a rough mistake. Still a very good team though.
_n8n8_ 14
_TGT7 14
AdministrativeAnt683 14
AlexanderComet 14
ch1l1_ch33s3 14
colton_97 14
Comit22 14
Fantastic-Calendar-9 14 LW: 10
GoCardinals74 14
IMissMW2Lobbies 14
jibberishdhyukl 14 Quality loss at Ole Miss that came down to the wire and was decided on an illegal shift penalty.
losbullitt 14
ManiacalBlazer 14
Matthias382 14
mill1634 14
OldCoaly 14
PattyKane16 14
PaulMSURon 14
professorberrynibble 14
RealignmentJunkie 14
rocco2246 14
SwitchingC 14
tcomn 14
texas2089 14
The_Good_Constable 14
TheSlyPudding 14
TimJressel 14
titansfan174 14
TwoStepCEO 14
zachw900 14
-Bibingka- 15
10catsinspace 15
Butternades 15
Dawg-Bite 15 Kentucky’s best win is Florida, but I don’t want to fault them after losing to Ole Miss because of turnovers. Turnovers might be part of the game but honestly Kentucky might’ve been the better team yesterday.
dusklord1 15
ewolfy13 15 Lost a tough game on the road, they can hopefully bounce back
fredmerc111 15
GatorBolt 15
just-regular-I-guess 15
Luarean 15
sconbon 15 Tier #3
Steelthornn 15
Tatertaint 15
True_Ad5324 15
cmcabrera 16
Dan20698 16
Dravens19 16
Foriegn_Picachu 16
giveupanddie 16
Igwanea 16
magnumweiner 16
mauliknshah 16
NINFAN300 16
PolitiBob 16
SwissArmyScythe 16
washington_jefferson 16
ActuallyJasonPrice 17
Beck4ou 17
bethe2ndmouse 17
ChaseTheFalcon 17
Dontworryaboutit1 17
Harpua99 17
Pyroblockx 17 Serious struggles against Northern Illinois and Ole Miss; I refuse to accept that Florida is a good enough team to rank Kentucky highly.
TheBeekman8 17
WBLwiffleball 17
59brad 18
BearsAreGreat1 18 Had a good game vs Ole miss but came up short. Possibility of winning the East if Georgia continues to play bad.
Chipsahoy523 18
JBonkies 18 I haven't been as high on Kentucky as others have been, but they did not look bad against Mississippi. I think it is a toss up between Kentucky and Mississippi State right now but give the edge to Kentucky with their win at the swamp.
Megalomanizac 18
mikecsiy 18
noffinater 18
Phillyfan3 18
qwer546 18
TheFalconGuy 18
TheRedKing75 18
BertGallagher 19
FrolfAholic 19
HideNZeke 19
moyboi2112 19
igloo27 20
mcfly97 20
Muffinnnnnnn 20
Ruhrgebietheld 20
Terminal_BAS 20
the_lost_carrot 20
vindictivejazz 20
camus69x 21
CheapTrickIsOkay 21 2279
FourteenClocks 21
JmGrim 21
mcdsmaster8824 21
Coolwhip87 22
donald_flap 22 lost to ole miss
dustingibson 22 836
stew_pac 22 -9
thatoneguyD13 22 None of their wins are looking particularly great in hindsight.
zenverak 22
bubbleheads_ 23
mathmanhale 23
OutRiteWite 23
RootBeerBloat 23
bocraw 24
jaybigs 24
Noelthemexican 24
cirtnecoileh 25
mthompson2320 25
RJEP22 25 (4-1) 57.720 pts
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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