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2021 Week 7 Kentucky Wildcats Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
ACCBiggz 3
djowen68 3
emueagles 3
infinitempg 3
relax_on_the_mat 3
Blazeth 4
ChemicalOle 4
cmdrcaboose2 4
confirmd_am_engineer 4
DafoeFoSho 4
frumious88 4
GilBrandt 4
LiptonCB 4
MarlinsGuy 4
ndhuskerpower 4
Noy_Telinu 4
pascha 4
roaddogg 4
SantiagoRamon 4
Sometimeswelose 4
soonersthebetter 4
theb52 4 62.833
ttsci 4
AlphaH4wk 5
BallSoHerd 5
BlueFalcon89 5
bwburke94 5
cfbguy 5
coreyfra 5
DisraeliEers 5
eSpiritCorpse 5 0.9573
fadingthought 5
GeauxTri 5
I_am_bot_beep_boop 5
LeinadSpoon 5
MoneyManeVick 5
Pieisgood186 5
steelcitygator 5
ThaCarter 5
ucfskuba 5
vanburen1845 5
velociraptorfarmer 5
Acm0028 6
coogs35 6
corundum9 6
Daigotsu 6
dicky_________seamus 6
e8odie 6
fo13 6
Geauxpack81 6
IAmAChemicalEngineer 6
Maladroit44 6
MrTheSpork 6
nbingham196 6
ndbroski 6
njm1314 6
olmsted 6
orbania 6
owl_man 6
pileatedloon 6
plannedsickdays 6
qacha 6
retnuh101 6
T-Thugs 6 Kentucky is undefeated. Best win is over Florida (4-2). Also have a win over LSU (3-3)
tallg8tor 6
The-Gothic-Castle 6
topher3003 6
AllHawkeyesGoToHell 7
Apep86 7
Bank_Gothic 7
bernkastel87 7
BorisNumber1 7
boxbeat 7
buckeyegold 7
CFBHurts 7
Charlemagne42 7 Computer ranking: 7
ChickenTaco 7
Colton3690 7
crimsonlaw 7
dabul-master 7
DeceptiveSpeed 7
digdat0 7
DrKennethJNoisewater 7
Frognosticator 7
goblue10 7
Greflingorax 7
grjohnst 7
joebob431 7
Johnnycockseed 7
JoshDaws 7
laminak 7
MammothMan34 7
owl-bears 7
Red261 7
RiffRamBahZoo 7
royrules22 7
Shrektastic28 7
Spalliston 7
TanzaniaMagic 7
typicaliconoclast 7
UNC_Samurai 7
wameron 7
113milesprower 8
BabyBladder 8
bakonydraco 8 79.63
beerslingerjay 8
BigBoutros 8
buckeyes75 8
BugsSuck 8
dasani3x 8
deadtofall12 8
Ersatzself 8
HarbingerOfFun 8
Hey_Its_Roomie 8
JaxofAllTrades13 8
jrichardh 8
luckroy 8 Pot 2
moistats_ 8
monkeymatt1836 8
nin478 8
not_folie 8
owlalwaysloveyew 8 td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}6-0 Kentucky? Who predicted that?
ScarletFever333 8
spsellers 8
SSJRoshi 8
tabelz 8
toocleverbyhalf 8
turkishguy 8
Wescat 8
wesman212 8
ya111101 8
admiraltarkin 9
badgers4194 9
Branzilla91 9
cinciforthewin 9
cms186 9
creative_penguin 9
dan4223 9
Dropbackandpunt 9
eclectic_tastes 9
Extra_Excrement 9
fourpinz8 9
GeauxAllDay 9
GenialGiant 9
halldaylong 9
Harmbert_ 9
huskerfan4life520 9
Jakesnake42 9 Kentucky keeps on winning...until UGA wins by 30 this week...Last Week: 11
jchurch8073 9
JustAManAndHisLaptop 9
LEGEN--wait_for_it 9
myghtymouse 9
one98d 9
orboth 9
Papytendo 9
ReallyCreative 9
ryseing 9
seaotter2 9
ShogunAshoka 9
Sophocles5 9
Spiral-Pilot 9
Sproded 9
teddythe3rd 9
ToeInDigDeep 9
YellowSkarmory 9 Kentucky is just chugging along, having picked up a home win against LSU to add to their home win against Florida. Those two decent wins are enough to put them in 9th.
52hoova 10
BamaPride95 10
bgr308 10
Blooblod 10
boonamobile 10
bretticus33 10 Who would have thought Kentucky would be undefeated longer than Alabama in 2021?  Will Levis is playing well, the defense is strong, and Kentucky is rolling again.  Biggest test of the season with a road game at Georgia.
bties 10
Cassiyus 10
Chris-P-Creme 10
CockADoodleBOOM 10
DarkLegend64 10 C Tier (Kentucky is undefeated but hasn't been that impressive in their wins except for the one against LSU. They have Georgia coming so we will find out a lot more about there.)
Feral_Squirrel 10
Foxmcbowser42 10
G-Aardvark 10
g0d0fm15ch13f 10
GatorRich 10
GoBeaversOSU 10
goodnames679 10
icklebush 10
ItsZizk 10
JCiLee 10
jmac_21 10
justsaynotoreddit 10
kflinderman 10
King-Clover 10
Longvols 10
mjacksongt 10
Mr_Brews 10
Nathanael-Greene 10
nburt13 10
notyogrannysgrandkid 10
Omegaus492 10
Pikachu1989 10
Polarbear1914 10
puffadda 10
PumpSmash 10
RavenclawWiz816 10
ryumast3r 10
SlaminSammons 10
srs_house 10
strikersteve60 10
T-nawtical 10
tauzeta 10
TaylorLeprechaun 10 +7
TehAlpacalypse 10
Texasagsman 10
TheFlyingBoat 10
TheReformedBadger 10
ToLongDR 10
transferStudent2018 10
trumpet_23 10
ucieaters33 10
VerySeriousBanana 10
311polo 11
_fastball 11
ALStark69 11 +7
BosskOnASegway 11
boxman151515 11
Buckeyes2010 11
cajunaggie08 11
CambodianDrywall 11
Ch-i-ef 11 Hope you enjoyed the undefeated feeling Kentucky; Arkansas sends their regards.
chrisb19 11 Mark Stoops has done a hell of a job at Kentucky. Rather than fight with the traditional powerhouses for talent he's skipping over the river into Ohio and taking guys who aren't getting onto Ohio St's radar. I don't think it's controversial to say that Georgia and Florida have more talent than the Wildcats. But they're undefeated in conference play and this Cinderella run keeps on going.
Chucky1539 11
d_mcc_x 11
doggo816 11
Drexlore 11
drgnlis 11
esoterik 11
falconlover79 11
GatorAndrew 11
hascogrande 11
hythloday1 11
Inkblot9 11
jjjoebox 11
jlh2b 11
kamiller2020 11
Laschoni 11
Mario_Speedwagon 11
mnmmatt 11
nemoran 11
noodlethebear 11
NotSoSuperNerd 11
peachios 11 last "real" test this week, could be the east championship game if both hold to the ned against georgia... wow
PHubbs 11
Pollaski 11
r0sco 11
RatherBeYachting 11
RegulatorRWF 11
rmp0005 11
RollWarTideEagle 11
safariari 11
scotsworth 11
SCRx 11
SearonTrejorek 11
ShamusJohnson13 11
sirgippy 11
soonerfreak 11
Staind075 11
StevvieV 11
tdeff19 11
thomasosu 11
TopGoose 11
TossedRightOut 11
WarEagle9 11
Xtremeloco 11
Zloggt 11
arrow_dynamics 12
Bill3ffinMurray 12
Cecil_Hardboner 12
CFSparta92 12
Corporal_Hicks 12
DampFrijoles 12
Darth_Ra 12
DavoinShower-handle 12
galacticdude7 12
GoBlueScrewOSU7 12
Helifino 12
hypercube42342 12
jchall3 12
jputna 12
LeWoofle 12
Lex_Ludorum 12
malowry0124 12
noahthearc 12
RagingWombats 12
Rakarei 12
RobertNeyland 12
ruwisc 12
Stoneador 12
studio_sally 12
theReluctantHipster 12
thexraptor 12
tjstanley 12
tmothy07 12
zacheiny 12
arrowfan624 13
Cars-and-Coffee 13
crownebeach 13 I had Florida over Kentucky last week, but then UK blitzed a mediocre LSU, and Florida hanging around with Alabama lost a little bit of clout. I don't give them much of a chance of beating Georgia in Athens, but I can very plausibly see 10-2.
DarthYoda2594 13
fshi 13
JamesBCrazy 13
jnoobs13 13
Joester09 13
JonesUCF34 13
lillipup03 13
NyquillusDillwad20 13
OKgolfer 13
Techwid 13
thegreendalegelf 13
Ticklebump 13
tks231 13
WeenisWrinkle 13
darkra01 14
jeedf 14
Keener1899 14
Knightro2011 14
practicallybert 14
sasmith2015 14
Striker743 14 Up 8 - two good weeks in a row
TDenverFan 14
woakley 14
blahblehblahwhoru 15
chweris 15
G-manP 15
No11223456 15
BUSean 16
Conglossian 16 +4
Hackasizlak 16
stripes361 16
bobsled_time 17
THECrew42 17
Hobbes_121 18
RMathis13 19 134
SPRX97 19
TimeBroken 20
TouchdownHeroes 20 LW: 25
12panther 22
JeromesNiece 25

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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