User | Rank | Reason |
chillmagic420 | 1 | they beat the reddit champion so clearly the #1 team in the world |
Piptit | 1 | |
AdministrativeAnt683 | 2 | |
AlphaMemory2 | 2 | |
betterthanevar | 2 | Would have won 3 in a row if the Bond no catch was reviewed |
big_thunder_man | 2 | |
charmingcharles2896 | 2 | |
daredassdude | 2 | |
EBuckhouse | 2 | |
FsuNolezz | 2 | |
grahamca | 2 | T3ʳᵈ W/L, T3ʳᵈ Predicted Wins, 3ʳᵈ Team Strength, 1ˢᵗ Quality of Wins |
Jadenflo | 2 | |
JBonkies | 2 | |
manbeardawg | 2 | |
ManiacalBlazer | 2 | 90.459 |
Milflover69cbb | 2 | This is the best team in the country. |
mport97 | 2 | |
mthompson2320 | 2 | |
ndbfsu22 | 2 | |
Player_1_has_Joined | 2 | |
qwer546 | 2 | |
RadiationRichard | 2 | |
readonlypdf | 2 | |
RealignmentJunkie | 2 | |
spencej98 | 2 | |
TheBeekman8 | 2 | |
ThompsonCreekTiger | 2 | |
Weekly_Flatworm5707 | 2 | |
0010MK | 3 | |
1Subject | 3 | |
70277027 | 3 | |
_TGT7 | 3 | |
BananaBouquet | 3 | |
BenchRickyAguayo | 3 | |
diehardcubforever | 3 | |
Doogitywoogity | 3 | |
drneilpretenamen | 3 | |
ehoefler | 3 | 89.73 | +3 |
frone | 3 | |
grtgbln | 3 | |
hoovereatscowpoop | 3 | |
iHasMagyk | 3 | |
josh55134 | 3 | |
KansasChaser2021 | 3 | |
maxwell6233 | 3 | |
MemeofMemeJTG999999 | 3 | (13-1) (up 3) W: 63-3 vs #5 Florida State (13-1) (Orange; in Miami) |
Mini-Mussolini | 3 | |
mountain_troop86 | 3 | |
narwhalz27 | 3 | |
Noelthemexican | 3 | |
OSUfan88 | 3 | |
PlactusTX | 3 | (6) W Florida State |
RedBarracuda25 | 3 | Would've loved to see this Georgia team in the playoffs, but alas the curse of Atlanta Alabama. Even though you didn't finish as 3 time champions, this was still a great season for the dawgs. They'll be back and pissed off next year. I think there's a good argument they enter next season as the #1. Also 63-3 lol |
redrumsoxLoL | 3 | |
RJEP22 | 3 | |
Serenityy8 | 3 | |
Sflabuckeye13 | 3 | |
SNjr | 3 | |
SomerandomIDFBfan | 3 | LW 6 |
soonertiger | 3 | |
SortaDecent | 3 | |
stew_pac | 3 | +3 |
StumpVanDerHuge | 3 | |
TheSleaze22 | 3 | |
Tylex123 | 3 | |
Underground_Bread | 3 | |
WillWorkForSugar | 3 | 13-1 |
ActuallyJasonPrice | 4 | |
BoukenGreen | 4 | |
ChBass | 4 | |
ColombianInIowa24 | 4 | Defeats #7 FSU (Orange Bowl) SEC Runner-Up Notable Wins: #5 Mizzou, #11 Ole Miss Only Loss: #10 Alabama |
CriterionCrypt | 4 | |
DeerPrison | 4 | LW: 6 |
dterp13 | 4 | |
EmotionalAd4185 | 4 | |
Fantastic-Calendar-9 | 4 | |
luciusetrur | 4 | LW: 6 |
MemeLovingLoser | 4 | |
OSU_Shecter | 4 | |
samuelbassett | 4 | |
SleepsWithBlindsOpen | 4 | |
squibby | 4 | |
TadKosciuszko | 4 | |
youngs2309 | 4 | |
a_bit_of_a_misnomer_ | 5 | If we can all agree on one thing after this season, it's this: Georgia is not going away any time soon. |
Aggravating-Steak-69 | 5 | |
Aidanj927 | 5 | |
BoilerUp28 | 5 | |
brihimia | 5 | |
CakeEaters | 5 | |
cant_stop_the_crooks | 5 | |
Dawg-Bite | 5 | |
dheck2016 | 5 | |
divey043 | 5 | |
donbagert | 5 | |
DownshiftGD | 5 | |
dubscurry30 | 5 | |
Esb5415 | 5 | |
fellohuman77 | 5 | |
Got_That_WeeFee | 5 | |
hurricaneatx | 5 | (13-1) - I thought about placing Georgia higher, but it's hard to read a whole lot into that deflating Orange Bowl blowout. By power rating alone, Georgia is probably one of the top 3 teams in the country. |
JamoRedhead | 5 | |
jibberishdhyukl | 5 | |
Josh_historybuff | 5 | 63-3 vs. Florida State |
JustinMSU21 | 5 | |
Kirkwood641 | 5 | |
Klaassy23 | 5 | |
MainPeanut25 | 5 | |
mathmanhale | 5 | |
Morrgs | 5 | |
nebsA1 | 5 | |
newSomberMan | 5 | |
OCD3ds | 5 | |
OldCoaly | 5 | |
PattyKane16 | 5 | |
Protoco2 | 5 | |
PSUMediaPA | 5 | |
Pyroblockx | 5 | |
saquad69 | 5 | |
silfarion10 | 5 | |
slatibartifast3 | 5 | |
spaceblev11 | 5 | |
SpeddyDawg | 5 | |
swdanley17 | 5 | |
TheFalconGuy | 5 | |
thehornedlamb | 5 | |
TheNSAAgent777 | 5 | |
Tornadohunter24 | 5 | |
WaterRat13 | 5 | |
xX_GIGA_MAN_Xx | 5 | |
Xy13 | 5 | |
ziggysaysnada | 5 | |
Additional-Stick6374 | 6 | |
ard8 | 6 | |
Arvandu | 6 | |
BeyondLiesTheWub | 6 | I mean they beat up on half a Florida State team. Does that mean they deserved to be in over Bama? We'll never know. |
brucewaynewins | 6 | |
CallMeTheKing | 6 | 125-7-0 |
chief_sitass | 6 | |
cookie__monster___ | 6 | |
DillyDillySzn | 6 | |
FlashSpider-man | 6 | Congrats, you beat a team where no one played. I can't rank them above Bama so they end here |
ianmcmoney | 6 | |
leadbymight | 6 | |
mithrandir2398 | 6 | |
PerfectZeroKnowledge | 6 | |
rocco2246 | 6 | |
ShefCrl | 6 | |
simplygabi | 6 | |
TallBear69 | 6 | |
Cascadia-Rising | 7 |