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2019 Week 14 Georgia Bulldogs Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
ACCBiggz 3 Clemson may have retained No. 3 if it were not for UGA playing A&M. Yes, Clemson is undefeated but UGA just matched their best win with the victory over the Aggies and also have wins over Auburn and Florida. The wins supersede the loss when matched up vs. Clemson.In the end, it won't matter. the SEC Championship game vs. LSU will be the determining factor of if they stay ahead of Clemson or drop out of the top 4.
Bill3ffinMurray 3
BlueSCar 3
BobDeLaSponge 3
bread_buddy 3
d_mcc_x 3
DisraeliEers 3
frumious88 3 +1
Hey_Its_Roomie 3
jeedf 3
jrichardh 3
ndhuskerpower 3
pascha 3
PureCFR 3
T-Thugs 3 Georgia has a surprising loss to South Carolina, but they also have some really good wins, including Florida and Notre Dame. 
Apep86 4
BallSoHerd 4
BamaPride95 4
beerslingerjay 4
bernkastel87 4
Blazeth 4
BlueFalcon89 4
boonamobile 4
BosskOnASegway 4 National Champions: 10%
boxman151515 4
brobroma 4
bties 4
Buckeyes2010 4
BUSean 4
buttforaface 4
bwburke94 4
cajunaggie08 4
CambodianDrywall 4
captain_sasquatch 4
Cassiyus 4 Best wins for a team with a loss
Cecil_Hardboner 4
cfbguy 4
Charlemagne42 4 [3020] A win is a win, right? (+0)
ChemicalOle 4
ChickenTaco 4
Chris-P-Creme 4
chrisb19 4 Georgia has quietly put together one of the best defenses in college football and one of the best units they've had in years. Giving up 75 YPG on the ground is a silly statistic, even as weak as their competition has been. They've knocked off A&M, Auburn, Florida, and Notre Dame, which is not a bad resume. The biggest two problems is that they often build a halftime lead and then allow late-game comebacks where the defense shifts into a MUCH softer scheme and lets teams get back within touching distance of the win. If they can reverse that pattern against LSU, they might be able to ride the defense to victory despite VERY real offensive concerns. It feels like the new OC James Coley wants to run a more modern offense but Jake Fromm is built for a traditional pro-style. They need to figure this out in the next 2 weeks to have any shot.
cmdrcaboose2 4
CockADoodleBOOM 4
CollegeGolf69 4
conchobor 4
confirmd_am_engineer 4
coreyfra 4
Corporal_Hicks 4
dabul-master 4
DafoeFoSho 4
DarkLegend64 4 --
darkra01 4
DarthYoda2594 4
dasani3x 4
DeceptiveSpeed 4
dicky_________seamus 4
DoveFood 4
emueagles 4
Extra_Excrement 4
fadingthought 4
FellKnight 4
funtubs 4
G-manP 4
galacticdude7 4
GatorAndrew 4
GeauxAllDay 4
Ghost_of_Dude 4
GoBlueScrewOSU7 4
Greflingorax 4 +1
grjohnst 4
halldaylong 4
HarbingerOfFun 4
hascogrande 4
Helifino 4
Hobbes_121 4
Hoflax24 4
hythloday1 4
IAmAChemicalEngineer 4
icklebush 4
iliketoupvotepuns 4
itsabearcannon 4
Jakesnake42 4 Last Week: 4
JCiLee 4
JeromesNiece 4
jlh2b 4
Johnnycockseed 4
JonesUCF34 4
jputna 4
JustAManAndHisLaptop 4
kelctex 4
keytide22 4
kflinderman 4
laminak 4
Laschoni 4
LEGEN--wait_for_it 4
LeinadSpoon 4
lk6 4
Longvols 4
malowry0124 4
MammothMan34 4
Mario_Speedwagon 4
Miami_da_U 4
mnmmatt 4
nbingham196 4
nin478 4
noahthearc 4
noodlethebear 4
OKgolfer 4
Omegaus492 4
orbania 4
Our-Gardian-Angel 4
Papalew32 4
peachios 4 boringly winning close games against literally everyone, literally
Pieisgood186 4
Pikachu1989 4
plannedsickdays 4
Pollaski 4
RagingWombats 4
ReallyCreative 4
RegulatorRWF 4
remwin 4
retnuh101 4
RiffRamBahZoo 4
rmp0005 4
royrules22 4
ruwisc 4
ryumast3r 4
SantiagoRamon 4
ScarletFever333 4
scotsworth 4
SCRx 4
SCsprinter13 4
seaotter2 4
SearonTrejorek 4 0.63149
sirgippy 4
SometimesY 4
soonerfreak 4
soonersthebetter 4
SSJRoshi 4
Striker743 4
stripes361 4 Georgia has the reverse setup that LSU does: an offense ranked 21st in FPI and 34th in SP+ paired with an elite defense. They've proven they can beat top competition with it several times this year. But once again, it just makes the margin for error a little thinner, as evidenced by their upset loss to South Carolina.
T-nawtical 4
tabelz 4
tallg8tor 4
TanzaniaMagic 4
TaylorLeprechaun 4 +1
TDenverFan 4
Texasagsman 4
TheFlyingBoat 4
tjstanley 4
tmothy07 4
toocleverbyhalf 4
Trogdor42069 4
typicaliconoclast 4
ucieaters33 4
W_Is_For_Will 4
WarEagle9 4
woakley 4
Wurst_Law 4
xelphin 4
Xtremeloco 4
ya111101 4
YellowSkarmory 4
113milesprower 5
311polo 5
52hoova 5
_Brazenhead_ 5 Good win against a team that has only been beaten by quality opponents this season. One bad win on the season but otherwise very good team with a dominant defense.
Acm0028 5
admiraltarkin 5
bakonydraco 5
Blooblod 5
boxbeat 5
BugsSuck 5
Cars-and-Coffee 5
CFSparta92 5
cinciforthewin 5
Conglossian 5
crimsonlaw 5
crownebeach 5 BuT tHeiR OfFenSe iS BoRInG. Georgia's very good and doesn't particularly care that you don't like watching. They *could* get shut out by Utah or Clemson and have to go rethink their entire philosophy. They could also win the SEC, go to the playoff, and win a title. And if they do, I'll enjoy watching them rub everyone else's noses in it.
dan4223 5
Disregardskarma 5
djowen68 5
esoterik 5
fireinvestigator113 5
fshi 5
GenialGiant 5 Georgia's loss to South Carolina continues to dog them.
hokies220 5 (Computer #5: Clemson) Georgia has to be ranked highly because of the wins over ND, Florida, and Auburn. However, they've got an awful awful loss and just don't look very good. Still gotta give them the nod over Baylor and Utah though.
igloo27 5
JaxofAllTrades13 5
jmac_21 5
jnoobs13 5
jshokie1 5
kdcoltred 5
Keener1899 5
kelling928 5
KobeOrNotKobe 5
mjacksongt 5
moistats_ 5
monkeymatt1836 5
myghtymouse 5
Nathanael-Greene 5
nburt13 5
nemoran 5
njm1314 5
olmsted 5
OskeewowwowIL 5
owl-bears 5
owl_man 5
PalmettoFace 5
PaulWall31 5
PHubbs 5
Polarbear1914 5
polydorr 5
PumpSmash 5
qacha 5
r0sco 5
Red261 5
relax_on_the_mat 5
roaddogg 5
RobertNeyland 5
sasmith2015 5
scronko 5
ShamusJohnson13 5
strikersteve60 5
studio_sally 5
sunburn_on_the_brain 5
taloncarde 5
tdeff19 5
theeguy 5
TheReformedBadger 5
TheZachster 5
Ticklebump 5
TopGoose 5
TopheryG8er 5
vanburen1845 5
VerySeriousBanana 5
WeenisWrinkle 5
Wescat 5
wesman212 5
Zerosa 5
ArtificialBadger 6
bgr308 6
blahblehblahwhoru 6
buckeyegold 6
chweris 6
Colton3690 6
Dropbackandpunt 6
f0gax 6
Feral_Squirrel 6
Fmeson 6
Foxmcbowser42 6
GilBrandt 6
Hackasizlak 6
hawkspur1 6
hypercube42342 6
justsaynotoreddit 6
Lex_Ludorum 6
luckroy 6
MarlinsGuy 6
mellolizard 6
MoneyManeVick 6
orangeslash 6
pileatedloon 6
Rakarei 6
RatherBeYachting 6
RMathis13 6 740
ShogunAshoka 6
srs_house 6
steelcitygator 6
teddythe3rd 6
ThaCarter 6
The-Gothic-Castle 6
THECrew42 6
TheJeemTeam 6 1/1 in Tier Be
ToeInDigDeep 6
UNC_Samurai 6
zacheiny 6
BigBoutros 7
bobsled_time 7
BorisNumber1 7
buckeyes75 7
BunnySelfDestruct 7
deadtofall12 7
digdat0 7
DonnieNarco 7
eclectic_tastes 7
fo13 7
G-Aardvark 7
Knightro2011 7
LiptonCB 7
nejaahalcyon 7
orboth 7
Spiral-Pilot 7
spsellers 7
theb52 7 56.136
thegreendalegelf 7
ThePUNisher96 7
ToLongDR 7
TossedRightOut 7
Zloggt 7
AllHawkeyesGoToHell 8
diastereomer 8
dupreesdiamond 8
goblue10 8
huskerfan4life520 8
Sproded 8
ttsci 8
Branzilla91 9
DrKennethJNoisewater 9
Frognosticator 9
I_am_bot_beep_boop 9
ryseing 9 I have zero faith in the Georgia offense, and believe it would cost them against any team with dynamic playmakers. 
theReluctantHipster 10 3-0 over other teams in the group
ExternalTangents 11 23.9
corundum9 12

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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