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2019 Week 14 Memphis Tigers Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
LeinadSpoon 5
113milesprower 8
digdat0 8
ToeInDigDeep 8
olmsted 9
RMathis13 9 713
AllHawkeyesGoToHell 10
Apep86 10
BallSoHerd 10
cinciforthewin 10
DisraeliEers 10
grjohnst 10
JonesUCF34 10
LiptonCB 10
orbania 10
RiffRamBahZoo 10
SantiagoRamon 10
spsellers 10
zacheiny 10
djowen68 11
halldaylong 11
Pieisgood186 11
theReluctantHipster 11 2-0 against the other teams in the group
Extra_Excrement 12
f0gax 12
Hey_Its_Roomie 12
igloo27 12
njm1314 12
owl_man 12
UNC_Samurai 12
Frognosticator 13
fshi 13
GenialGiant 13 I'm very high on the Tigers and think they're the best team coming out of the G5 this year.
Keener1899 13
Knightro2011 13
nbingham196 13
ryseing 13
ShamusJohnson13 13
steelcitygator 13
studio_sally 13
theb52 13 46.455
theeguy 13
TheJeemTeam 13 1/2 in Tier E: Only 1 loss and a better best win (Navy) than Oregon (USC)
Wescat 13
YellowSkarmory 13
BigBoutros 14
bobsled_time 14
boxman151515 14
bread_buddy 14
buckeyes75 14
Colton3690 14
fadingthought 14
funtubs 14
Greflingorax 14 +1
jrichardh 14
mjacksongt 14
noahthearc 14
ruwisc 14
THECrew42 14
thegreendalegelf 14
woakley 14
311polo 15
Bill3ffinMurray 15
BosskOnASegway 15 Conference: 43%
Branzilla91 15
CFSparta92 15
Corporal_Hicks 15
corundum9 15
crownebeach 15 Memphis has to beat Cincinnati, to win the right to beat Cincinnati a second time, to get the G5 bid. Conference. Title. Games. Suck.
darkra01 15
fo13 15
frumious88 15 -4
Ghost_of_Dude 15
Hackasizlak 15
HarbingerOfFun 15
I_am_bot_beep_boop 15
Jakesnake42 15 Last Week: 16
luckroy 15
Pikachu1989 15
Rakarei 15
ScarletFever333 15
SearonTrejorek 15 0.57091
strikersteve60 15
T-Thugs 15 Memphis only has 1 loss. They have nice wins over SMU and Navy.
taloncarde 15
ThePUNisher96 15
tjstanley 15
ttsci 15
VerySeriousBanana 15
ACCBiggz 16
bernkastel87 16
blahblehblahwhoru 16
Blazeth 16
boxbeat 16
BugsSuck 16
BUSean 16
CambodianDrywall 16
Cars-and-Coffee 16
ChemicalOle 16
confirmd_am_engineer 16
crimsonlaw 16
DafoeFoSho 16
DarkLegend64 16 --
DarthYoda2594 16
dasani3x 16
DrKennethJNoisewater 16
dupreesdiamond 16
emueagles 16
FellKnight 16
Feral_Squirrel 16
fireinvestigator113 16
Helifino 16
Hobbes_121 16
hokies220 16 (Computer #16: Alabama) Memphis continues to remain really low in my computer, tied at #26 with Air Force, but they're the NY6 favorite and I think they're great. 
hythloday1 16
IAmAChemicalEngineer 16
JCiLee 16
jmac_21 16
Johnnycockseed 16
JustAManAndHisLaptop 16
kelling928 16
keytide22 16
MoneyManeVick 16
Nathanael-Greene 16
nemoran 16
nin478 16
noodlethebear 16
Papalew32 16
PumpSmash 16
remwin 16
retnuh101 16
roaddogg 16
RobertNeyland 16
SCsprinter13 16
SometimesY 16
soonerfreak 16
srs_house 16
TanzaniaMagic 16
vanburen1845 16
WarEagle9 16
ya111101 16
ArtificialBadger 17
bakonydraco 17
BamaPride95 17
boonamobile 17
BorisNumber1 17
buckeyegold 17
Buckeyes2010 17
buttforaface 17
bwburke94 17
Cassiyus 17
Cecil_Hardboner 17
Charlemagne42 17 [910] As the season drags on, the G5s' schedules get worse. (-5)
ChickenTaco 17
Chris-P-Creme 17
chrisb19 17 I don't pretend to have watched a lot of the American Athletic Conference but Memphis has 1 loss and are heading to a great showdown against the Bearcats next week. Norvell is already getting some looks by P5 programs. I definitely think they - and Cincy - were dark horses out of a conference that has Navy, SMU, and UCF.
d_mcc_x 17
deadtofall12 17
esoterik 17
ExternalTangents 17 17.2
GatorAndrew 17
GeauxAllDay 17
hascogrande 17
huskerfan4life520 17
icklebush 17
itsabearcannon 17
jeedf 17
jlh2b 17
jputna 17
jshokie1 17
kdcoltred 17
KobeOrNotKobe 17
Laschoni 17
Longvols 17
MammothMan34 17
Mario_Speedwagon 17
Miami_da_U 17
mnmmatt 17
moistats_ 17
ndhuskerpower 17
Omegaus492 17
orboth 17
Our-Gardian-Angel 17
PaulWall31 17
PHubbs 17
pileatedloon 17
plannedsickdays 17
Polarbear1914 17
Pollaski 17
r0sco 17
RatherBeYachting 17
Red261 17
RegulatorRWF 17
ryumast3r 17
sasmith2015 17
scronko 17
sirgippy 17
soonersthebetter 17
SSJRoshi 17
T-nawtical 17
TaylorLeprechaun 17 +1
teddythe3rd 17
TheReformedBadger 17
TopheryG8er 17
Trogdor42069 17
ucieaters33 17
W_Is_For_Will 17
wesman212 17
Xtremeloco 17
Zloggt 17 Power 6 may unironically become a thing sooner than later, at least to me.
_Brazenhead_ 18 Blew out an inferior opponent. 10 - 1 with a bad loss to Temple, which the team in front of them did beat. Good wins over ranked opponents Navy and SMU.
Acm0028 18
beerslingerjay 18
Blooblod 18
BlueFalcon89 18
BobDeLaSponge 18
bties 18
cfbguy 18
cmdrcaboose2 18
CockADoodleBOOM 18
Conglossian 18 +2
coreyfra 18
dicky_________seamus 18
Disregardskarma 18
DonnieNarco 18
eclectic_tastes 18
galacticdude7 18
GilBrandt 18
GoBlueScrewOSU7 18
hawkspur1 18
Hoflax24 18
hypercube42342 18
iliketoupvotepuns 18
JaxofAllTrades13 18
kelctex 18
LEGEN--wait_for_it 18
Lex_Ludorum 18
lk6 18
malowry0124 18
MarlinsGuy 18
mellolizard 18
nejaahalcyon 18
orangeslash 18
OskeewowwowIL 18
owl-bears 18
PalmettoFace 18
pascha 18
polydorr 18
RagingWombats 18
ReallyCreative 18
SCRx 18
ShogunAshoka 18
tallg8tor 18
Texasagsman 18
TheFlyingBoat 18
TheZachster 18
ToLongDR 18
TopGoose 18
typicaliconoclast 18
WeenisWrinkle 18
Wurst_Law 18
Zerosa 18
52hoova 19
bgr308 19
BlueSCar 19
BunnySelfDestruct 19
cajunaggie08 19
captain_sasquatch 19
conchobor 19
dabul-master 19
diastereomer 19
DoveFood 19
Dropbackandpunt 19
G-manP 19
jnoobs13 19
kflinderman 19
laminak 19
monkeymatt1836 19
myghtymouse 19
nburt13 19
peachios 19 seem like they are near the top of the AAC, even though they have to beat cincy to play them in the conference finals. but seem stronger than many in the conference
PureCFR 19
royrules22 19
scotsworth 19
seaotter2 19
Sproded 19
stripes361 19
sunburn_on_the_brain 19
tabelz 19
TDenverFan 19
Ticklebump 19
tmothy07 19
toocleverbyhalf 19
xelphin 19
brobroma 20
G-Aardvark 20
goblue10 20
JeromesNiece 20
OKgolfer 20
relax_on_the_mat 20
rmp0005 20
Striker743 20
chweris 21
dan4223 21
Foxmcbowser42 21
justsaynotoreddit 21
qacha 21
tdeff19 21
ThaCarter 21
Spiral-Pilot 22
admiraltarkin 23
CollegeGolf69 23
Fmeson 24
The-Gothic-Castle 24
DeceptiveSpeed 25
TossedRightOut 25

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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