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2017 Week 9 Memphis Tigers Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
ruwisc 12 3.545
ExternalTangents 13
frumious88 14
tylerbc 14
Apep86 15
hythloday1 16
Saxasaurus 16
sideoutpar 16
Wurst_Law 16
admiraltarkin 17
LeinadSpoon 17
wazoheat 17
boonamobile 18
dabul-master 18
DonnieNarco 18
dybuell 18
eclectic_tastes 18
Everythingpossible 18
njm1314 18
theb52 18
turtle_flu 18
Aeschylus_ 19
atchemey 19
CambodianDrywall 19
ChemicalOle 19
ChickenTaco 19
corundum9 19
Frognosticator 19
grjohnst 19
lk6 19
lkeg56demn 19
remwin 19
RiffRamBahZoo 19
52hoova 20
BabyBladder 20
BrutonGaster77 20
deadtofall12 20
DisraeliEers 20
Dropbackandpunt 20
gms212 20
orboth 20
plannedsickdays 20
prof1le 20
SantiagoRamon 20
soonerfreak 20
spsellers 20
srs_house 20
tallg8tor 20
WeenisWrinkle 20
BallSoHerd 21
beerslingerjay 21
BlueFalcon89 21
BoboIsDead 21
BorisNumber1 21
bread_buddy 21
Chris-P-Creme 21
DafoeFoSho 21
dupreesdiamond 21
fshi 21
Grimbo_Reaper 21
HarbingerOfFun 21
hokies220 21 Good comeback. Solid team.
JonesUCF34 21
kermic_the_frog 21
Khavanon 21 72.064
Laschoni 21
Mr_Storm 21
MrDoctorSmartyPants 21
Plneapple 21
Polarbear1914 21
relax_on_the_mat 21
ryseing 21
SCRx 21
seaotter2 21
spasm01 21
T-Thugs 21 Memphis's only loss is to UCF. They have wins over UCLA, Navy, and Houston.
Wescat 21
bluegrassborn 22
buckeyegold 22
Buckeyes2010 22
BugsSuck 22
Daigotsu 22
Emperor_of_Orange 22
HUSKEROYAL 22 Michigan State
jlh2b 22
Jpkun 22
Keener1899 22
kflinderman 22
LEGEN--wait_for_it 22
Mario_Speedwagon 22
noahthearc 22
noodlethebear 22
owl_man 22
r0sco 22
smills79 22
theeguy 22
TheReformedBadger 22
Tvwatcherr 22
A-Stu-Ute 23
AaronRodgers16 23
AGSattack 23
AllHawkeyesGoToHell 23
BosskOnASegway 23
Bukowskified 23
BUSean 23
Cars-and-Coffee 23
Cecil_Hardboner 23
CertifiedSheep 23
CFSparta92 23
chweris 23
cinciforthewin 23
Colton3690 23
conchobor 23
Corporal_Hicks 23
dan4223 23
DarkLegend64 23 NEW
DFWTooThrowed 23
f0gax 23
Ghost_of_Dude 23 Memphis notched a solid W against Houston. Their path to the American Championship looks clear, but whoever they end up facing (most likely UCF or USF) will not be an easy team to take down. Especially given that UCF already soundly beat them earlier this season.
GilBrandt 23 Good strong close win over Houston. Memphis should be able to win out after this. Don't over look a Tulane team that played USF close and a always lurking SMU squad.
groggydog 23
HonProfDrEsqCPA 23
jmac_21 23
kelctex 23
key_lime_pie 23
Lex_Ludorum 23
luckroy 23 Pot 5
monkeymatt1836 23
MrTheSpork 23
myghtymouse 23
olmsted 23
pileatedloon 23
RegulatorRWF 23
ryker888 23
ScarletFever333 23
scotsworth 23
seanosaur 23
Smidgens 23
steinman17 23
strikersteve60 23
tabelz 23
TaylorLeprechaun 23 NR: Comeback W gets them to the top 25
TheFlyingBoat 23
TheOrangeKush81 23
Ticklebump 23
toocleverbyhalf 23
twosheepforanore 23
UNC_Samurai 23
was_saying_boo_urns 23
BamaPride95 24
Branzilla91 24
buckeyes75 24
CarbonCamaroZL1 24 +0 spots (previously 24). 3 point victory over Houston. Stays put.
cfbguy 24
chceman 24
coreyfra 24
CountryRoads8 24
d_mcc_x 24
doihavemakeanewword 24 C+
esoterik 24
Extra_Excrement 24
flyingcrayons 24
hawkspur1 24
huskerfan4life520 24
icklebush 24
kamikazeguy 24
kelling928 24
KobeOrNotKobe 24
laminak 24
marcellnation 24
mellolizard 24
Mythic514 24
Nathanael-Greene 24
puffadda 24
Quentanamo_Bay 24
ReallyCreative 24
Red261 24
slntkilla 24
taloncarde 24
TDenverFan 24
Techwid 24
thatwasntveryraven 24
The_DHC 24
thedrowsyowl 24
TheTeamCubed 24
TheZachster 24
TopheryG8er 24
TossedRightOut 24
TotalEconomist 24
ttsci 24
vanburen1845 24
WarEagle9 24
wesman212 24
Zerosa 24
alextoyalex 25
Austinperroux 25
boxbeat 25
buttforaface 25
CantHousewifeaHo 25
DarthYoda2594 25
dicky_________seamus 25
digdat0 25
fadingthought 25
flipadelphia17 25
gbuntin 25
gordogg24p 25
jeedf 25
JeromesNiece 25
jrichardh 25
kdbvols 25
mynameisjona 25
nemoran 25
orangeslash 25
Our-Gardian-Angel 25
PalmettoFace 25
Pikachu1989 25
PureCFR 25
RagingWombats 25
SCsprinter13 25
Sophocles5 25
ssnider23 25
Stockz 25
tmart12 25
typicaliconoclast 25
ucieaters33 25
Xtremeloco 25

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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