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2022 Preseason Cincinnati Bearcats Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
A_Rolling_Baneling 3
BlueFalcon89 4
GeauxTri 4
fo13 5
placid_salad 5
ToeInDigDeep 5
chweris 6
NotSoSuperNerd 6 25.57
notyogrannysgrandkid 6
PHubbs 6
tmothy07 6
Darth_Ra 7
noahthearc 7 129.3 points -> NY6 Favorite. By the numbers, the Bearcats should be able to compete for their conference title and a NY6 bowl. Certainly some production losses from the Playoff appearance last season, but still a significant bit returning.
TheZachster 7
Meany_Vizzini 8 Starting score: 15.6. #4/#27/#11 Tier level: #8-#9 Ceiling: #3 Floor: #50
MWiatrak2077 8
Sometimeswelose 8
BallSoHerd 9
BlueSCar 9
olmsted 9
orbania 9
typicaliconoclast 9
CFBHurts 10
coogs35 10
EpicSchwinn 10
jlh2b 10
King-Clover 10
Maladroit44 10
Our-Gardian-Angel 10
Red261 10
retnuh101 10
bwburke94 11
hascogrande 11
HelioOne 11
plannedsickdays 11
Striker743 11
wesman212 11
Xtremeloco 11
falconlover79 12
KommanderKeen-a42 12
relax_on_the_mat 12
Shrektastic28 12
TheJeemTeam 12
Blazeth 13
BosskOnASegway 13
Charlemagne42 13 They'll drop the Arkansas game and an early conference game, but claw back to a conference title win and an 11-2 record heading into bowl season. They'll get a NY6 invite, where they'll meet a Clemson team that's mad as hell they just lost to not one, but *two* Carolinas. Nevertheless, their pending conference change will keep their ranking propped up in the low teens.
Hobbes_121 13
JaxofAllTrades13 13
MrTheSpork 13 Great season but not a lot of returners; fairly dominant; lost OC; good recruiting. Similar to Oklahoma State but we haven't seen Fickell long-term and Cincy lost a *lot.* Many questions, but overall should be a ten-win season as a goal.
nburt13 13
311polo 14
admiraltarkin 14
Dropbackandpunt 14
eclectic_tastes 14 Most people are expecting a decent step back this season, which is fair, but I'm not sure it will be as big as people think. Fickell has brought the UK method to Cinci, finding underrated talent mostly from the Ohio and Michigan area and developing them into stars. Because of this, I expect Tressel's defense to start solid and only get better throughout the season, and with two great, but unproven options at QB, I'm not sure the offense will take much of a step back.
Jakesnake42 14
srs_house 14
TaylorLeprechaun 14
woakley 14 Also towards the bottom in returning production. Obviously Luke Fickell is a talented coach, but will have to see how this team can replenish before pushing them too high
Fmeson 15
IceColdDrPepper_Here 15
JCiLee 15
kflinderman 15
LeWoofle 15
NyquillusDillwad20 15
pileatedloon 15
Rakarei 15
ThePelvicWoo 15 Beta_Rank #15
WolverineDDS 15
CptCheese 16
galacticdude7 16
HarbingerOfFun 16
itsabearcannon 16
Nathanael-Greene 16
RobertNeyland 16
sasmith2015 16
spsellers 16
thegreendalegelf 16
vanburen1845 16
52hoova 17
Corgi_Koala 17
corundum9 17
Daigotsu 17
LiptonCB 17
malowry0124 17
Pollaski 17
stesser 17
wameron 17
aggiebruin27 18
Bank_Gothic 18
Branzilla91 18
ChargerFan2121 18
Chucky1539 18
e8odie 18
GoBlueScrewOSU7 18
Hey_Its_Roomie 18
Longvols 18
monkeymatt1836 18
ScarletFever333 18
sirgippy 18
tauzeta 18
tdeff19 18
BamaPride95 19
Cassiyus 19
DarkLegend64 19
Feral_Squirrel 19
GilBrandt 19
joebob431 19
MoneyManeVick 19
nemoran 19
nw____ 19 This ranking is based on my faith in Fickell as a coach. They lost a lot but I expect that he will have his team ready to compete. It will be interesting to keep an eye on them this season. It’s odd, but Cincinnati may be a sleeper this year.
practicallybert 19
puffadda 19
TDenverFan 19
The_Horse_Joke 19
TrojanMan35T 19
12panther 20
bakonydraco 20 66.52
BigBoutros 20
buckeyegold 20
cornholesurfer 20
halldaylong 20
jjjoebox 20
kamiller2020 20
mellolizard 20
outthawazoo 20
owl_man 20 Luke Fickell likely won't win a title with Cincy, but they'll be contenders at least. At least they're off to the Big XII at this point.
owlalwaysloveyew 20
Pikachu1989 20
PromEmperorHarbaugh 20 They lost a lot, but Fick had proven to be a very good coach.
RavenclawWiz816 20
RegionalBias 20
RiffRamBahZoo 20
SpadeRyker 20 Cincy falls pretty far as well after being the first G5 playoff team just a season ago. It's primarily due to the loss of so much NFL talent at once that they fall so far. However, they've been recruiting at a very high level and still have an absolute ace at head coach. I expect them to once again challenge for control of the AAC and potentially be the G5 NY6 representative if they reload quickly.
thomasosu 20
UNC_Samurai 20
VerySeriousBanana 20
zacheiny 20
bretticus33 21 A season after breaking the glass ceiling and becoming the first G5 team in the CFP, Cincinnati now has the task of replacing 8 defensive starters and breaking in a new QB. Cincinnati has been among the best recruiters at the G5 level so don't expect the Bearcats to drop off too far. A season opening game against Arkansas will tell us a lot about where the Bearcats stand.
CockADoodleBOOM 21
CommodoreN7 21
cyclonepsycho 21
doggo816 21
Drexlore 21
icklebush 21
Johnnycockseed 21
JustAManAndHisLaptop 21
MahjongDaily 21
physedka 21
PrimalCookie 21
Staind075 21
crimsonlaw 22
darkra01 22
hypercube42342 22
lillipup03 22
molodyets 22
nbingham196 22
Omegaus492 22
one98d 22
Polarbear1914 22
PumpSmash 22
rain_parkour 22 Still the best G5 by far. AAC winner will likely still get the NY6 bid
RollWarTideEagle 22
SCRx 22
StevvieV 22
tdoger 22
teddythe3rd 22
thexraptor 22
turkishguy 22
WarEagle9 22
Zloggt 22 Are the Bearcats doomed to fall into irrelevancy this time around? I hope not, but I suppose we will see...
_fastball 23
arrowfan624 23
CambodianDrywall 23
Casaiir 23
Ch-i-ef 23
fourpinz8 23
grjohnst 23
JeromesNiece 23
jmac_21 23
Mr_Brews 23
not_folie 23
peachios 23
realclean 23
scronko 23
T-Thugs 23
Texasagsman 23
ThaCarter 23
Thorteris 23
Acm0028 24
boxman151515 24
captain_sasquatch 24
deadtofall12 24
Hackasizlak 24
kdcoltred 24
NoMorning6152 24
RheagarTargaryen 24 The NFL draft was exciting to watch for Cincinnati fans, but that’s a problem for this year. Just low expectation when 9 players get drafted.
TheReformedBadger 24
ucieaters33 24
cota1212 25
dabul-master 25
T-nawtical 25 Next Ten: Tennessee, Purdue, Fresno St, Wake Forest, Kansas St, UCLA, Mississippi St, Florida, Texas

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
TadKosciuszko 1
the_neverdoctor 3
RealignmentJunkie 4
CallMeTheKing 6
colonel750 7
FourteenClocks 7
Igwanea 7
asbestosman2 8
grahamca 8
Is_Flacco_Elite 8
jaybigs 9
Ruhrgebietheld 9
True_Ad5324 10
jthomas694 11 Very difficult to reload at a program like Cincinnati. Very good coaching and recruiting, but the top end talent will have to be replaced.
mdbryan84 11
drneilpretenamen 12
I-AMA-KarmaWhore-AMA 12
mthompson2320 12
Butternades 13
Huntkv 13
ManiacalBlazer 13
RJEP22 13 MCR: 17.21
Dawg-Bite 14
the_lost_carrot 14 21 18.28571429 18.28571429 18.5 10.25 26.5 16.25 -14.125 50.875 9.4171
catman1256 15
iliveintexas 15
JamoRedhead 15
JustinMSU21 15
NeverDieKris 15
romulusjsp 15
Temporary-Profit-643 15
UVUboi2 15
wingen77 15
donald_flap 16 Cincinnati has proven themselves to be the best G5 team in the nation, but with their heavy roster losses I don’t see them going any higher.
mcdsmaster8824 16
bethe2ndmouse 17
brucewaynewins 17
Sflabuckeye13 17
70277027 18
funf_ 18
herrkatze5 18
thetrain23 18
TommyTwoTaps 18
BertGallagher 19
dusklord1 19 Cincinnati lost two of the cornerstones of their 2021 team, Sauce Gardener and Desmond Ridder, as well as 7 other players to the draft. For a G5 team, that's tough to rebuild from. That they're ranked this highly is a testament to how good of a coach Luke Fickell is. However, they won't return to the playoffs this year. They start the season @Arkansas, which will almost certainly be their first regular season loss since 2019 Memphis. In conference, they will have to contend with resurgent Houston and UCF squads. I think they're a slight favorite to win the AAC, but with an 11-1 or 10-2 record.
fredmerc111 19 I hate discounting G5 based on that moniker, but they lose a TON. Can they really match up like before?
giveupanddie 19
Guhraffe 19
Hippiehypocrit 19
horaff 19
IMissMW2Lobbies 19
PaulMSURon 19
Steelthornn 19
BananaBouquet 20
Dontworryaboutit1 20
Jaymoney00 20
JBGolden 20
KyleAg06 20
mcguffinman 20 I really don't know how to think of Cincinnati. They lost Sauce and Ridder, the core of both their offense and defense. But Luke Fickell is a witch. He brought Cincinnati to the playoffs when only a couple years prior the idea of a G5 team in the playoffs was seemingly ridiculous. I'll never count the man out I just don't know what he's gonna bring this year.
noffinater 20
PositivityKnight 20
redrumsoxLoL 20
zachw900 20
Archaic_1 21
bannista7 21 Season opener against Arkansas and possible win has me putting them over Houston for now.
beaver333 21
ChaseTheFalcon 21
Matthias382 21
mdjoiner 21
PSUMediaPA 21
RedassAddict 21
tapswitch 21
thatoneguyD13 21
TheBeekman8 21
Vandelay_Industries- 21
camryn_16 22
DownshiftGD 22
eeman0201 22
ewolfy13 22 Losing a lot of talent in the draft, we will see if they can repeat their dominance with a greener roster
Fantastic-Calendar-9 22
Lobro986 22
MaxMan1300 22 Loss Riddler and Defense pieces but the foundation has been set
Muffinnnnnnn 22
mynameisotis 22
OldCoaly 22
PleasantElevator8340 22
RaceScottRace 22 I still really like the Bearcats and obviously Fickell. I wouldn't put it past them to upset Arkansas Week 1. That said, unless they prove they can replace the pieces they lost off last year's dream team, I think they're second best this year in the AAC.
stevensmeister 22 A former playoff team from a year ago. Lost a lot to the NFL Draft, but managed to retain most of the staff. Fickell has been a proven winner, and Cinci will continue to win.
the-robo-boogie 22
The_Good_Constable 22
Valiantlycaustic 22
AnAngryPanda1 23
Beck4ou 23
Cade_Ezra 23
diehardcubforever 23
GoCardinals74 23
WBLwiffleball 23
DaewooLanosMFerrr 24
frone 24
Harpua99 24
OSUfan88 24
perspicacious_crumb 24
pianoprofiteer 24
Pure_Protein_Machine 24
rocco2246 24
Sebene 24
spartan_mk 24
TheWorstYear 24
washington_jefferson 24
Xarathustria 24
ggskater 25
ianmcmoney 25
iDevourer 25
LamarcusAldrige1234 25
MADBuc49 25
Megalomanizac 25
Tatertaint 25
WitchKing17 25
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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