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2022 Week 7 Cincinnati Bearcats Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
jlh2b 13
sirgippy 13
Longvols 15
nburt13 15
owl_man 15
BosskOnASegway 16
ChargerFan2121 16
Hobbes_121 16
tks231 16
Cecil_Hardboner 17
digdat0 17
Fmeson 17
Maladroit44 17
moistats_ 17
BallSoHerd 18
bernkastel87 18
cinciforthewin 18
frumious88 18
RheagarTargaryen 18
TDenverFan 18
Thorteris 18
TimeBroken 18
BlueFalcon89 19
chweris 19
coogs35 19
Feral_Squirrel 19
jnoobs13 19
JonesUCF34 19
JustAManAndHisLaptop 19
MrTheSpork 19
r0sco 19
seaotter2 19
tauzeta 19
thomasosu 19
typicaliconoclast 19
BabyBladder 20
bretticus33 20 Cincinnati is probably still the leading contender to win the AAC and get the NY6 bid for the 3rd straight season. This team is clearly not as strong as last season’s but it is still a quintessential Cincinnati team with a good defense and efficient offense.
bties 20
CambodianDrywall 20
captain_sasquatch 20
Casaiir 20
corundum9 20
creative_penguin 20
crimsonlaw 20
EpicSchwinn 20
Extra_Excrement 20
G-Aardvark 20
GeauxTri 20
GenialGiant 20
halldaylong 20
IAmAChemicalEngineer 20
jmac_21 20
Keener1899 20
LiptonCB 20
malowry0124 20
monkeymatt1836 20
MWiatrak2077 20 In a turbulent game over the 1-4 South Florida Bulls, Cincinnati squeaked out a 28-24 victory, at home. South Florida took an early, shocking 10-0 lead, but not before long the Bearcats had regained control, leading 21-17 entering the fourth quarter. However, early in the fourth, South Florida scored a TD to retake the lead, 24-21. Star of the day, RB Charles McClelland, would put the Bearcats on top 28-24, with a 35 yard TD run, his longest of the day. QB Ben Bryant had a rough time finding consistency, throwing an early interception, and only acquiring 178 yards. Charles McClelland shined through for the Bearcats when needed, as he finished with 179 yards, 2 TDs, on a 8.5 YPC. In all, Cincinnati entered the game as 27pt favorites, and left with a 4pt victory. Regardless, good teams have weird games, - for instance, when #2 Cincinnati beat 4-8 Navy 27-20 last year. The new-look Bearcats, whom lost 9 elite players to the NFL draft last season, will need to gell into a more cohesive unit as the season progresses, if they want a chance at winning the conference & making an NY6 bowl. Regardless, to lose such a heavy concentrate of talent, start 0-1, and rattle off 5 straight wins, that's nothing short of impressive. Not to overlook SMU, whom they play next, but in three weeks, Cincinnati must travel to Orlando, Florida, to face UCF in a game that may decide the one of the slots in the AAC Championship Game. Good one to mark on your calendars.
ndhuskerpower 20
njm1314 20
notyogrannysgrandkid 20
peachios 20
Polarbear1914 20
ProbablyRickSantorum 20
puffadda 20
PumpSmash 20
rain_parkour 20
soonersthebetter 20
TaylorLeprechaun 20 +5
ToeInDigDeep 20 5-1, beat South Florida 28-24
ttsci 20
WarEagle9 20
wesman212 20
Bill3ffinMurray 21
blahblehblahwhoru 21
buckeyegold 21
cmdrcaboose2 21
Corgi_Koala 21
DavoinShower-handle 21
G-manP 21
galacticdude7 21
GoBlueScrewOSU7 21
itsabearcannon 21
LEGEN--wait_for_it 21
nemoran 21
nin478 21
not_folie 21
PHubbs 21
physedka 21
PromEmperorHarbaugh 21
Rakarei 21
royrules22 21
scronko 21
SlicksterRick 21 71.6
spsellers 21
tallg8tor 21
tdoger 21
Texasagsman 21
THECrew42 21
ToLongDR 21
TopheryG8er 21
vanburen1845 21
WolverineDDS 21
Zloggt 21 Arkansas loss is slowly getting made up...
cajunaggie08 22
CommodoreN7 22
Corporal_Hicks 22
Darth_Ra 22
Disregardskarma 22
dogwoodmaple 22
Drexlore 22
fourpinz8 22
HelioOne 22
hypercube42342 22
ikindalikelemons 22 Welcome back, Bearcats. Cincinnati seems to have finally settled into a post-Ridder Era identity, and news flash: they're still pretty good. Luke Fickell isn't going to let this team slip too far.
Mr_Brews 22
myghtymouse 22
owlalwaysloveyew 22
Pollaski 22
retnuh101 22
sasmith2015 22
Sophocles5 22
SpadeRyker 22
teddythe3rd 22
ThaCarter 22
TheFlyingBoat 22
tmothy07 22
TossedRightOut 22
turkishguy 22
Xtremeloco 22
113milesprower 23
311polo 23
arrowfan624 23
Cars-and-Coffee 23
ChickenTaco 23
conchobor 23
cornholesurfer 23
deadtofall12 23
dicky_________seamus 23
fadingthought 23
GatorRich 23
HarbingerOfFun 23
huskerfan4life520 23
kdcoltred 23
King-Clover 23
Knightro2011 23
noahthearc 23
Omegaus492 23
pileatedloon 23
plannedsickdays 23
ReallyCreative 23
RegionalBias 23
RegulatorRWF 23
roaddogg 23
RollWarTideEagle 23
SCsprinter13 23
SearonTrejorek 23 0.75909
Sometimeswelose 23
srs_house 23
studio_sally 23
The-Gothic-Castle 23
tjstanley 23
ucieaters33 23
12panther 24
ACCBiggz 24
BigBoutros 24
BorisNumber1 24
boxbeat 24
cfbguy 24
Ch-i-ef 24
cota1212 24
CptCheese 24
DarthYoda2594 24
djowen68 24
ExternalTangents 24
Foxmcbowser42 24
Hackasizlak 24
Harmbert_ 24
icklebush 24
ItsZizk 24
joebob431 24
NoMorning6152 24
nw____ 24 They are making it hard to continue ranking them. That said, winning is SUPER HARD no matter who you are or which teams you play. I just can't justify dropping them out of my rankings after a win even though they ALMOST LOST TO USF yesterday. I hope they figure out whether they're any good or not, because the Arkansas loss isn't looking any better.
RiffRamBahZoo 24
ryseing 24
SlaminSammons 24
strikersteve60 24
TouchdownHeroes 24 LW: 22
VerySeriousBanana 24
zacheiny 24
Apep86 25
Arteza147 25
bakonydraco 25 77.90
boxman151515 25
Colton3690 25
dan4223 25
DarkLegend64 25 G Tier
DrKennethJNoisewater 25
e8odie 25
fo13 25
hascogrande 25
IceColdDrPepper_Here 25 18, 958
jeedf 25
Noy_Telinu 25
Pablo49 25 944
Red261 25
spasm01 25
tdeff19 25
wameron 25
Wescat 25

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
the_neverdoctor 11
romulusjsp 14
Spacesurfer6 15
zenverak 15
Apprehensive_Lab_436 16
IMissMW2Lobbies 16
whereismysauerkraut 16
ch1l1_ch33s3 17
FeliceDot27 17
jaeger_master 17
madskillzmatt 17
mthompson2320 17
PNW_Jeff 17
SonOfSvens 17
Amane_VIII 18
Butternades 18
camus69x 18
MADBuc49 18 Close game against USF hurt them (even when factoring in conference play), but rise in rankings due to other teams on short end of Deservedness
PSUMediaPA 18
Pure_Protein_Machine 18
russdb 18 struggled ur usf
stew_pac 18 -
TheBeekman8 18
TimJressel 18
cirtnecoileh 19
Dontworryaboutit1 19
Due_Connection179 19 Last week #20 won vs USF 28-24. Cincinnati played a bad USF team to the wire and won by less than a TD. They have played their way back from a week 1 loss at Arkansas, but with Arkansas falling and Tulane & Kansas State continuing to win, Cincinnati could be falling back more than rising going forward. Next week Bye Week
entropy888 19
iDevourer 19
losbullitt 19
Matthias382 19
Muffinnnnnnn 19
NeverDieKris 19
qwer546 19
soneill06 19
tcomn 19
TommyTwoTaps 19 Cincy survived a scare against USF, who played the game of their season so far.
usernamegoeshere763 19
bannista7 20
beaver333 20
c2dog430 20
ChaseTheFalcon 20
Chipsahoy523 20
Fantastic-Calendar-9 20 LW: NR
fredmerc111 20
FrolfAholic 20
Gigemags1234 20
Is_Flacco_Elite 20
LamarcusAldrige1234 20
mill1634 20
sam00121 20
Somali-Pirate-Lvl100 20
Temporary-Profit-643 20
texas2089 20
AnAngryPanda1 21
BananaBouquet 21
cartierboy25 21
colton_97 21
Dan20698 21
ewolfy13 21
just-regular-I-guess 21 THE Ohio University of Cincinatti
JustinMSU21 21
Loopylime 21
mauliknshah 21
moyboi2112 21
newSomberMan 21
Noelthemexican 21 0.73408092
OSUfan88 21
saquad69 21
Shion314 21
tapswitch 21
The_Good_Constable 21
therealindyjones 21 (RV)
UrashibaKazukoto 21
59brad 22
AlexanderComet 22
Beck4ou 22
catman1256 22
cmcabrera 22
Coolwhip87 22
FsuNolezz 22
igloo27 22
jaybigs 22
KyleAg06 22
mathmanhale 22
MaxMan1300 22
mcdsmaster8824 22
noffinater 22
Pyroblockx 22
redrumsoxLoL 22
sconbon 22 Tier #5
titansfan174 22
vindictivejazz 22
w8w8 22
washington_jefferson 22
Archaic_1 23
brucewaynewins 23
Devintheroaster 23
diehardcubforever 23
horaff 23
Jaymoney00 23
jibberishdhyukl 23 Continues to be the best G5 team. Thought there'd be more of a drop off after losing a ton of players to the draft, but the Bearcats have been really good.
mcfly97 23
OutRiteWite 23
PattyKane16 23
RealignmentJunkie 23
Rudolph4Heisman 23
Sebene 23
Sflabuckeye13 23
TheFalconGuy 23
tomdawg0022 23
True_Ad5324 23
WBLwiffleball 23
BearsAreGreat1 24
colby983 24
DownshiftGD 24
jlucaspope 24
magnumweiner 24
MrOrcaDood 24
perspicacious_crumb 24
RootBeerBloat 24
TrashGamer_ 24
Yelich04 24 NR. The Arkansas loss keeps looking worse and worse and their best win is against Indiana... but that's enough to land you #24 in my rankings, was enough to land them in many people's rankings last week. They are living on the edge with these close games to lesser competition like USF and Tulsa, but as of right now, their sole loss is an away game in an opener by one score, they deserve to be ranked. And because they beat Indiana and the next team I have were unable to, I have them above them.
10catsinspace 25
Foriegn_Picachu 25
GatorBolt 25
GreenAndYellow12 25
HideNZeke 25
OldCoaly 25
pianoprofiteer 25
spmartin1993 25
TadKosciuszko 25
the_lost_carrot 25
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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