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2021 Week 5 Cincinnati Bearcats Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
BlueSCar 3
nburt13 3
notyogrannysgrandkid 3
theReluctantHipster 3
VerySeriousBanana 3
Xtremeloco 3
12panther 4
BallSoHerd 4
BUSean 4
CockADoodleBOOM 4
digdat0 4
drgnlis 4
Hobbes_121 4
Joester09 4
JustAManAndHisLaptop 4
Keener1899 4
malowry0124 4
orbania 4
owl_man 4
owlalwaysloveyew 4 Cincy wins the bye week
PHubbs 4
Rakarei 4
ReallyCreative 4
ShamusJohnson13 4
SlaminSammons 4
Staind075 4
TDenverFan 4
ThaCarter 4
Blazeth 5
Cecil_Hardboner 5
Charlemagne42 5 Computer ranking: 17
cinciforthewin 5
creative_penguin 5
eclectic_tastes 5
emueagles 5
ExternalTangents 5 15.85
G-Aardvark 5
G-manP 5
GeauxAllDay 5
HarbingerOfFun 5
hypercube42342 5
JonesUCF34 5
JoshDaws 5
kamiller2020 5
Knightro2011 5
KommanderKeen-a42 5
LeWoofle 5
Maladroit44 5
Mario_Speedwagon 5
monkeymatt1836 5
MrTheSpork 5
Nathanael-Greene 5
njm1314 5
Noy_Telinu 5
orboth 5
pileatedloon 5
RollWarTideEagle 5
ryseing 5
sasmith2015 5
TanzaniaMagic 5
Techwid 5
thegreendalegelf 5
tks231 5
TopGoose 5
wameron 5
52hoova 6
_fastball 6
Acm0028 6
AllHawkeyesGoToHell 6
ALStark69 6 0
arrow_dynamics 6
badgers4194 6
beerslingerjay 6
boxbeat 6
boxman151515 6
bretticus33 6 Bye week and no movement.  This weekend against Notre Dame will make or break their seasons' hopes.
brobroma 6
buckeyes75 6
Ch-i-ef 6 Your last game was extremely sloppy, but you did end up beating a Power 5 opponent, and now you face a much tougher one in Notre Dame. The bye week you had will give you extra time to prep for a tough Notre Dame team.
chweris 6
Colton3690 6
darkra01 6
DarthYoda2594 6
dasani3x 6
djowen68 6
Drexlore 6
Dropbackandpunt 6
Ersatzself 6
esoterik 6
falconlover79 6
fourpinz8 6
fshi 6
GenialGiant 6
GoBlueScrewOSU7 6
Greflingorax 6
Harmbert_ 6
Helifino 6
KittiesHavingSex 6
LEGEN--wait_for_it 6
LiptonCB 6
Longvols 6
mnmmatt 6
MoneyManeVick 6
ndbroski 6
noodlethebear 6
NyquillusDillwad20 6
Omegaus492 6
one98d 6
peachios 6 off week I guess
physedka 6
practicallybert 6
PumpSmash 6
RiffRamBahZoo 6
rmp0005 6
ryumast3r 6
scotsworth 6
scrotes_magotes 6
Spalliston 6
spsellers 6
stesser 6
Striker743 6 Down 2 - Indiana isnt good
tauzeta 6
thexraptor 6
TheZachster 6
thomasosu 6
tjstanley 6
ToLongDR 6
topher3003 6
TopheryG8er 6
TossedRightOut 6
transferStudent2018 6
WarEagle9 6
wesman212 6
woakley 6 Cincinnati was off this week, big game against Notre Dame coming up this weekend which should tell us a ton about how good this team actually is. 
Wurst_Law 6
A-Stu-Ute 7
BamaPride95 7
BigBoutros 7
BosskOnASegway 7
Buckeyes2010 7
CambodianDrywall 7
captain_sasquatch 7
Cassiyus 7
ChemicalOle 7
Chris-P-Creme 7
chrisb19 7 Another team riding high on last season's performance and three wins to start the season. We'll find out a lot more when they play Notre Dame. Maybe the winner of that game gets the USC gig?
cms186 7
coogs35 7
corundum9 7
crimsonlaw 7
d_mcc_x 7
DampFrijoles 7
dogwoodmaple 7
Extra_Excrement 7
igloo27 7
iliketoupvotepuns 7
ItsZizk 7
Jakesnake42 7 Looked good so far...Notre Dame will make or break Cincinnati's entire season.Last Week: 7
JaxofAllTrades13 7
jjjoebox 7
jlh2b 7
justsaynotoreddit 7
laminak 7
Lex_Ludorum 7
mellolizard 7
moistats_ 7
Mr_Brews 7
myghtymouse 7
nemoran 7
olmsted 7
Papalew32 7
RegulatorRWF 7
retnuh101 7
roaddogg 7
royrules22 7
safariari 7
soonerfreak 7
steelcitygator 7
T-nawtical 7
ToeInDigDeep 7
ttsci 7
ucfskuba 7
ucieaters33 7
UNC_Samurai 7
Wescat 7
zacheiny 7
andrewthestudent 8
arrowfan624 8 Below ND because they've struggled with FCS schools, and really don't have a convincing win (IU is looking overrated more and more by the week)
bernkastel87 8
BlueFalcon89 8
bobsled_time 8
cajunaggie08 8
Chucky1539 8
DarkLegend64 8 B Tier
DavoinShower-handle 8
dicky_________seamus 8
Disregardskarma 8
fadingthought 8
Foxmcbowser42 8
Frognosticator 8
GatorAndrew 8
Hackasizlak 8
HanSoIoque 8
jeedf 8
jmac_21 8
jmbourn45 8
nin478 8
not_folie 8
NotSoSuperNerd 8
Our-Gardian-Angel 8
outthawazoo 8
Papytendo 8
Pikachu1989 8
Pollaski 8
puffadda 8
qacha 8
RavenclawWiz816 8
ruwisc 8
scronko 8
SCRx 8
SCsprinter13 8
seaotter2 8
SearonTrejorek 8
Shrektastic28 8
Sometimeswelose 8
Sproded 8
SPRX97 8
srs_house 8
SSJRoshi 8
tabelz 8
TaylorLeprechaun 8 -3
teddythe3rd 8
TehAlpacalypse 8
Texasagsman 8
THECrew42 8
TheFlyingBoat 8 Beat Indiana by less than Iowa so for common opponent reasons I for ro leave them below given nothing special on the schedule from Cinci yet. ND will be the test that puts them in the top 4 if they win
turkishguy 8
Zloggt 8
311polo 9
Bank_Gothic 9
bgr308 9
BorisNumber1 9
CFBHurts 9
CFSparta92 9
crownebeach 9
DisraeliEers 9
g0d0fm15ch13f 9
GeauxTri 9
GoBeaversOSU 9
grjohnst 9
halldaylong 9
HelioOne 9
joebob431 9
Johnnycockseed 9
kflinderman 9
mjacksongt 9
nbingham196 9
noahthearc 9
OskeewowwowIL 9
RagingWombats 9
ScarletFever333 9
studio_sally 9
The-Gothic-Castle 9
tmothy07 9
TouchdownHeroes 9 LW: 10
typicaliconoclast 9
vanburen1845 9
bties 10
Cars-and-Coffee 10
ChickenTaco 10
dan4223 10
e8odie 10
GatorRich 10
hascogrande 10
jnoobs13 10
PalmettoFace 10
plannedsickdays 10
ShogunAshoka 10
soonersthebetter 10
tdeff19 10
velociraptorfarmer 10
113milesprower 11
Apep86 11
blahblehblahwhoru 11
Blooblod 11
doggo816 11
galacticdude7 11
lillipup03 11
No11223456 11
RatherBeYachting 11
Red261 11
RobertNeyland 11
Spiral-Pilot 11
Ticklebump 11
ya111101 11
cmdrcaboose2 12
conchobor 12
MarlinsGuy 12
StevvieV 12
TheJeemTeam 12
YellowSkarmory 12
Conglossian 13
Fmeson 13
JCiLee 13
strikersteve60 13
tdoger 13
TimeBroken 13
BabyBladder 14
Bill3ffinMurray 14
cfbguy 14
DafoeFoSho 14
Daigotsu 14
jchurch8073 14
JeromesNiece 14
sirgippy 14
stripes361 14
dabul-master 15
relax_on_the_mat 15
Darth_Ra 16
Inkblot9 16
OKgolfer 16
RMathis13 16 130
bakonydraco 18 76.81
GilBrandt 18
Hey_Its_Roomie 18
IAmAChemicalEngineer 18
JamesBCrazy 18 (#24)
DataDrivenPirate 19
ninetimesoutaten 19
boonamobile 20
hythloday1 20
T-Thugs 20 Cincinnati is 3-0. Best win is over Indiana (2-2). 
LeinadSpoon 21
bwburke94 22
infinitempg 22
AlphaH4wk 23
ndhuskerpower 23
owl-bears 23
spasm01 23
ACCBiggz 24
tallg8tor 24
confirmd_am_engineer 25
SantiagoRamon 25

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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