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2023 Week 13 Ohio State Buckeyes Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Archaic_1 1
BosskOnASegway 1
boxbeat 1
Buckeyes2010 1
bwburke94 1 +21.2439615 (LW: #1)
Conglossian 1 +1
cota1212 1
crownebeach 1
DavoinShower-handle 1
digdat0 1
ewolfy13 1
fadingthought 1
GilBrandt 1
halldaylong 1
HHcougar 1
hythloday1 1
Inkblot9 1
JaxofAllTrades13 1
kdcoltred 1
MADBuc49 1 If season were to end right now: Rose Bowl. I have Michigan winning the Big Ten
nburt13 1
NotSoSuperNerd 1 7.35 (11.5-0.5)
nw____ 1
NyquillusDillwad20 1
placid_salad 1 LW #1
r0sco 1
ryumast3r 1
soonersthebetter 1
srs_house 1
studio_sally 1
Texasagsman 1
The-Gothic-Castle 1
The_Good_Constable 1
the_neverdoctor 1
ucieaters33 1
70stang 2 Ohio State has 2 Ranked wins over Notre Dame and Penn State and is undefeated to be 11-0. They take this spot over Georgia due to strength of record.
ACCBiggz 2
Acm0028 2
ALStark69 2 +1
Apep86 2
Arteza147 2
BabyBladder 2
bernkastel87 2
Bill3ffinMurray 2
BlueFalcon89 2
BlueSCar 2
BorisNumber1 2
bretticus33 2 At least Ohio State didn’t almost lose like a certain other B1G team
BUSean 2
Cars-and-Coffee 2
Cassiyus 2
Cecil_Hardboner 2
cfbguy 2
CFBHurts 2
Ch-i-ef 2
CharlemagneOfTheUSA 2
ChaseTheFalcon 2 2 really good wins also that MHJ is not too bad at this football thing
Chris-P-Creme 2
chweris 2
cinciforthewin 2
Colton3690 2
Corgi_Koala 2
cornholesurfer 2
Corporal_Hicks 2
CPiGuy2728 2
cyberchaox 2
D1N2Y 2 +1
DaewooLanosMFerrr 2
dasani3x 2
dogwoodmaple 2
DrKennethJNoisewater 2
Dropbackandpunt 2
Due_Connection179 2
e8odie 2
eclectic_tastes 2
EpicSchwinn 2
ExternalTangents 2
Extra_Excrement 2
fo13 2
Foxmcbowser42 2
fredmerc111 2
frumious88 2
fshi 2
GeauxTri 2
GenialGiant 2
GoBlueScrewOSU7 2
hascogrande 2
Hugefootballfan44 2 LW: 1
hypercube42342 2
IAmAChemicalEngineer 2
IceColdDrPepper_Here 2
icklebush 2
ikindalikelemons 2
infinitempg 2 0.949
Jakesnake42 2 95.37 Last Week: #1
jalexjsmithj 2
jeedf 2
JeromesNiece 2
jjjoebox 2
joebob431 2
JonesUCF34 2
jthomas694 2
justsaynotoreddit 2
kamiller2020 2
Keener1899 2
KirbyDumber88 2
Knightro2011 2
lillipup03 2
MahjongDaily 2
Maladroit44 2
MarlinsGuy 2
Meany_Vizzini 2 28.8 (+0.0), -; SOR: 33.0 (2nd, -0.4, -), MOV: 24.6 (2nd, +0.4, -)
monkeymatt1836 2
myghtymouse 2
Nathanael-Greene 2
nemoran 2
noahthearc 2
owlalwaysloveyew 2
peachios 2
physedka 2
pileatedloon 2
Pollaski 2
PromEmperorHarbaugh 2
puffadda 2
PumpSmash 2
Rakarei 2
Red261 2
RegionalBias 2 Peaking at the right time
retnuh101 2
RheagarTargaryen 2
RollWarTideEagle 2
royrules22 2
ruwisc 2
ScarletFever333 2
scronko 2
seaotter2 2
shadowwingnut 2 No Change, 582.62, SOS: 54 - As expected it all comes down to one game (even if Penn St is highly ranked)
ShogunAshoka 2
skuhlke 2
Sometimeswelose 2
spasm01 2
Sproded 2
spsellers 2
Staind075 2
SteemieRayVaughn 2
stripes361 2
T-nawtical 2
tallg8tor 2
tdoger 2
ThaCarter 2
theb52 2 76.773
thexraptor 2
thomasosu 2
tjstanley 2
tmothy07 2
TopGoose 2
TossedRightOut 2
UNC_Samurai 2
w8w8 2 *Subject to change*
wameron 2
WarEagle9 2
washington_jefferson 2
wesman212 2
YellowSkarmory 2
12panther 3
311polo 3
52hoova 3
A_Rolling_Baneling 3
AlexanderComet 3
AlphaH4wk 3
arrowfan624 3
AudiieVerbum 3
bakonydraco 3 90.908
Bank_Gothic 3
bannista7 3
blahblehblahwhoru 3
Branzilla91 3
buckeyes75 3
CambodianDrywall 3
Casaiir 3
Charlemagne42 3 544
CockADoodleBOOM 3
coletheredditer 3
CommodoreN7 3
conchobor 3
CptCheese 3
creative_penguin 3
cyclonepsycho 3
d_mcc_x 3 The Game will be telling. someone is coming out of there with a second top 10 win and a spot in the B1GCG against Iowa
dabul-master 3
Daigotsu 3
dan4223 3
DarkLegend64 3
Darth_Ra 3
DarthYoda2594 3
DataDrivenPirate 3
deadtofall12 3
eSpiritCorpse 3 0.9652
falconlover79 3
Feral_Squirrel 3
Fmeson 3
G-Aardvark 3
GatorBolt 3 Dominant win over Minnesota. Now next week is what it's all about.
goblue10 3
grjohnst 3
Hackasizlak 3
HarbingerOfFun 3
HelioOne 3
Hey_Its_Roomie 3
Hobbes_121 3
jimbobbypaul 3 45.8
JustAManAndHisLaptop 3
kflinderman 3
KJdkaslknv 3
Longvols 3
magnumweiner 3
Megalomanizac 3
MoneyManeVick 3
Mr_Brews 3
Muffinnnnnnn 3
nbingham196 3
ndbroski 3
nin478 3
noodlethebear 3
one98d 3
Our-Gardian-Angel 3
Pablo49 3 -1
plannedsickdays 3
practicallybert 3
PrimalCookie 3
ProbablyRickSantorum 3
Pure_Protein_Machine 3
ReallyCreative 3
RegulatorRWF 3
RiffRamBahZoo 3
RobertNeyland 3
Ruhrgebietheld 3
ryseing 3
SCsprinter13 3
SearonTrejorek 3 0.93262
SlaminSammons 3
soonerfreak 3
Sophocles5 3
SpadeRyker 3
Stoneador 3
SwissArmyScythe 3 -1
T-Thugs 3 Ohio State is undefeated with wins over Penn State (9-2) and Notre Dame (8-3)
TaylorLeprechaun 3 +0
tdeff19 3
Techwid 3
teddythe3rd 3
ToeInDigDeep 3
trumpet_23 3
UMeister 3
vanburen1845 3
velociraptorfarmer 3
VerySeriousBanana 3
Zloggt 3 ...I'd be happy with either result honestly
_fastball 4
aggiebruin27 4
AllHawkeyesGoToHell 4
BallSoHerd 4
BearsAreGreat1 4
Blazeth 4
Blooblod 4
boxman151515 4
ChickenTaco 4
corundum9 4
DisraeliEers 4
fourpinz8 4
galacticdude7 4
Helifino 4
JCiLee 4
jlh2b 4
Joester09 4
jrichardh 4
LiptonCB 4
luckroy 4 Pot 2
malowry0124 4
mellolizard 4
MrTheSpork 4
Noy_Telinu 4
olmsted 4
outthawazoo 4
Pikachu1989 4
sasmith2015 4
strikersteve60 4
TDenverFan 4
texas2089 4
TheZachster 4
tks231 4
udubdavid 4
Wescat 4
woakley 4
Xtremeloco 4
ya111101 4
ChemicalOle 5
Drexlore 5
HieloLuz 5 Points: 197.69 | Wins: 1 T2, 1 T3, 1 T4, 5 T5, 3 T6 | 1 WB | 1 WP |
Lex_Ludorum 5
PHubbs 5
Polarbear1914 5
Striker743 5
typicaliconoclast 5
ChargerFan2121 7

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
brucewaynewins 1
cfbpeoplespoll 1
ChBass 1
civfan5843 1
FubarSnafuTarfu 1
Jay_Dubbbs 1
JustinMSU21 1
OSU_Shecter 1
owl-bears 1
Player_1_has_Joined 1
RootBeerBloat 1
Soggy_Seagull 1
soonertiger 1
SpeddyDawg 1
tatteredgnome_23 1
TheSunsNotYellow 1 .7747
ThompsonCreekTiger 1
why_doineedausername 1
10catsinspace 2
_TGT7 2
a_bit_of_a_misnomer_ 2
Aggravating-Steak-69 2
Aidanj927 2
ard8 2
Arvandu 2
BananaBouquet 2
BenchRickyAguayo 2
boblovespi 2
BoukenGreen 2
CallMeTheKing 2 126-0-6
cbusalex 2
chillmagic420 2
Chipsahoy523 2
cirtnecoileh 2
cookie__monster___ 2
CriterionCrypt 2
Dan20698 2
daredassdude 2
dawgfan24348 2
dheck2016 2
Doogitywoogity 2
drewscottt 2
EmotionalAd4185 2
ETHTrillionaire 2
Fantastic-Calendar-9 2 LW: 2
FlashSpider-man 2
frone 2
funt9rtle 2
Harpua99 2
headyhawk 2
Icyy19_ 2
J4ckiebrown 2
Jadenflo 2
jaybigs 2
JBonkies 2 (-)
josh55134 2
Kirkwood641 2
losbullitt 2
maknasty09 2
mathmanhale 2
McIntyre2K7 2
MemeofMemeJTG999999 2 (11-0) (up 1) W: 37-3 vs Minnesota (5-6) Next Week: @ #3 Michigan (11-0) Projected Bowl: Rose vs Washington
mill1634 2
mithrandir2398 2
Mossed26 2
MyCatsNameIsMilton 2
Noelthemexican 2
nurbs24joker 2
OldCoaly 2
penix4heisman 2
Piptit 2
Prof_Pie 2
Pyroblockx 2
qwer546 2 1350
RadiationRichard 2 LW - 2
redrumsoxLoL 2
Ressurwr3kd 2
rocco2246 2
Salmon-Dude 2
samspopguy 2
samuelbassett 2
saquad69 2
sconbon 2
Sflabuckeye13 2
SNjr 2
SomerandomIDFBfan 2 LW 3
SortaDecent 2
spmartin1993 2
squibby 2
StumpVanDerHuge 2
supercon21 2
Swaggy-7 2
The_Candler 2
TheBeekman8 2
TheRedKing75 2
TheSleaze22 2
titansfan174 2
tomdawg0022 2
Totes_Not_an_NSA_guy 2
Underground_Bread 2
UVUboi2 2
VietnameseAnglo 2
WhalePadre5 2
WillWorkForSugar 2
Wumbology724 2
Yelich04 2
zenverak 2
0010MK 3
1Subject 3
70277027 3
Additional-Stick6374 3
AnAngryPanda1 3
aredna 3
asbestosman2 3
Bereft13 3 Power: 3, SoR: 3; LW: 1
betterthanevar 3
BoilerUp28 3
boomersooner222 3
brihimia 3
CallingUagoatUgoat 3 42.5 pts. 2 SP+ T-10 wins (Notre Dame, Penn State).
carsonivey72 3
ckubi 3
corona779 3
diehardcubforever 3
DillyDillySzn 3
donald_flap 3
donbagert 3
DownshiftGD 3
dterp13 3
Effective-Lead-6657 3 (3) That was a dominant showing against a Minnesota team that is at least not awful. The game against Michigan is going to be awesome.
ehoefler 3 96.41 | 0
Esb5415 3
evil_muffins_5436 3
Foriegn_Picachu 3
FsuNolezz 3
geauxsaints777 3
grahamca 3 T1ˢᵗ W/L, T6ᵗʰ Predicted Wins, 2ⁿᵈ Team Strength, 4ᵗʰ Quality of Wins
HideNZeke 3
hurricaneatx 3 (11-0) - Quality wins: @Notre Dame, Penn State
ianmcmoney 3
jaowerpower 3
Josh_historybuff 3 37-3 vs. Minnesota
KansasChaser2021 3
LonghornInNebraska 3
MainPeanut25 3 TTUN
manbeardawg 3
ManiacalBlazer 3 89.742
Matchbeak 3
maxwell6233 3
mcdsmaster8824 3
MemeLovingLoser 3
Milflover69cbb 3
Morrgs 3
mthompson2320 3 LW: 2
narwhalz27 3 -
nebsA1 3
newSomberMan 3
PlactusTX 3 (4) W Minnesota
PSUMediaPA 3
PythonLemon 3
readonlypdf 3
RealignmentJunkie 3
rgalexan 3
RJEP22 3 (11-0) - 245.049pts
samtaylor92 3
schneeplehoppen 3
Serenityy8 3
SharkMovies 3
Shion314 3
silfarion10 3
SleepsWithBlindsOpen 3
spencej98 3
stew_pac 3 -
thatoneguyD13 3 Same as #2
thehornedlamb 3
thengineer2 3
TheNSAAgent777 3
Tornadohunter24 3 (-1) [11-0] Credentials: 2022 B1G East Runners-Up, CFP Participant, Final AP Rank: #4 [11-2] | 2023 Results So Far: 23-3 @ Indiana [3-8], 35-7 vs Youngstown State [FCS, 7-4], 63-10 vs WKU [6-5], 17-14 @ Notre Dame [8-3], 37-17 vs Maryland [6-5], 41-7 @ Purdue [3-8], 20-12 vs Penn State [9-2], 24-10 @ Wisconsin [5-6], 35-16 @ Rutgers [6-5], 38-3 vs Michigan State [4-7], 37-3 vs Minnesota [5-6]
twr96 3
Tylex123 3
WRSpill 3 (3)
xX_GIGA_MAN_Xx 3 #3 till they lose/above loses
youngs2309 3
ziggysaysnada 3
BeyondLiesTheWub 4 -1
big_thunder_man 4 11-0. WR play is crazy, but the defense is sneaky game. Notre Dame win looks good. Next week game determines the #3 spot.
camus69x 4
cant_stop_the_crooks 4
Cascadia-Rising 4
ch1l1_ch33s3 4
ColombianInIowa24 4 Killed dead Minnesota. Up next The Game against #5 Michigan.
divey043 4
hoovereatscowpoop 4
Is_Flacco_Elite 4
JamoRedhead 4
Klaassy23 4 (LW Change: 0)
leadbymight 4
Middle_Wheel_5959 4
Mini-Mussolini 4
PattyKane16 4
PerfectZeroKnowledge 4
RedBarracuda25 4 If only they had this Ohio State defense last year. In a reverse of previous years, it's the offense that concerns me going into The Game. It'll be for all the marbles. Three straight losses to Michigan would really sting
SpursUpSoundsGudToMe 4
TadKosciuszko 4
tcomn 4
TheFalconGuy 4
True_Ad5324 4
Weekly_Flatworm5707 4
DeerPrison 5 LW: 5
dubkent 5
slatibartifast3 5
visor841 5
grtgbln 6
bryophyta_insolitam 7 W 37-3 vs. Minnesota
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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