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2022 Week 3 Utah Utes Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
tdoger 7
badgers4194 8
JeromesNiece 8
crownebeach 9 Styles make fights, and it seems very clear that Florida's option/play-action attack was a better matchup against Utah than against Kentucky -- that doesn't make me all that much less confident in Utah, although it does make me worry about how the Utes are going to match up with USC. I would have been very comfortable naming Utah the winner of that game after Week 1, and now I have hesitations.
Fmeson 9
12panther 10
311polo 10
Arteza147 10
Buckeyes2010 10
buckeyes75 10
CommodoreN7 10
mellolizard 10
PalmettoFace 10
r0sco 10
StevvieV 10
thegreendalegelf 10
Cecil_Hardboner 11
ChargerFan2121 11 Rank on my Computer Poll: 38 Computer Poll: Toledo
MrTheSpork 11
Omegaus492 11
TimeBroken 11
captain_sasquatch 12
Cassiyus 12
darkra01 12
galacticdude7 12
TheReformedBadger 12
wesman212 12
52hoova 13
BallSoHerd 13
DylanCarlson3 13 LW: 12
fo13 13
G-Aardvark 13
Red261 13
retnuh101 13
tauzeta 13
TaylorLeprechaun 13 +2
Ch-i-ef 14 Florida losing makes that loss to them that much worse eh
CptCheese 14
hascogrande 14
Helifino 14
IAmAChemicalEngineer 14
nburt13 14
ndbroski 14
Polarbear1914 14
PromEmperorHarbaugh 14
RollWarTideEagle 14
scronko 14
SlaminSammons 14
thomasosu 14
ucieaters33 14
BosskOnASegway 15
CambodianDrywall 15
CockADoodleBOOM 15
cyclonepsycho 15
Hackasizlak 15
Hobbes_121 15
jjjoebox 15
Lex_Ludorum 15
MoneyManeVick 15
Our-Gardian-Angel 15 The first quarter wasn't great, but Utah sure took out some frustrations from that loss to Florida out on poor Southern Utah. I'm still all aboard the Utes to win the Pac-12 again, so this was nice to see. (Week 2: Utah 73, Southern Utah 7; Record: 1-1)
physedka 15
Pollaski 15
Rakarei 15
RavenclawWiz816 15
royrules22 15
SCRx 15
SteemieRayVaughn 15
strikersteve60 15
turkishguy 15
VerySeriousBanana 15
wameron 15
WolverineDDS 15
ya111101 15
Zloggt 15
Corgi_Koala 16
DarthYoda2594 16
DataDrivenPirate 16
dicky_________seamus 16
Drexlore 16
IceColdDrPepper_Here 16
JustAManAndHisLaptop 16
molodyets 16
MWiatrak2077 16 Utah with a nice rebound win this week, defeating Southern Utah 73-7, their most points in, well, a long time anyway (1973). I can't comment too much, but QB Cameron Rising looked elite with 3 TDs on 17/23 passing, as Utah managed 247 yards on the ground. I wasn't really too shaken by Utah's loss to Florida last week, as it's not easy to go on the road, across the country, to face an SEC team like Florida. I still think they can make the playoff if they win out, although for right now, it's best just to talk about the PAC-12 title. Thankfully for the Utes, they have plenty of time to wring out issues, as their next three opponents are SDSU, ASU, & Oregon State. They'll likely be 4-1 heading into a serious PAC-12 matchup against UCLA, @ the Rose Bowl.
nw____ 16 Tough to rank them in front of Florida but Florida has an extra loss now. This is a tough team.
outthawazoo 16
PHubbs 16
Pikachu1989 16
practicallybert 16
rain_parkour 16
seaotter2 16
Staind075 16
tdeff19 16
thexraptor 16
Ticklebump 16
tjstanley 16
TrojanMan35T 16
Acm0028 17
cinciforthewin 17
Conglossian 17 +3
DarkLegend64 17
eclectic_tastes 17
huskerfan4life520 17
hypercube42342 17
Joester09 17
malowry0124 17
monkeymatt1836 17
myghtymouse 17
Techwid 17
teddythe3rd 17
ThePelvicWoo 17 Beta_Rank number 10, dropped for losing @ Florida. Florida losing against Kentucky doesn't help
tmothy07 17
WarEagle9 17
woakley 17
BamaPride95 18
boxman151515 18
bretticus33 18 Utah rebounded by bludgeoning Southern Utah and dropping over 70 on them. This looked more like the Utah team we were expecting but you can't take much from beating up on a 1-10 FCS squad.
dasani3x 18
falconlover79 18
ikindalikelemons 18 Utah dropped with UF for now because I value H2H, but if Florida loses another and Utah's revenge tour starts in earnest, they'll obviously leave the Gators in the dust and rise back up the poll.
JCiLee 18
Nathanael-Greene 18
nemoran 18
NyquillusDillwad20 18
owlalwaysloveyew 18
realclean 18
sasmith2015 18
TheJeemTeam 18 Kept them at #18 from last week despite win because they stay behind Florida from the H2H loss.
CFBHurts 19
fourpinz8 19
GoBlueScrewOSU7 19
jlh2b 19
not_folie 19
PumpSmash 19
TDenverFan 19
TopGoose 19
ALStark69 20 0
Blazeth 20
Blooblod 20
Branzilla91 20
dan4223 20
dogwoodmaple 20
Dropbackandpunt 20
Foxmcbowser42 20
icklebush 20
JaxofAllTrades13 20
jeedf 20
LeWoofle 20 I might be biased in thinking Utah should be higher, but they did lose to Florida. Results>My opinion in non-Texas cases.
Maladroit44 20
NoMorning6152 20
RegionalBias 20 Close loss at P5
ShamusJohnson13 20 Yeah y'all stomped, but Florida's loss hurts y'all worse now.
tabelz 20
vanburen1845 20
zacheiny 20
_fastball 21
bties 21
buckeyegold 21
BUSean 21
DrKennethJNoisewater 21
EpicSchwinn 21
olmsted 21
one98d 21
Sometimeswelose 21
SportingMoose 21
Striker743 21 Up 2
Texasagsman 21
typicaliconoclast 21
joebob431 22
lillipup03 22
Mr_Brews 22
No11223456 22
studio_sally 22
Xtremeloco 22
Casaiir 23
chweris 23
coogs35 23
RiffRamBahZoo 23
SpadeRyker 23
nbingham196 24
peachios 24 shows up this week,and barely lost to florida last week too
RheagarTargaryen 24
AllHawkeyesGoToHell 25
Charlemagne42 25 Computer ranking: 96 //// Computer's top 25 not ranked here: 3. Mississippi State // 9. Maryland // 10. Rutgers // 11. North Carolina State // 12. TCU // 18. Syracuse // 19. UCLA // 21. Washington // 22. Miami // 24. USC
crimsonlaw 25
HelioOne 25
ThaCarter 25
The_Horse_Joke 25

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
mthompson2320 8
romulusjsp 8
Harpua99 9
hershculez 9
PaulMSURon 10
ActuallyJasonPrice 11
CanAWoodChuckChuck 11
iDevourer 11
MrOrcaDood 11 Guys I think they were a little angry after last week. No shame in losing in the Swamp, still think they have a high ceiling. Beat USC please.
PattyKane16 11
Xarathustria 11
AnAngryPanda1 12
bethe2ndmouse 12
Cooliamabeast 12
dtynes10 12
Due_Connection179 12 Back to #12 for the Utes. Dropped them to #14 last week and beating up on Southern Utah isn't impressive, but they didn't lose like A&M & Notre Dame, so here they are. Solid team that just started slow.
NanoBuc 12
Phillyfan3 12
russdb 12 dropped 70
sconbon 12
coletheredditer 13
Dan20698 13
DownshiftGD 13
ianmcmoney 13
Is_Flacco_Elite 13
ManiacalBlazer 13
muzikjamr 13
ObjectOnBroadway 13
rocco2246 13
TheBeekman8 13
10catsinspace 14
_n8n8_ 14
bannista7 14 LW: 17
beaver333 14
itsnotnews92 14
KyleAg06 14
tapswitch 14
zachismadewell 14
zachw900 14
Butternades 15
colonel750 15
Dawg-Bite 15
Dravens19 15
entropy888 15
ewolfy13 15 Utah took their frustrations out on an inferior opponent
FeliceDot27 15
FourteenClocks 15
giveupanddie 15
just-regular-I-guess 15 Is this my highest one loss team? Really? Good, because at least they have an offense, looking at you Texas A&M
madskillzmatt 15
Matthias382 15
newSomberMan 15
pianoprofiteer 15
shadowwingnut 15 Speaking of. Recovered to the tune of an angry 73 against FCS sacrifice of the week. Probably is going to go 10-2.
Steelthornn 15
TheFalconGuy 15
WitchKing17 15
zacjacobson 15
59brad 16
BananaBouquet 16
dusklord1 16 I think Utah is a very good to great team that lost to another solid team on the road, they are clearly the best of the 1-loss teams
GoCardinals74 16
Guhraffe 16
guttata 16
Hugefootballfan44 16
IMissMW2Lobbies 16
Jaymoney00 16
Loopylime 16
losbullitt 16
MADBuc49 16
mill1634 16
PolitiBob 16
the_lost_carrot 16
thetrain23 16
TimHowardsHands 16
True_Ad5324 16
TwoStepCEO 16
camryn_16 17
ch1l1_ch33s3 17
DaewooLanosMFerrr 17
diehardcubforever 17
fredmerc111 17
JBonkies 17
JustinMSU21 17
LamarcusAldrige1234 17
Megalomanizac 17
Muffinnnnnnn 17
secoja8 17
SonOfSvens 17
70277027 18
BearsAreGreat1 18
frone 18
ImAndytimbo 18 Putting them behind florida, direct loss.
TommyTwoTaps 18 behind based on loss to Florida
I-AMA-KarmaWhore-AMA 19
Pure_Protein_Machine 19
Sflabuckeye13 19
Terminal_BAS 19
brucewaynewins 20
drneilpretenamen 20
samspopguy 20
WBLwiffleball 20
Fantastic-Calendar-9 21 LW: 20
jalexjsmithj 21
maxwell6233 21
mcdsmaster8824 21
perspicacious_crumb 21
RaceScottRace 21
thatoneguyD13 21
Archaic_1 22
mcfly97 22
OldCoaly 22
the_neverdoctor 22
UVUboi2 22
Bereft13 23
ThatStrangeGuyOverMe 23
whereismysauerkraut 23
mauliknshah 24
ClemNation 25
noffinater 25
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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