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2019 Week 9 Utah Utes Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
ryumast3r 5
surreptitioussloth 7
jmac_21 8
311polo 9
crimsonlaw 9 They just beat a good Arizona State team and have looked like a really outstanding team but for their loss to USC. They seem to have a semi-easy schedule the rest of the way too.
digdat0 9
DisraeliEers 9
fo13 9
fshi 9
jeedf 9
olmsted 9
RobertNeyland 9
theeguy 9
thegreendalegelf 9
ttsci 9
Blazeth 10
boonamobile 10
boxman151515 10
Cecil_Hardboner 10
CFSparta92 10
Corporal_Hicks 10
darkra01 10
DEP61 10
fireinvestigator113 10
Hackasizlak 10
jlh2b 10
Keener1899 10
Knightro2011 10
lk6 10 LW 13, 6-1
noodlethebear 10
Our-Gardian-Angel 10
puffadda 10
Rakarei 10
RiffRamBahZoo 10
ShamusJohnson13 10
ThePUNisher96 10
Acm0028 11
Arsenal7X 11
BorisNumber1 11
BugsSuck 11
chweris 11
CoopertheFluffy 11
crownebeach 11 Beating Utah is all about matchups. They don't let you run the ball, so you have to have elite talent on the outside to make them pay for sticking with man coverage. That eliminates all but a handful of teams (Clemson, USC, LSU, etc.). They don't control their own South destiny, but they have an easier remaining schedule than USC.
Daigotsu 11
DarthYoda2594 11
dasani3x 11
DeceptiveSpeed 11
esoterik 11
ExternalTangents 11 23.33
FellKnight 11
Feral_Squirrel 11
Foxmcbowser42 11
galacticdude7 11
GoBlueScrewOSU7 11
huskerfan4life520 11
iliketoupvotepuns 11
joebob431 11
LEGEN--wait_for_it 11
myghtymouse 11
nburt13 11
nin478 11
No11223456 11
OskeewowwowIL 11
ProbablyRickSantorum 11
soonersthebetter 11
studio_sally 11
sunburn_on_the_brain 11
Techwid 11
teddythe3rd 11
The-Gothic-Castle 11
THECrew42 11
toocleverbyhalf 11
UNC_Samurai 11
vanburen1845 11
VerySeriousBanana 11
wesman212 11
zacheiny 11
A-Stu-Ute 12
AaronRodgers16 12
admiraltarkin 12
beerslingerjay 12
Bill3ffinMurray 12
brobroma 12
buckeyes75 12
cajunaggie08 12
CambodianDrywall 12
captain_sasquatch 12
Cars-and-Coffee 12
Cassiyus 12
chrisb19 12
cms186 12
conchobor 12
Conglossian 12 +2
coreyfra 12
corundum9 12
d_mcc_x 12
DafoeFoSho 12
DavoinShower-handle 12
dicky_________seamus 12
Disregardskarma 12
djowen68 12
DoveFood 12
Fifth_Down 12
G-Aardvark 12
GatorAndrew 12
halldaylong 12
hawkspur1 12
icklebush 12
jnoobs13 12
Johnnycockseed 12
jshokie1 12
justsaynotoreddit 12
kflinderman 12
Lex_Ludorum 12
Longvols 12
malowry0124 12
mnmmatt 12
moistats_ 12
MoneyManeVick 12
Omegaus492 12
PaulWall31 12
peachios 12 I guess I was talking up the ducks so much, but Utah will be a scary opponent for them from the look of things. Beating a ranked team 
plannedsickdays 12
PumpSmash 12
ReallyCreative 12
RegulatorRWF 12
retnuh101 12
RMathis13 12 118
rmp0005 12
roaddogg 12
scotsworth 12
Striker743 12 Up 1
Texasagsman 12
ThaCarter 12
TheJeemTeam 12 2/3 in Tier E: Behind Baylor for loss to USC, but ahead of Notre Dame for being more dominant in wins than Notre Dame against a schedule of generally equal difficulty.
Ticklebump 12
tmothy07 12
ToeInDigDeep 12
ToLongDR 12
Trogdor42069 12
trumpet_23 12
typicaliconoclast 12
ucieaters33 12
W_Is_For_Will 12
WarEagle9 12
woakley 12
Wurst_Law 12
ya111101 12
Zloggt 12
113milesprower 13
52hoova 13
alextoyalex 13
Andtheyrustledsoftly 13
ArtificialBadger 13
bakonydraco 13
BallSoHerd 13
bgr308 13
Blooblod 13
BosskOnASegway 13 Playoff: 8%
boxbeat 13
Branzilla91 13
buckeyegold 13
Buckeyes2010 13
BUSean 13
cfbguy 13
ChemicalOle 13
cinciforthewin 13
CountryRoads8 13
DarkLegend64 13 +1
deadtofall12 13
DonnieNarco 13
e8odie 13
eclectic_tastes 13
Extra_Excrement 13
Fmeson 13
GenialGiant 13 The Utes are in the driver's seat in the Pac-12 South, for whatever that's worth.
Helifino 13
Hey_Its_Roomie 13
Hobbes_121 13
Hoflax24 13
hypercube42342 13 +0
I_am_bot_beep_boop 13
JCiLee 13
JeromesNiece 13
JonesUCF34 13
JustAManAndHisLaptop 13
kdcoltred 13 One loss 4
Mario_Speedwagon 13
MarlinsGuy 13
mjacksongt 13
MrTheSpork 13
nemoran 13
PHubbs 13
Pollaski 13
qacha 13
royrules22 13
ryseing 13
ScarletFever333 13
SCsprinter13 13
seaotter2 13
SPRX97 13
stripes361 13 The Pac-12's playoff hopes are down to Oregon and Utah, as every other team in the conference has at least 2 losses. Tyler Huntley acquitted himself well against a very good Arizona State defense and Kyle Wittingham has a well-rounded roster with no obvious holes.
T-Thugs 13 Utah is 6-1 with a nice win over 5-2 Arizona State. Their only loss is to USC. 
tallg8tor 13
TanzaniaMagic 13
tdeff19 13
TDenverFan 13
thexraptor 13
tjstanley 13
TopGoose 13
topher3003 13
Wescat 13
xelphin 13
_Brazenhead_ 14 Statement win against a surging Arizona State team, holding them to just 3 points. Couldn't justify ranking them higher due to bad USC loss.
AGSattack 14
AllHawkeyesGoToHell 14
BamaPride95 14
blahblehblahwhoru 14
bobsled_time 14
bwburke94 14
CertifiedSheep 14
cmdrcaboose2 14
dabul-master 14
dan4223 14
Frognosticator 14
G-manP 14
GeauxAllDay 14
Ghost_of_Dude 14
Greflingorax 14 +10
hascogrande 14
Jakesnake42 14
luckroy 14
MammothMan34 14
monkeymatt1836 14
Nathanael-Greene 14
nejaahalcyon 14
Papalew32 14
pileatedloon 14
PureCFR 14
r0sco 14
Red261 14
remwin 14
ryker888 14
SantiagoRamon 14
Saxasaurus 14
Sophocles5 14
Spiral-Pilot 14
spsellers 14
steelcitygator 14
T-nawtical 14
taloncarde 14
TaylorLeprechaun 14 +0
TheZachster 14
tks231 14
uwbjb 14
ACCBiggz 15
bernkastel87 15
BlueSCar 15
Brostradamus_ 15
buttforaface 15
DrKennethJNoisewater 15
JaxofAllTrades13 15
mellolizard 15
OKgolfer 15
orangeslash 15
orboth 15
Pieisgood186 15
ruwisc 15
SSJRoshi 15
strikersteve60 15
tabelz 15
Apep86 16
BigBoutros 16
BobDeLaSponge 16
ChickenTaco 16
Colton3690 16
confirmd_am_engineer 16
fadingthought 16
frumious88 16 +9
funtubs 16
grjohnst 16
HarbingerOfFun 16
Harmbert_ 16
IAmAChemicalEngineer 16
jrichardh 16
kelling928 16
LiptonCB 16
SearonTrejorek 16 0.62557
Dropbackandpunt 17
emueagles 17
GilBrandt 17
hokies220 17 Defense is suffocating, if the Pac-12 championship game comes down to them and Oregon it might be another 10-3 shootout..USC still controls their own destiny though.
igloo27 17
lkeg56demn 17
nbingham196 17 Arizona State is their best win and they have an extra loss over the undefeateds so feels like they have to be behind them
orbania 17
owl-bears 17
Pikachu1989 17
Sproded 17
srs_house 17
TheFlyingBoat 17
theReluctantHipster 17
WeenisWrinkle 17
goblue10 18
RagingWombats 18
relax_on_the_mat 18
sirgippy 18 3.888
YellowSkarmory 19
gbuntin 20
Laschoni 20
owl_man 20
LeinadSpoon 21
Charlemagne42 23 [1068] 4th-worst 6-win team in FBS, behind UAB, Louisiana Tech, and Wake Forest. (+1)

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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