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2022 Week 4 Utah Utes Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Arteza147 8
Fmeson 8
12panther 9
Buckeyes2010 9
MrTheSpork 9
tdoger 9
badgers4194 10
BlueFalcon89 10
Cassiyus 10
Cecil_Hardboner 10
CommodoreN7 10
huskerfan4life520 10
JeromesNiece 10
Omegaus492 10
RegulatorRWF 10
SlaminSammons 10
tauzeta 10
311polo 11
BallSoHerd 11
captain_sasquatch 11
crownebeach 11 San Diego State is pretty underwhelming, but Utah treated them like it. Nice that they held up against a team that runs the ball, but SDSU does not have the lateral quickness of a Florida so this wasn't much of a test.
darkra01 11
drgnlis 11
Helifino 11
nw____ 11 Beat an opponent they should’ve beaten. Think this is as tough a team as ever. Will be interested to see if they dominate a PAC-12 that is looking surprisingly good.
Sometimeswelose 11
TouchdownHeroes 11 LW: 11
VerySeriousBanana 11
BugsSuck 12
CptCheese 12
DylanCarlson3 12 LW: 13
G-Aardvark 12
Hackasizlak 12
justsaynotoreddit 12 0.7115
ProbablyRickSantorum 12
Red261 12
retnuh101 12
stripes361 12
TaylorLeprechaun 12 +1
thegreendalegelf 12
turkishguy 12
ucieaters33 12
_fastball 13
arrow_dynamics 13
d_mcc_x 13
DampFrijoles 13
Drexlore 13
Feral_Squirrel 13
galacticdude7 13
IAmAChemicalEngineer 13
Mr_Brews 13
PromEmperorHarbaugh 13
r0sco 13
Rakarei 13
RavenclawWiz816 13
scronko 13
SCRx 13
SPRX97 13
strikersteve60 13
tdeff19 13
TDenverFan 13
TheReformedBadger 13
TheZachster 13
Ticklebump 13
trumpet_23 13
woakley 13
Zloggt 13
arrowfan624 14
Ch-i-ef 14
conchobor 14
Corgi_Koala 14
cyclonepsycho 14
DarthYoda2594 14
dasani3x 14
Disregardskarma 14
GatorRich 14 2-1 with a very close loss to (now) ranked Florida
jmac_21 14
malowry0124 14
nburt13 14
nemoran 14
Our-Gardian-Angel 14 A slow start, but Utah had little trouble against San Diego State. Honestly, it's a shame they couldn't finish the deal against Florida. This is an excellent team that now has zero margin for error in the naturally cannibalistic Pac-12 if they are to make the College Football Playoff. (Week 3: Utah 35, San Diego State 7; Record: 2-1)
outthawazoo 14
physedka 14
Pikachu1989 14
Polarbear1914 14
royrules22 14
sirgippy 14
stesser 14
teddythe3rd 14
THECrew42 14
thomasosu 14
TimeBroken 14
tjstanley 14
ALStark69 15 +5
BabyBladder 15
blahblehblahwhoru 15
BlueSCar 15
bties 15
Cars-and-Coffee 15
CockADoodleBOOM 15
dogwoodmaple 15
e8odie 15
fo13 15
G-manP 15
JCiLee 15
jeedf 15
jjjoebox 15 -
JonesUCF34 15
Keener1899 15
Lex_Ludorum 15
mellolizard 15
ndhuskerpower 15
nin478 15
noodlethebear 15
PalmettoFace 15
pileatedloon 15
Pollaski 15
puffadda 15
roaddogg 15
soonerfreak 15
TheJeemTeam 15
Thorteris 15
wameron 15
WarEagle9 15
bobsled_time 16
BorisNumber1 16
Chucky1539 16
chweris 16
Conglossian 16 +1
eclectic_tastes 16
falconlover79 16
GoBlueScrewOSU7 16
itsabearcannon 16
ItsZizk 16
MoneyManeVick 16
MWiatrak2077 16
PrimalCookie 16
ruwisc 16
sasmith2015 16
Staind075 16
wesman212 16
WolverineDDS 16
52hoova 17
BosskOnASegway 17
buckeyes75 17
cornholesurfer 17
ExternalTangents 17 7.78
hascogrande 17
Hobbes_121 17
molodyets 17
myghtymouse 17
seaotter2 17
SteemieRayVaughn 17
tabelz 17
thexraptor 17
TossedRightOut 17
TrojanMan35T 17
admiraltarkin 18
Bill3ffinMurray 18
Blooblod 18
Branzilla91 18
buckeyegold 18
ChickenTaco 18
cinciforthewin 18
digdat0 18
fourpinz8 18
fshi 18
GenialGiant 18
jlh2b 18
LeWoofle 18
monkeymatt1836 18
NoMorning6152 18
peachios 18
practicallybert 18
SCsprinter13 18
Sophocles5 18
SportingMoose 18
Techwid 18
ya111101 18
BamaPride95 19
bernkastel87 19
BUSean 19
confirmd_am_engineer 19
esoterik 19
Foxmcbowser42 19
hypercube42342 19 Florida loss is an anchor around their neck.
ikindalikelemons 19 Like Clemson, I'm pretty sure this team should be ranked, but it's hard to fully tell where.
LEGEN--wait_for_it 19
ShamusJohnson13 19
spsellers 19
tallg8tor 19
tmothy07 19
Wescat 19
Xtremeloco 19
andrewthestudent 20
creative_penguin 20
GeauxTri 20
JaxofAllTrades13 20
Joester09 20
JustAManAndHisLaptop 20
kamiller2020 20
kdcoltred 20
not_folie 20
aggiebruin27 21
boxbeat 21
cmdrcaboose2 21
dan4223 21
dicky_________seamus 21
DrKennethJNoisewater 21
King-Clover 21
lillipup03 21
NyquillusDillwad20 21
placid_salad 21
RegionalBias 21 Oh my SDSU
RollWarTideEagle 21
StevvieV 21
studio_sally 21
Acm0028 22
Casaiir 22
Dropbackandpunt 22
NotSoSuperNerd 22 22.71
posiitively 22
PumpSmash 22
SearonTrejorek 22
Texasagsman 22
ThaCarter 22
ThePelvicWoo 22 Only 2 FBS games
typicaliconoclast 22
vanburen1845 22
ChargerFan2121 23
icklebush 23
notyogrannysgrandkid 23
SpadeRyker 23
KommanderKeen-a42 24
MahjongDaily 24
one98d 24
PHubbs 24
realclean 24
RheagarTargaryen 24
RiffRamBahZoo 24
zacheiny 24
ttsci 25

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
MrOrcaDood 9
PattyKane16 9
ManiacalBlazer 10
rocco2246 10
sam00121 10
sconbon 10 Tier #3 - The offense isn't quite as powerful as last year, but I still believe they're the toughest out in the P12.
UrashibaKazukoto 10
ActuallyJasonPrice 11
DaVols 11
DownshiftGD 11
dtynes10 11
ewolfy13 11
Harpua99 11
hershculez 11
iDevourer 11
TheBeekman8 11
Xarathustria 11
10catsinspace 12
AnAngryPanda1 12
CanAWoodChuckChuck 12
Drowzy_Shooter 12
FiNN8778 12
giveupanddie 12
mthompson2320 12
oeking77 12
OSUfan88 12
russdb 12 won how they should
beaver333 13
Beck4ou 13
bubbleheads_ 13
ChaseTheFalcon 13
FeliceDot27 13
Guhraffe 13
guttata 13
igloo27 13
Jaymoney00 13
Joshntch 13
just-regular-I-guess 13 Was the Gator game a fluke? Find out at 11!
Loopylime 13
losbullitt 13
mcfly97 13
NanoBuc 13
newSomberMan 13
ObjectOnBroadway 13
romulusjsp 13
Steelthornn 13
TommyTwoTaps 13 Another strong performance, like it should be against a much lesser opponent.
washington_jefferson 13
_n8n8_ 14
bloodmuffins793 14
Butternades 14
Dravens19 14
Due_Connection179 14 Decent win over San Diego State. Currently my top 1-loss team, but let's see how that changes over the next month with games vs Oregon State & USC.
dusklord1 14
entropy888 14
GoCardinals74 14
ilikepie145 14
ImAndytimbo 14
itsnotnews92 14
JBonkies 14
jisachamp 14
JustinMSU21 14
KyleAg06 14
madskillzmatt 14
Matthias382 14
mcdsmaster8824 14
mill1634 14
Phillyfan3 14
ScooterLeShooter 14
stevensmeister 14
tapswitch 14
thetrain23 14
bethe2ndmouse 15
camryn_16 15
catman1256 15
ch1l1_ch33s3 15
colby983 15
Devintheroaster 15 714.79 points
drneilpretenamen 15
FsuNolezz 15
horaff 15
ianmcmoney 15
jalexjsmithj 15
LamarcusAldrige1234 15
Megalomanizac 15
noffinater 15
PaulMSURon 15
Piptit 15
SonOfSvens 15
sticksnstones32 15
bannista7 16 LW: 14
DaewooLanosMFerrr 16
diehardcubforever 16
fredmerc111 16
IMissMW2Lobbies 16
NINFAN300 16
Sflabuckeye13 16
TheSlyPudding 16
True_Ad5324 16
BananaBouquet 17
ClemNation 17
coletheredditer 17
FrolfAholic 17
frone 17
l1ghtn1ng_1 17
mmaxey14 17
muzikjamr 17
thatoneguyD13 17
GangGreen7729 18
jthomas694 18
perspicacious_crumb 18
PolitiBob 18
Pure_Protein_Machine 18
SwissArmyScythe 18
the-robo-boogie 18
WBLwiffleball 18
Bereft13 19 power: 13, SOR: NR (outside top 50)
Comit22 19
the_neverdoctor 19
Archaic_1 20
Dawg-Bite 20 Utah has looked good since the loss to Florida and honestly if they played again tmr I think Utah would win, but I still won’t move the Utes ahead until Florida loses 1 or 2 more and Utah keeps winning.
Financial_Lime_252 20
mikecsiy 20
RealignmentJunkie 20
shadowwingnut 20
AlexanderComet 21
BearsAreGreat1 21
Cooliamabeast 21
Fantastic-Calendar-9 21 LW: 21
HideNZeke 21
Hugefootballfan44 21
magnumweiner 21
OutRiteWite 22
Terminal_BAS 22
colton_97 23
redrumsoxLoL 23
Shion314 23
70277027 24
andy-022 24 no good win, slightly worse loss than Baylor
GatorBolt 24 Still looks the part of a top 25 team. But with so few data points, despite Florida looking ugly the last two weeks you still have to give the head to head tiebreaker to Florida
Dontworryaboutit1 25
Phoenix0114 25
RaceScottRace 25
whereismysauerkraut 25
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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