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2022 Week 4 Florida Gators Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Keener1899 11
dabul-master 12
Fmeson 12
malowry0124 13
TimeBroken 13
BorisNumber1 14
Lex_Ludorum 14
Ticklebump 14
not_folie 15
retnuh101 15
Sproded 15
SteemieRayVaughn 15
StevvieV 15
52hoova 16
BosskOnASegway 16
GenialGiant 16
myghtymouse 16
seaotter2 16
Bill3ffinMurray 17
Blooblod 17
BugsSuck 17
DylanCarlson3 17 LW: 20
fshi 17
jeedf 17
Joester09 17
JustAManAndHisLaptop 17
NoMorning6152 17
SCsprinter13 17
SlaminSammons 17
ya111101 17
AlphaH4wk 18
BamaPride95 18
bernkastel87 18
cmdrcaboose2 18
hypercube42342 18 Struggling with USF is not a good look.
JCiLee 18
LEGEN--wait_for_it 18
nin478 18
RollWarTideEagle 18
tallg8tor 18
tmothy07 18
typicaliconoclast 18
Wescat 18
Arteza147 19
BabyBladder 19
ChickenTaco 19
conchobor 19
drgnlis 19
e8odie 19
GoBlueScrewOSU7 19
itsabearcannon 19
physedka 19
realclean 19
RegionalBias 19 2-1 with 2 P5 opponents
RegulatorRWF 19
roaddogg 19
wesman212 19
12panther 20
BallSoHerd 20
boxbeat 20
bties 20
captain_sasquatch 20
dan4223 20
darkra01 20
dasani3x 20
DrKennethJNoisewater 20
fo13 20
Harmbert_ 20
IAmAChemicalEngineer 20
lillipup03 20
nburt13 20
NyquillusDillwad20 20
olmsted 20
T-Thugs 20 Florida is 2-1 and my top ranked team with a loss. They have a very nice win over Utah (2-1) and have a loss to Kentucky (3-0).
tabelz 20
thomasosu 20
TrojanMan35T 20
ucieaters33 20
WolverineDDS 20
Zloggt 20
Acm0028 21
buckeyes75 21
cyclonepsycho 21
Helifino 21
jmac_21 21
KJdkaslknv 21
Pikachu1989 21
pileatedloon 21
puffadda 21
ruwisc 21
scronko 21
SearonTrejorek 21
Sophocles5 21
Staind075 21
stesser 21
tdeff19 21
TheReformedBadger 21
_fastball 22
arrow_dynamics 22
Branzilla91 22
cfbguy 22
Ch-i-ef 22
d_mcc_x 22
djowen68 22
HelioOne 22
one98d 22
Polarbear1914 22
ProbablyRickSantorum 22
PromEmperorHarbaugh 22
TossedRightOut 22
WarEagle9 22
woakley 22
BlueFalcon89 23
chweris 23
esoterik 23
Foxmcbowser42 23
G-manP 23
GilBrandt 23
MrTheSpork 23
Omegaus492 23
owlalwaysloveyew 23
RheagarTargaryen 23
vanburen1845 23
zacheiny 23
BlueSCar 24
CockADoodleBOOM 24
Corporal_Hicks 24
GeauxTri 24
jlh2b 24
Our-Gardian-Angel 24 I was very tempted to drop Florida off the ballot after that ugly win over South Florida, but their narrow victory over Utah is keeping that early resume afloat. A trip to Knoxville against rival Tennessee will either solidify their top-25 status or knock them out entirely. (Week 3: Florida 31, South Florida 28; Record: 2-1)
teddythe3rd 24
TheJeemTeam 24
aggiebruin27 25
andrewthestudent 25
Buckeyes2010 25
Disregardskarma 25
Extra_Excrement 25
GatorRich 25 I have them here at 25 despite looking horrible vs South Florida.. They do have an impressive win vs Utah and a loss to a top 10 Kentucky team. Close and knocking on the door: Michigan State and FSU
MWiatrak2077 25 [Any prior comment I made about UCLA in previous weeks, I apologize. That performance was an abomination. Same goes for my writeup with Marshall]
ndhuskerpower 25
PalmettoFace 25
sasmith2015 25
thegreendalegelf 25

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
camryn_16 14
sticksnstones32 14
the-robo-boogie 14
CanAWoodChuckChuck 15
JBonkies 15
newSomberMan 15
Archaic_1 16 Florida, Arkansas, and Texas all survived this week where A&M, ND, and Wisconsin stumbled last week
bloodmuffins793 16
Dravens19 16
muzikjamr 16
thatoneguyD13 16 Survived a scare
Xarathustria 16
dusklord1 17 A win is a win, I guess?
Jaymoney00 17
jthomas694 17
PattyKane16 17
PolitiBob 17
PSUMediaPA 17 Again, they didn't lose, but they didn't impress against South Florida.
Pure_Protein_Machine 17
TommyTwoTaps 17 Thought about dropping them after a very poor game, but it happens. A loss to Tennessee will likely result in falling out... AR has been very bad the past two weeks so this will be a massive road test.
AlexanderComet 18
brucewaynewins 18
madskillzmatt 18
sconbon 18 Tier #5 - Frauds, total frauds.
Dawg-Bite 19 Honestly don’t know how good this team is anymore. Maybe the Utah win was a fluke? Idk but honestly the head to head is my only reason for keeping them this high
UrashibaKazukoto 19
_n8n8_ 20
andy-022 20 hot and cold
BearsAreGreat1 20
Butternades 20
DaewooLanosMFerrr 20
diehardcubforever 20
HideNZeke 20
Hugefootballfan44 20
Matthias382 20
Sflabuckeye13 20
the_neverdoctor 20
TheSlyPudding 20
True_Ad5324 20
visor841 20
washington_jefferson 20
colby983 21
colton_97 21
GoCardinals74 21
Harpua99 21
KyleAg06 21
losbullitt 21
noffinater 21
OSUfan88 21
PaulMSURon 21
perspicacious_crumb 21
redrumsoxLoL 21
ScooterLeShooter 21
SonOfSvens 21
AnAngryPanda1 22
catman1256 22
DownshiftGD 22
Due_Connection179 22 With their 3-pt win over USF, I'm guessing Florida's goal is to be the "new Nebraska" and just play every team close. We'll see how well that works out this week at #13 Tennessee, but they are my "lock of the week" to lose.
jisachamp 22
magnumweiner 22
NINFAN300 22
Shion314 22
stevensmeister 22
tapswitch 22
10catsinspace 23
70277027 23
BananaBouquet 23
GatorBolt 23 May not be for long after the USF game. But still the Utah win looks good and you can't punish them for a top ten Kentucky being their only loss even if USF should have pulled it out last night.
horaff 23
just-regular-I-guess 23 There's one Florida Gator's football team, but they play two brands of football. Absolute trash and pretty spectacular
MaxMan1300 23
oeking77 23
Bereft13 24 power: 26, SOR: 25
bethe2ndmouse 24
FsuNolezz 24
guttata 24
igloo27 24
MrOrcaDood 24
RaceScottRace 24
The_Good_Constable 24
TheBeekman8 24
thetrain23 24
buckeye4249 25
jaybigs 25
romulusjsp 25
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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