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2022 Week 4 Syracuse Orange Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
jrichardh 3
bwburke94 4 +18.52815
spasm01 4
theb52 5
A_Rolling_Baneling 6
hythloday1 6
JohnWickStuntDouble 6
ACCBiggz 7
relax_on_the_mat 7
ryumast3r 9
AlphaH4wk 10
MarlinsGuy 11
Stoneador 11
ExternalTangents 12 8.82
No11223456 12
realclean 12
Sproded 12
GilBrandt 13
IceColdDrPepper_Here 13 Points - 12, Poll Points - 254, Personal Rank - NR, Personal Poll Team - Oregon
deadtofall12 14
311polo 15
JaxofAllTrades13 15
infinitempg 16
ryseing 16
eSpiritCorpse 17 0.9430
falconlover79 17
KommanderKeen-a42 17
luckroy 17 Pot 2
Pablo49 17
ChargerFan2121 18
crimsonlaw 18
eclectic_tastes 18
Maladroit44 18
studio_sally 18
T-Thugs 18 Syracuse is 3-0 with wins over Purdue (1-2) and Louisville (1-2).
tdoger 18
113milesprower 19
Bank_Gothic 19
Charlemagne42 19 Computer ranking: 15
djowen68 19
kflinderman 19
Meany_Vizzini 19 14.8, +1.6, +2. A close home win over Purdue sees them climb slightly.
nbingham196 19
Noy_Telinu 19
Blazeth 20
DisraeliEers 20
Drexlore 20
HarbingerOfFun 20
Inkblot9 20
RobertNeyland 20
Striker743 20 Up 2
ttsci 20
Colton3690 21
creative_penguin 21
Hey_Its_Roomie 21
vanburen1845 21
VerySeriousBanana 21
bakonydraco 22 76.65
corundum9 22
DrKennethJNoisewater 22
GoBlueScrewOSU7 22
ikindalikelemons 22 CHOO CHOO MFS
Jakesnake42 22 68.95
noodlethebear 22
TheZachster 22
tjstanley 22
cota1212 23
DataDrivenPirate 23
Johnnycockseed 23
JonesUCF34 23
MahjongDaily 23
OKgolfer 23
Sometimeswelose 23
YellowSkarmory 23
digdat0 24
jchurch8073 24
nw____ 24 Hard to ignore what they’ve done so far. At the same time, I don’t think they’re the 24th best team— or at least, I don’t think they will be by the end of the season. Until then, I’m willing to let this ranking play itself out.
owl_man 24
plannedsickdays 24
posiitively 24
trumpet_23 24
bobsled_time 25
Corgi_Koala 25
DarkLegend64 25
hascogrande 25
Lex_Ludorum 25
NoMorning6152 25
NyquillusDillwad20 25
ScarletFever333 25
SpadeRyker 25
spsellers 25
stesser 25
woakley 25

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
RJEP22 6 (3-0) 49.428 points
ione107 10 0.778
CallMeTheKing 11 SCORE = 8.181179
grahamca 12
1Subject 13
Hugefootballfan44 13
jaybigs 14
PlayedNoOnePawwwl 14
bubbleheads_ 15
Cooliamabeast 15
visor841 16
buckeye4249 17
just-regular-I-guess 17 The King of the North! (atrocious schedule ahead)
Jacob_Sumner 18
maxwell6233 18
Sebene 18
CheapTrickIsOkay 19
notsmartprivate 19
FourteenClocks 20
GatorBolt 20 Undefeated, and I give them credit for blasting Louisville who beat UCF and who FSU struggled with.
Igwanea 20
TheRedKing75 20
mikecsiy 21
RedassAddict 21
Fantastic-Calendar-9 22 LW: NR, Orange keeps winning, much improved from '21
itsnotnews92 22
jalexjsmithj 22
PNW_Jeff 22
shadowwingnut 22
TadKosciuszko 22
Dawg-Bite 23
nebsA1 23
stew_pac 23
beaver333 24
Guhraffe 24
mmaxey14 24
RootBeerBloat 24
10catsinspace 25
fredmerc111 25
hershculez 25
JBonkies 25
PolitiBob 25
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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