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2016 Week 2 Utah Utes Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
kdbvols 11
KobeOrNotKobe 11 Went 10-3 last year and won 24-0
Quentanamo_Bay 11
thatwasntveryraven 12
Jeric_B 13
bakonydraco 14
ThaCarter 16
BUSean 17
CSU_Mike 17
Khavanon 17
niperwiper 17
Daigotsu 18
plannedsickdays 18
PureCFR 18
RobertNeyland 18 Beat FCS Southern Utah 24-0 
TheTeamCubed 18
A-Stu-Ute 19
Dasboot123 19
Fifth_Down 19
MrTheSpork 19 I might be high on the Utes, but Troy Williams looked solid in his first start at Utah and a shutout's always nice, even against an FCS team. The Holy War should give a better idea.
myghtymouse 19
njm1314 19
remwin 19
funtubs 20
jayhawx19 20
spsellers 20
WeenisWrinkle 20
Cheeseish 21
FellKnight 21
jklharris 21
Luriker 21 Basically the same as preseason ranking them after week 1
Mario_Speedwagon 21
pbjork 21
SmokingCricket 21 Preseason #26.
taloncarde 21
twosheepforanore 21
atchemey 22 Kyle Whittingham is a solid coach. They are a Mannheim Steamroller - always accelerating and eventually bowling over all in their way. Their secondary was stifling.
HelioOne 22
TopheryG8er 22
TheFlyingBoat 23 They had a real solid win against Southern Utah. While the win itself does;t really mean much of anything, the way they played to secure that win meant a lot. They played a fantastic defense all game and did decently on offense. I hope to see a bit more physicality against BYU, and how they do in that game determines where they go from here.
Zerosa 23
grjohnst 24
longhorn2015 24 Destroyed their opponent.
mellolizard 24
qacha 24
theb52 24
THECrew42 24
ack30297 25
d_mcc_x 25
gohuskies 25 Kind of ugly but physically dominant win for the Utes - lots more of those games coming.

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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