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2018 Preseason Utah Utes Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
ReallyCreative 15
DanNeverDie 16
g_mo821 16
ChickenTaco 18
Hey_Its_Roomie 18
BorisNumber1 20 Not a popular ranking, but I expect Utah to bounce back this year. They'll continue to be a consistently good football team under Whittingham.
thegreendalegelf 20
moistats_ 21
mynameisjona 21
Texasagsman 21
TheTeamCubed 21
BallSoHerd 22
Ghost_of_Dude 22
Plneapple 22
tallg8tor 22
Fifth_Down 23
JeromesNiece 23 Utah returns quite a bit of talent and is in the relatively weak Pac-12 South. Would not be surprised to see them in the Pac-12 title game.
retnuh101 23
RiffRamBahZoo 23
bakonydraco 24
tdeff19 24
cmdrcaboose2 25
Feral_Squirrel 25
Greflingorax 25
HarbingerOfFun 25
polydorr 25
TheJeemTeam 25 Utah takes the last spot in the rankings, beating out Kansas State and Georgia Tech. Utah beats Kansas State due to what I believe to be a superior defense. I believe my computer is drastically over-ranking GT, so it was an easy decision to leave them out.
TriStarBear 25
uwbjb 25

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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