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2022 Preseason Houston Cougars Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
noahthearc 5 136.9 points -> Title Pretender. An obvious standout, but one built on underappreciated production last year, good recruiting and transfers, and coaching continuity. Likely overvalued in the preseason, but a team that could make a NY6 bowl.
fo13 6
Hey_Its_Roomie 7
relax_on_the_mat 10
A_Rolling_Baneling 11
MoneyManeVick 11
nbingham196 12
Corgi_Koala 13
Rakarei 13
Shrektastic28 13
turkishguy 13
dabul-master 14
BallSoHerd 15
Bank_Gothic 15
boxman151515 15
jjjoebox 15
Johnnycockseed 15
outthawazoo 15
Blazeth 16
Dropbackandpunt 16
GeauxTri 16
kamiller2020 16
MahjongDaily 16
MrTheSpork 16 Great season and solid chunk returns; lucky (4-0 in one possession); coaching staff intact; okay recruiting. Should be very good but ceiling is unknown.
placid_salad 16
Staind075 16
ALStark69 17 0
coogs35 17
eclectic_tastes 17 There is a lot of reason for optimism this season, but they need to take the crown from Cincinnati before they will be anything other than 2nd place in the G5.
Helifino 17
lillipup03 17
RavenclawWiz816 17
thegreendalegelf 17
CFBHurts 18
DarkLegend64 18
darkra01 18
EpicSchwinn 18
Hackasizlak 18
RiffRamBahZoo 18
SpadeRyker 18 Houston is my favorite to win the AAC, they return a veteran squad with lots of talent and a solid HC and they get an easier conference slate than their biggest competitors for the conference in UCF and Cincinnati. The only thing that holds them back is the lack of any ranked teams on the schedule, there's really nowhere right now for them to get a marquee win and a lot of places for them to slip up. Winning will cure their low ranking, but it will be tough to climb into the highest tier of teams without some help.
StevvieV 18
thexraptor 18
ToeInDigDeep 18
wameron 18
kflinderman 19
molodyets 19
olmsted 19
Thorteris 19
bretticus33 20 Houston boasts a very strong team that will contend for the G5 NY6 spot. QB Clayton Tune is back and will lead what is expected to be a high-scoring offense. They avoid Cincinnati and UCF in-conference and have a very favorable schedule.
ChargerFan2121 20
chweris 20
CommodoreN7 20
DrKennethJNoisewater 20
e8odie 20
falconlover79 20
Hobbes_121 20
Nathanael-Greene 20
nw____ 20 Especially given what Cinci lost this offseason, Houston is in a prime position to take the AAC. In all honestly, I don't see a clear loss on their schedule and won't be surprised if they finish undefeated. I also will not be surprised if they lose a game they have no business losing at some point, though.
PHubbs 20
SteemieRayVaughn 20
Striker743 20
T-nawtical 20
TaylorLeprechaun 20
wesman212 20
badgers4194 21
Feral_Squirrel 21
JaxofAllTrades13 21
jlh2b 21
joebob431 21
malowry0124 21
nburt13 21
notyogrannysgrandkid 21
puffadda 21
RegionalBias 21
SCRx 21
spsellers 21
_fastball 22
Casaiir 22
cota1212 22
CptCheese 22
cyclonepsycho 22
doggo816 22
HelioOne 22
IceColdDrPepper_Here 22
ikindalikelemons 22
jmac_21 22
nemoran 22
No11223456 22
NyquillusDillwad20 22
Our-Gardian-Angel 22
sasmith2015 22
ScarletFever333 22
The_Horse_Joke 22
thomasosu 22
woakley 22 Houston is top 35 in returning talent on a team that was 12-2 last year. They could be this years AAC darling instead of Cinci.
12panther 23
buckeyegold 23
Chucky1539 23
cornholesurfer 23
GilBrandt 23
HarbingerOfFun 23
hypercube42342 23
icklebush 23
NotSoSuperNerd 23 16.42
physedka 23
tauzeta 23
tdoger 23
teddythe3rd 23
TouchdownHeroes 23
UNC_Samurai 23
VerySeriousBanana 23
admiraltarkin 24
BosskOnASegway 24
Branzilla91 24
CambodianDrywall 24
GoBlueScrewOSU7 24
grjohnst 24
LeWoofle 24
LiptonCB 24
Mr_Brews 24
owlalwaysloveyew 24
peachios 24
Pikachu1989 24
PrimalCookie 24
TrojanMan35T 24
vanburen1845 24
Xtremeloco 24
BlueSCar 25
captain_sasquatch 25
Cassiyus 25
CockADoodleBOOM 25
dogwoodmaple 25
Drexlore 25
fourpinz8 25
halldaylong 25
Lex_Ludorum 25
not_folie 25
one98d 25
owl_man 25 This spot was originally for Wake Forest, but with the uncertainty over Sam Hartman I'll have to say that Houston takes the spot for now. I'll say this, Houston or UCF could take this spot. But I do think that Houston is the more likely to end the year in the top 25.
PalmettoFace 25
PromEmperorHarbaugh 25 Fringe top-25 program.
RollWarTideEagle 25
seaotter2 25
TheReformedBadger 25
WarEagle9 25
zacheiny 25
Zloggt 25

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
JBGolden 9
Ruhrgebietheld 11
Harpua99 12
TadKosciuszko 12
Igwanea 13
mcdsmaster8824 14
FourteenClocks 15
Muffinnnnnnn 15
RaceScottRace 15 The Coogs are much better than people think. This is a team that was overshadowed due to just how good Cincinnati was last year. I expect them to win more than 10 games yet again and be ranked around here come the end of the season.
Sflabuckeye13 15
TheWorstYear 15
DaveSoccer 16
RealignmentJunkie 16
redrumsoxLoL 16
Temporary-Profit-643 16
washington_jefferson 16
zachismadewell 16
jaybigs 17
JustinMSU21 17
RedassAddict 17
BertGallagher 18
Huntkv 18
CallMeTheKing 19
hdbutler 19
ianmcmoney 19
mdjoiner 19
Archaic_1 20
asbestosman2 20
beaver333 20
Beck4ou 20
brucewaynewins 20
colonel750 20
DownshiftGD 20
Fantastic-Calendar-9 20
PleasantElevator8340 20
BananaBouquet 21
Butternades 21
Dawg-Bite 21
eeman0201 21 Best looking g5 team this year but I don’t think it’ll have the circumstances to make playoffs this year.
ewolfy13 21
funf_ 21
I-AMA-KarmaWhore-AMA 21
Is_Flacco_Elite 21
KyleAg06 21
ManiacalBlazer 21
nebsA1 21
spartan_mk 21
True_Ad5324 21
bannista7 22 Schedule strength will be the biggest issue with them even if they win by double digits each game.
bethe2ndmouse 22
ch1l1_ch33s3 22
ChaseTheFalcon 22
drneilpretenamen 22
grahamca 22 T22
LamarcusAldrige1234 22
noffinater 22
tapswitch 22
thetrain23 22
Vandelay_Industries- 22
catman1256 23
frone 23
ggskater 23
iDevourer 23
MaxMan1300 23 These last few spots are toss-ups. Could be any of these or Ole Miss, Wake Forrest, or Texas and Tennessee if you want to get frisky.
NeverDieKris 23
newSomberMan 23
OSUfan88 23
stevensmeister 23 Might be a quiet topic but the Cougs finished with 12 wins a season ago. They are top 40 team in production returning, watch out.
Terminal_BAS 23
the_neverdoctor 23
Valiantlycaustic 23
WitchKing17 23
AnAngryPanda1 24
diehardcubforever 24
dusklord1 24 Houston dodges Cincinnati and UCF in the regular season, which should mean that Houston will be in the AAC conference championship game without too much of a problem. Even if they go undefeated, their ceiling is the G5 NY6 berth. The schedule is far too weak.
JamoRedhead 24
Lobro986 24
Matthias382 24
Megalomanizac 24
OldCoaly 24
romulusjsp 24
TheBeekman8 24
TommyTwoTaps 24
WBLwiffleball 24
zachw900 24
70277027 25
fredmerc111 25 In the last year of the American, I’m looking to see a Tune-led bloodbath. They have some real playmakers.
hershculez 25
horaff 25
IMissMW2Lobbies 25
Steelthornn 25
thatoneguyD13 25
Xarathustria 25
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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