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2024 Week 6 Alabama Crimson Tide Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
12panther 1
52hoova 1
aggiebruin27 1
AlexanderComet 1
AllHawkeyesGoToHell 1
ALStark69 1 +5 from last week, ROLL TIDE!!
Apep86 1
arrowfan624 1
BananaBouquet 1
Bank_Gothic 1
bannista7 1
BearsAreGreat1 1
blahblehblahwhoru 1
Blazeth 1
Blooblod 1
BorisNumber1 1
BosskOnASegway 1
Branzilla91 1
Buckeyes2010 1
CambodianDrywall 1
Casaiir 1
cfbguy 1
CFBHurts 1
Ch-i-ef 1 Some things never change eh
Charlemagne42 1 Adjustment: 0%
CharlemagneOfTheUSA 1 (+3)
ChaseTheFalcon 1 +4
ChickenTaco 1
chweris 1
Colton3690 1
Conglossian 1 +3
Corporal_Hicks 1
corundum9 1
CptCheese 1
creative_penguin 1
cyberchaox 1
D1N2Y 1
d_mcc_x 1
dan4223 1
DarkLegend64 1
darkra01 1
dasani3x 1
DavoinShower-handle 1
DisraeliEers 1
djowen68 1
dogwoodmaple 1
Doogitywoogity 1 They can’t keep getting away with this
Drexlore 1
Dropbackandpunt 1
e8odie 1
eclectic_tastes 1
EpicSchwinn 1
Extra_Excrement 1
Feral_Squirrel 1
Fmeson 1
fourpinz8 1
frone 1
frumious88 1
fshi 1
G-Aardvark 1
GenialGiant 1
GilBrandt 1
goblue10 1
goodnames679 1 Best win in the country. No glaring flaws, excellent QB play.
grjohnst 1
halldaylong 1
HarbingerOfFun 1
Harpua99 1
hascogrande 1
HelioOne 1
Hobbes_121 1
hythloday1 1
IceColdDrPepper_Here 1
icklebush 1
infinitempg 1 1.000 (+4)
jalexjsmithj 1
JamoRedhead 1
JaxofAllTrades13 1
jaybigs 1
JeromesNiece 1
joebob431 1
Joester09 1
jthomas694 1
JustAManAndHisLaptop 1
kamiller2020 1
Keener1899 1
kflinderman 1
KirbyDumber88 1
Klaassy23 1 (LW Change: +3)
Knightro2011 1
Le_Jerk_My_Circle 1
lillipup03 1
LiptonCB 1
Longvols 1
lookglen 1
MahjongDaily 1 best win = top spot
malowry0124 1
Meany_Vizzini 1 30.7, +1, +2.5
mellolizard 1
MemeofMemeJTG999999 1 (4-0) (up 2) W: 41-34 vs #2 Georgia (3-1) Next Week: @ Vanderbilt (2-2) Projected Bowl: Sugar vs Oregon/Penn State
MoneyManeVick 1
monkeymatt1836 1
Muffinnnnnnn 1
nbingham196 1
nburt13 1
nemoran 1
nin478 1
No11223456 1
Noelthemexican 1
NotSoSuperNerd 1 1.645 (10.4-1.6)
nw____ 1
OKgolfer 1
OldCoaly 1
olmsted 1
one98d 1
Our-Gardian-Angel 1
owl_man 1
PHubbs 1
placid_salad 1 LW: #1
Pollaski 1
posiitively 1
PrimalCookie 1
ProbablyRickSantorum 1
PumpSmash 1
Rakarei 1
realclean 1 +10
retnuh101 1
RiffRamBahZoo 1
RobertNeyland 1
RollWarTideEagle 1
ruwisc 1
ryseing 1
sasmith2015 1
ScarletFever333 1
scronko 1
SCsprinter13 1
seaotter2 1
sirgippy 1
Sometimeswelose 1
soonerfreak 1
SpadeRyker 1
spmartin1993 1
srs_house 1
Staind075 1
SteemieRayVaughn 1
Stoneador 1
strikersteve60 1
studio_sally 1
T-nawtical 1
T-Thugs 1 Alabama becomes my #1 team after their win over Georgia (3-1, defeated Clemson and Kentucky). They also have a decent win over Wisconsin (2-2).
tallg8tor 1
tdeff19 1
tdoger 1
Techwid 1
teddythe3rd 1
Terminal_BAS 1
Texasagsman 1
The-Gothic-Castle 1
The_Good_Constable 1
the_lost_carrot 1 AVG: 1.33 | Weighted AVG: 1.1
theb52 1 89.000
titansfan174 1
tjstanley 1
Tman450x 1
tmothy07 1
TopGoose 1
TossedRightOut 1
TouchdownHeroes 1 LW: 3
UMeister 1
UNC_Samurai 1
vanburen1845 1
WarEagle9 1
washington_jefferson 1
Wescat 1
wesman212 1
WillWorkForSugar 1
woakley 1
Xtremeloco 1
ya111101 1
YellowSkarmory 1 0.5994
Zloggt 1
a_bit_of_a_misnomer_ 2 Look. I get it. When your up more than three scores at halftime, it’s usually okay to let off the gas a little bit. However (and not to be overly dramatic), when Saban had you by the throat, he seldom let go.
A_Rolling_Baneling 2
bakonydraco 2 86.47
BallSoHerd 2
BamaPride95 2
BenchRickyAguayo 2
bernkastel87 2
Bill3ffinMurray 2
BlueSCar 2
boxbeat 2
bretticus33 2 That game with Georgia lived up to the billing. Had Alabama not blown a huge lead against the Dawgs and had to comeback to beat them, they might have been the new #1.
BUSean 2
Cars-and-Coffee 2
Cassiyus 2
ChemicalOle 2
CockADoodleBOOM 2
coletheredditer 2 Didn't blow it, would be #1 if they had kept that 1st quarter up
conchobor 2
Corgi_Koala 2
cornholesurfer 2
CPiGuy2728 2
cvsprinter1 2
dabul-master 2
Daigotsu 2
DarthYoda2594 2
DataDrivenPirate 2
deadtofall12 2
diehardcubforever 2
digdat0 2
Due_Connection179 2 Last Week #6 vs #2 Georgia / Won 41 - 34 / Absolutely dominated the 1st half of the game. The craziest stat I could find for this (that people probably don't know about) is that Alabama had more points than Georgia had yards in the game until 10:32 left in the 2nd quarter. If you take away Georgia's TD drive in the 1st half, Alabama had more points than Georgia had yards until 3 seconds left in the 2nd quarter. Only reason they aren't #1 is because they almost choked the game away in the 4th.
esoterik 2
eSpiritCorpse 2 0.9641
ewolfy13 2 Crazy win. Lost some points for blowing the huge lead in the first place
fredmerc111 2 LW: 5
GatorBolt 2 Ryan Williams.
GoBlueScrewOSU7 2
grtgbln 2
Hackasizlak 2
Helifino 2
Hey_Its_Roomie 2
HHcougar 2
Hugefootballfan44 2 LW: 3
ikindalikelemons 2
Jakesnake42 2 89.61 Last Week: #6
JBonkies 2 (+4)
jeedf 2
jimbobbypaul 2
jjjoebox 2
JonesUCF34 2
jrichardh 2
JustinMSU21 2
Lex_Ludorum 2
MADBuc49 2 Currently slotted for #5 seed, hosting #12 UNLV in first round
MrTheSpork 2
noahthearc 2
noodlethebear 2
outthawazoo 2
owlalwaysloveyew 2
Pablo49 2 3312
Pikachu1989 2
pileatedloon 2
Player_1_has_Joined 2
Polarbear1914 2
Pure_Protein_Machine 2
Pyroblockx 2
r0sco 2
rain_parkour 2
ReallyCreative 2
redrumsoxLoL 2
RheagarTargaryen 2
rocco2246 2
royrules22 2
Ruhrgebietheld 2
SearonTrejorek 2 0.88703
shadowwingnut 2
Shootit_Rockets 2
skuhlke 2
SlaminSammons 2
Sproded 2
spsellers 2
Striker743 2 Up 3
SwissArmyScythe 2 +4
TDenverFan 2
ThaCarter 2
TheNSAAgent777 2
TheZachster 2
thomasosu 2
TimeBroken 2 Rank: #2
w8w8 2
WolverineDDS 2
Acm0028 3
AlphaH4wk 3
bwburke94 3
CommodoreN7 3
Darth_Ra 3
ehoefler 3 91.94 | +3
galacticdude7 3
hypercube42342 3
Inkblot9 3
Megalomanizac 3
MemeLovingLoser 3
NyquillusDillwad20 3
PlactusTX 3 (4) W 18 Georgia
plannedsickdays 3
practicallybert 3
Red261 3
RegionalBias 3 Good win. Would be #1 if that first quarter applied to the whole game.
RegulatorRWF 3
RJEP22 3
ShogunAshoka 3
stew_pac 3 +2
stripes361 3
TaylorLeprechaun 3 +2
the_neverdoctor 3
trumpet_23 3
udubdavid 3
velociraptorfarmer 3
Cecil_Hardboner 4
ch1l1_ch33s3 4
GeauxTri 4
HieloLuz 4 Points: 77.78 | Wins: 1 T2, 2 T5, 1 T6 | 1 WP |
magnumweiner 4
manbeardawg 4
MarlinsGuy 4
Noy_Telinu 4
VerySeriousBanana 4
visor841 4
ColombianInIowa24 5 What did you expect after a dominant win over Georgia? A rise? Nah, I don't believe Georgia is legit yet. Crazy as it sounds, by performance alone, nothing exceptional unless you consider Clemson to be good. Which I still have my reservations about. See #25 for more. Up next Vandy!
IAmAChemicalEngineer 5
zenverak 5
70stang 6 TIER 3 - 4-0 Teams with 2 P5 wins Coming in with the first ranked win of my poll, Alabama tops this tier. I'd like to take a second and explain that they would be at the top of Tier 2 if they had played one more game, and that while this may seem silly, this normalizes over the season, and we won't have many ranked wins in the poll until the next week or two. Alabama is 4-0 with 2 P5 wins including one away and one ranked home win over UGA, and 2 G5 wins. They take this spot over Penn State due to strength of opponent played, at 2nd in the nation to Penn State's 27th. Alabama and Penn State top this tier due to having ranked wins, and not playing FCS teams.
fo13 6
spasm01 6
ToeInDigDeep 6
TadKosciuszko 15

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
0010MK 1
133112 1 Convincing win over Georgia lifts the Tide back up to #1 in the polls!
666haha 1
70277027 1
_Junk_Rat_ 1
ActuallyJasonPrice 1
AdministrativeAnt683 1
Aidanj927 1
AnAngryPanda1 1
Arvandu 1
BG-WestyC 1
big_thunder_man 1 Has the biggest win of the season -- and is clearly situated as the undisputed best team. And honestly, they shouldn't have let Georgia back in the game. Also is #1 in ESPN's SOR. 1
boblovespi 1
boomersooner222 1
brihimia 1
brucewaynewins 1
bruhstevenson 1
Burnsite 1
CakeEaters 1
CallingUagoatUgoat 1 1 SP+ T-10 win (Georgia).
CallMeTheKing 1 58-0-75
camus69x 1
cartierboy25 1
chief_sitass 1
chillmagic420 1
cirtnecoileh 1
ckubi 1
ConstantPause1239 1
Crelc3 1
DaewooLanosMFerr 1
daredassdude 1
dawgfan24348 1
donbagert 1
DownshiftGD 1
dr_funk_13 1
dterp13 1
dubkent 1
dubscurry30 1
dukemetoo 1
eddietheintern 1
Effective-Lead-6657 1 (+1)
ElyxUW 1
ESPbeN 1
Fantastic-Calendar-9 1 LW: 5
FsuNolezz 1
funt9rtle 1
geauxsaints777 1
GenuineBoss 1
GeyWeyner12 1
gonshpreds1 1
Hastronaut 1 Alabama gets a big win over Georgia giving them the best win out of the top 3. This leap frogs them to #1. Not much separation between 1-3.
hurricaneatx 1
ianmcmoney 1
isrealball 1
JackWK_Gaming 1
Jay_Dubbbs 1
jibberishdhyukl 1
JJones927 1
jonstark19 1 +4
josh55134 1
Josh_historybuff 1 41-34 vs Georgia
KansasChaser2021 1
KCSportsFan7 1
kcvtdc 1
MainPeanut25 1 +5, I’ve been proven wrong here, DeBoer/Sheridan offense is go good, just bamboozled Georgia most of the game and Ryan Williams is unbelievable
ManiacalBlazer 1
Mascorn 1
mathmanhale 1
maxwell6233 1
mcdsmaster8824 1
Middle_Wheel_5959 1
Midnight-Mustang 1
Milflover69cbb 1 Best win
mill1634 1
msonar623 1 Ranking for only current season: 2
NA_Faker 1 Beat Georgia, best win of the season so far
nebsA1 1
newSomberMan 1
Noahsince2002 1
notsaying123 1
ntny 1
OG_Felwinter 1
Omegaus492 1
pianoprofiteer 1
quantum_jedi 1 (+1) Massive win against Georgia in a wildly entertaining game.
RealignmentJunkie 1
RipRaycom 1
SaguaroCactus19 1
Salmon-Dude 1
saquad69 1
ScraaaaaaaambledEggs 1
scsd4222 1
Serenityy8 1
Sflabuckeye13 1
sirvalkyerie 1
SomerandomIDFBfan 1
soonertiger 1
SortaDecent 1
Sp1cyRice 1 (+1) GOTY
SpeddyDawg 1
supercon21 1
swdanley17 1
tatteredgnome_23 1
tcomn 1 Group A
TheBeekman8 1 Best win as of now
thejus10 1
TheQuakinator 1
TheReformedBadger 1
TheSleaze22 1
throwaway_6786 1 After defeating the Bulldogs in an instant classic, I don't think there could be another choice for #1 (even though they let it get far too close for comfort at the end there).
TKFT_ExTr3m3 1
True_Ad5324 1
trust_the_process__ 1
twr96 1
Tylex123 1
usernamegoeshere763 1
UTTuba16 1
WebfootTroll 1
Windoge_Master 1
WRSpill 1 (2)
Wumbology724 1
xX_GIGA_MAN_Xx 1 An excellent win over a great Georgia team. Even with the 2nd half almost-choke, this was a great win for this new-era Bama team. If DeBoer can make it so that first half Bama is full game Bama, then they will be a very strong contender for the title this year
ziggysaysnada 1
ab317 2
Airweldon 2
ALToidzz 2
Bereft13 2 Power: 3, SoR: 2; LW: 9
BoilerUp28 2
bolts_win_again 2
BoukenGreen 2
carsonivey72 2
cfbpeoplespoll 2 270 pts. Previous rank 9.
charmingcharles2896 2
cookie__monster___ 2
CriterionCrypt 2 I was fully prepared to put Bama at #1 this week. The game could have gotten out of control, but they never put the nail in the coffin and let Georgia regain the lead late in the 4th before finishing them off.
DillyDillySzn 2
divey043 2
doctrhouse 2
drneilpretenamen 2
FlashSpider-man 2
FoRtNiteizBAD 2 Alabama has the best resume in the country after their win against Georgia. The reason I don't have them in the 1 spot is because they let Georgia have a chance in the fourth quarter, when they should have had the game locked up going into the half.
HopefulReb76 2 Not putting them at #1 is almost criminal after the performance. The defense after half time just didn't come out as hot against Georgia leading to them having a comeback that was quickly squashed by an explosive play. Clock management is slightly into question though due to the explosive play giving Georgia time to march up the field and if it wasn't for the pick in the end zone they could have lost. Things to clean up for sure.
HoustonHorns 2
jakepadres23 2
johnjones55 2
JordanDean04 2 (+1) Alabama jumps up one spot after a home win against fellow top 5 Georgia.
JoshuaMan024 2 260.0
journey1986 2
JustAGuy7915 2
jwrtf 2 +2
kevinsdomain 2
Kirkwood641 2
Laschoni 2
leadbymight 2
Lefunnymaymays4lief 2
LonghornInNebraska 2
Luigiatl 2
Menktenk 2
mfraga66 2
mr_longfellow_deeds 2
MuhMuhManRay 2
munchermode 2
NastyWideOuts 2
owl-bears 2
PattyKane16 2
penix4heisman 2
PeteyNice 2
Piptit 2
PsychologicalFox8660 2
quadnips 2
Rcfan0902 2 943.98
RedBarracuda25 2 An absolutely dominant win against Georgia for 3 quarters, but a win is a win and I must respect the tide. Prayers that DeBoer isn't Saban 2.0
samtaylor92 2
sly2bfox 2
Somali-Pirate-Lvl100 2
spaceblev11 2
Spazzatack 2
spencej98 2
sroach91 2
tbutrie1916 2 Georgia win was good, however, still not convinced to overtake Texas
thatoneguyD13 2 Tier 1. Likely the best win so far this year.
Tight_Discipline_134 2
tms42206 2
Tornadohunter24 2
Underground_Bread 2
Utah0001 2
WBLwiffleball 2
willbill182 2
Yelich04 2 ^5
yesiambear 2
Aggravating-Steak-69 3
BeyondLiesTheWub 3 no change
ChBass 3
Chipsahoy523 3
drewscottt 3 -1
gavinw24 3
HideNZeke 3
Living_Human 3
loganisfresh 3
mountain_troop86 3 Massive win. The 2nd half kept you from anything higher
mthompson2320 3 LW: 3
PSUMediaPA 3
sconbon 3
SquadPoopy 3
thehornedlamb 3
aredna 4
BuckeyeForLife95 4
cbusalex 4
grahamca 4 T1ˢᵗ W/L, T6ᵗʰ Predicted Wins, 6ᵗʰ Team Strength, 3ʳᵈ Quality of Wins
LoCh0_xX 4
MajikSix 4
STL_12 4 Points: 11.167 LW: N/A
1Subject 7
wittingtarsier 7
forkedravioli 8
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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