User | Rank | Reason |
Inkblot9 | 13 | |
LiptonCB | 13 | |
ColombianInIowa24 | 15 | Service academies are undefeated in a solid manner and find glory in the poll. Up next a weak (#87) Tulsa. |
DisraeliEers | 15 | |
ToeInDigDeep | 15 | |
zenverak | 15 | |
dabul-master | 16 | |
Noy_Telinu | 16 | |
70stang | 17 | TIER 5 - Undefeated teams with 0 P5 wins This is basically the undefeated G5 tier. Army tops this tier at 4-0 with 3 G5 wins including 2 away, and 1 FCS win. |
bakonydraco | 17 | 68.816 |
Corporal_Hicks | 17 | |
goblue10 | 17 | |
OKgolfer | 17 | |
plannedsickdays | 17 | |
Ruhrgebietheld | 17 | |
spasm01 | 17 | |
CFBHurts | 18 | |
Darth_Ra | 18 | |
grjohnst | 18 | |
realclean | 18 | Previously Unranked |
spsellers | 18 | |
velociraptorfarmer | 18 | |
Hey_Its_Roomie | 19 | |
olmsted | 19 | |
stew_pac | 19 | +6 |
Apep86 | 20 | |
CPiGuy2728 | 20 | |
srs_house | 20 | |
trumpet_23 | 21 | |
CptCheese | 22 | |
Drexlore | 22 | |
HarbingerOfFun | 22 | |
jalexjsmithj | 22 | |
JaxofAllTrades13 | 22 | |
Joester09 | 22 | |
placid_salad | 22 | LW: #32 |
ikindalikelemons | 23 | |
AllHawkeyesGoToHell | 24 | |
Bank_Gothic | 24 | |
digdat0 | 24 | |
GilBrandt | 24 | |
JustAManAndHisLaptop | 24 | |
nburt13 | 24 | |
NyquillusDillwad20 | 24 | |
seaotter2 | 24 | |
the_neverdoctor | 24 | |
vanburen1845 | 24 | |
A_Rolling_Baneling | 25 | |
arrowfan624 | 25 | |
BenchRickyAguayo | 25 | |
Due_Connection179 | 25 | Last Week NR at Temple / Won 42 - 14 / Going to finish off this first G5 top 5 with Army. They have a pretty crazy point differential of +103 through 4 games, but the reason they are below the other G5 schools is because they have the "worst" best win of the group (just pick one between Lehigh, FAU, Rice, and Temple). |
EpicSchwinn | 25 | |
ewolfy13 | 25 | Feelin like ‘45 again! |
Jakesnake42 | 25 | 67.31 Last Week: NR Dropped: #5 Utah, #10 UCF, #12 Louisville, #15 Illinois, #18 NIU, #23 Ole Miss, #25 Oklahoma State |
Muffinnnnnnn | 25 | |
rocco2246 | 25 |
User | Rank | Reason |
133112 | 10 | Army is moving up, thanks to a similarly dominating performance as Navy had! I have them one below just because I didn't see their whole game like I did for Navy, but the two service academies stay together and move up the ranks! |
mathmanhale | 13 | |
aredna | 14 | |
SpeddyDawg | 14 | |
grahamca | 17 | T1ˢᵗ W/L, T16ᵗʰ Predicted Wins, 23ʳᵈ Team Strength, 44ᵗʰ Quality of Wins |
Tight_Discipline_134 | 17 | |
TKFT_ExTr3m3 | 17 | |
boomersooner222 | 18 | |
cartierboy25 | 18 | |
LonghornInNebraska | 19 | |
doctrhouse | 20 | |
tcomn | 20 | Group F |
ESPbeN | 21 | |
cfbpeoplespoll | 22 | 87 pts. Previous rank 32. |
BG-WestyC | 23 | |
cirtnecoileh | 23 | |
DillyDillySzn | 23 | |
Tornadohunter24 | 23 | |
cbusalex | 24 | |
gonshpreds1 | 24 | |
ScraaaaaaaambledEggs | 24 | |
SomerandomIDFBfan | 24 | |
big_thunder_man | 25 | Winner of two world wars and four straight. Lots of gimme games until they face Notre Dame |
dukemetoo | 25 | |
ElyxUW | 25 | |
JackWK_Gaming | 25 | |
PattyKane16 | 25 | |
WRSpill | 25 | (NR) NEXT 5: Notre Dame, Arizona, A&M, UNLV, Liberty |