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2018 Week 11 Army West Point Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
confirmd_am_engineer 12
BrutonGaster77 13
Frognosticator 13
joebob431 13
sideoutpar 13
srs_house 14
YellowSkarmory 14 Army has a win against #20 Buffalo. They also don't have a bad loss, their losses being to a 6-3 Duke and #7 Oklahoma.
relax_on_the_mat 15
BunnySelfDestruct 16
Hey_Its_Roomie 16
W_Is_For_Will 16
digdat0 17
Foxmcbowser42 17
Sproded 17
ChemicalOle 18
dabul-master 18
ryseing 18
studio_sally 18
theReluctantHipster 18
ExternalTangents 19
Keener1899 19
kflinderman 19
nickknx865 19 88.7
SantiagoRamon 19
ShogunAshoka 19
Ticklebump 19
Apep86 20
bread_buddy 20
cinciforthewin 20
DeceptiveSpeed 20
OKgolfer 20
olmsted 20
owl_man 20
tallg8tor 20
wazoheat 20
Cars-and-Coffee 21
Dropbackandpunt 21
eclectic_tastes 21
emueagles 21
LeinadSpoon 21
mjacksongt 21
MonkeyPunch 21
ReallyCreative 21
boonamobile 22
CoopertheFluffy 22
djowen68 22
G-Aardvark 22
Nathanael-Greene 22
pascha 22
plannedsickdays 22
PureCFR 22
vanburen1845 22 I put a lot of bad teams at the end here but I do think Army is a legitimately good team
woakley 22
Bill3ffinMurray 23
Colton3690 23
corundum9 23
FellKnight 23
hascogrande 23
hythloday1 23
JonesUCF34 23
LEGEN--wait_for_it 23
Arsenal7X 24
CarbonCamaroZL1 24
Cassiyus 24
Charlemagne42 24 1424
DEP61 24
dicky_________seamus 24
Ghost_of_Dude 24
MammothMan34 24
teddythe3rd 24
UNC_Samurai 24
bgr308 25
brobroma 25
ChickenTaco 25
Extra_Excrement 25
frumious88 25
jlh2b 25
jputna 25
Lex_Ludorum 25
RobertNeyland 25
SometimesY 25
The_DHC 25 Weak schedule, but army is looking #thicc
ttsci 25
Wurst_Law 25

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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