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2023 Week 7 Wisconsin Badgers Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
CPiGuy2728 9
bwburke94 11 +16.4573391 (LW: #19)
theb52 11 52.000
I_am_bot_beep_boop 13
jrichardh 13
placid_salad 14 LW #17
trumpet_23 14
Hey_Its_Roomie 15
HieloLuz 15 Points: 58.14 | Wins: 1 T4, 1 T5, 2 T6 | Losses: 1 T2 | 1 WB | 1 LB |
infinitempg 15 0.773
ryumast3r 15
DataDrivenPirate 17
eSpiritCorpse 17 0.9229
hascogrande 17
jimbobbypaul 17 22.4591
The-Gothic-Castle 17
blahblehblahwhoru 18
Darth_Ra 18
plannedsickdays 18
udubdavid 18
confirmd_am_engineer 19
MarlinsGuy 19
Meany_Vizzini 19 13.9 (-0.3), +2
ruwisc 19
shadowwingnut 19 367.02
A_Rolling_Baneling 20
Apep86 20
corundum9 20
dan4223 20
digdat0 20
halldaylong 20
HarbingerOfFun 20
JeromesNiece 20
NyquillusDillwad20 20
Texasagsman 20
TimeBroken 20 Rank: #17
bannista7 21
Charlemagne42 21 Computer ranking: 21
Conglossian 21 U/R
D1N2Y 21
frumious88 21
hendarvich 21 NEW | Good win over Rutgers, finally someone is emerging in the west
magnumweiner 21
Pablo49 21 new
seaotter2 21
SearonTrejorek 21 0.73907
12panther 22
buckeyes75 22
BugsSuck 22
CFBHurts 22
GoBlueScrewOSU7 22
Hugefootballfan44 22 LW: NR
hythloday1 22
Jakesnake42 22 68.01 Last Week: NR
lillipup03 22
PromEmperorHarbaugh 22
r0sco 22
skuhlke 22 8.231111111
Sometimeswelose 22
AllHawkeyesGoToHell 23
Bill3ffinMurray 23
boxman151515 23
goblue10 23
hypercube42342 23 4.219
nw____ 23
owl_man 23
owlalwaysloveyew 23
Pollaski 23
posiitively 23 130.99
spasm01 23
SteemieRayVaughn 23
Striker743 23 N/A
YellowSkarmory 23
AlphaH4wk 24
Arteza147 24
Branzilla91 24
CharlemagneOfTheUSA 24
ChickenTaco 24
cota1212 24
galacticdude7 24
Lex_Ludorum 24
NotSoSuperNerd 24 3.39
oghawks18 24
RegulatorRWF 24
RheagarTargaryen 24
SkiFlashing 24
T-Thugs 24 Wisconsin is 4-1 with their only loss being to Wassu. Lacking quality wins.
The_Good_Constable 24 34.75
velociraptorfarmer 24
BlueSCar 25
ChargerFan2121 25
Due_Connection179 25 Last Week NR vs Rutgers ( Won 24 - 13 ) I was between a few teams at this spot: Utah (but too terrible of an offense), West Virginia (but too many close games vs bad teams), Kentucky (but just lost to Georgia by 40), Miami (but our coach doesn't know how to kneel to win a game), LSU (but they were dominated against Florida State), so I went with Wisconsin who has 1-loss (that comes on the road to my #15 Washington State) while also fully controlling every other game they've been in. Next Week vs Iowa ( 10 pt favorites ) Prediction - wins but doesn't cover
e8odie 25
fredmerc111 25
GenialGiant 25
JCiLee 25
MADBuc49 25 If season were to end right now: Wyoming in Sugar Bowl. Liberty is lowest-rated 0-loss team and therefore is keeping every 2-loss team behind if
Maladroit44 25
Mr_Brews 25
nburt13 25
RobertNeyland 25
ShogunAshoka 25
VerySeriousBanana 25
WolverineDDS 25
ya111101 25

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
chief_sitass 11
drewscottt 12 ... bruh
akyankee 14
TheSunsNotYellow 14 .615
aredna 15
Effective-Lead-6657 16 (+5)
grahamca 16 T30ᵗʰ W/L, T14ᵗʰ Predicted Wins, 15ᵗʰ Team Strength, 17ᵗʰ Quality of Wins
mthompson2320 16 LW: 22
StannisGrammarMannis 16
UVUboi2 16
VietnameseAnglo 16
qwer546 17 1084
heelxtiger 18 69.7 Score; 87.1 Power Rating; 4-1 Record
WillWorkForSugar 18 computer ratings have them as solid, and their only loss is to wsu
DeerPrison 19 LW: 24
leadbymight 19
MemeLovingLoser 19 61.22
Noelthemexican 19
BeyondLiesTheWub 20 +3, this is probably an unusual one but their only loss is Washington State on the road and I think Rutgers is actually a pretty good win.
boblovespi 20
JBonkies 20
mauliknshah 20
nebsA1 20
pianoprofiteer 20
1Subject 21
Arvandu 21 Good win over Rutgers puts them back in the top 25 (NR)
BoilerUp28 21
brucewaynewins 21
CallMeTheKing 21 80-4-48
ch1l1_ch33s3 21
Chipsahoy523 21
daredassdude 21
donbagert 21
maknasty09 21
Prof_Pie 21 Wisconsin is good and deserves to be ranked. That WSU loss is haunting them but the Cougars, as it turns out, are a great team. The dominant win over Purdue AT Purdue I think is impressive, and they kept that WSU game close too. So give me the Badgers just outside the top 20. I think if they had more opportunity, they'd show us something incredible. They're certainly more convincing than a certain 2 loss team from Louisiana.
samtaylor92 21
TheBeekman8 21 The Badgers are looking like the kings of a bad Big ten West
tomdawg0022 21
DaveSoccer 22
FigletPiglet 22
ianmcmoney 22
IDropFatLogs 22
johnjones55 22
squibby 22
_TGT7 23 NEW, Wisconsin fell out of the rankings after the Washington State loss, and hasn’t had any buzz since then, while they definitely haven’t lit any teams up, they have been playing solid football in a division that looks awful this year, and a 10-3 record with a solid bowl appearance is definitely possible.
bethe2ndmouse 23
CaptainScuttlebottom 23 They lost to a good WSU team only
chillmagic420 23
EmotionalAd4185 23
ETHTrillionaire 23
geauxsaints777 23
rocco2246 23
RootBeerBloat 23
SleepsWithBlindsOpen 23 Wisconsin has rebounded from its early season loss to Washington State to slide into the #23 spot. BIG West supremacy is on the line this week as the Badgers take on the Hawkeyes.
SpencoDaMainMan 23 It seems like Wisconsin is going to be the de-facto punching bag for whoever wins the East
cfbpeoplespoll 24
cirtnecoileh 24
cmcabrera 24
Code2008 24
Dan20698 24
dterp13 24
dubkent 24
FlashSpider-man 24 They haven't really done much but idk who else to put. A g5 team probably deserves it but I know nothing about them or who they face. And Wisconsin has won two conference games straight, one of which being against a decent Rutgers team? I almost put KU. Maybe they deserved it more? Neither team has beaten anyone good.
Foriegn_Picachu 24
Got_That_WeeFee 24
HideNZeke 24
Loopylime 24
patriots230 24
sconbon 24
Sebene 24
WBLwiffleball 24
Yelich04 24
bruhstevenson 25
Dontworryaboutit1 25
Fantastic-Calendar-9 25 LW: NR
Financial_Lime_252 25
hoovereatscowpoop 25
Klaassy23 25
ManiacalBlazer 25
MemeofMemeJTG999999 25 (4-1) (unranked) W: 24-13 vs Rutgers (4-2) Next Week: vs Iowa (5-1) Projected Bowl: Citrus Fell out of T30: Miami (4-1) (Was #17) Kansas State (3-2) (Was #23) Fresno State (5-1) (Was #24) Texas A&M (4-2) (Was #29) when
MuhMuhManRay 25
owl-bears 25
PythonLemon 25
RadiationRichard 25
saquad69 25
spencej98 25
spmartin1993 25
stew_pac 25 +10
titansfan174 25
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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