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2014 Final Wisconsin Badgers Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
spsellers 5
wyschnei 6
cliffhanger407 9
LEGEN--wait_for_it 9
Smidgens 9
03040905 10
andhelostthem 10
atchemey 10
buckeyegold 10
BUSean 10
drewbudd 10
Frognosticator 10
Harry_B_C_Dresden 10
Imregular 10
LeinadSpoon 10
nicknam4 10
plannedsickdays 10
santablazer 10
smills79 10
steinman17 10
StickerBrush 10
brobroma 11
domderek 11
flipadelphia17 11
gbuntin 11
IAmAChemicalEngineer 11
jeedf 11
laminak 11
myghtymouse 11
Techwid 11
bties 12
Buckeyes2010 12
buckeyes75 12
Cecil_Hardboner 12
ChemicalOle 12
ChickenTaco 12
CraftyConsumer 12
djmoody90 12
esoterik 12
FellKnight 12
Grimbo_Reaper 12
holliniv 12
icklebush 12
iSlacker 12
Laschoni 12
martel_the_hammer 12
mellolizard 12
MrDoctorSmartyPants 12
nikolajz1 12
nin478 12
No_Way_Pablo 12
noodlethebear 12
orangeslash 12
OskeewowwowIL 12
PalmettoFace 12
polydorr 12
RagingWombats 12
ryumast3r 12
SantiagoRamon 12
scotsworth 12
seanosaur 12
snwidget 12
vincemalumbono 12
aubieismyhomie 13
Balrog_of_Morgoth 13
boxbeat 13
CambodianDrywall 13
Cars-and-Coffee 13
CountryRoads8 13
DeKaF 13
ExternalTangents 13
felatiodeltoro 13
hawkspur1 13
kelctex 13
kelling928 13
MammothMan34 13
namelessbanana 13
nemoran 13
pash1k 13
Patrick324 13
Red261 13
Saxasaurus 13
strikersteve60 13
topher3003 13
Wescat 13
Xtremeloco 13
Zerosa 13
Apep86 14
blackeagle613 14
deadtofall12 14
gms212 14
Polarbear1914 14
ProbablyRickSantorum 14
runujhkj 14
scronko 14
slntkilla 14
SmokingCricket 14
thegoldenavatar 14
vanburen1845 14
DelphicLike 15
digdat0 15
flyingcrayons 15
fshi 15
galacticdude7 15
pmartin0079 15
Rapsca 15
remwin 15
TopheryG8er 15
turtle_flu 15
dabul-master 16
Khavanon 16
sirgippy 16
TheCid 16
mildlypeeved 17
owl_man 17
wazoheat 17
nuxenolith 18
Hummer77x 19
njm1314 19
piccolo1228 19
bread_buddy 20
grjohnst 20
hythloday1 20
RobertNeyland 20
HarbingerOfFun 22

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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