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2013 Week 3 Wisconsin Badgers Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
NatecUDF 1
taloncarde 4
kflinderman 5
GeneralissimoFranco 10
piccolo1228 12
pufan321 12
SmokingCricket 12
152515 13
bernkastel87 13
efilon 13
flipadelphia17 13
nuxenolith 13
ThatBeardedCarGuy 13
wazoheat 13
Balrog_of_Morgoth 14
CountryRoads8 14
dybuell 14
Jmbond 14
tallg8tor 14
boonamobile 15
bread_buddy 15
cmdrcaboose2 15
Corporal_Hicks 15
DelphicLike 15
FataOne 15
hawkspur1 15
hulashakes 15
laminak 15
ronpaul012 15
SantiagoRamon 15
schaftenheimen 15
senorthunder 15
strikersteve60 15
theaustinkid 15
TheCid 15
ttsci 15
uwbjb 15
adamfalkofske 16
andhelostthem 16
ApplejackOfMyEye 16
bacchusthedrunk 16
dean_peterson 16
jeffcrab 16
jv27071 16
Mario_Speedwagon 16
MC_Grandesize 16
plannedsickdays 16
redbenn 16
snwidget 16
turkishguy 16
yt1300 16
Acm0028 17
bothra 17
boxbeat 17
Branzilla91 17
hobozombie 17
jeedf 17
kama_river 17
MammothMan34 17
mildlypeeved 17
moose512 17
neverdonebefore 17
owl-bears 17
profhoogs 17
scoote 17
slntkilla 17
steinman17 17
wackywiener 17
Xtremeloco 17
1ncognito 18
andewz111 18
blackeagle613 18
Buckeyes2010 18
cblaines 18
ChickenTaco 18
cquinnc 18
darth_turtle 18
imsoupercereal 18
kennylovesyou 18
littleson912 18
mellolizard 18
mynilla11 18
namelessbanana 18
nikolajz1 18
pash1k 18
peterrabbit2010 18
Polarbear1914 18
pramirez184 18
redmachined 18
roneman815 18
scronko 18
ShillinTheVillain 18
sychosomat 18
tflordmalakt 18
thatguy2014 18
thrav 18
Arronwy 19
bharmon 19
cfbguy 19
DonnieNarco 19
Doonesbury 19
famouslastwords 19
felatiodeltoro 19
Gfoley4 19
huskerfan4life520 19
ItzATarp 19
jpthehp 19
marcellnation 19
MustangDude69 19
Patrick324 19
PhillyGreg 19
pmartin0079 19
polydorr 19
Provid3nce 19
seanosaur 19
thatwasntveryraven 19
theCANCERbat 19
WeenisWrinkle 19
Wescat 19
acquiescing 20
buckeyegold 20
BUSean 20
Daigotsu 20
dances_with_ibprofen 20
dannylandulf 20
DoomCrew 20
FellKnight 20
fshi 20
GoDawgs34 20
Harry_B_C_Dresden 20
Hestkuk 20
Jakegarr 20
kylethemachine 20
MxMj 20
njm1314 20
nolez 20
r0sco 20
Red261 20
RomanCandle332 20
saladbar 20
Smidgens 20
SPRX97 20
studio_sally 20
tomBARCIK 20
vtgorilla 20
WharFalcon 20
bobosaurs 21
DarthYoda2594 21
FatWhiteGuy49 21
geauxtothetop 21
grjohnst 21
rossbk 21
TossedRightOut 21
treein303 21
UNC_Samurai 21
captainBlackUGA 22
esoterik 22
GNicholson25 22
indexspartan 22
sirgippy 22
spsellers 22
topher3003 22
WaffleIron278 22
jlh2b 23
Khavanon 23
pascha 23
Techwid 23
ThaCarter 23
khalorei 24
LeinadSpoon 24
PalmettoFace 24
Texasagsman 24
domderek 25
dsligh15 25
FinancialAdvisorKid 25
gbuntin 25
Rapsca 25

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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