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2020 Week F Wisconsin Badgers Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
crownebeach 4
Fmeson 5
r0sco 5
4thPlumlee 6
ndhuskerpower 6
52hoova 7
Cars-and-Coffee 7
galacticdude7 7
JeromesNiece 7
Mario_Speedwagon 7
MrTheSpork 7
puffadda 7
Blazeth 8
boxman151515 8
DarkLegend64 8 B Tier
NyquillusDillwad20 8 Wisconsin pulled a fairly easy schedule and should be the favorites to win the West.
Our-Gardian-Angel 8
zacheiny 8
CockADoodleBOOM 9
eclectic_tastes 9
Johnnycockseed 9
scotsworth 9
TheReformedBadger 9
tmothy07 9
buckeyes75 10
Ersatzself 10
Hackasizlak 10
joebob431 10
Maladroit44 10
Wescat 10
BosskOnASegway 11
BUSean 11
Chucky1539 11 B1G West favorites again will a chance for redemption week 1. Should still be a great team and have a favorable start to conference play. 
corundum9 11
dogwoodmaple 11
jjjoebox 11
malowry0124 11
SometimesY 11
vanburen1845 11
_fastball 12
Cassiyus 12
GenialGiant 12
goodnames679 12
Harmbert_ 12
Helifino 12
nbingham196 12
Papytendo 12
practicallybert 12
Staind075 12
D1amondDude 13
emueagles 13
G-manP 13
jeedf 13
Longvols 13
PHubbs 13
scronko 13
BallSoHerd 14
cajunaggie08 14
DrKennethJNoisewater 14
Feral_Squirrel 14
gbuntin 14
huskerfan4life520 14
Lex_Ludorum 14
noahthearc 14
rmp0005 14
royrules22 14
SCsprinter13 14
stesser 14
studio_sally 14
TDenverFan 14
WeenisWrinkle 14
A-Stu-Ute 15
Buckeyes2010 15
captain_sasquatch 15
Miami_da_U 15
MoneyManeVick 15
Mr_Brews 15
RollWarTideEagle 15
ShamusJohnson13 15
soonerfreak 15
thegreendalegelf 15
ToLongDR 15
Zloggt 15
bakonydraco 16 58.3
boxbeat 16
dan4223 16
darkra01 16
Disregardskarma 16
goblue10 16
hascogrande 16
JonesUCF34 16
jputna 16
nemoran 16
ScarletFever333 16
thexraptor 16
toocleverbyhalf 16
bernkastel87 17
Blooblod 17
ExternalTangents 17
halldaylong 17
JamesBCrazy 17
nburt13 17
Pikachu1989 17
pileatedloon 17
Rakarei 17
Red261 17
Texasagsman 17
Hey_Its_Roomie 18
jlh2b 18
Laschoni 18
PaulWall31 18
Spalliston 18
Xtremeloco 18
Jakesnake42 19 Last Week: 22
monkeymatt1836 19
owl_man 19
ucfskuba 19
Acm0028 20
Ch-i-ef 20
Corporal_Hicks 20
FellKnight 20
notyogrannysgrandkid 20
retnuh101 20
bgr308 21
DarthYoda2594 21
Greflingorax 21
soonersthebetter 21
srs_house 21
BigBoutros 22
jmac_21 22
myghtymouse 22
SCRx 22
TopGoose 22
JCiLee 24 Ohio State is in a standby slot until the Big Ten resumes play on Oct. 24
ucieaters33 24

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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