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2019 Final Wisconsin Badgers Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
eclectic_tastes 6
ExternalTangents 6 24.59
fo13 6
qacha 6
blahblehblahwhoru 7
CoopertheFluffy 7
JeromesNiece 7
Polarbear1914 7
RMathis13 7 234 Offense Rank (10) Defense Rank (5)
roaddogg 7
stripes361 7
boxbeat 8
captain_sasquatch 8
DafoeFoSho 8
DarkLegend64 8 --
Greflingorax 8 --
Hobbes_121 8
No11223456 8
OKgolfer 8
peachios 8 dont want to drop much it was so close
r0sco 8
T-nawtical 8
TheJeemTeam 8
ThePUNisher96 8
tmothy07 8
_Brazenhead_ 9
A-Stu-Ute 9
alextoyalex 9
Arsenal7X 9
BallSoHerd 9
Blooblod 9
bobsled_time 9
BunnySelfDestruct 9
cajunaggie08 9
Colton3690 9
dan4223 9
DarthYoda2594 9
FellKnight 9
Foxmcbowser42 9
joebob431 9
kflinderman 9
KobeOrNotKobe 9
Mario_Speedwagon 9
moistats_ 9
noahthearc 9
Pollaski 9
SearonTrejorek 9 0.51826
TheReformedBadger 9
vanburen1845 9
Wurst_Law 9
ya111101 9
311polo 10
admiraltarkin 10
beerslingerjay 10
bgr308 10
boxman151515 10
cmdrcaboose2 10
CockADoodleBOOM 10
coreyfra 10
Corporal_Hicks 10
darkra01 10
Feral_Squirrel 10
Hackasizlak 10
Harmbert_ 10
Helifino 10
JaxofAllTrades13 10
kdcoltred 10
mnmmatt 10
monkeymatt1836 10
noodlethebear 10
PaulWall31 10
pileatedloon 10
ProbablyRickSantorum 10
puffadda 10
PureCFR 10
RagingWombats 10
Rakarei 10
royrules22 10
ScarletFever333 10
seaotter2 10
Striker743 10
THECrew42 10
thexraptor 10
XSavageWalrusX 10
AGSattack 11
BabyBladder 11
BigBoutros 11
Bill3ffinMurray 11
BlueSCar 11
BosskOnASegway 11
bread_buddy 11
brobroma 11
Buckeyes2010 11
buckeyes75 11
CambodianDrywall 11
ChemicalOle 11
Chris-P-Creme 11
Conglossian 11
d_mcc_x 11
Daigotsu 11
dasani3x 11
deadtofall12 11
dicky_________seamus 11
e8odie 11
esoterik 11
fireinvestigator113 11
G-manP 11
galacticdude7 11
GatorAndrew 11
GeauxAllDay 11
GenialGiant 11 Two teams with very even records and a very even game yields two teams with even rankings.
GoBlueScrewOSU7 11
halldaylong 11
hawkspur1 11
HelioOne 11
IAmAChemicalEngineer 11
icklebush 11
iliketoupvotepuns 11
Jakesnake42 11
JCiLee 11
jputna 11
Keener1899 11
laminak 11
Laschoni 11
LEGEN--wait_for_it 11
LiptonCB 11
lk6 11
mellolizard 11
myghtymouse 11
nburt13 11
nemoran 11
nin478 11
orboth 11
pascha 11
PHubbs 11
plannedsickdays 11
PumpSmash 11
RegulatorRWF 11
relax_on_the_mat 11
RiffRamBahZoo 11
RobertNeyland 11
runujhkj 11
ryseing 11
scotsworth 11
SometimesY 11
Sproded 11
SPRX97 11
strikersteve60 11
TaylorLeprechaun 11 -3
Techwid 11
ToLongDR 11
toocleverbyhalf 11
TossedRightOut 11
xelphin 11
YellowSkarmory 11
52hoova 12
BobDeLaSponge 12
boonamobile 12
Branzilla91 12
bties 12
buckeyegold 12
BugsSuck 12
BUSean 12
bwburke94 12
cfbguy 12
CFSparta92 12
chweris 12
Disregardskarma 12
djowen68 12
fadingthought 12
G-Aardvark 12
GilBrandt 12
hascogrande 12
huskerfan4life520 12
jmac_21 12
Lex_Ludorum 12
Longvols 12
MrTheSpork 12
ndhuskerpower 12
OskeewowwowIL 12
Our-Gardian-Angel 12
ReallyCreative 12
scronko 12
SCsprinter13 12
soonerfreak 12
Sophocles5 12
spsellers 12
studio_sally 12
taloncarde 12
tdeff19 12
teddythe3rd 12
Texasagsman 12
TheZachster 12
tjstanley 12
TopheryG8er 12
ttsci 12
typicaliconoclast 12
ucieaters33 12
VerySeriousBanana 12
Wescat 12
Xtremeloco 12
Zerosa 12
Zloggt 12 Again, I believe I may be over ranking the Badgers, but again, I can find some merit in it - they did their best in that Rose Bowl, and thus you shouldn’t punish them too much for it.
Acm0028 13
bakonydraco 13
cinciforthewin 13
conchobor 13
dabul-master 13
digdat0 13
Extra_Excrement 13
hypercube42342 13
kelctex 13
LeinadSpoon 13
lkeg56demn 13
MarlinsGuy 13
Nathanael-Greene 13
Omegaus492 13
Papalew32 13
SCRx 13
sirgippy 13
soonersthebetter 13
TDenverFan 13
theeguy 13
thegreendalegelf 13
TopGoose 13
WarEagle9 13
ACCBiggz 14
Blazeth 14
BlueFalcon89 14
ChickenTaco 14
crimsonlaw 14
DavoinShower-handle 14
DrKennethJNoisewater 14
Johnnycockseed 14
nbingham196 14
owl-bears 14
Pieisgood186 14
remwin 14
rmp0005 14
ShamusJohnson13 14
Spiral-Pilot 14
surreptitioussloth 14
tallg8tor 14
ThaCarter 14
theb52 14 43.929
Ticklebump 14
AllHawkeyesGoToHell 15
Charlemagne42 15 1880
olmsted 15
ruwisc 15
steelcitygator 15
ToeInDigDeep 15
woakley 15
DeceptiveSpeed 16
Fmeson 16
Hey_Its_Roomie 16
Knightro2011 16
luckroy 16
srs_house 16
tks231 16
DisraeliEers 17
igloo27 17
JonesUCF34 17
jrichardh 17
Apep86 18
Cassiyus 18
owl_man 18
Saxasaurus 18
Frognosticator 19
retnuh101 19
jlh2b 20
Dropbackandpunt 22
Pikachu1989 23

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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