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2019 Week 6 Wisconsin Badgers Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Colton3690 1
dabul-master 2
MarlinsGuy 2
The-Gothic-Castle 2
311polo 3
esoterik 3
owl-bears 3
theReluctantHipster 3 6.5
ArtificialBadger 4
DEP61 4
HelioOne 4
KobeOrNotKobe 4
LiptonCB 4
mjacksongt 4
relax_on_the_mat 4
T-Thugs 4 Wisconsin struggled with Northwestern this weekend but their win over Michigan keeps them here for now. 
tallg8tor 4
thegreendalegelf 4
BabyBladder 5
Blazeth 5 Struggling against Northwestern was kind of expected, but I still think they're pretty damn good.
CertifiedSheep 5
confirmd_am_engineer 5
digdat0 5
DisraeliEers 5
DoveFood 5
Foxmcbowser42 5
Frognosticator 5
Jakesnake42 5
kflinderman 5
RagingWombats 5
ScarletFever333 5
tabelz 5
ToeInDigDeep 5
trumpet_23 5
ttsci 5
typicaliconoclast 5
52hoova 6
ACCBiggz 6
BlueSCar 6
boonamobile 6
bread_buddy 6
buckeyes75 6
BunnySelfDestruct 6
ChickenTaco 6
CollegeGolf69 6
DafoeFoSho 6
e8odie 6
emueagles 6
Fmeson 6
fo13 6
fshi 6
GeauxAllDay 6
GenialGiant 6 The Badgers had a rough go of it against Northwestern, but they still look like a top team.
Greflingorax 6 +1
HarbingerOfFun 6
hokies220 6 A one spot jump that was helped more by LSU and UGA having byes than by beating NW.
jrichardh 6
njm1314 6
owl_man 6
ryseing 6
ShogunAshoka 6
Spiral-Pilot 6
Sproded 6
SPRX97 6
ssnider23 6
toocleverbyhalf 6
WeenisWrinkle 6
_Brazenhead_ 7 Avoided a let-down after an emotional Michigan game. Just kept rolling.
A-Stu-Ute 7
AaronRodgers16 7
Acm0028 7
admiraltarkin 7
alextoyalex 7
Andtheyrustledsoftly 7
Arsenal7X 7
bernkastel87 7
bgr308 7
BigBoutros 7
blahblehblahwhoru 7
BobDeLaSponge 7
BorisNumber1 7
Branzilla91 7
Brostradamus_ 7
buckeyegold 7
Buckeyes2010 7
CambodianDrywall 7
captain_sasquatch 7
cinciforthewin 7
Daigotsu 7
darkra01 7
deadtofall12 7
DeceptiveSpeed 7
dicky_________seamus 7
Disregardskarma 7
doormatt26 7
Dropbackandpunt 7
Extra_Excrement 7
Feral_Squirrel 7
GatorAndrew 7
gbuntin 7
Ghost_of_Dude 7
GilBrandt 7
goblue10 7
halldaylong 7
Harmbert_ 7 I hate when wisconsin plays those nerds
Helifino 7
Hey_Its_Roomie 7
huskerfan4life520 7
hypercube42342 7
iliketoupvotepuns 7
jeedf 7
jputna 7
JustAManAndHisLaptop 7
kdcoltred 7
Laschoni 7
LEGEN--wait_for_it 7
LeinadSpoon 7
luckroy 7
MammothMan34 7
Mario_Speedwagon 7
monkeymatt1836 7
nbingham196 7 Offense looked pretty horrible, were saved by defense against a mediocre Northwestern team
ndhuskerpower 7
nickknx865 7
olmsted 7
orangeslash 7
orbania 7
Papalew32 7
PHubbs 7
pileatedloon 7
plannedsickdays 7
ProbablyRickSantorum 7
puffadda 7
PumpSmash 7
Rakarei 7
Red261 7
RobertNeyland 7
royrules22 7
SantiagoRamon 7
SCsprinter13 7
Sophocles5 7
spasm01 7
srs_house 7
SSJRoshi 7
Striker743 7
strikersteve60 7
surreptitioussloth 7
T-nawtical 7
teddythe3rd 7
THECrew42 7
TheFlyingBoat 7
thexraptor 7
TheZachster 7
Ticklebump 7
tmothy07 7
uwbjb 7
vanburen1845 7
W_Is_For_Will 7
woakley 7
113milesprower 8
AGSattack 8
BallSoHerd 8
BamaPride95 8
Bill3ffinMurray 8
Blooblod 8
BosskOnASegway 8 Playoff: 15%
boxman151515 8
bties 8
BugsSuck 8
Cars-and-Coffee 8
Cassiyus 8
Cecil_Hardboner 8
CFSparta92 8
Chris-P-Creme 8
chrisb19 8
cmdrcaboose2 8
CockADoodleBOOM 8
coreyfra 8
corundum9 8
crimsonlaw 8 What happened this week, Wisconsin? Why you allowing these 4Q TDs? You have to dominate the entire game if you want to be a champion!
d_mcc_x 8
DarkLegend64 8 --
DarthYoda2594 8
dasani3x 8
diastereomer 8
DrKennethJNoisewater 8
eclectic_tastes 8
fadingthought 8
FellKnight 8
Fifth_Down 8
fireinvestigator113 8
G-manP 8
grjohnst 8
Hackasizlak 8
Hobbes_121 8
Hoflax24 8
icklebush 8
igloo27 8
JaxofAllTrades13 8
JCiLee 8
JeromesNiece 8
jmac_21 8
joebob431 8
Johnnycockseed 8
JonesUCF34 8
jshokie1 8
Keener1899 8
kelling928 8
laminak 8
Lex_Ludorum 8
malowry0124 8
Miami_da_U 8
mnmmatt 8
MoneyManeVick 8
nburt13 8
nemoran 8
No11223456 8
noahthearc 8
noodlethebear 8
OKgolfer 8
orboth 8
OskeewowwowIL 8
Our-Gardian-Angel 8
PaulWall31 8
peachios 8 uh, that is not the wisconsin I have been expecting lately, but they did win at least
Pieisgood186 8
Pikachu1989 8
Pollaski 8
PureCFR 8
RatherBeYachting 8
RegulatorRWF 8
remwin 8
retnuh101 8
RiffRamBahZoo 8
rmp0005 8
roaddogg 8
scotsworth 8
scronko 8
SCRx 8
seaotter2 8
ShamusJohnson13 8
SometimesY 8
soonerfreak 8
soonersthebetter 8
spsellers 8
steelcitygator 8 You really gotta beat Northwestern worse than that.  That said you still won but maybe we got a little to high to quickly on the Badgers.
stripes361 8 Jack Coan failed his first big test of the season, failing to make big plays against a staunch Northwestern defense. There's no shame in struggling against Northwestern but it does convey that "Here we go again" feeling for a Wisconsin program which has repeatedly been a QB away from a national title caliber team over recent years.
tdeff19 8
TDenverFan 8
Techwid 8
Texasagsman 8
TheJeemTeam 8 1/5 in Tier D
tjstanley 8
tmart12 8
TopGoose 8
TopheryG8er 8
tylerbc 8
WarEagle9 8
wesman212 8
zacheiny 8
bakonydraco 9
bobsled_time 9
brobroma 9
bwburke94 9
cajunaggie08 9
CarbonCamaroZL1 9
Charlemagne42 9 (228 - 14 -> 214; 6 -> 9 (Nice)) Sp00ked down from 7. What happened to that defense? What happened to that offense? Is Jonathan Taylor hurt? (-2)
Conglossian 9 -2
DavoinShower-handle 9
G-Aardvark 9
galacticdude7 9
gms212 9
GoBlueScrewOSU7 9
hascogrande 9
kelctex 9
lk6 9
Longvols 9
mellolizard 9
moistats_ 9 Very weird win against Northwestern. Luckily the few teams below were basically on byes. Penn State moves up due to this.
myghtymouse 9
Nathanael-Greene 9
nin478 9
Omegaus492 9
PalmettoFace 9
polydorr 9
ryumast3r 9
Saxasaurus 9
SearonTrejorek 9 0.57847
TaylorLeprechaun 9 -1
TheReformedBadger 9
topher3003 9
ucieaters33 9
UNC_Samurai 9
Wescat 9
Xtremeloco 9
Zloggt 9
beerslingerjay 10
chweris 10
CoopertheFluffy 10
dan4223 10
frumious88 10
I_am_bot_beep_boop 10
IAmAChemicalEngineer 10
MrTheSpork 10
ruwisc 10
studio_sally 10
taloncarde 10
tks231 10
VerySeriousBanana 10
ya111101 10
conchobor 11
crownebeach 11 Had a bit of a letdown this week. If you want to be a playoff team, you can't let this Northwestern team hang around into the fourth quarter.
ExternalTangents 11
jnoobs13 11
r0sco 11
Zerosa 11
BUSean 12
cms186 12
f0gax 12
jlh2b 12
runujhkj 12
sasmith2015 12
ThePUNisher96 12
Apep86 13
hawkspur1 13
RMathis13 13 127
andrewthestudent 15
justsaynotoreddit 16
YellowSkarmory 16
hythloday1 18
theb52 18 43.250

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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