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2023 Week 7 Tulane Green Wave Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
CharlemagneOfTheUSA 17
arrowfan624 19
Corgi_Koala 19
Dropbackandpunt 19
TimeBroken 21 Rank: #23
Muffinnnnnnn 22
practicallybert 22
ToeInDigDeep 22
G-Aardvark 23
HarbingerOfFun 23
hendarvich 23 +2
Keener1899 23
PHubbs 23
12panther 24
coletheredditer 24 BYE, I still can't un-rank them, I believe too much.
esoterik 25
MrTheSpork 25
MWiatrak2077 25
No11223456 25
physedka 25

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
usernamegoeshere763 18
RealignmentJunkie 19
SpursUpSoundsGudToMe 19 still my top g5, lost a lot of hype by losing to Ole Miss, but I think they win it with a healthy Pratt. I maintain that game was much close than the final score indicates.
HideNZeke 21
mill1634 21
OSU_Shecter 21
SpeddyDawg 21
WhalePadre5 21
samuelbassett 22
cfbpeoplespoll 23
Chipsahoy523 23
mathmanhale 23
manbeardawg 24
MemeLovingLoser 24 59.65
redrhino777 24
UVUboi2 24
boondocknim 25
carsonivey72 25
donbagert 25
leadbymight 25
Luarean 25
narwhalz27 25 NEW
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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