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2023 Week 12 Tulane Green Wave Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
jjjoebox 10
wameron 10
AllHawkeyesGoToHell 11
Bill3ffinMurray 11
Corporal_Hicks 11
HarbingerOfFun 11
KJdkaslknv 11
MADBuc49 11 If season were to end right now: Cotton Bowl
romulusjsp 11
deadtofall12 12
EpicSchwinn 12
grjohnst 12
magnumweiner 12
MoneyManeVick 12
Noy_Telinu 12
spasm01 12
TossedRightOut 12
A_Rolling_Baneling 13
BigBoutros 13
Charlemagne42 13 184
DisraeliEers 13
djowen68 13
Drexlore 13
the_neverdoctor 13
CommodoreN7 14
GeauxTri 14
huskerfan4life520 14
nbingham196 14
owlalwaysloveyew 14
Polarbear1914 14
PumpSmash 14
Ruhrgebietheld 14
SearonTrejorek 14 0.76983
SpadeRyker 14
UNC_Samurai 14
w8w8 14 They won’t be in the Playoff.
woakley 14
Apep86 15
bannista7 15
bernkastel87 15
boxman151515 15
BUSean 15
Cars-and-Coffee 15
Corgi_Koala 15
Dropbackandpunt 15
frumious88 15
Hobbes_121 15
JaxofAllTrades13 15
Joester09 15
Longvols 15
nburt13 15
nin478 15
olmsted 15
physedka 15
PromEmperorHarbaugh 15
ReallyCreative 15
seaotter2 15
soonerfreak 15
tks231 15
vanburen1845 15
ACCBiggz 16
arrowfan624 16
AudiieVerbum 16
Blooblod 16
BlueFalcon89 16
Buckeyes2010 16
CambodianDrywall 16
ChickenTaco 16
Chris-P-Creme 16
Colton3690 16
conchobor 16
cornholesurfer 16
creative_penguin 16
darkra01 16
dasani3x 16
digdat0 16
dogwoodmaple 16
esoterik 16
fadingthought 16
fredmerc111 16
fshi 16
GenialGiant 16
Helifino 16
joebob431 16
JonesUCF34 16
jthomas694 16 Tulane is probably the best eligible G5 team for the NY6 and if Pratt had been healthy they might be an undefeated team right now
KirbyDumber88 16
LiptonCB 16
mellolizard 16
monkeymatt1836 16
Mr_Brews 16
OKgolfer 16
one98d 16
Pure_Protein_Machine 16
rain_parkour 16
RegulatorRWF 16
RiffRamBahZoo 16
SCsprinter13 16
Sproded 16
texas2089 16
thexraptor 16
TheZachster 16
thomasosu 16
TopGoose 16
WarEagle9 16
wesman212 16
BamaPride95 17
BorisNumber1 17
BosskOnASegway 17
boxbeat 17
Branzilla91 17
Cassiyus 17
CFBHurts 17
ChaseTheFalcon 17
Chucky1539 17
chweris 17
corundum9 17
CptCheese 17
cyberchaox 17
d_mcc_x 17
fourpinz8 17
HelioOne 17
Hey_Its_Roomie 17
HieloLuz 17 Points: 74.53 | Wins: 1 T3, 1 T5, 4 T6, 3 T7 | Losses: 1 T3 | 1 WB | 5 WP | 1 LB |
hypercube42342 17
infinitempg 17 0.700
jalexjsmithj 17
nemoran 17
NyquillusDillwad20 17
outthawazoo 17
Pablo49 17 +3
PHubbs 17
plannedsickdays 17
puffadda 17
scronko 17
skuhlke 17 0.628273796
Sophocles5 17
SteemieRayVaughn 17
tauzeta 17
teddythe3rd 17
TheReformedBadger 17
trumpet_23 17
Xtremeloco 17
Zloggt 17
Acm0028 18
ALStark69 18 +4
Archaic_1 18
BallSoHerd 18
bties 18
captain_sasquatch 18
Casaiir 18
Cecil_Hardboner 18
ChemicalOle 18
cota1212 18
cyclonepsycho 18
dan4223 18
Extra_Excrement 18
IceColdDrPepper_Here 18
jmac_21 18
jrluhn 18
lillipup03 18
MahjongDaily 18
ndbroski 18
owl_man 18
peachios 18
Pikachu1989 18
Rakarei 18
RegionalBias 18
RheagarTargaryen 18
RollWarTideEagle 18
ScarletFever333 18
ShogunAshoka 18
tdoger 18
Techwid 18
Texasagsman 18
tmothy07 18
typicaliconoclast 18
WolverineDDS 18
BabyBladder 19
bretticus33 19 Honestly, I’m not even sure Tulane is the best team in their own conference, let alone the G5.
BugsSuck 19
Ch-i-ef 19
coletheredditer 19
DarkLegend64 19
DavoinShower-handle 19
hascogrande 19
hendarvich 19
icklebush 19
Our-Gardian-Angel 19
pileatedloon 19
practicallybert 19
realclean 19
tjstanley 19
UMeister 19
VerySeriousBanana 19
ya111101 19
311polo 20
aggiebruin27 20
Bank_Gothic 20
BearsAreGreat1 20
Blazeth 20
GatorBolt 20 They won another stress inducing game. Now a fun game against FAU awaits
GilBrandt 20
jrichardh 20
JustAManAndHisLaptop 20
Lex_Ludorum 20
Nathanael-Greene 20
Stoneador 20
TDenverFan 20
AlexanderComet 21
D1N2Y 21
DarthYoda2594 21
ewolfy13 21
GoBlueScrewOSU7 21
PalmettoFace 21
SlaminSammons 21
Staind075 21
strikersteve60 21
T-nawtical 21
T-Thugs 21 Tulane is 9-1 but lacking quality wins.
blahblehblahwhoru 22
CharlemagneOfTheUSA 22
CockADoodleBOOM 22
falconlover79 22
placid_salad 22 LW #20
ruwisc 22
SwissArmyScythe 22 -1
TaylorLeprechaun 22 -1
Ticklebump 22
udubdavid 22
YellowSkarmory 22
DaewooLanosMFerrr 23
IAmAChemicalEngineer 23
kamiller2020 23
ProbablyRickSantorum 23
ryseing 23
tdeff19 23
ttsci 23
AlphaH4wk 24
BlueSCar 24
G-Aardvark 24
Hugefootballfan44 24 LW: 23
justsaynotoreddit 24
Muffinnnnnnn 24
MWiatrak2077 24
No11223456 24
tallg8tor 24
TimeBroken 24 Rank: #28
ucieaters33 24
12panther 25
ExternalTangents 25
halldaylong 25
ikindalikelemons 25
JCiLee 25
jimbobbypaul 25 17.1834. #26-30: Utah, Oklahoma State, Tennessee, Duke, NC State
nw____ 25 Liberty is the next team out for me and it is by a razor-thin margin (they're schedule is just SO weak that I have a hard time putting them over teams with better wins). Tulane really seems like they're trying to lose another game, but one could also say that they're gritty and keep finding ways to win. Other teams that were close to being ranked: Notre Dame, Oklahoma State (what was that against UCF, btw?!), Memphis, and North Carolina.
posiitively 25
The_Good_Constable 25
velociraptorfarmer 25
washington_jefferson 25

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
losbullitt 10
TadKosciuszko 10
BertGallagher 11
Chipsahoy523 11
FubarSnafuTarfu 11
manbeardawg 11
samuelbassett 11
SpeddyDawg 11
CallMeTheKing 12 120-12-0
RootBeerBloat 12
SNjr 12
Soggy_Seagull 12
BenchRickyAguayo 13 Hi: 12 Low: 16 LW: 14 Avg: 14.3
CakeEaters 13
chillmagic420 13
ColombianInIowa24 13 Terrible performances but hanging around as losses are what matter in the rankings. Notable wins: #21 Memphis.
mathmanhale 13
mill1634 13
Tylex123 13
1Subject 14
BananaBouquet 14
EmotionalAd4185 14
grtgbln 14
Mini-Mussolini 14
mithrandir2398 14
PlactusTX 14 (19) W Tulsa
samtaylor92 14
cbusalex 15
cfbpeoplespoll 15
DiscipleOfDietrich 15
drneilpretenamen 15
Jay_Dubbbs 15
PerfectZeroKnowledge 15
saquad69 15
SpursUpSoundsGudToMe 15 Really good despite the one-score games. Still have them over JMU because I think the AAC is still a good bit tougher than the SBC across the board.
The_Candler 15
Viselli 15
WRSpill 15 (18)
ard8 16
Bernard_Samson 16
BoukenGreen 16
cant_stop_the_crooks 16
ChBass 16
diehardcubforever 16
geauxsaints777 16
jaybigs 16
JBonkies 16 (+7)
KansasChaser2021 16
luciusetrur 16 LW: 18
MajikSix 16
mcdsmaster8824 16
newSomberMan 16
PythonLemon 16
RedBarracuda25 16 The Green Wave escape another one. It's gonna come down to the wire between them and Liberty for the G5 championship
rocco2246 16
slatibartifast3 16
StumpVanDerHuge 16
tcomn 16
True_Ad5324 16
twr96 16
xX_GIGA_MAN_Xx 16 this is now the 4th straight week with a 1 possession game. clearly a good team, because they ended on top every week, but will their luck run out? UTSA game going to be crucial
ziggysaysnada 16
a_bit_of_a_misnomer_ 17
ActuallyJasonPrice 17
Aidanj927 17
AnAngryPanda1 17
Arvandu 17
camus69x 17
carsonivey72 17
dheck2016 17
Dontworryaboutit1 17
Doogitywoogity 17
Fantastic-Calendar-9 17
FsuNolezz 17
hoovereatscowpoop 17
Jacob_Sumner 17
JHallquist 17
JustinMSU21 17
maknasty09 17
Morrgs 17
MuhMuhManRay 17
Noelthemexican 17
SharkMovies 17
thehornedlamb 17
Tornadohunter24 17 (+4) [9-1] Credentials: 2022 American Champs, Cotton Bowl Champs, Final AP Rank: #9 [12-2] | 2023 Results So Far: 37-17 vs South Alabama [5-5], 20-37 vs Ole Miss [8-2], 21-3 @ Southern Miss [3-7], 36-7 vs Nicholls State [FCS, 5-4], 35-23 vs UAB [3-7], 31-21 @ Memphis [8-2], 35-28 vs North Texas [3-7], 30-28 @ Rice [4-6], 13-10 @ East Carolina [2-8], 24-22 vs Tulsa [3-7]
Wumbology724 17
10catsinspace 18
Cascadia-Rising 18
cirtnecoileh 18
daredassdude 18
divey043 18
Icyy19_ 18
Is_Flacco_Elite 18
Le_Jerk_My_Circle 18
leadbymight 18
Luarean 18
MemeofMemeJTG999999 18 (9-1) (up 3) W: 24-22 vs Tulsa (3-7) Next Week: @ Florida Atlantic (4-6) Projected Bowl: Peach vs Louisville
Midnight-Mustang 18
Mossed26 18
nebsA1 18
nurbs24joker 18
OSU_Shecter 18
SomerandomIDFBfan 18 LW 19
Swaggy-7 18
TheFalconGuy 18
WhalePadre5 18
boomersooner222 19
brucewaynewins 19
corona779 19
CriterionCrypt 19
funt9rtle 19
gavinw24 19
hurricaneatx 19 (9-1) - Quality wins: @Memphis
JamoRedhead 19
PattyKane16 19
Pyroblockx 19
readonlypdf 19
silfarion10 19
BoilerUp28 20
bryophyta_insolitam 20 W 24-22 vs. Tulsa
ch1l1_ch33s3 20
ckubi 20
DillyDillySzn 20
Esb5415 20
evil_muffins_5436 20
FlashSpider-man 20
Kirkwood641 20
Middle_Wheel_5959 20
Milflover69cbb 20 Yay
Protoco2 20
supercon21 20
TheBeekman8 20
tomdawg0022 20
why_doineedausername 20
zenverak 20
0010MK 21
70277027 21
civfan5843 21
Dan20698 21
DeerPrison 21 LW: NR
dterp13 21
HideNZeke 21
Klaassy23 21 (LW Change: NR)
Piptit 21
Prof_Pie 21 +1 Kansas losing works in Tulane's ranking favor!
RJEP22 21 (9-1) - 143.733pts
Salmon-Dude 21
soneill06 21
youngs2309 21
Aggravating-Steak-69 22
Dawg-Bite 22 Struggle win after struggle win after struggle win will make them move down as the season progresses unless they win like they are supposed to
Effective-Lead-6657 22 The American is horrendous, but Tulane’s only loss is to a good Ole Miss team. They really struggled against Tulsa this past weekend but still deserve to be weekend.
ehoefler 22 73.15 | 0
frone 22
Harpua99 22
narwhalz27 22 ^2
schneeplehoppen 22
Scruggerboy 22
Shion314 22
SignificanceFirm2398 22
TheSunsNotYellow 22 .4762
WillWorkForSugar 22 tulane win by a comfortable margin challenge
_TGT7 23 -3
Additional-Stick6374 23
Blyvzy 23
donbagert 23
ETHTrillionaire 23
headyhawk 23
jaowerpower 23
Josh_historybuff 23 24-22 vs. Tulsa
kevinsdomain 23
PSUMediaPA 23
redrumsoxLoL 23
soonertiger 23
stew_pac 23 -2
titansfan174 23
VietnameseAnglo 23
big_thunder_man 24 9-1. Luckiest team in the country. No standout unit.
dawgfan24348 24
Jadenflo 24
redrhino777 24
SortaDecent 24
TheSleaze22 24
WBLwiffleball 24
Yelich04 24
asbestosman2 25
MemeLovingLoser 25
thatoneguyD13 25
TheRedKing75 25
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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