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2023 Week 12 Oregon State Beavers Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
chweris 6
ChemicalOle 8
confirmd_am_engineer 8
Joester09 8
12panther 9
BamaPride95 9
BlueFalcon89 9
Cassiyus 9
conchobor 9
CptCheese 9
Drexlore 9
G-Aardvark 9
GeauxTri 9
ikindalikelemons 9
jmac_21 9
kdcoltred 9
Lex_Ludorum 9
lillipup03 9
Longvols 9
MoneyManeVick 9
nburt13 9
Pikachu1989 9
practicallybert 9
ryseing 9
tdeff19 9
Texasagsman 9
TossedRightOut 9
vanburen1845 9
VerySeriousBanana 9
311polo 10
aggiebruin27 10
ALStark69 10 +2
arrowfan624 10
AudiieVerbum 10
BallSoHerd 10
BearsAreGreat1 10
bernkastel87 10
Bill3ffinMurray 10
Branzilla91 10
bretticus33 10 Oregon State has a huge game and opportunity against Washington this weekend.
bties 10
Buckeyes2010 10
CambodianDrywall 10
captain_sasquatch 10
Cars-and-Coffee 10
Ch-i-ef 10
Chris-P-Creme 10
CockADoodleBOOM 10
coletheredditer 10
CommodoreN7 10
Corgi_Koala 10
cornholesurfer 10
cota1212 10
d_mcc_x 10
Daigotsu 10
DarkLegend64 10
darkra01 10
dasani3x 10
deadtofall12 10
digdat0 10
esoterik 10
Extra_Excrement 10
fadingthought 10
falconlover79 10
fourpinz8 10
fshi 10
GatorBolt 10 ESPN are cowards not going to Corvallis.
GoBlueScrewOSU7 10
halldaylong 10
hendarvich 10
Hugefootballfan44 10 LW: 15
IAmAChemicalEngineer 10
icklebush 10
jrluhn 10
kamiller2020 10
KirbyDumber88 10
LiptonCB 10
mellolizard 10
monkeymatt1836 10
nemoran 10
noahthearc 10
nw____ 10 Do I have to talk about the Stanford game?
Our-Gardian-Angel 10
outthawazoo 10
owl_man 10
PalmettoFace 10
peachios 10
physedka 10
pileatedloon 10
plannedsickdays 10
Polarbear1914 10
PromEmperorHarbaugh 10
puffadda 10
Pure_Protein_Machine 10
rain_parkour 10
ReallyCreative 10
RegionalBias 10 Next two weeks to determine if the Beavs are for real.
romulusjsp 10
scronko 10
SCsprinter13 10
SlaminSammons 10
Sproded 10
Staind075 10
SteemieRayVaughn 10
strikersteve60 10
tauzeta 10
TDenverFan 10
tdoger 10
texas2089 10
the_neverdoctor 10
TheReformedBadger 10
thexraptor 10
Ticklebump 10
tjstanley 10
tmothy07 10
trumpet_23 10
ucieaters33 10
UMeister 10
WarEagle9 10
washington_jefferson 10
WolverineDDS 10
Xtremeloco 10
ya111101 10
Zloggt 10 Tbh, Oregon State's loss to Wazzu is NOT aging so well...
AlexanderComet 11
Archaic_1 11
BabyBladder 11
blahblehblahwhoru 11
BlueSCar 11
BorisNumber1 11
boxman151515 11
BugsSuck 11
Casaiir 11
Cecil_Hardboner 11
Chucky1539 11
corundum9 11
cyclonepsycho 11
DrKennethJNoisewater 11
EpicSchwinn 11
ewolfy13 11
fredmerc111 11
frumious88 11
hascogrande 11
Helifino 11
HelioOne 11
IceColdDrPepper_Here 11
JaxofAllTrades13 11
JCiLee 11
joebob431 11
JonesUCF34 11
magnumweiner 11
MahjongDaily 11
nbingham196 11
one98d 11
owlalwaysloveyew 11
PHubbs 11
ProbablyRickSantorum 11
PumpSmash 11
Rakarei 11
RheagarTargaryen 11
ScarletFever333 11
seaotter2 11
Sophocles5 11
SwissArmyScythe 11 +1
Techwid 11
teddythe3rd 11
thomasosu 11
typicaliconoclast 11
w8w8 11 They won’t be in the Playoff.
wesman212 11
woakley 11
Acm0028 12
Bank_Gothic 12
bannista7 12
Blooblod 12
BosskOnASegway 12
BUSean 12
CharlemagneOfTheUSA 12
Colton3690 12
creative_penguin 12
crownebeach 12
DaewooLanosMFerrr 12
DarthYoda2594 12
DataDrivenPirate 12
DavoinShower-handle 12
djowen68 12
dogwoodmaple 12
huskerfan4life520 12
jthomas694 12 Oregon State is very good on both sides of the ball. There's nothing really pushing them to an elite status, but they are very good
JustAManAndHisLaptop 12
Mr_Brews 12
MWiatrak2077 12
nin478 12
NyquillusDillwad20 12
olmsted 12
RollWarTideEagle 12
SearonTrejorek 12 0.78212
soonerfreak 12
SpadeRyker 12
T-nawtical 12
70stang 13 Oregon State rounds out Tier 4 with 5 P5 wins, including 1 Ranked win over Utah, as well as 2 G5 wins, 1 FCS win, and 2 unranked losses to be 8-2
boxbeat 13
dabul-master 13
Dropbackandpunt 13
GenialGiant 13
HarbingerOfFun 13
hypercube42342 13
hythloday1 13
justsaynotoreddit 13
Nathanael-Greene 13
ndbroski 13
placid_salad 13 LW #14
realclean 13
RegulatorRWF 13
RiffRamBahZoo 13
T-Thugs 13 Oregon State is 8-2 with a nice win over Utah (7-3), Their next 2 games are against Washington and Oregon and they could move up quite a bit with wins in those games.
TaylorLeprechaun 13 +0
TheZachster 13
tks231 13
TopGoose 13
wameron 13
AllHawkeyesGoToHell 14
AlphaH4wk 14
Arteza147 14
Blazeth 14
CFBHurts 14
ChaseTheFalcon 14
Corporal_Hicks 14
cyberchaox 14
dan4223 14
Darth_Ra 14
e8odie 14
Muffinnnnnnn 14
NotSoSuperNerd 14 4.35 (8.8-3.2)
Noy_Telinu 14
OKgolfer 14
posiitively 14
soonersthebetter 14
Striker743 14 Up 3
bakonydraco 15 83.691
Charlemagne42 15 132
Conglossian 15 +1
eSpiritCorpse 15 0.9073
FeliceDot27 15 105
fo13 15
GilBrandt 15
Jakesnake42 15 72.57 Last Week: #15
kflinderman 15
ryumast3r 15
stripes361 15
Terminal_BAS 15
eclectic_tastes 16
grjohnst 16
Hackasizlak 16
Hobbes_121 16
Inkblot9 16
JeromesNiece 16
jimbobbypaul 16 23.5276
shadowwingnut 16 Up 2, 454.90 - I just don't see the top 10 ranking that they are carrying in the AP Poll as legit considering losses to Washington St and Arizona along with second best win over UCLA losing value by every offensive play the Bruins run. Glad the computer agrees right now but has the most space to move up of any team here with the remaining 2 games.
ShogunAshoka 16
tallg8tor 16
theb52 16 39.050
udubdavid 16
ACCBiggz 17
ChargerFan2121 17
ChickenTaco 17
D1N2Y 17
Fmeson 17
MADBuc49 17 Would be ranked ahead of James Madison if not for Deservedness
MarlinsGuy 17
r0sco 17
ruwisc 17
velociraptorfarmer 17
CPiGuy2728 18
jjjoebox 18
Ruhrgebietheld 18
spasm01 18
TouchdownHeroes 18
UNC_Samurai 18
Meany_Vizzini 19 12.1 (+0.4), +1; SOR: 11.3 (21st, +0.4, +6), MOV: 12.9 (16th, +0.5, -)
Pablo49 19 +3
ThaCarter 19
The_Good_Constable 19
Apep86 20
bwburke94 20 +11.4188748 (LW: #21)
ExternalTangents 20
galacticdude7 20
KJdkaslknv 20
skuhlke 20 0.610492877
ttsci 20
A_Rolling_Baneling 21
DisraeliEers 21
TimeBroken 21 Rank: #22
HieloLuz 22 Points: 47.29 | Wins: 1 T3, 1 T4, 2 T5, 2 T6, 2 T7 | Losses: 1 T4,1 T6 | 2 WB | 1 WP |
RobertNeyland 22
Hey_Its_Roomie 23
infinitempg 23 0.658
jalexjsmithj 23
jrichardh 23
Stoneador 25
YellowSkarmory 25 First 5 out: Utah, Tennessee, Kansas State, Arizona, Troy

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
JoshuaMan024 3 251
Cascadia-Rising 8
rgalexan 8
Arvandu 9
CakeEaters 9
corona779 9
divey043 9
dterp13 9
EmotionalAd4185 9
gavinw24 9
JamoRedhead 9
Josh_historybuff 9 62-17 vs. Stanford
KansasChaser2021 9
Kirkwood641 9
Luarean 9
luciusetrur 9 LW: 16
MemeofMemeJTG999999 9 (8-2) (up 3) W: 62-17 vs Stanford (3-7) Next Week: vs #4 Washington (10-0) Projected Bowl: Cotton vs Texas
Morrgs 9
MuhMuhManRay 9
PattyKane16 9
PerfectZeroKnowledge 9
redrhino777 9
saquad69 9
schneeplehoppen 9
Scruggerboy 9
StumpVanDerHuge 9
TheBeekman8 9
twr96 9
Underground_Bread 9
Wumbology724 9
_TGT7 10 +3
a_bit_of_a_misnomer_ 10
ActuallyJasonPrice 10
Additional-Stick6374 10
Aggravating-Steak-69 10
Aidanj927 10
AnAngryPanda1 10
asbestosman2 10
big_thunder_man 10 8-2. Stanford was easy. Their two loses are by 6 points. Has a chance to punch Washington and Oregon and into the P12CG, and possibly the CFB with those three wins.
BoilerUp28 10
BoukenGreen 10
camus69x 10
cfbpeoplespoll 10
Chipsahoy523 10
ckubi 10
dawgfan24348 10
dheck2016 10
diehardcubforever 10
donbagert 10
DownshiftGD 10
geauxsaints777 10
hurricaneatx 10 (8-2) - Quality wins: Utah, UCLA
jaowerpower 10
josh55134 10
JustinMSU21 10
Midnight-Mustang 10
Milflover69cbb 10 Standin on business with that win
mithrandir2398 10
narwhalz27 10 ^2
newSomberMan 10
nurbs24joker 10
PythonLemon 10
readonlypdf 10
RedBarracuda25 10 The last hope of the pac2. Beat Oregon, Beat Washington and send the conference off with a middle finger. It's a mountain to climb, but one that would be remembered for a long time.
redrumsoxLoL 10
Salmon-Dude 10
SignificanceFirm2398 10
slatibartifast3 10
SNjr 10
Soggy_Seagull 10
soneill06 10
SortaDecent 10
SpeddyDawg 10
supercon21 10
Swaggy-7 10
thatoneguyD13 10 May actually control destiny into playoffs with Washington, Oregon, and a rematch with one of them for Pac 12 title if they win out.
TheFalconGuy 10
Tylex123 10
WhalePadre5 10
WillWorkForSugar 10
70277027 11
ard8 11
BananaBouquet 11
Bernard_Samson 11
Blyvzy 11
brucewaynewins 11
ch1l1_ch33s3 11
chillmagic420 11
cirtnecoileh 11
Dan20698 11
Dawg-Bite 11 Have better wins than teams behind them but worse losses than Mizzou
DillyDillySzn 11
DiscipleOfDietrich 11
Dontworryaboutit1 11
Doogitywoogity 11
evil_muffins_5436 11
Fantastic-Calendar-9 11
FsuNolezz 11
grtgbln 11
hoovereatscowpoop 11
Jadenflo 11
jaybigs 11
JHallquist 11
kevinsdomain 11
Klaassy23 11 (LW Change: +1)
leadbymight 11
MainPeanut25 11
MajikSix 11
maknasty09 11
mcdsmaster8824 11
Middle_Wheel_5959 11
mill1634 11
Mini-Mussolini 11
Mossed26 11
OSU_Shecter 11
Piptit 11
Prof_Pie 11 +4 The Beavers are on a roll and benefit from chaos in front of them in the poll as well as a convincing dismantling of Stanford.
Pyroblockx 11
rocco2246 11
SharkMovies 11
silfarion10 11
SomerandomIDFBfan 11 LW 12
SpursUpSoundsGudToMe 11 Really good, really tough, great coaching job this season. They have a great shot to knock off Washington at home.
The_Candler 11
thehornedlamb 11
TheSleaze22 11
titansfan174 11
Tornadohunter24 11 (+3) [8-2] Credentials: 2022 PAC-12 5th Place, Las Vegas Bowl Champs, Final AP Rank: #17 [10-3] | 2023 Results So Far: 42-17 @ San Jose State [5-5], 55-7 vs UC Davis [FCS, 6-4], 26-9 vs San Diego State [3-7], 35-38 @ Washington State [4-6], 21-7 vs Utah [7-3], 52-40 @ California [4-6], 36-24 vs UCLA [6-4], 24-27 @ Arizona [7-3], 26-19 @ Colorado [4-6], 62-17 vs Stanford [3-7]
True_Ad5324 11
VietnameseAnglo 11
WBLwiffleball 11
WRSpill 11 (12)
xX_GIGA_MAN_Xx 11 stop stop, the nerds are already dead... :(
ziggysaysnada 11
10catsinspace 12
carsonivey72 12
dubkent 12
Esb5415 12
ETHTrillionaire 12
FubarSnafuTarfu 12
Harpua99 12
HideNZeke 12
Icyy19_ 12
Jay_Dubbbs 12
losbullitt 12
owl-bears 12
samtaylor92 12
sleemoislife 12 no movement, real tough stretch coming up, let's see if they can pull an upset
tcomn 12
Viselli 12
Yelich04 12
boomersooner222 13
bryophyta_insolitam 13 W 62-17 vs. Stanford
civfan5843 13
frone 13
Is_Flacco_Elite 13
JBonkies 13 (+5)
MemeLovingLoser 13
nebsA1 13
PSUMediaPA 13
Shion314 13
spmartin1993 13
BertGallagher 14
BeyondLiesTheWub 14 +3
CriterionCrypt 14
drewscottt 14
funt9rtle 14
ianmcmoney 14
mathmanhale 14
stew_pac 14 +2
swdanley17 14
tomdawg0022 14
Weekly_Flatworm5707 14
Bereft13 15 Power: 13, SoR: 19; LW: 23
brihimia 15
cant_stop_the_crooks 15
daredassdude 15
FlashSpider-man 15
headyhawk 15
Protoco2 15
youngs2309 15
ehoefler 16 77.52 | +2
ndbfsu22 16
RJEP22 16 (8-2) - 158.133pts
visor841 16
why_doineedausername 16
aredna 17
BenchRickyAguayo 17 Hi: 18 Low: 20 LW: 21 Avg: 18.9
PlactusTX 17 (20) W Stanford
qwer546 17 1063
spencej98 17
zenverak 17
ManiacalBlazer 18 74.120
SleepsWithBlindsOpen 18
soonertiger 18
ChBass 19
chief_sitass 19
grahamca 19 T14ᵗʰ W/L, T28ᵗʰ Predicted Wins, 19ᵗʰ Team Strength, 16ᵗʰ Quality of Wins
manbeardawg 19
mthompson2320 19 LW: 20
RadiationRichard 19 LW - 22
RootBeerBloat 19
samuelbassett 19
Le_Jerk_My_Circle 20
TadKosciuszko 20
drneilpretenamen 21
Effective-Lead-6657 21 The Washington State loss becomes more and more embarrassing every week, and the UCLA win becomes less and less impressive. Washington and Oregon are the remaining games for the Beavers. They’ll be looking to play spoiler and maybe even steal the PAC-12 crown.
Jacob_Sumner 21
squibby 21
TheSunsNotYellow 21 .4804
CallingUagoatUgoat 22 12.5 pts. 0 SP+ T-10 wins. 2 SP+ T-25 wins (Utah, UCLA). 1 SP+ T-50 loss (Arizona). 1 FBS loss (Washington State). And they finish their season by playing Washington and Oregon. Ouch!
ColombianInIowa24 22 Killed Stanford. Up next #2 Washington to see if the Pac-12 is a two or three team race.
Noelthemexican 22
Player_1_has_Joined 22
TheRedKing75 22
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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