User | Rank | Reason |
shadowwingnut | 2 | 474.96 |
Hey_Its_Roomie | 5 | |
infinitempg | 6 | 0.832 |
skuhlke | 6 | 10.3244 |
YellowSkarmory | 6 | |
A_Rolling_Baneling | 7 | |
fo13 | 7 | |
luckroy | 7 | Pot 2 |
PrimalCookie | 7 | 1.864 |
AlphaH4wk | 8 | |
ShogunAshoka | 8 | |
Inkblot9 | 9 | |
Stoneador | 9 | 45 ['Middle Tennessee', 'Kansas State', 'Memphis', 'Vanderbilt', 'Troy', 'UCF', 'Arkansas State', 'Navy', 'Boise State', 'Hawaii', 'Western Kentucky', 'Georgia State', 'Kent State', 'Southern Miss', 'Massachusetts', 'San Diego State', 'New Mexico State', 'South Florida', 'UConn', 'Charlotte', 'Coastal Carolina', 'Ohio', 'New Mexico', 'Rice', 'Jacksonville State', 'Florida Atlantic', 'Iowa State', 'Bowling Green', 'Houston', 'East Carolina', 'UTEP', 'Eastern Michigan', 'Sam Houston', 'Oklahoma State', 'Georgia Tech', 'UTSA', 'Arizona State', 'Wake Forest', 'Texas State', 'Old Dominion', 'Baylor', 'Nevada', 'Louisiana', 'UAB', 'Buffalo'] |
confirmd_am_engineer | 10 | |
cyberchaox | 10 | |
HieloLuz | 10 | Points: 58.5 | Wins: 2 T4, 2 T6, 1 T7 | 3 WP | |
jalexjsmithj | 10 | 16.6 |
jimbobbypaul | 11 | 27.1128 |
Joester09 | 11 | |
SearonTrejorek | 11 | 0.80984 |
AudiieVerbum | 12 | |
Bank_Gothic | 12 | |
BigBoutros | 12 | |
cfbguy | 12 | |
eSpiritCorpse | 12 | 0.9415 |
olmsted | 12 | |
owl_man | 12 | |
realclean | 12 | |
ScarletFever333 | 12 | |
soonersthebetter | 12 | |
SwissArmyScythe | 12 | +1 |
T-Thugs | 12 | Missouri is 5-0 with a win over Kansas State (3-1) |
tallg8tor | 12 | |
theb52 | 12 | 50.000 |
ToeInDigDeep | 12 | |
ACCBiggz | 13 | |
Daigotsu | 13 | |
Dropbackandpunt | 13 | |
grjohnst | 13 | |
JaxofAllTrades13 | 13 | |
jrichardh | 13 | |
Maladroit44 | 13 | |
nbingham196 | 13 | |
RiffRamBahZoo | 13 | |
UNC_Samurai | 13 | |
70stang | 14 | Mizzou is fifth in the 3rd Tier, with one away win and one home win against P5 competition, as well as 2 G5 wins and 1 FCS win to be 5-0. They are ranked lower than UGA due to human-adjusted opponent quality. |
bwburke94 | 14 | +17.6750105 (LW: #15) |
Corporal_Hicks | 14 | |
cota1212 | 14 | |
FeliceDot27 | 14 | 97 |
HarbingerOfFun | 14 | |
HHcougar | 14 | |
hythloday1 | 14 | |
KJdkaslknv | 14 | |
Longvols | 14 | |
Pablo49 | 14 | |
RheagarTargaryen | 14 | |
SkiFlashing | 14 | |
Sometimeswelose | 14 | |
TossedRightOut | 14 | |
CFBHurts | 15 | |
Charlemagne42 | 15 | Computer ranking: 9 |
Chris-P-Creme | 15 | |
DaewooLanosMFerrr | 15 | |
djowen68 | 15 | |
DrKennethJNoisewater | 15 | |
Due_Connection179 | 15 | Last Week #17 at Vanderbilt : Won 38 - 21 I turned this game off when Mizzou went up 24 - 7 in the early 3rd, but it looks like they just went into cruise control instead of putting their foot down. I feel like that will eventually come back to bite them vs one of these teams. Next Week vs LSU : 6.5 pt underdogs : Prediction - Wins outright |
esoterik | 15 | |
jthomas694 | 15 | Missouri has won three straight solid games, they have a strong strength of record and have looked solid, not spectacular in how they've played |
kamiller2020 | 15 | |
Ruhrgebietheld | 15 | |
soonerfreak | 15 | |
spasm01 | 15 | |
spsellers | 15 | |
The_Good_Constable | 15 | |
udubdavid | 15 | |
wameron | 15 | |
CharlemagneOfTheUSA | 16 | |
corundum9 | 16 | |
DisraeliEers | 16 | |
ewolfy13 | 16 | |
halldaylong | 16 | |
I_am_bot_beep_boop | 16 | |
Jakesnake42 | 16 | 75.88. Last Week: #11 |
Nathanael-Greene | 16 | |
NyquillusDillwad20 | 16 | |
OKgolfer | 16 | |
Polarbear1914 | 16 | |
Pure_Protein_Machine | 16 | |
ruwisc | 16 | |
thexraptor | 16 | |
tks231 | 16 | |
TouchdownHeroes | 16 | |
AllHawkeyesGoToHell | 17 | |
arrowfan624 | 17 | |
bakonydraco | 17 | 76.985 (#31) |
buckeyes75 | 17 | |
BUSean | 17 | |
ChaseTheFalcon | 17 | |
D1N2Y | 17 | |
DavoinShower-handle | 17 | |
EpicSchwinn | 17 | |
fshi | 17 | |
joebob431 | 17 | |
kflinderman | 17 | |
Knightro2011 | 17 | |
MWiatrak2077 | 17 | |
noahthearc | 17 | |
Noy_Telinu | 17 | |
plannedsickdays | 17 | |
seaotter2 | 17 | |
strikersteve60 | 17 | |
studio_sally | 17 | |
T-nawtical | 17 | |
thomasosu | 17 | |
typicaliconoclast | 17 | |
UMeister | 17 | |
velociraptorfarmer | 17 | |
WarEagle9 | 17 | |
12panther | 18 | |
311polo | 18 | |
Apep86 | 18 | |
Archaic_1 | 18 | |
BamaPride95 | 18 | |
BearsAreGreat1 | 18 | |
Blooblod | 18 | |
bretticus33 | 18 | Missouri is a weird team. They don’t seem like a team that should be undefeated and/or ranked, yet they are. I struggle to see Mizzou beating Georgia in the East, but they should be competitive again. |
Casaiir | 18 | |
ChickenTaco | 18 | |
chweris | 18 | |
coletheredditer | 18 | Beat Vanderbilt, going forward Mizzou has one of the hardest SEC schedules, playing pretty much evert good team except Alabama, if the tigers can hold on to LSU, they could beat Georgia. They also sent me a massive booklet telling me to apply there. I'm not going to, but I appreciate the effort. |
Corgi_Koala | 18 | |
DarkLegend64 | 18 | |
darkra01 | 18 | |
fadingthought | 18 | |
fourpinz8 | 18 | |
frumious88 | 18 | |
GatorBolt | 18 | They keep piling on more wins. Maybe the SEC race is interesting for them afterall. |
GilBrandt | 18 | |
goblue10 | 18 | |
hendarvich | 18 | +1 |
Hugefootballfan44 | 18 | LW: 19 |
huskerfan4life520 | 18 | |
Johnnycockseed | 18 | |
MahjongDaily | 18 | |
MarlinsGuy | 18 | |
mellolizard | 18 | |
nin478 | 18 | |
oghawks18 | 18 | |
outthawazoo | 18 | |
posiitively | 18 | 142.27 |
RegionalBias | 18 | |
retnuh101 | 18 | |
sirgippy | 18 | |
SpadeRyker | 18 | |
Techwid | 18 | |
TheJeemTeam | 18 | |
woakley | 18 | |
ya111101 | 18 | |
aggiebruin27 | 19 | |
AlexanderComet | 19 | = |
ALStark69 | 19 | +3 |
bannista7 | 19 | |
Buckeyes2010 | 19 | |
Cassiyus | 19 | |
Ch-i-ef | 19 | |
CommodoreN7 | 19 | |
CptCheese | 19 | |
falconlover79 | 19 | |
ikindalikelemons | 19 | |
JohnWickStuntDouble | 19 | |
JonesUCF34 | 19 | |
lillipup03 | 19 | |
noodlethebear | 19 | |
rain_parkour | 19 | |
Rakarei | 19 | |
Texasagsman | 19 | |
TheZachster | 19 | |
tjstanley | 19 | |
wesman212 | 19 | |
_fastball | 20 | |
Blazeth | 20 | |
Branzilla91 | 20 | |
bties | 20 | |
BugsSuck | 20 | |
Cars-and-Coffee | 20 | |
CockADoodleBOOM | 20 | |
cornholesurfer | 20 | |
Drexlore | 20 | |
DylanCarlson3 | 20 | |
e8odie | 20 | |
Feral_Squirrel | 20 | |
GeauxTri | 20 | |
hascogrande | 20 | |
Helifino | 20 | |
IceColdDrPepper_Here | 20 | |
jlh2b | 20 | |
Meany_Vizzini | 20 | 14.5 (+0.9), +1 |
Mr_Brews | 20 | |
ndbroski | 20 | |
one98d | 20 | |
owlalwaysloveyew | 20 | |
PalmettoFace | 20 | |
Pollaski | 20 | |
SlaminSammons | 20 | Mizzou won comfortably. 5-0 and looking good. |
Staind075 | 20 | |
TaylorLeprechaun | 20 | +2 |
tmothy07 | 20 | |
Arteza147 | 21 | |
blahblehblahwhoru | 21 | |
boxbeat | 21 | |
captain_sasquatch | 21 | |
Colton3690 | 21 | |
dasani3x | 21 | |
deadtofall12 | 21 | |
Extra_Excrement | 21 | |
Foxmcbowser42 | 21 | |
fredmerc111 | 21 | |
Hackasizlak | 21 | |
Hobbes_121 | 21 | |
IAmAChemicalEngineer | 21 | |
JCiLee | 21 | |
jmac_21 | 21 | |
Keener1899 | 21 | |
Laschoni | 21 | |
MADBuc49 | 21 | |
magnumweiner | 21 | |
Megalomanizac | 21 | |
monkeymatt1836 | 21 | |
nemoran | 21 | |
pileatedloon | 21 | |
PromEmperorHarbaugh | 21 | |
sasmith2015 | 21 | |
scronko | 21 | |
SCsprinter13 | 21 | |
Sophocles5 | 21 | |
tdeff19 | 21 | |
TDenverFan | 21 | |
texas2089 | 21 | |
Ticklebump | 21 | |
TopGoose | 21 | |
ucieaters33 | 21 | |
vanburen1845 | 21 | |
Wescat | 21 | |
WolverineDDS | 21 | |
Xtremeloco | 21 | |
arrow_dynamics | 22 | |
Bill3ffinMurray | 22 | |
BorisNumber1 | 22 | |
Cecil_Hardboner | 22 | |
cinciforthewin | 22 | |
conchobor | 22 | |
creative_penguin | 22 | |
d_mcc_x | 22 | |
DarthYoda2594 | 22 | |
Disregardskarma | 22 | |
GoBlueScrewOSU7 | 22 | |
hypercube42342 | 22 | |
icklebush | 22 | |
jeedf | 22 | |
jjjoebox | 22 | |
KirbyDumber88 | 22 | |
LeWoofle | 22 | undefeated |
MoneyManeVick | 22 | |
nburt13 | 22 | |
physedka | 22 | |
Pikachu1989 | 22 | |
RegulatorRWF | 22 | |
roaddogg | 22 | |
RollWarTideEagle | 22 | |
SteemieRayVaughn | 22 | |
tdoger | 22 | |
teddythe3rd | 22 | |
ThaCarter | 22 | |
ThePelvicWoo | 22 | |
Zloggt | 22 | |
Acm0028 | 23 | |
BosskOnASegway | 23 | |
BRNXB0MBERS | 23 | |
CPiGuy2728 | 23 | |
eclectic_tastes | 23 | |
HelioOne | 23 | |
LiptonCB | 23 | |
malowry0124 | 23 | |
No11223456 | 23 | |
nw____ | 23 | |
puffadda | 23 | |
PumpSmash | 23 | |
ReallyCreative | 23 | |
royrules22 | 23 | |
ryseing | 23 | |
Sproded | 23 | |
ChemicalOle | 24 | |
Chucky1539 | 24 | |
DampFrijoles | 24 | |
jrluhn | 24 | |
Muffinnnnnnn | 24 | |
RobertNeyland | 24 | |
ryumast3r | 24 | |
Striker743 | 24 | Up 1 |
trumpet_23 | 24 | |
washington_jefferson | 24 | |
52hoova | 25 | |
Darth_Ra | 25 | |
digdat0 | 25 | |
G-Aardvark | 25 | |
PHubbs | 25 | |
placid_salad | 25 | LW #35 |
ProbablyRickSantorum | 25 | |
srs_house | 25 | |
the_neverdoctor | 25 |
User | Rank | Reason |
CallingUagoatUgoat | 3 | 1 SP+ T-25 win. Slight advantage over Wazzu because of the extra data point. |
TadKosciuszko | 4 | |
cbusalex | 5 | |
DeerPrison | 5 | LW: 3 |
CallMeTheKing | 6 | 45-0-87 |
Elegant_Extreme3268 | 7 | |
OutRiteWite | 7 | |
PlactusTX | 7 | LW: 4 | W Vanderbilt |
1Subject | 8 | |
boomersooner222 | 8 | |
JetoGrov | 8 | Win over KS State is the best any SEC team has so far (crazy FG and all) Preseason "right" rating: 0/10....there were absolutely no thoughts about Mizzou for me this offseason |
ehoefler | 9 | 82.77 | +7 |
RJEP22 | 10 | (5-0) - 94.569pts |
squibby | 11 | |
StannisGrammarMannis | 11 | |
TheSunsNotYellow | 11 | .650 |
andy-022 | 12 | 1169.32 5 - 0 85 11.2 (22) Kansas State - |
Noelthemexican | 12 | |
big_thunder_man | 13 | Stomped Vanderbilt, has a Kansas State win on the resume (and they're sniffing the rankings. |
ChBass | 13 | |
Serenityy8 | 13 | |
SleepsWithBlindsOpen | 13 | The top SEC is none other than 5-0 Missouri. With an undefeated conference records and signature win against K State |
Astone1996 | 14 | |
camus69x | 14 | |
Jay682002 | 14 | |
manbeardawg | 14 | |
soneill06 | 14 | |
throwaway_6786 | 14 | Who would have guessed Mizzou would be 5-0? This team continues to surprise me with an explosive offense and a pretty tough defense. Their struggles against MTSU don't look good, but that is more than made up for with close, but still solid, wins over K-State and Memphis. I'm excited to see what Mizzou can do against LSU next week. |
GeyWeyner12 | 15 | |
GhostDosa | 15 | Undefeated. Ranked win versus Kansas State |
jaybigs | 15 | 0.9318 |
JBonkies | 15 | |
Klaassy23 | 15 | |
losbullitt | 15 | |
ltyboy | 15 | |
OG_Felwinter | 15 | |
PerfectZeroKnowledge | 15 | |
qwer546 | 15 | |
ScaratheBear | 15 | |
spmartin1993 | 15 | |
TheRedKing75 | 15 | |
Tight_Discipline_134 | 15 | |
WRSpill | 15 | (19) |
divey043 | 16 | |
Dontworryaboutit1 | 16 | |
dubkent | 16 | |
mathmanhale | 16 | |
nebsA1 | 16 | |
patriots230 | 16 | |
PSUMediaPA | 16 | |
redrumsoxLoL | 16 | |
siggyrambler | 16 | |
TheNSAAgent777 | 16 | |
Tornadohunter24 | 16 | |
BananaBouquet | 17 | |
ch1l1_ch33s3 | 17 | |
cirtnecoileh | 17 | |
cmcabrera | 17 | |
DillyDillySzn | 17 | |
ETHTrillionaire | 17 | |
IDropFatLogs | 17 | Meoooowwww |
Jadenflo | 17 | |
jibberishdhyukl | 17 | Beat Vandy |
JoshuaMan024 | 17 | |
KansasChaser2021 | 17 | Missouri looks like a true dark horse contender to win the SEC. |
maxwell6233 | 17 | |
mcdsmaster8824 | 17 | |
mithrandir2398 | 17 | |
owl-bears | 17 | |
Pyroblockx | 17 | |
RootBeerBloat | 17 | |
samtaylor92 | 17 | |
tcomn | 17 | |
TheThirdViceroy | 17 | |
Tylex123 | 17 | |
Aidanj927 | 18 | |
Arvandu | 18 | Good team but they got some tough games coming up and we'll see if they're 7 win or a 10 win team (+4) |
bruhstevenson | 18 | |
chillmagic420 | 18 | |
Dan20698 | 18 | |
DragonFire101Gamer | 18 | |
drneilpretenamen | 18 | |
Harpua99 | 18 | |
IBCBJ | 18 | |
iHasMagyk | 18 | |
llamawhittlings | 18 | |
luciusetrur | 18 | LW: 20 |
Maize_n_Boom | 18 | |
mauliknshah | 18 | |
mikecsiy | 18 | |
mill1634 | 18 | |
moyboi2112 | 18 | |
ndbfsu22 | 18 | |
orbania | 18 | |
Player_1_has_Joined | 18 | |
samuelbassett | 18 | |
Sebene | 18 | |
spaceblev11 | 18 | |
SpeddyDawg | 18 | |
Strog18 | 18 | |
thehornedlamb | 18 | |
70277027 | 19 | |
brucewaynewins | 19 | |
bryophyta_insolitam | 19 | W 38-22 @ Vanderbilt |
Cooliamabeast | 19 | |
Effective-Lead-6657 | 19 | (NR) |
Fantastic-Calendar-9 | 19 | LW: 18 |
Gnarlybro365 | 19 | |
heelxtiger | 19 | 77.4 Score 77.4 Power Rating 5-0 Record |
hoovereatscowpoop | 19 | |
hurricaneatx | 19 | |
jakepadres23 | 19 | |
JamoRedhead | 19 | |
JustinMSU21 | 19 | |
Midnight-Mustang | 19 | no change |
penix4heisman | 19 | |
Protoco2 | 19 | |
SharkMovies | 19 | |
Small_Bet_9433 | 19 | |
stew_pac | 19 | +4 |
TheBeekman8 | 19 | The tigers are still undefeated. |
TheSleaze22 | 19 | |
tomdawg0022 | 19 | |
ToosUnderHigh | 19 | |
WBLwiffleball | 19 | |
Yelich04 | 19 | |
666haha | 20 | |
Bernard_Samson | 20 | |
cartierboy25 | 20 | |
Cascadia-Rising | 20 | |
corona779 | 20 | |
Dawg-Bite | 20 | Stayed the same because I’m not confident in them rn but they still have a good win over K State |
demolisty24 | 20 | |
frone | 20 | |
Got_That_WeeFee | 20 | |
JHallquist | 20 | |
JoeFreshwata | 20 | |
leadbymight | 20 | |
Loopylime | 20 | |
OldCoaly | 20 | Quietly cruising undefeated. |
PattyKane16 | 20 | |
pianoprofiteer | 20 | |
Pylon-Cam | 20 | |
PythonLemon | 20 | |
RadiationRichard | 20 | |
schneeplehoppen | 20 | |
Sflabuckeye13 | 20 | |
Sidewinder83 | 20 | |
The_Candler | 20 | |
TheFalconGuy | 20 | |
TommyTwoTaps | 20 | |
Underground_Bread | 20 | |
Viselli | 20 | |
zenverak | 20 | |
10catsinspace | 21 | |
AdministrativeAnt683 | 21 | |
AnAngryPanda1 | 21 | |
Bereft13 | 21 | Power: 27, SoR: 2; LW: 25 |
BoukenGreen | 21 | |
Brutalist-outhouse | 21 | |
charmingcharles2896 | 21 | |
CheapTrickIsOkay | 21 | |
daredassdude | 21 | |
DaveSoccer | 21 | Probably the best non conference win in the SEC |
dawgfan24348 | 21 | |
diehardcubforever | 21 | |
EmotionalAd4185 | 21 | |
Foriegn_Picachu | 21 | |
FsuNolezz | 21 | |
grtgbln | 21 | |
josh55134 | 21 | |
meowrkatt | 21 | |
Mini-Mussolini | 21 | |
Morrgs | 21 | |
Ok_Elderberry7070 | 21 | |
ReadySetMeow | 21 | |
Shion314 | 21 | |
slashbopzing | 21 | |
sly2bfox | 21 | |
SpencoDaMainMan | 21 | |
tbutrie1916 | 21 | |
thejawa | 21 | |
TinderForMidgets | 21 | |
titansfan174 | 21 | |
True_Ad5324 | 21 | |
URhyno | 21 | |
_TGT7 | 22 | Missouri looked fine against Vanderbilt to move to 5-0, but they go down in my rankings due to more impressive showings from other teams, Missouri vs LSU will be a trajectory-altering game for both teams, where a Missouri win would give them extra credibility |
a_bit_of_a_misnomer_ | 22 | As I said last week, Mizzou is so much fun to watch. If their last few performances have anything to say for themselves, next week could be a very interesting game. |
ard8 | 22 | |
buckeye4249 | 22 | |
carsonivey72 | 22 | |
ColombianInIowa24 | 22 | Sneaky Mizzou keeps it going in a questionable win against Vandy. Up next an angry but overrated LSU. Is Mizzou a legit SEC west contender? |
Doogitywoogity | 22 | |
FlashSpider-man | 22 | Both Mizzou and Louisville are undefeated, but both have won close games. Both of these teams have won most of their games by one possession. A win is a win, but that is why they are below so many 1 loss teams. |
good4steve | 22 | |
HideNZeke | 22 | |
LonghornNaysh | 22 | |
MemeLovingLoser | 22 | 60.47 |
MemeofMemeJTG999999 | 22 | (5-0) (no change) W: 38-21 @ Vanderbilt (2-4) Next Week: vs #27 LSU (3-2) |
Mossed26 | 22 | |
MuhMuhManRay | 22 | |
newSomberMan | 22 | |
OSU_Shecter | 22 | |
OSUfan88 | 22 | |
redrhino777 | 22 | |
saquad69 | 22 | |
SNjr | 22 | |
Swaggy-7 | 22 | |
usernamegoeshere763 | 22 | |
ViewFrom209 | 22 | |
Beck4ou | 23 | |
BoilerUp28 | 23 | |
cfbpeoplespoll | 23 | |
donbagert | 23 | |
dterp13 | 23 | |
funt9rtle | 23 | |
geauxsaints777 | 23 | |
Piptit | 23 | |
rgalexan | 23 | |
rocco2246 | 23 | |
sconbon | 23 | |
soonertiger | 23 | |
StumpVanDerHuge | 23 | "Yeah Mizzou" that guy from NCAA Football 2009 or something |
TXUSAW | 23 | |
youngs2309 | 23 | |
_JustinTheGreat_ | 24 | |
ActuallyJasonPrice | 24 | |
bethe2ndmouse | 24 | |
CaptainScuttlebottom | 24 | |
evil_muffins_5436 | 24 | |
ManiacalBlazer | 24 | |
narwhalz27 | 24 | - |
SortaDecent | 24 | |
stoeseri000 | 24 | |
WhalePadre5 | 24 | |
Luarean | 25 | (LW:Unranked, Unranked) |