User | Rank | Reason |
DataDrivenPirate | 3 | |
Fmeson | 4 | |
r0sco | 4 | |
Jakesnake42 | 5 | 79.29 (#7 seed vs. #10 seed Texas) Last Week #5 |
JeromesNiece | 6 | |
posiitively | 6 | |
RobertNeyland | 6 | |
bakonydraco | 7 | 84.967 |
eSpiritCorpse | 7 | 0.9246 |
fo13 | 7 | |
zenverak | 7 | |
Charlemagne42 | 8 | 293 |
Hey_Its_Roomie | 8 | |
Noelthemexican | 8 | |
sirgippy | 8 | |
The-Gothic-Castle | 8 | |
TouchdownHeroes | 8 | |
BlueSCar | 9 | |
dan4223 | 9 | |
ruwisc | 9 | 3.778 LW: 9 |
The_Good_Constable | 9 | |
bwburke94 | 10 | +13.6609792 (LW: #9) |
CFBHurts | 10 | |
jmac_21 | 10 | |
jthomas694 | 10 | |
kflinderman | 10 | |
luckroy | 10 | Pot 5 |
Meany_Vizzini | 10 | 16.4, -1, +0.1; SOR: 16.4 (13th), MOV: 16.3 (9th) |
Mr_Brews | 10 | |
rain_parkour | 10 | |
Red261 | 10 | |
T-Thugs | 10 | Alabama finished the season at 9-3 and I may be over-ranking them considering they have 3 losses and two were to bad teams. I have them here though thanks to the strength of their wins. They have a very nice win over Georgia (11-2, SEC champs). They also have a nice win over South Carolina (9-3). |
Texasagsman | 10 | |
theb52 | 10 | 50.667 |
velociraptorfarmer | 10 | |
Xtremeloco | 10 | |
aggiebruin27 | 11 | |
Apep86 | 11 | |
Blooblod | 11 | |
d_mcc_x | 11 | |
DisraeliEers | 11 | |
HieloLuz | 11 | |
Hugefootballfan44 | 11 | LW: 11 |
IAmAChemicalEngineer | 11 | |
Le_Jerk_My_Circle | 11 | |
Maladroit44 | 11 | |
nin478 | 11 | |
PHubbs | 11 | |
Polarbear1914 | 11 | |
puffadda | 11 | |
PumpSmash | 11 | |
skuhlke | 11 | |
Stoneador | 11 | |
SwissArmyScythe | 11 | +2 |
TimeBroken | 11 | |
udubdavid | 11 | |
ya111101 | 11 | |
70stang | 12 | |
bretticus33 | 12 | The best part about seeing Alabama be the first team out of the CFP is the immediate reaction was to say if they scheduled easier OOC games, they'd be in. The reason Alabama isn't in the CFP is they lost to 6-6 Vanderbilt (a team even Georgia State was able to beat) and got blasted by 6-6 Oklahoma. Swapping out Wisconsin for Kent State isn't going to change anything. |
Cars-and-Coffee | 12 | |
Cassiyus | 12 | |
ChickenTaco | 12 | |
CPiGuy2728 | 12 | |
creative_penguin | 12 | |
ehoefler | 12 | 77.18 | -2 |
frone | 12 | |
Knightro2011 | 12 | |
lillipup03 | 12 | |
NotSoSuperNerd | 12 | 1.452 (9-3) |
owl_man | 12 | |
Player_1_has_Joined | 12 | |
Pollaski | 12 | |
PrimalCookie | 12 | |
Pure_Protein_Machine | 12 | |
RJEP22 | 12 | |
scronko | 12 | |
srs_house | 12 | |
SteemieRayVaughn | 12 | |
teddythe3rd | 12 | |
the_neverdoctor | 12 | |
trumpet_23 | 12 | |
YellowSkarmory | 12 | |
Zloggt | 12 | |
12panther | 13 | |
a_bit_of_a_misnomer_ | 13 | |
AlexanderComet | 13 | |
arrowfan624 | 13 | |
BabyBladder | 13 | |
bannista7 | 13 | |
Casaiir | 13 | |
coletheredditer | 13 | Replay of last years Rose Bowl, I remember the Badgers and Miami doing this in 2017 and 2018, if this stays true Alabama makes it to the Rose bowl in 2019, and then falls off a cliff |
CptCheese | 13 | |
DampFrijoles | 13 | |
dasani3x | 13 | |
diehardcubforever | 13 | |
digdat0 | 13 | |
Drexlore | 13 | |
esoterik | 13 | |
ewolfy13 | 13 | Have you considered not losing to Vandy and Oklahoma? If so, you’d be in |
ExternalTangents | 13 | |
Extra_Excrement | 13 | |
galacticdude7 | 13 | |
GatorBolt | 13 | |
halldaylong | 13 | |
Harpua99 | 13 | |
IceColdDrPepper_Here | 13 | |
icklebush | 13 | |
Inkblot9 | 13 | |
Longvols | 13 | |
OKgolfer | 13 | The 3 loss Ole Miss-Alabama-South Carolina group come in just behind Tennessee. Ole Miss and Alabama are hard to separate since they didn't play head to head. Both beat Georgia and SC. Ole Miss split with the 8-4 teams LSU and Texas A&M, while Alabama beat LSU and 9-3 Missouri but didn't play A&M. Both lost embarrassing games, but Ole Miss's home loss to 4-8 Kentucky is worse. Alabama gets the edge by a hair. |
one98d | 13 | |
PalmettoFace | 13 | |
Pikachu1989 | 13 | |
pileatedloon | 13 | |
placid_salad | 13 | LW: #13 |
RegulatorRWF | 13 | |
shadowwingnut | 13 | |
stripes361 | 13 | |
Techwid | 13 | |
Terminal_BAS | 13 | |
TheNSAAgent777 | 13 | |
TheZachster | 13 | |
titansfan174 | 13 | |
tjstanley | 13 | |
ucieaters33 | 13 | |
visor841 | 13 | |
WarEagle9 | 13 | |
AlphaH4wk | 14 | |
BearsAreGreat1 | 14 | |
Buckeyes2010 | 14 | |
BUSean | 14 | |
Colton3690 | 14 | |
cyclonepsycho | 14 | |
Darth_Ra | 14 | |
DavoinShower-handle | 14 | |
e8odie | 14 | |
Feral_Squirrel | 14 | |
fourpinz8 | 14 | |
HarbingerOfFun | 14 | |
JonesUCF34 | 14 | |
JustinMSU21 | 14 | |
kamiller2020 | 14 | |
MahjongDaily | 14 | |
nburt13 | 14 | |
nemoran | 14 | |
noodlethebear | 14 | |
PlactusTX | 14 | (15) idle |
redrumsoxLoL | 14 | |
Sometimeswelose | 14 | |
strikersteve60 | 14 | |
tallg8tor | 14 | |
TaylorLeprechaun | 14 | +0 |
tdeff19 | 14 | |
TossedRightOut | 14 | |
vanburen1845 | 14 | |
wameron | 14 | |
washington_jefferson | 14 | |
Acm0028 | 15 | |
Bill3ffinMurray | 15 | |
ChaseTheFalcon | 15 | |
Chris-P-Creme | 15 | |
Doogitywoogity | 15 | |
Dropbackandpunt | 15 | |
fshi | 15 | |
Hackasizlak | 15 | |
hascogrande | 15 | |
Helifino | 15 | |
ikindalikelemons | 15 | |
JamoRedhead | 15 | |
JustAManAndHisLaptop | 15 | |
Klaassy23 | 15 | (LW Change: -1) |
Lex_Ludorum | 15 | |
MarlinsGuy | 15 | |
MemeofMemeJTG999999 | 15 | (9-3) (down 1) Bye Bowl: ReliaQuest vs Michigan (7-5) (in Tampa) |
MoneyManeVick | 15 | |
nbingham196 | 15 | |
nw____ | 15 | |
outthawazoo | 15 | |
Pyroblockx | 15 | |
Rakarei | 15 | |
retnuh101 | 15 | |
RheagarTargaryen | 15 | |
romulusjsp | 15 | |
SCsprinter13 | 15 | |
SlaminSammons | 15 | |
soonerfreak | 15 | |
Staind075 | 15 | |
TDenverFan | 15 | |
thomasosu | 15 | |
TopGoose | 15 | |
VerySeriousBanana | 15 | |
10catsinspace | 16 | |
ALStark69 | 16 | 0 |
bernkastel87 | 16 | |
blahblehblahwhoru | 16 | |
Blazeth | 16 | |
BosskOnASegway | 16 | |
Cecil_Hardboner | 16 | |
CharlemagneOfTheUSA | 16 | |
ChemicalOle | 16 | |
CommodoreN7 | 16 | |
Corporal_Hicks | 16 | |
dabul-master | 16 | |
DarthYoda2594 | 16 | |
fredmerc111 | 16 | |
grjohnst | 16 | |
HelioOne | 16 | |
Hobbes_121 | 16 | |
huskerfan4life520 | 16 | |
infinitempg | 16 | 0.728, -2 |
joebob431 | 16 | |
Joester09 | 16 | |
malowry0124 | 16 | |
manbeardawg | 16 | |
ndbroski | 16 | |
OldCoaly | 16 | |
RollWarTideEagle | 16 | |
ryseing | 16 | |
SearonTrejorek | 16 | 0.76634 |
spsellers | 16 | |
stew_pac | 16 | -4 |
Wescat | 16 | |
A_Rolling_Baneling | 17 | |
Daigotsu | 17 | |
DarkLegend64 | 17 | |
deadtofall12 | 17 | |
goblue10 | 17 | |
grtgbln | 17 | |
jaybigs | 17 | |
JBonkies | 17 | |
jjjoebox | 17 | |
olmsted | 17 | |
practicallybert | 17 | |
ShogunAshoka | 17 | |
spmartin1993 | 17 | |
texas2089 | 17 | |
cornholesurfer | 18 | |
corundum9 | 18 | |
GenialGiant | 18 | |
LiptonCB | 18 | |
monkeymatt1836 | 18 | |
RegionalBias | 18 | |
rocco2246 | 18 | |
woakley | 18 | |
BallSoHerd | 19 | |
boxbeat | 19 | |
cinciforthewin | 19 | |
GeauxTri | 19 | |
Muffinnnnnnn | 19 | |
NyquillusDillwad20 | 19 | |
Ruhrgebietheld | 19 | |
ch1l1_ch33s3 | 20 | |
Striker743 | 20 | |
EpicSchwinn | 21 | |
GilBrandt | 21 | |
MADBuc49 | 21 | +0. Deservedness blocking highly-rated 3+ loss teams with no loss allowances over Army such as Alabama from being ranked ahead of Army |
Noy_Telinu | 21 | 3 losses all in conference |
w8w8 | 21 | |
cvsprinter1 | 22 | 3-loss P5 |
ReallyCreative | 22 | |
SpadeRyker | 22 | |
BananaBouquet | 23 | |
ColombianInIowa24 | 23 | Climbs back in despite crappy performances. Directly limited by Baylor of all teams. ReliaQuest Bowl vs Michigan. |
CambodianDrywall | 25 |
User | Rank | Reason |
Noah__Webster | 3 | 23.5 |
DeerPrison | 4 | |
Rcfan0902 | 5 | 2411.73 |
ThompsonCreekTiger | 6 | |
EmpressElaina024 | 7 | 245 |
GenuineBoss | 7 | |
STL_12 | 7 | Points: 28.492 LW: 9 |
TheSleaze22 | 7 | |
Bushken | 8 | 67.70 |
cfbpeoplespoll | 8 | |
asbestosman2 | 9 | |
Bereft13 | 9 | Power: 6, SoR: 10; LW: 8 |
FrontRunner51 | 9 | Despite their bad losses, I do think Alabama is one of the top 12 teams in the country. But auto bids have a purpose since there aren't enough inter-conference games, so I'm fine with the committee keeping them out. |
HouseShowTights | 9 | |
0010MK | 10 | |
Crelc3 | 10 | |
RadiationRichard | 10 | |
sirvalkyerie | 10 | |
swdanley17 | 10 | |
ziggysaysnada | 10 | |
ab317 | 11 | |
CallMeTheKing | 11 | |
dterp13 | 11 | |
iamaustincince | 11 | |
mthompson2320 | 11 | LW: 10 |
scsd4222 | 11 | |
SignificanceFirm2398 | 11 | |
spaceblev11 | 11 | |
timpredmore | 11 | 95.0 |
Underground_Bread | 11 | |
70277027 | 12 | |
Blazemaster77 | 12 | LW: 12. That was likely the only set of results that would have resulted in Alabama missing the playoffs. Hey SECSPN, if you want to make the playoffs, DONT GET CLOBBERED BY 6-6 OKLAHOMA |
BoukenGreen | 12 | |
EL-YEO | 12 | |
FsuNolezz | 12 | |
grahamca | 12 | T22ⁿᵈ W/L, T13ᵗʰ Predicted Wins, 6ᵗʰ Team Strength, 2ⁿᵈ Quality of Wins |
Holyachilles04 | 12 | |
hurricaneatx | 12 | (9-3) - Alabama has a very good slate of quality wins, and did well to win against Auburn to keep their playoff hopes alive. Problem is, losing squarely to Vanderbilt and getting absolutely crushed by Oklahoma were terrible looks, and that kept them out of the playoffs. For the first time in quite some time, Alabama will be bowling in a somewhat less noteworthy position. Quality wins: Georgia, South Carolina, Missouri, @LSU |
jcdehoff | 12 | |
jwrtf | 12 | |
Luigiatl | 12 | |
MajikSix | 12 | |
manbeqrpig | 12 | |
mountain_troop86 | 12 | |
Norleras | 12 | |
PSUMediaPA | 12 | |
Real_TSwany | 12 | |
redleg86 | 12 | wins [Western Kentucky: 0.585, South Florida: 0.432, Wisconsin: 0.456, Georgia: 0.888, South Carolina: 0.774, Missouri: 0.693, LSU: 0.682, Mercer: 0, Auburn: 0.426] losses [Vanderbilt: -0.48, Tennessee: -0.267, Oklahoma: -0.422] |
saquad69 | 12 | |
Sflabuckeye13 | 12 | |
smartkeg | 12 | |
soonertiger | 12 | |
taborthevirginian | 12 | |
Tylex123 | 12 | |
Versigot | 12 | |
willbill182 | 12 | |
Yelich04 | 12 | - |
balconesescarpment | 13 | |
beaulnej | 13 | |
BoilerUp28 | 13 | |
chillmagic420 | 13 | |
daredassdude | 13 | |
divey043 | 13 | |
fellohuman77 | 13 | |
g_trechel | 13 | |
gavinw24 | 13 | |
GavRunsTheTrap | 13 | |
ianmcmoney | 13 | |
inconvenientpoop | 13 | |
jonstark19 | 13 | |
josh55134 | 13 | |
journey1986 | 13 | |
leadbymight | 13 | |
Life-Veterinarian699 | 13 | |
mport97 | 13 | |
NA_Faker | 13 | |
No_Particular_746 | 13 | |
owl-bears | 13 | |
quantum_jedi | 13 | (-3) The first team out of this year's playoff. The committee clearly rewarded Alabama for their massive win over Georgia and difficult schedule by making them the highest ranked 3-loss team, but they couldn't overlook two absolutely head-scratching losses to mediocre Vanderbilt and Oklahoma teams. In a purely brand name, ratings driven match-up, the Tide will get an unranked, 7-5 Michigan team in the Reliaquest Bowl. |
Resolve-Opening | 13 | |
scrambolambo | 13 | |
Shion314 | 13 | |
SpectralHydra | 13 | |
sroach91 | 13 | |
TheQuakinator | 13 | |
TolkienFan71 | 13 | |
TommyWiseau22 | 13 | |
wittingtarsier | 13 | |
1Subject | 14 | |
ArlyntheAwesome | 14 | |
Burns2211 | 14 | |
Burnsite | 14 | |
donbagert | 14 | |
DownshiftGD | 14 | |
Fantastic-Calendar-9 | 14 | LW: 14 |
geordieColt88 | 14 | |
HopefulReb76 | 14 | |
IT_JUST_MEANS_JORT | 14 | 🎳 Gone Bowlin' |
JamesDontPlayNoGames | 14 | |
JustAGuy7915 | 14 | |
mcdsmaster8824 | 14 | |
Middle_Wheel_5959 | 14 | |
Omegaus492 | 14 | |
PattyKane16 | 14 | |
PersianGuitarist | 14 | |
Repulsive_Rub6443 | 14 | |
thealbinotitan1 | 14 | Alabama could cry about this but in reality if you want to make it don’t lose to 6-6 teams and especially don’t lose to them by being dominated instead of fluke loses. But their sos is currently boosted by the fact the SEC is just artificially highly rated due to brands |
TheReformedBadger | 14 | |
twr96 | 14 | |
zmp1924 | 14 | |
Astone1996 | 15 | |
brucewaynewins | 15 | |
BuckeyeForLife95 | 15 | |
coop3345 | 15 | |
FlashSpider-man | 15 | |
gonshpreds1 | 15 | |
HHunko13 | 15 | |
jibberishdhyukl | 15 | |
Lefunnymaymays4lief | 15 | |
MotherQuocer | 15 | |
mstr_yda | 15 | Idle. Trail #13 Mississippi because their win over #2 Georgia was much closer, and they have much worse losses. |
Nath0leon | 15 | |
Piptit | 15 | |
PsychologicalFox8660 | 15 | |
Redbogey98 | 15 | |
requiemsux | 15 | |
RJTrey | 15 | |
samtaylor92 | 15 | |
SpeddyDawg | 15 | |
Tippyshortmouth | 15 | |
androonfl | 16 | |
Arvandu | 16 | |
buccaneerboy22 | 16 | |
ChBass | 16 | Performance Score: 6.6, Wins:+24.8, Losses:-35.8, Ranking Score: -4.5 |
ConstantPause1239 | 16 | LW: 14 |
DarthBerry | 16 | Rank Score: 63.691 |
DillyDillySzn | 16 | |
dubscurry30 | 16 | |
Electronic_Nail | 16 | |
forkedravioli | 16 | |
geauxsaints777 | 16 | |
jackmc04 | 16 | |
loganisfresh | 16 | |
luciusetrur | 16 | LW: #15 Change: -1 |
MainPeanut25 | 16 | -1, Rematch of the Rose Bowl? Roll Tide! |
nebsA1 | 16 | |
RevoRebel | 16 | |
SBMVPJustinHerbert | 16 | |
Spazzatack | 16 | |
StFuzzySlippers | 16 | |
buzzingoffthetuffy | 17 | |
GloryReaper_ | 17 | |
Josh_historybuff | 17 | Bye Week |
ManiacalBlazer | 17 | |
RealignmentJunkie | 17 | |
SNjr | 17 | |
SufferingfOrLife | 17 | |
bryophyta_insolitam | 18 | Bye |
dawgfan24348 | 18 | |
hoovereatscowpoop | 18 | |
Mynameisdiehard | 18 | |
SomerandomIDFBfan | 18 | |
Sp1cyRice | 18 | (+1) |
tcomn | 18 | |
Chipsahoy523 | 19 | |
Salmon-Dude | 19 | |
The_Good_General | 19 | |
133112 | 20 | LW=19 |
mccainjames11 | 20 | |
SaveTheCombees10 | 20 | |
fm22fnam | 21 | +0 This team still sucks |
JackWK_Gaming | 21 | |
JoshuaMan024 | 23 | 181 |
WebfootTroll | 23 | |
xX_GIGA_MAN_Xx | 23 |