User | Rank | Reason |
DataDrivenPirate | 3 | |
fo13 | 3 | |
r0sco | 3 | |
Fmeson | 4 | |
JeromesNiece | 4 | |
justsaynotoreddit | 4 | 1.031 |
RobertNeyland | 5 | |
TouchdownHeroes | 6 | |
ExternalTangents | 7 | Net Rating: 34.57; O: 20.07, O Rank: 5; D: -14.5, D Rank: 18 |
galacticdude7 | 7 | |
Noelthemexican | 7 | |
the_lost_carrot | 7 | |
dan4223 | 8 | |
hythloday1 | 8 | |
jimbobbypaul | 9 | |
skuhlke | 9 | |
the_neverdoctor | 9 | |
djowen68 | 10 | |
luckroy | 10 | Pot 3 |
PalmettoFace | 10 | |
sirgippy | 10 | |
stripes361 | 10 | |
w8w8 | 10 | |
DisraeliEers | 11 | |
frone | 11 | |
Joester09 | 11 | |
kflinderman | 11 | |
malowry0124 | 11 | |
Player_1_has_Joined | 11 | |
Polarbear1914 | 11 | |
The-Gothic-Castle | 11 | |
TheZachster | 11 | |
tmothy07 | 11 | |
Wescat | 11 | |
12panther | 12 | |
BlueSCar | 12 | |
BRNXB0MBERS | 12 | |
Conglossian | 12 | -7 |
CPiGuy2728 | 12 | |
eSpiritCorpse | 12 | 0.9257 |
fadingthought | 12 | |
GilBrandt | 12 | |
Hugefootballfan44 | 12 | LW: 6 |
NotSoSuperNerd | 12 | 1.213 (8.9-3.1) |
posiitively | 12 | |
ruwisc | 12 | |
shadowwingnut | 12 | |
bwburke94 | 13 | |
Cassiyus | 13 | |
Corgi_Koala | 13 | |
HieloLuz | 13 | Georgia win is keeping them afloat despite 2 losses. lots of wins against mid tier team. One of the only teams that hasn't played a Tier 7 team 54 |
Inkblot9 | 13 | |
MrTheSpork | 13 | |
one98d | 13 | |
pileatedloon | 13 | |
tjstanley | 13 | |
zenverak | 13 | |
Apep86 | 14 | |
colton_97 | 14 | |
Darth_Ra | 14 | |
ehoefler | 14 | 86.24 | -6 |
falconlover79 | 14 | |
HelioOne | 14 | |
IceColdDrPepper_Here | 14 | |
Jakesnake42 | 14 | 74.01 Last Week: #5 |
JamoRedhead | 14 | |
PHubbs | 14 | |
placid_salad | 14 | LW: #12 |
PlactusTX | 14 | (10) L 23 Tennessee |
Pollaski | 14 | |
sasmith2015 | 14 | |
studio_sally | 14 | |
TimeBroken | 14 | Rank: #14 |
TopGoose | 14 | |
YellowSkarmory | 14 | |
10catsinspace | 15 | |
52hoova | 15 | |
AlphaH4wk | 15 | |
bernkastel87 | 15 | |
BorisNumber1 | 15 | |
captain_sasquatch | 15 | |
Cars-and-Coffee | 15 | |
Charlemagne42 | 15 | 108 |
ChickenTaco | 15 | |
cyclonepsycho | 15 | |
d_mcc_x | 15 | |
GoBlueScrewOSU7 | 15 | |
grtgbln | 15 | |
Hackasizlak | 15 | |
icklebush | 15 | |
jrluhn | 15 | |
mellolizard | 15 | |
myghtymouse | 15 | |
PrimalCookie | 15 | Key Wins: #2 Georgia 41-34, @ Wisconsin 42-10, South Carolina 27-25, Western Kentucky 63-0 Losses: @ #9 Tennessee 17-24, @ Vanderbilt 35-40 I have Bama here on the strength of their Georgia win (and also Wisconsin), but they haven't looked like the same team since halftime of the UGA game. They nearly gave up the lead there and they're 1-2 since, and they only barely got that win. Would not be surprised at all if they finish unranked, honestly. Also, lol at WKU being 5-2 and so they qualify as a key win. |
rain_parkour | 15 | |
RJEP22 | 15 | 263.733 pts |
romulusjsp | 15 | |
royrules22 | 15 | |
SteemieRayVaughn | 15 | |
Striker743 | 15 | Down 6 - still beat UGA and blasted Wisconsin to stay ranked above others |
teddythe3rd | 15 | |
Texasagsman | 15 | |
The_Good_Constable | 15 | |
udubdavid | 15 | |
WolverineDDS | 15 | |
a_bit_of_a_misnomer_ | 16 | |
ALStark69 | 16 | -6 FFS |
bannista7 | 16 | |
BUSean | 16 | |
chweris | 16 | |
cinciforthewin | 16 | |
darkra01 | 16 | |
eclectic_tastes | 16 | |
esoterik | 16 | |
ewolfy13 | 16 | I don’t even know what the issue is for bama. They are still good, but they’re no longer untouchable |
Feral_Squirrel | 16 | |
frumious88 | 16 | |
GenialGiant | 16 | |
Helifino | 16 | |
JonesUCF34 | 16 | |
Le_Jerk_My_Circle | 16 | |
lillipup03 | 16 | |
Longvols | 16 | |
Maladroit44 | 16 | |
Meany_Vizzini | 16 | 17.1, -4, -0.6; SoR: 16.9 (21st), MoV: 17.3 (12th) |
noahthearc | 16 | |
OldCoaly | 16 | |
Our-Gardian-Angel | 16 | |
Pikachu1989 | 16 | |
RegulatorRWF | 16 | |
RheagarTargaryen | 16 | |
scronko | 16 | |
tauzeta | 16 | |
ThaCarter | 16 | |
washington_jefferson | 16 | |
woakley | 16 | |
ya111101 | 16 | |
Zloggt | 16 | |
_fastball | 17 | |
Cecil_Hardboner | 17 | |
cornholesurfer | 17 | |
creative_penguin | 17 | |
dasani3x | 17 | |
fredmerc111 | 17 | LW: 7 |
Hey_Its_Roomie | 17 | |
jaybigs | 17 | |
JustinMSU21 | 17 | |
Keener1899 | 17 | |
KirbyDumber88 | 17 | |
MemeLovingLoser | 17 | |
oghawks18 | 17 | |
olmsted | 17 | |
practicallybert | 17 | |
redrumsoxLoL | 17 | |
RegionalBias | 17 | |
strikersteve60 | 17 | |
TaylorLeprechaun | 17 | -10 |
tdeff19 | 17 | |
TDenverFan | 17 | |
Terminal_BAS | 17 | |
titansfan174 | 17 | |
Tman450x | 17 | |
ucieaters33 | 17 | |
UMeister | 17 | |
WarEagle9 | 17 | |
WillWorkForSugar | 17 | |
A_Rolling_Baneling | 18 | |
BosskOnASegway | 18 | |
boxbeat | 18 | |
DarthYoda2594 | 18 | |
DavoinShower-handle | 18 | |
e8odie | 18 | |
GatorBolt | 18 | Georgia win still buoys them but still dicey times for the Tide. |
goodnames679 | 18 | |
HHcougar | 18 | |
huskerfan4life520 | 18 | |
jthomas694 | 18 | |
Megalomanizac | 18 | |
nemoran | 18 | |
owlalwaysloveyew | 18 | |
puffadda | 18 | |
SlaminSammons | 18 | |
Sproded | 18 | |
SwissArmyScythe | 18 | -9 |
T-nawtical | 18 | |
thomasosu | 18 | |
UNC_Samurai | 18 | |
Acm0028 | 19 | |
AlexanderComet | 19 | |
bakonydraco | 19 | 83.424 |
BearsAreGreat1 | 19 | |
BlueFalcon89 | 19 | |
coletheredditer | 19 | I am more than happy to have Bama this low, hope I'm among the lowest on them |
CptCheese | 19 | |
D1N2Y | 19 | |
dabul-master | 19 | |
DarkLegend64 | 19 | |
diehardcubforever | 19 | |
Extra_Excrement | 19 | |
Harpua99 | 19 | |
JustAManAndHisLaptop | 19 | |
Lex_Ludorum | 19 | |
MarlinsGuy | 19 | |
ndbroski | 19 | |
Pablo49 | 19 | 2007 |
PumpSmash | 19 | |
Pyroblockx | 19 | |
Rakarei | 19 | |
rocco2246 | 19 | |
RollWarTideEagle | 19 | |
tallg8tor | 19 | |
texas2089 | 19 | |
visor841 | 19 | |
arrowfan624 | 20 | |
Branzilla91 | 20 | |
Buckeyes2010 | 20 | |
buckeyes75 | 20 | |
CockADoodleBOOM | 20 | |
COLU_BUS | 20 | |
deadtofall12 | 20 | |
fshi | 20 | |
Hobbes_121 | 20 | |
ikindalikelemons | 20 | |
MemeofMemeJTG999999 | 20 | (5-2) (down 8) L: 17-24 @ #14 Tennessee (6-1) Next Week: vs #19 Missouri (6-1) Projected Bowl: ReliaQuest vs Nebraska |
monkeymatt1836 | 20 | |
No11223456 | 20 | |
outthawazoo | 20 | |
retnuh101 | 20 | |
ScarletFever333 | 20 | |
SearonTrejorek | 20 | 0.75128 |
Blazeth | 21 | |
bretticus33 | 21 | |
Colton3690 | 21 | |
conchobor | 21 | |
Drexlore | 21 | |
G-Aardvark | 21 | |
hascogrande | 21 | |
jeedf | 21 | |
MahjongDaily | 21 | |
spmartin1993 | 21 | |
VerySeriousBanana | 21 | |
Xtremeloco | 21 | |
BabyBladder | 22 | |
EpicSchwinn | 22 | |
GeauxTri | 22 | |
JaxofAllTrades13 | 22 | |
Klaassy23 | 22 | (LW Change: -15) |
Pure_Protein_Machine | 22 | |
realclean | 22 | -11 |
ReallyCreative | 22 | |
Sometimeswelose | 22 | |
stew_pac | 22 | -11 |
Stoneador | 22 | |
TossedRightOut | 22 | |
vanburen1845 | 22 | |
blahblehblahwhoru | 23 | |
CFBHurts | 23 | |
CharlemagneOfTheUSA | 23 | (-12) |
HarbingerOfFun | 23 | |
IAmAChemicalEngineer | 23 | |
nburt13 | 23 | |
nin478 | 23 | |
RiffRamBahZoo | 23 | |
ryseing | 23 | |
seaotter2 | 23 | |
soonerfreak | 23 | |
aggiebruin27 | 24 | |
Bank_Gothic | 24 | |
Bill3ffinMurray | 24 | |
Blooblod | 24 | |
Casaiir | 24 | |
cfbguy | 24 | |
cyberchaox | 24 | I certainly COULD only rank teams with one loss or fewer. But no, Alabama's resume is still good enough. They did beat Georgia, after all. |
jalexjsmithj | 24 | |
jjjoebox | 24 | |
Mr_Brews | 24 | |
T-Thugs | 24 | Alabama is my only ranked team with 2 losses. They have a great win over Georgia (6-1). They also have a nice win over Wisconsin (5-2). |
tdoger | 24 | |
Techwid | 24 | |
velociraptorfarmer | 24 | |
CambodianDrywall | 25 | |
ChaseTheFalcon | 25 | -14 |
ChemicalOle | 25 | |
Chris-P-Creme | 25 | |
corundum9 | 25 | |
digdat0 | 25 | |
Due_Connection179 | 25 | Last Week #10 at #16 Tennessee // Lost 17 - 24 // Alabama just looks soft this season. I didn't think that their collapse would be this fast, but I guess anything can happen in the transfer portal / NIL era. I also really, really wanted to rank Wisconsin (my #26 team) this week after back-to-back impressive seasons, but I can't overlook the head-to-head they had with Alabama earlier in the season before Bama's spirit was broken. It will be interesting who my #25 will be next week though because #23 Mizzou or #25 Bama have to loss because they play each other, #26 Wisconsin plays #5 Penn State, #27 Nebraska plays at #8 Ohio State, so we could see the winner of #30 Cincinnati at #28 Colorado jump into the top 25 next week. |
MoneyManeVick | 25 | |
SpadeRyker | 25 | |
Staind075 | 25 | |
TheNSAAgent777 | 25 |
User | Rank | Reason |
JoshuaMan024 | 2 | 254.16 |
charmingcharles2896 | 5 | |
spencej98 | 5 | |
The_Stratman | 5 | |
DeerPrison | 6 | |
drewscottt | 6 | -- |
GeyWeyner12 | 6 | |
GenuineBoss | 7 | |
ianmcmoney | 8 | |
msonar623 | 8 | 25th perf, 8th SOS |
Noahsince2002 | 8 | |
redleg86 | 8 | My formula really loves the Tide's wins, [5,3,5,6,4] |
BeyondLiesTheWub | 9 | -1, probably should've dropped more but I'll leave them for now until another team becomes dominant enough to override the model's top 10 |
Effective-Lead-6657 | 9 | (-4) |
Fhaksfha794 | 9 | |
0010MK | 10 | |
_Junk_Rat_ | 10 | |
Bereft13 | 10 | Power: 8, SoR: 14; LW: 5 |
jalapeno_nips | 10 | |
mthompson2320 | 10 | LW: 5 |
ndbfsu22 | 10 | |
Rcfan0902 | 10 | 1179.69 |
swdanley17 | 10 | |
carsonivey72 | 11 | |
FrontRunner51 | 11 | |
josh55134 | 11 | |
journey1986 | 11 | |
MainPeanut25 | 11 | -5, no notes for Penn State |
Milflover69cbb | 11 | Honestly 2-3 loses was expected I think and we got overhyped abt this team bc of the uga win |
MPotato23 | 11 | |
Sp1cyRice | 11 | (-4) |
TolkienFan71 | 11 | |
Windoge_Master | 11 | |
brihimia | 12 | |
buccaneerboy22 | 12 | |
ElyxUW | 12 | |
samspopguy | 12 | |
SortaDecent | 12 | |
BG-WestyC | 13 | |
BoilerUp28 | 13 | |
Bushken | 13 | 62.29 |
cfbpeoplespoll | 13 | 192 points. Prev rank 7 |
donbagert | 13 | |
hurricaneatx | 13 | |
iamaustincince | 13 | |
jibberishdhyukl | 13 | |
Mascorn | 13 | |
mikecsiy | 13 | |
OkAppointment5691 | 13 | |
sroach91 | 13 | |
TheBeekman8 | 13 | |
ab317 | 14 | |
Aidanj927 | 14 | |
aredna | 14 | |
CallMeTheKing | 14 | |
ConstantPause1239 | 14 | |
daredassdude | 14 | |
dee3Poh | 14 | |
GavRunsTheTrap | 14 | |
JordanDean04 | 14 | |
jwrtf | 14 | |
Luigiatl | 14 | |
maxwell6233 | 14 | |
Omegaus492 | 14 | |
RealignmentJunkie | 14 | |
soonertiger | 14 | |
stealingchairs | 14 | |
thatoneguyD13 | 14 | Tier 3. 2 losses this early isn't great, but winning out still gets you in. |
ThompsonCreekTiger | 14 | |
trust_the_process__ | 14 | |
brucewaynewins | 15 | |
Burnsite | 15 | |
CallingUagoatUgoat | 15 | 1 Tier 1 win (Georgia). 1 Tier 2 win (Wisconsin). 1 Tier 1 loss (Tennessee). 1 Tier 4 loss (Vanderbilt). |
Chipsahoy523 | 15 | |
DaewooLanosMFerr | 15 | |
dheck2016 | 15 | |
dubkent | 15 | |
dubscurry30 | 15 | |
gavinw24 | 15 | |
grahamca | 15 | T31ˢᵗ W/L, T12ᵗʰ Predicted Wins, 8ᵗʰ Team Strength, 5ᵗʰ Quality of Wins |
Hastronaut | 15 | Bama moves back to 15 with the loss to Tenn. Their win against UGA is keeping them in the top 25 |
hoovereatscowpoop | 15 | |
IBCBJ | 15 | |
JJones927 | 15 | |
Josh_historybuff | 15 | 17-24 vs Tennessee |
Kirkwood641 | 15 | |
Laschoni | 15 | |
munchermode | 15 | |
PSUMediaPA | 15 | |
PsychologicalFox8660 | 15 | |
quantum_jedi | 15 | (-11) Welcome to the Kalen DeBoer experience 'Bama fans. '23 Washington played 10-consecutive games decided by 10 or fewer points. This is still a very talented team, but there was always going to be a transitional period after Saban retired. |
SaguaroCactus19 | 15 | |
Serenityy8 | 15 | |
SignificanceFirm2398 | 15 | |
TheReformedBadger | 15 | |
1Subject | 16 | |
Aggravating-Steak-69 | 16 | |
androonfl | 16 | yikes |
CriterionCrypt | 16 | |
DillyDillySzn | 16 | |
dterp13 | 16 | |
ihatepineapples | 16 | |
mcdsmaster8824 | 16 | |
mill1634 | 16 | |
Minnesnowtaaa | 16 | |
mountain_troop86 | 16 | Uh oh.....the sky is falling in Tuscaloosa. Who knew that going from the greatest to another guy would be a transition |
newSomberMan | 16 | |
No_Particular_746 | 16 | (5-2) Losses to Vanderbilt and Tennessee. |
notsaying123 | 16 | |
PeteyNice | 16 | |
Piptit | 16 | |
pl02pl | 16 | |
pvadali | 16 | Two losses really hurts. Playoff seems very unlikely now. However, still a talented and strong team, with a very solid win over Georgia. |
requiemsux | 16 | |
saquad69 | 16 | |
spaceblev11 | 16 | |
thehornedlamb | 16 | |
Underground_Bread | 16 | |
usernamegoeshere763 | 16 | |
yesiambear | 16 | |
70277027 | 17 | |
AdministrativeAnt683 | 17 | |
Airweldon | 17 | |
balconesescarpment | 17 | Disappointment. Needs improvement. Has best win outside of Oregon, though |
bigred91224 | 17 | |
bolts_win_again | 17 | |
BoukenGreen | 17 | |
corona779 | 17 | |
dawgfan24348 | 17 | |
DownshiftGD | 17 | |
FsuNolezz | 17 | |
gonshpreds1 | 17 | |
jackmc04 | 17 | (-8) yikes... |
JazzYotesRSL | 17 | |
Miserable-Chart-9479 | 17 | |
PattyKane16 | 17 | |
Repulsive_Rub6443 | 17 | |
slashbopzing | 17 | |
TheQuakinator | 17 | |
TommyWiseau22 | 17 | |
Tortillero96 | 17 | |
twr96 | 17 | |
willbill182 | 17 | |
xX_GIGA_MAN_Xx | 17 | Oh god its happening. |
ALToidzz | 18 | |
Blazemaster77 | 18 | Best 2 loss team obviously with 2 not awful losses (Vandy loss isn't good but it was on the road by a score). Quality win over #2 ranks them so high |
cookie__monster___ | 18 | |
dukemetoo | 18 | |
FuzzyDunlop911 | 18 | |
HopefulReb76 | 18 | |
isrealball | 18 | |
kcvtdc | 18 | |
ManiacalBlazer | 18 | |
Middle_Wheel_5959 | 18 | |
SaveTheCombees10 | 18 | |
sconbon | 18 | |
SpursUpSoundsGudToMe | 18 | |
TheSleaze22 | 18 | |
True_Ad5324 | 18 | Playoffs not happening |
WBLwiffleball | 18 | |
Austin_LSU_Fan22 | 19 | |
divey043 | 19 | |
energydan | 19 | |
geauxsaints777 | 19 | |
geordieColt88 | 19 | |
HHunko13 | 19 | |
jonstark19 | 19 | -9 |
Living_Human | 19 | |
MajikSix | 19 | |
owl-bears | 19 | |
RadiationRichard | 19 | LW - 11 |
RipRaycom | 19 | |
SpeddyDawg | 19 | |
SufferingfOrLife | 19 | |
tbutrie1916 | 19 | |
thealbinotitan1 | 19 | Alabama is a ok team but on a good day beats the top but loses to bad teams when not playing well |
tisofold | 19 | An Alabama team with two losses before Halloween is something to see. |
WebfootTroll | 19 | |
ziggysaysnada | 19 | -11 |
AMETSFAN | 20 | |
big_thunder_man | 20 | |
blaisek | 20 | |
bruhstevenson | 20 | |
drneilpretenamen | 20 | |
EBuckhouse | 20 | |
JustAGuy7915 | 20 | |
KansasChaser2021 | 20 | |
LonghornInNebraska | 20 | |
tms42206 | 20 | |
tvjbowe571 | 20 | Heisman canidate Jalen Milroe and the Crimson Tide do not have much to stand on after the loss to TENN. Best win is Wisconsin? Or South Carolina? |
Tylex123 | 20 | |
wittingtarsier | 20 | |
Arvandu | 21 | |
BuckeyeForLife95 | 21 | |
Dawg-Bite | 21 | |
forkedravioli | 21 | |
funt9rtle | 21 | |
Greyson04 | 21 | |
KansasEF5Tornado | 21 | |
kevinsdomain | 21 | |
LoCh0_xX | 21 | |
samtaylor92 | 21 | |
scsd4222 | 21 | |
silfarion10 | 21 | |
SomerandomIDFBfan | 21 | |
StFuzzySlippers | 21 | |
unused13 | 21 | |
Yelich04 | 21 | v6 |
chillmagic420 | 22 | |
enneper4 | 22 | |
FoRtNiteizBAD | 22 | |
HideNZeke | 22 | |
loganisfresh | 22 | |
Mynameisdiehard | 22 | First 2 loss team in my Top 25. Resume wise, they have the best of all 2 loss teams due to having a Top 10 win, but as I have continued to say, the national pundits need to stop acting like that Vanderbilt loss was not a massive red flag for the entire SEC. AP will make Alabama look better by ranking Vandy, but Vandy deserves to be nowhere near the rankings with the worst loss of all 2 loss teams (2-4 GA State). Bama has to win this week otherwise they are out of the rankings. |
pianoprofiteer | 22 | |
sirvalkyerie | 22 | |
SNjr | 22 | |
throwaway_6786 | 22 | Who would've guessed they'd have lost two games already? Alabama comes in as the highest-ranked two-loss team, mainly due to their wins over Georgia and Wisconsin. It's hard to say what's gone wrong for this team given that they're still one of the most talented teams out there, but ever since the 2nd half of the Georgia game, they've looked not just mortal, but mediocre. A home game against Mizzou is followed by a trip to Death Valley against LSU, and if they don't get themselves right by then, they could (and probably should) miss the 12-team CFP. |
cbusalex | 23 | [[[W: #13 Georgia, #35 South Carolina, #46 Wisconsin, #58 Western Kentucky, #88 South Fla.]]] [[[L: #43 Vanderbilt, #28 Tennessee]]] |
hftfohio | 23 | |
Shion314 | 23 | |
133112 | 24 | Nick Saban is dearly needed in Tuscaloosa. |
CaptainGordan | 24 | |
Fantastic-Calendar-9 | 24 | LW: 12 |
FlashSpider-man | 24 | First two loss team to make it for me. It was between Bama, Mizzou, and Duke (only 1 loss p4 team I don't have ranked, I believe) here. I'd say they've played a significantly harder schedule than the other two. The Vandy loss hurt but Mizzou only beat Vandy by 3. It's too close that beating Georgia puts them over Mizzou. |
JackWK_Gaming | 24 | |
Jay_Dubbbs | 24 | |
Lefunnymaymays4lief | 24 | |
mr_longfellow_deeds | 24 | |
Sflabuckeye13 | 24 | |
Stags304 | 24 | |
tcomn | 24 | |
The_Good_General | 24 | |
Tornadohunter24 | 24 | (-13) |
broyo209 | 25 | HAHAAHHA. I only ranked Bama to laugh at them. Next up: Mizzou |
camus69x | 25 | |
ntny | 25 | |
WRSpill | 25 | (10) Next 5: Liberty, Syracuse, Wisconsin, Colorado, Memphis |