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2022 Week 4 Florida State Seminoles Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Harmbert_ 1
Striker743 1 Does your team have a win on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday? Well that's why they aren't #1.
bwburke94 2 +21.56207
ShogunAshoka 2
Stoneador 2
spasm01 3
AlphaH4wk 4
luckroy 4 Pot 1
jrichardh 5
T-Thugs 5 Florida State is 3-0 after defeating Louisville (1-2). They also have a very nice win over LSU (2-1) who just took down Mississippi State in what was technically a neutral site game but was played in LSU's backyard.
YellowSkarmory 5
ACCBiggz 6
AllHawkeyesGoToHell 7
hythloday1 7
StevvieV 7
HarbingerOfFun 9
turkishguy 9
311polo 10
cfbguy 10
JaxofAllTrades13 10
Meany_Vizzini 10 18.9, +5.5, +10. The win against LSU looks so much better now.
arrowfan624 11
jchurch8073 11
I_am_bot_beep_boop 12
PalmettoFace 12
TimeBroken 12
A_Rolling_Baneling 13
Bank_Gothic 13
djowen68 13
RegionalBias 13 2 Road P5 wins
theb52 13
wameron 13
Chris-P-Creme 14
King-Clover 14
njm1314 14
RheagarTargaryen 14
tdoger 14
Cassiyus 15
Charlemagne42 15 Computer ranking: 7
corundum9 15
JohnWickStuntDouble 15
justsaynotoreddit 15 0.6985
nbingham196 15
NotHosaniMubarak 15 T-10 3-0 1 win over otherwise undefeated fbs team
PumpSmash 15
CFBHurts 16
dabul-master 16
Daigotsu 16
digdat0 16
GilBrandt 16
Jakesnake42 16 74.38
JCiLee 16
NoMorning6152 16
Pablo49 16
realclean 16
SpadeRyker 16
Sproded 16
ThaCarter 16
The_Horse_Joke 16
confirmd_am_engineer 17
crimsonlaw 17
fadingthought 17
kamiller2020 17
kdcoltred 17
KJdkaslknv 17
vanburen1845 17
blahblehblahwhoru 18
Colton3690 18
CptCheese 18
dogwoodmaple 18
Hey_Its_Roomie 18
KommanderKeen-a42 18
Noy_Telinu 18
RobertNeyland 18
ryseing 18
srs_house 18
DarkLegend64 19
DisraeliEers 19
EpicSchwinn 19 THE NOLESSSSS. They find a way every weekend so far. Even if it’s shaky. They have a lot to figure out but, hey, they keep winning. And there’s a lot to love with this team.
GeauxTri 19
jlh2b 19
Johnnycockseed 19
mellolizard 19
OKgolfer 19
orbania 19
Pikachu1989 19
pileatedloon 19
Texasagsman 19
Ticklebump 19
velociraptorfarmer 19 .804
Blooblod 20
BosskOnASegway 20
cinciforthewin 20
Corgi_Koala 20
cornholesurfer 20
infinitempg 20
Maladroit44 20
outthawazoo 20
plannedsickdays 20
posiitively 20
relax_on_the_mat 20
ShamusJohnson13 20
soonersthebetter 20
typicaliconoclast 20
Casaiir 21
Conglossian 21 U/R
JonesUCF34 21
No11223456 21
strikersteve60 21
tabelz 21
Techwid 21
tjstanley 21
113milesprower 22
12panther 22
Bill3ffinMurray 22
bobsled_time 22
cota1212 22
creative_penguin 22
DylanCarlson3 22 LW: Unranked
frumious88 22
huskerfan4life520 22
IceColdDrPepper_Here 22 Points - 11, Poll Points - 611, Personal Rank - 22, Personal Poll Team - Florida State
Inkblot9 22
tallg8tor 22
TheJeemTeam 22
ttsci 22
Acm0028 23
boxbeat 23
CambodianDrywall 23
Cars-and-Coffee 23
ChickenTaco 23
darkra01 23
deadtofall12 23
Hackasizlak 23
kflinderman 23
spsellers 23
TaylorLeprechaun 23 NR
ThePelvicWoo 23 Only 2 FBS games, I the LSU win will give them a boost once the model starts accounting for more in-season data
_fastball 24
ALStark69 24 +1 Dropped out: 19 Florida, 24 Wake Forest (neither lost but they didn't look good at all)
bernkastel87 24
Blazeth 24
BugsSuck 24
Chucky1539 24
DarthYoda2594 24
e8odie 24
Extra_Excrement 24
Helifino 24
MarlinsGuy 24
Mr_Brews 24
SCRx 24
soonerfreak 24
stripes361 24
T-nawtical 24
tdeff19 24
thexraptor 24
TrojanMan35T 24
VerySeriousBanana 24
Wescat 24
BabyBladder 25
BallSoHerd 25
Corporal_Hicks 25
DrKennethJNoisewater 25
itsabearcannon 25
jmac_21 25
Keener1899 25
nemoran 25
noodlethebear 25
SPRX97 25
TheReformedBadger 25

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Jacob_Sumner 1
visor841 5 One of my outliers that needs another week. Wins over LSU and Louisville with no losses (or bad wins against terrible teams) actually works out to one of the best resumes in the country right now.
CallMeTheKing 7 SCORE = 9.130267
RJEP22 7 (3-0) 49.375 points
CheapTrickIsOkay 8
BertGallagher 10
the_neverdoctor 10
jalexjsmithj 12
RootBeerBloat 12
Ruhrgebietheld 12
shadowwingnut 13
OutRiteWite 14
buckeye4249 15
HideNZeke 15
TadKosciuszko 15
The_Good_Constable 15
cirtnecoileh 16
Comit22 16
just-regular-I-guess 16 Still putting up points
maxwell6233 16
PattyKane16 16
RedassAddict 16
Devintheroaster 17 711.55 points
Joshntch 17
PNW_Jeff 17
the-robo-boogie 17
Drowzy_Shooter 18
JamoRedhead 18
Noelthemexican 18
notsmartprivate 18
PSUMediaPA 18 A comeback win at Louisville? Florida State suddenly seems real.
RaceScottRace 18
SpeddyDawg 18
thatoneguyD13 18 Not sure how good LSU or Louisville are, but two P5 wins at this point are nothing to sneeze at
whereismysauerkraut 18
ch1l1_ch33s3 19
Fantastic-Calendar-9 19 LW: 23, huge win on the road missing several key players in the 2nd half, team has a legit shot at 8 or 9 wins
giveupanddie 19
hershculez 19
mcfly97 19
Spacesurfer6 19
AnAngryPanda1 20
Bereft13 20 power: 30, SOR: 6
CanAWoodChuckChuck 20
Cooliamabeast 20
Dontworryaboutit1 20
GangGreen7729 20
Guhraffe 20
ione107 20 0.723
LamarcusAldrige1234 20
MADBuc49 20
SonOfSvens 20
drneilpretenamen 21
Financial_Lime_252 21
FourteenClocks 21
fredmerc111 21
JBonkies 21
muzikjamr 21
nebsA1 21
Phoenix0114 21
PlayedNoOnePawwwl 21
TheRedKing75 21
DaewooLanosMFerrr 22
ianmcmoney 22
Igwanea 22
ilikepie145 22
mcdsmaster8824 22
perspicacious_crumb 22
sconbon 22 Tier #6
SwissArmyScythe 22
UrashibaKazukoto 22
dtynes10 23
mathmanhale 23
mmaxey14 23
mthompson2320 23
NanoBuc 23
thetrain23 23
10catsinspace 24
_n8n8_ 24
camryn_16 24
Dawg-Bite 24 LSU win looks better now but FSU keeps having close calls. It makes me think it’s only a matter of time before they drop a game
dusklord1 24 The LSU win is looking better as time goes on. However, FSU itself doesn't exactly look elite. They find ways to keep winning though.
itsnotnews92 24
jaybigs 24
mikecsiy 24
Sebene 24
beaver333 25
brucewaynewins 25
catman1256 25
ClemNation 25
coletheredditer 25
entropy888 25
FsuNolezz 25
ImAndytimbo 25
Sflabuckeye13 25
Steelthornn 25
TimJressel 25
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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