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2022 Week 11 Florida State Seminoles Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
dabul-master 10
Fmeson 12
justsaynotoreddit 15 0.7047
admiraltarkin 16
crownebeach 16
Darth_Ra 16
BabyBladder 17
Conglossian 17 +7
Inkblot9 17
luckroy 17 Pot 6
r0sco 17
Striker743 17 NR - no bad losses, great win over LSU
52hoova 18
AlphaH4wk 18
JeromesNiece 18
BlueSCar 19
CFBHurts 19
Charlemagne42 19 346
DataDrivenPirate 19
falconlover79 19
King-Clover 19
Meany_Vizzini 19 12.6, -1.6, -2, 11.5 (27th), 13.7 (13th). Despite winning themselves, Florida State moves down thanks to Clemson’s embarrassing loss.
ryumast3r 19
SpadeRyker 19
ya111101 19
12panther 20
BigBoutros 20
Blazeth 20
bwburke94 20 +11.1158549 (LW: #24)
Corgi_Koala 20
goblue10 20
I_am_bot_beep_boop 20
JCiLee 20
MarlinsGuy 20
mellolizard 20
noahthearc 20
ScarletFever333 20
SteemieRayVaughn 20
Xtremeloco 20
_fastball 21
ACCBiggz 21
cmdrcaboose2 21
CockADoodleBOOM 21
cota1212 21
deadtofall12 21
DrKennethJNoisewater 21
GeauxTri 21
huskerfan4life520 21
Lex_Ludorum 21
lillipup03 21
MoneyManeVick 21
NotSoSuperNerd 21 17.48
tallg8tor 21
teddythe3rd 21
vanburen1845 21
velociraptorfarmer 21 .666
BamaPride95 22
dicky_________seamus 22
fadingthought 22
Hackasizlak 22
Jakesnake42 22 66.06
JohnWickStuntDouble 22
kamiller2020 22
mjacksongt 22
molodyets 22
ndhuskerpower 22
physedka 22
PumpSmash 22
Rakarei 22
realclean 22
RobertNeyland 22
sirgippy 22
thexraptor 22
Ticklebump 22
ucieaters33 22
YellowSkarmory 22
Blooblod 23
Cassiyus 23
CommodoreN7 23
DarkLegend64 23 E Tier
darkra01 23
dogwoodmaple 23
Drexlore 23
DylanCarlson3 23 LW: Unranked
galacticdude7 23
Hey_Its_Roomie 23
Knightro2011 23
LEGEN--wait_for_it 23
moistats_ 23
nw____ 23
olmsted 23
Omegaus492 23
PHubbs 23
SportingMoose 23
stripes361 23
theb52 23 Tied with Liberty, ranked higher due to higher rank last week.
tjstanley 23
AllHawkeyesGoToHell 24 Tier 4
ALStark69 24 NR New to poll: 21 Washington, 22 Texas, 24 Florida State, 25 Notre Dame
Bank_Gothic 24
boxbeat 24
boxman151515 24
Branzilla91 24
BugsSuck 24
Cars-and-Coffee 24
Ch-i-ef 24
creative_penguin 24
DarthYoda2594 24 This might be low for FSU with how they've been playing and how strong the LSU win looks. But the Big 12 3-loss teams all have more acceptable losses and strengths of schedule, so they sit here for now.
eclectic_tastes 24
eSpiritCorpse 24 0.8697
Extra_Excrement 24
GatorRich 24
halldaylong 24
IAmAChemicalEngineer 24
icklebush 24
ItsZizk 24
jmac_21 24
joebob431 24
Keener1899 24
Laschoni 24
LeWoofle 24
Maladroit44 24
monkeymatt1836 24
nburt13 24
nin478 24
Pablo49 24
PalmettoFace 24
pileatedloon 24
posiitively 24
ProbablyRickSantorum 24
soonerfreak 24
Sophocles5 24
stesser 24
tdoger 24
TimeBroken 24
tmothy07 24
TouchdownHeroes 24
Bill3ffinMurray 25
BlueFalcon89 25
CambodianDrywall 25
Casaiir 25
Chris-P-Creme 25
cornholesurfer 25
cyclonepsycho 25
d_mcc_x 25
DampFrijoles 25
Disregardskarma 25
fshi 25
hascogrande 25
jjjoebox 25 NR
JustAManAndHisLaptop 25
kdcoltred 25
Longvols 25
MahjongDaily 25
Mr_Brews 25
nemoran 25
noodlethebear 25
OKgolfer 25
puffadda 25
RheagarTargaryen 25
RollWarTideEagle 25
scronko 25
SCsprinter13 25
studio_sally 25
ThePelvicWoo 25
TrojanMan35T 25
ttsci 25
WarEagle9 25

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
ianmcmoney 15
Devintheroaster 16
usernamegoeshere763 16
asbestosman2 17
FsuNolezz 17
Terminal_BAS 17
ManiacalBlazer 18 71.595
swdanley17 18
TheFalconGuy 18
ActuallyJasonPrice 19
CheapTrickIsOkay 19 2198
mthompson2320 19
Strog18 19
tcomn 19
drewscottt 20
grahamca 20 T28ᵗʰ W/L, T17ᵗʰ Predicted Wins, 15ᵗʰ Team Strength, 28ᵗʰ Quality of Wins
Harpua99 20
HideNZeke 20
HieloLuz 20
JamoRedhead 20
JBonkies 20
jimbobbypaul 20
Megalomanizac 20
the_lost_carrot 20
10catsinspace 21
ChaseTheFalcon 21
Dan20698 21
PSUMediaPA 21
Pure_Protein_Machine 21
TheRedKing75 21
ThompsonCreekTiger 21
washington_jefferson 21
WBLwiffleball 21
Yelich04 21
Archaic_1 22
brucewaynewins 22
dterp13 22
Fantastic-Calendar-9 22 LW: NR
jaybigs 22 .9654
Matthias382 22
NielsensFourth 22 2720elo
ReadySetMeow 22
Sebene 22
texas2089 22
AlphaMemory2 23
Bereft13 23 Power: 27, SOR: 21; LW: NR (29)
CPiGuy2728 23
cyberchaox 23 (28)
DaewooLanosMFerrr 23
Dawg-Bite 23 Florida State dominated Miami and have been fairly consistent all year. They have a top 8 win over LSU, and 2 of their losses are to top 20 teams.
fredmerc111 23
hershculez 23
MemeofMemeJTG999999 23
mikecsiy 23
muzikjamr 23
noffinater 23
Pyroblockx 23
Serenityy8 23
tomdawg0022 23
True_Ad5324 23
70277027 24
adj3691 24
AnAngryPanda1 24
BananaBouquet 24
brobroma 24
catman1256 24
DownshiftGD 24
entropy888 24
ewolfy13 24
FrolfAholic 24
GatorBolt 24
grtgbln 24
Is_Flacco_Elite 24
JustinMSU21 24
KrispyKangaroo96 24
Loopylime 24
magnumweiner 24
moyboi2112 24
nebsA1 24
pianoprofiteer 24
PythonLemon 24
sconbon 24 Tier #6
throwawayaccount5030 24
zenverak 24
59brad 25
_Hououin_Kyouma_ 25
AdministrativeAnt683 25
diehardcubforever 25
DJ_Bradlezzz 25
drneilpretenamen 25
Due_Connection179 25 Last Week NR at Miami Won 45-3. Destruction. That's what happened last week when they visited Miami. This Week at Syracuse.
dusklord1 25 I think FSU is an interesting 3-loss case study. Unlike the other 3-loss teams above them, they really haven't overperformed outside of a weird week 1 game vs LSU. They arguably haven't underperformed either, as Louisville is also 6-3. I think at this point they are who they are, which is a team that will beat the bad teams and lose to the good ones. Very low variance in performance.
FeliceDot27 25
frone 25
JmGrim 25
jrluhn 25 Next 5: 1. UTSA 2. Kansas 3. Cincinnati 4. Baylor 5. Coastal Carolina
JustYourAvrageWorker 25
LamarcusAldrige1234 25
losbullitt 25
maknasty09 25
mcdsmaster8824 25
newSomberMan 25 Considered: Coastal Carolina, Kentucky, Cincinnati | Dropped: #19 Oklahoma State, #20 Wake Forest, #21 Syracuse, #25 Maryland
OldCoaly 25
professorberrynibble 25
saquad69 25
tapswitch 25
tbutrie1916 25
TrashGamer_ 25
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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