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2018 Week 4 Washington Huskies Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
studio_sally 4
surreptitioussloth 5
buckeyes75 6
Everythingpossible 6
galacticdude7 6
gbuntin 6
kdcoltred 6
ProbablyRickSantorum 6
dicky_________seamus 7
f0gax 7
Helifino 7
jnoobs13 7
justsaynotoreddit 7 0.874
lebaronslebaron 7
lk6 7
qacha 7
r0sco 7
stripes361 7 Utah always plays tough D but I'm still worried that Washington's old offensive issues are resurfacing. Dropping the Huskies a spot below Oklahoma despite picking up an impressive resume booster.
Texasagsman 7
toocleverbyhalf 7
Cecil_Hardboner 8
DEP61 8
Fifth_Down 8
G-Aardvark 8
hawkspur1 8
huskerfan4life520 8
JeromesNiece 8
ndhuskerpower 8
nemoran 8
orangeslash 8
Red261 8
spsellers 8
AaronRodgers16 9
Blooblod 9 Last week: 9
boxman151515 9
bties 9
cajunaggie08 9
CarbonCamaroZL1 9
CFSparta92 9
CoopertheFluffy 9
DanNeverDie 9
Dropbackandpunt 9
emueagles 9
Extra_Excrement 9
g_mo821 9
jshokie1 9
kamikazeguy 9
Laschoni 9
mjacksongt 9
nickknx865 9 Still not certain about Washington, but their close loss against Auburn combined with them doing all you'd expect them to against their other opponents puts them here.
OskeewowwowIL 9
Pikachu1989 9
PureCFR 9
ReallyCreative 9
royrules22 9
sasmith2015 9
Sophocles5 9
SPRX97 9
swanky-k 9
TDenverFan 9
The_DHC 9
thegreendalegelf 9
TheZachster 9
ttsci 9
uwbjb 9
was_saying_boo_urns 9
xelphin 9 Beat up on Utah, their first in-conference opponent. The Utes are not ranked, but have historically been a tough game for anyone in the Pac-12.
XSavageWalrusX 9
admiraltarkin 10
Aeschylus_ 10
AGSattack 10
Arsenal7X 10
beerslingerjay 10
boxbeat 10
chweris 10
FellKnight 10
Feral_Squirrel 10
Fmeson 10
G-manP 10
GatorAndrew 10
halldaylong 10
HelioOne 10
itsabearcannon 10
jmac_21 10 Utah is no easy place to win. Gotta give credit to the Huskies for pulling it off.
key_lime_pie 10
KobeOrNotKobe 10
LEGEN--wait_for_it 10
Miami_da_U 10 its going to come down to UW or Stanford to win the P12. They can't drop another one though if they want to make the CFP. ASU and BYU having just beaten MSU and Wisconsin respectively are no walk in the parks, but now they know they need to bring their A game. they won't be caught off guard. 
MrTheSpork 10
myghtymouse 10
neovenator250 10
pileatedloon 10
polydorr 10
runujhkj 10
SSJRoshi 10
T-nawtical 10
TanzaniaMagic 10
TaylorLeprechaun 10 +2
TimeBroken 10
TopheryG8er 10
twosheepforanore 10
ucieaters33 10
wesman212 10
03040905 11
BabyBladder 11
BobDeLaSponge 11
BorisNumber1 11
brobroma 11
buckeyegold 11
Buckeyes2010 11
BugsSuck 11
buttforaface 11
captain_sasquatch 11
Cassiyus 11 +5
CertifiedSheep 11
Chris-P-Creme 11
chrisb19 11
conchobor 11
coreyfra 11
d_mcc_x 11
doormatt26 11
flyingcrayons 11
Hackasizlak 11
hascogrande 11
I_am_bot_beep_boop 11
jlh2b 11
Jpkun 11
kelctex 11
kelling928 11
keytide22 11
like9orphanz 11
MarlinsGuy 11
monkeymatt1836 11
PHubbs 11 Washington looks like a top 10 team most of the time as long as Browning doesn't forget how to QB. The problem is that he does that from time to time. As an LSU fan, Washington gives me PTSD about every season for the last 10 years. Hopefully Browning can get back to the performances he gave us last year, because if he can, the PAC12 seems like Washington's to lose.
puffadda 11
Rakarei 11
ShogunAshoka 11
Sproded 11
steinman17 11
TossedRightOut 11
TotalEconomist 11
VerySeriousBanana 11 Defense is the Huskies' calling card this week. Offensively they looked... not so great.
ya111101 11
A-Stu-Ute 12
alextoyalex 12
alsonamedbort87 12
bgr308 12
blahblehblahwhoru 12
BrutonGaster77 12
chceman 12
ChemicalOle 12
CockADoodleBOOM 12
corundum9 12
CountryRoads8 12
DarthYoda2594 12
dybuell 12
GilBrandt 12
goblue10 12 Sloppy game and Jake Browning sometimes makes no good very bad decisions
Hobbes_121 12
jeedf 12
joebob431 12
KingKliffsbury 12
MammothMan34 12
mellolizard 12
mynameisjona 12
noodlethebear 12
tdeff19 12
TheTeamCubed 12
tmart12 12
ToLongDR 12
UNC_Samurai 12
vanburen1845 12
WarEagle9 12
Wescat 12
woakley 12 Washington's only loss so far is to Auburn, and they handled a tough Utah team at Utah this week.
Zerosa 12
BamaPride95 13
bernkastel87 13
BlueSCar 13
Brostradamus_ 13
deadtofall12 13
diastereomer 13
djmoody90 13
e8odie 13
eclectic_tastes 13
Ghost_of_Dude 13
GoBlueScrewOSU7 13
JCiLee 13
Keener1899 13
laminak 13
Mario_Speedwagon 13
olmsted 13
orboth 13
owl_man 13
Papalew32 13
Polarbear1914 13
remwin 13
soonerfreak 13
strikersteve60 13
Techwid 13
TheFlyingBoat 13
topher3003 13
Xtremeloco 13
Acm0028 14
BallSoHerd 14
bwburke94 14
fshi 14
funtubs 14
Nathanael-Greene 14
PalmettoFace 14
RatherBeYachting 14 Tried their best to lose to Utah, who tried even harder to not win. How do you fumble the ball off your belly on the way to a TD? How? 
RegulatorRWF 14
ruwisc 14
slntkilla 14
Ticklebump 14
Wurst_Law 14
52hoova 15
aguyfromthewest 15
AllHawkeyesGoToHell 15
antiherowes 15
bakonydraco 15
Charlemagne42 15 239, +32, 271
cinciforthewin 15
cmdrcaboose2 15
DafoeFoSho 15
dan4223 15
DarkLegend64 15 --
GenialGiant 15 Auburn's loss to LSU does Washington no favors, though they also didn't help themselves with an ugly game against Utah.
icklebush 15
Johnnycockseed 15
moistats_ 15 It may be somewhat messy, but it was a win nevertheless. Also, it was against a very strong Utah defense.
RagingWombats 15
RiffRamBahZoo 15
seaotter2 15
ThaCarter 15
bluegrassborn 16
Branzilla91 16
Daigotsu 16
Foxmcbowser42 16
Harmbert_ 16
JonesUCF34 16
kflinderman 16
Knightro2011 16
Mr_Storm 16
nin478 16
noahthearc 16 +1 spot. Washington continues to rise after they started their conference slat in the Rockies against Utah. They need to run away with the Pac-12 if they want their name in the conversation for the CFP.
retnuh101 16
ryker888 16
SCRx 16
SCsprinter13 16
teddythe3rd 16
trumpet_23 16
typicaliconoclast 16
Bill3ffinMurray 17
Lex_Ludorum 17 Winning in SLC is a tough task. Just thought you'd look better doing it. Defense carried the day.
Smidgens 17
SometimesY 17
TheJeemTeam 17 2/4 in Tier K: Head-to-head loss to Auburn puts them behind them in the group.
ChickenTaco 18
djowen68 18
gms212 18
srs_house 18
taloncarde 18
atchemey 19
flipadelphia17 19
jrichardh 20
OKgolfer 20
ryumast3r 20 Points: 293
The-Gothic-Castle 20
theeguy 20
digdat0 21
DisraeliEers 21
pascha 21
PaulWall31 21
calidoc 23
Greflingorax 23
tabelz 23 1 loss to highly ranked 1-loss team, 1 good P5 win. 

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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