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2022 Week 2 Michigan State Spartans Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
BigBoutros 5
GeauxTri 5
NotSoSuperNerd 5 33.02
placid_salad 5
Johnnycockseed 6
ToeInDigDeep 6 Beat Western Michigan 35-13
Inkblot9 7
jjjoebox 7
rain_parkour 7
RegionalBias 7
boxman151515 8
BUSean 8
Darth_Ra 8
fourpinz8 8
HelioOne 8
MahjongDaily 8
Maladroit44 8
mellolizard 8
practicallybert 8
PumpSmash 8
Rakarei 8
RheagarTargaryen 8 MSU moves up from 12 to 8 because Utah, ND, And Oregon lost. Also have MSU jumping ahead of NC state from my preseason poll. Lots of talent on MSU, Thorne just looked off in the first game despite throwing 4 TDs.
sasmith2015 8
TaylorLeprechaun 8 +3
thexraptor 8
TheZachster 8
AllHawkeyesGoToHell 9
ALStark69 9 0
Arteza147 9 Did not provide a solid showing vs Western Michigan which is grounds for a slight drop. However they still belong solidly in the second tier
Blazeth 9
Cassiyus 9
Ch-i-ef 9 You know you're supposed to improve your weaknesses aka secondary over the offseason right?
deadtofall12 9
DrKennethJNoisewater 9
monkeymatt1836 9
MrTheSpork 9
not_folie 9
physedka 9
teddythe3rd 9
TheReformedBadger 9
tmothy07 9
chweris 10
CptCheese 10
grjohnst 10
JaxofAllTrades13 10
Longvols 10
nw____ 10 I feel meh about this team. Need to see if the defense has what it takes— and if the offense can still produce without KWIII.
Pikachu1989 10
SCRx 10
ShamusJohnson13 10 Are they good? Serious question. They struggled early against Western Michigan, but put it away. But are they good? They're only as high as they are because I think that might have been rust, early season jitters, but they aren't that far removed from being bad either. We'll learn one way or another I suppose.
SpadeRyker 10
Staind075 10
TheJeemTeam 10
Buckeyes2010 11
bwburke94 11
CambodianDrywall 11
Charlemagne42 11 Computer ranking: 23
Chucky1539 11
CommodoreN7 11
Corporal_Hicks 11
malowry0124 11
MoneyManeVick 11
Pollaski 11
PrimalCookie 11 +1
RiffRamBahZoo 11
Sometimeswelose 11
SportingMoose 11
T-nawtical 11
tdeff19 11
Techwid 11
ThaCarter 11
tks231 11
UNC_Samurai 11
woakley 11
ya111101 11
zacheiny 11
Zloggt 11
12panther 12
A_Rolling_Baneling 12
buckeyegold 12
Casaiir 12
cinciforthewin 12
CollegeGolf69 12
Corgi_Koala 12
cyclonepsycho 12
darkra01 12
DarthYoda2594 12
DisraeliEers 12
dogwoodmaple 12
Dropbackandpunt 12
Feral_Squirrel 12
I_am_bot_beep_boop 12
jmac_21 12
joebob431 12
King-Clover 12
molodyets 12
Mr_Brews 12
MWiatrak2077 12 A weirdly close outing against Western for a second there, but a solid victory in the end. Defensive injuries are a bitch, though.
Nathanael-Greene 12
nemoran 12
NyquillusDillwad20 12
Omegaus492 12
pileatedloon 12
Polarbear1914 12
ReallyCreative 12
scronko 12
SCsprinter13 12
TDenverFan 12
thegreendalegelf 12
TrojanMan35T 12
WarEagle9 12
BamaPride95 13
Blooblod 13
Drexlore 13
EpicSchwinn 13
Hobbes_121 13
jlh2b 13
Meany_Vizzini 13 14.0, -1.0, -4
one98d 13
Our-Gardian-Angel 13 Week 1: Michigan State 35, Western Michigan 13 Record: 1-0 After only leading 21-13 through three quarters, the Spartans put the Broncos away with a couple of touchdowns in the fourth. Pretty much the entire team looked uneven throughout much of the game, but they'll look to improve against Akron before a Week 3 road game against Washington.
PromEmperorHarbaugh 13
RavenclawWiz816 13
RollWarTideEagle 13
ScarletFever333 13
SlaminSammons 13
srs_house 13
stesser 13
TopGoose 13
typicaliconoclast 13
Bank_Gothic 14
CockADoodleBOOM 14
cornholesurfer 14
cota1212 14
galacticdude7 14
IAmAChemicalEngineer 14
icklebush 14
Lex_Ludorum 14
peachios 14 beating the michigans, earn that money coach
spsellers 14
SteemieRayVaughn 14
tdoger 14
Thorteris 14
Acm0028 15
arrowfan624 15
Branzilla91 15
bties 15
Daigotsu 15
dicky_________seamus 15
e8odie 15
nburt13 15
NoMorning6152 15
olmsted 15
orbania 15
plannedsickdays 15
Red261 15
vanburen1845 15
VerySeriousBanana 15
wameron 15
badgers4194 16
crimsonlaw 16
DarkLegend64 16
djowen68 16
fo13 16
JCiLee 16
kamiller2020 16
lillipup03 16
relax_on_the_mat 16
Striker743 16 Down 4
turkishguy 16
52hoova 17
aggiebruin27 17
falconlover79 17
GoBlueScrewOSU7 17
Helifino 17
IceColdDrPepper_Here 17 Sparty got off to a bit of a slow start against WMU, but the ended up covering so all's well that ends well
ikindalikelemons 17
Shrektastic28 17
tallg8tor 17
Ticklebump 17
wesman212 17
BallSoHerd 18
ChargerFan2121 18 Computer Poll: Missouri
dan4223 18
RobertNeyland 18
seaotter2 18
BlueSCar 19
CFBHurts 19
nbingham196 19
strikersteve60 19
thomasosu 19
Cecil_Hardboner 20
dabul-master 20
jmt85 20
JustAManAndHisLaptop 20
ndbroski 20
realclean 20
Conglossian 21
coogs35 21
DylanCarlson3 21
Fmeson 21
Hackasizlak 21
PalmettoFace 21
bretticus33 22 I had a lot of questions about MSU and while they won by 22, I don't know that those questions have been answered. I'm not sold on the offense without Walker and with Thorne leading the unit.
cfbguy 22
JeromesNiece 22
noahthearc 22
Xtremeloco 22
_fastball 23
StevvieV 23
TouchdownHeroes 23
ucieaters33 23
corundum9 24
The_Horse_Joke 24
TimeBroken 24

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
ManiacalBlazer 7
muzikjamr 7
TheFalconGuy 7
ChaseTheFalcon 8
IMissMW2Lobbies 8
RaceScottRace 8
RealignmentJunkie 8
ch1l1_ch33s3 9
fredmerc111 9
jaybigs 9
Jaymoney00 9 Beat some scrubs
mmaxey14 9
secoja8 9
catman1256 10
FeliceDot27 10
guttata 10
MADBuc49 10
mathmanhale 10
Pure_Protein_Machine 10
spartan_mk 10
tapswitch 10
The_Ghost_of_TK9 10
TommyTwoTaps 10
washington_jefferson 10
camryn_16 11
dusklord1 11
ewolfy13 11 I view MSU and Wisconsin as similar and MSU closed the gap between them by having a more impressive game
GoCardinals74 11
horaff 11
Megalomanizac 11
newSomberMan 11
PaulMSURon 11
PleasantElevator8340 11
Sam_Seaborne 11
Spacesurfer6 11
TheBeekman8 11 Did good
whereismysauerkraut 11
59brad 12
beaver333 12
Butternades 12
colonel750 12
Cooliamabeast 12
ggskater 12
herrkatze5 12
I-AMA-KarmaWhore-AMA 12
itsnotnews92 12
just-regular-I-guess 12 They good
KyleAg06 12
Phillyfan3 12
RedassAddict 12
Ruhrgebietheld 12
thatoneguyD13 12
True_Ad5324 12
WBLwiffleball 12
WitchKing17 12
zachw900 12
zacjacobson 12
70277027 13
ActuallyJasonPrice 13
Archaic_1 13
BearsAreGreat1 13
bethe2ndmouse 13
biblur 13
Dan20698 13
diehardcubforever 13
drneilpretenamen 13
dtynes10 13
Fantastic-Calendar-9 13 LW: 15
JBonkies 13
jthomas694 13
LamarcusAldrige1234 13
NanoBuc 13
nebsA1 13
NeverDieKris 13
PNW_Jeff 13
PolitiBob 13
sconbon 13
Steelthornn 13
ThatStrangeGuyOverMe 13
the-robo-boogie 13
The_Good_Constable 13
_n8n8_ 14
definitelynotpatrick 14
GreenAndYellow12 14 -1
JustinMSU21 14
Loopylime 14
losbullitt 14
mauliknshah 14
OldCoaly 14
PattyKane16 14
BananaBouquet 15
bannista7 15 LW: 15
buckeye4249 15
Cobainism 15
Dravens19 15
iDevourer 15
JmGrim 15
Matthias382 15
MaxMan1300 15 struggled against directional michigan team
perspicacious_crumb 15
redrumsoxLoL 15
romulusjsp 15
Sebene 15
TadKosciuszko 15
Xarathustria 15
Beck4ou 16 Down from #14. It was a lackluster win over Western Michigan, but they took care of business, the defense looked fine an the offense still played well despite some missteps. Sometimes, week 1 teams have more rust than we thought so take it with a grain of salt.
brucewaynewins 16
Dontworryaboutit1 16
DukeTheDuke23 16
dustingibson 16
entropy888 16
hdbutler 16
ImAndytimbo 16
OSUfan88 16
PSUMediaPA 16 They move up after beating Western Michigan by expected margins.
shadowwingnut 16 Beat this year's Friday Night Directional Michigan opponent by the same margin as always
Temporary-Profit-643 16
1Subject 17
colby983 17
Due_Connection179 17
FourteenClocks 17
JamoRedhead 17
noffinater 17
rocco2246 17
Sflabuckeye13 17
the_lost_carrot 17
DaewooLanosMFerrr 18
maxwell6233 18
TimHowardsHands 18
UVUboi2 18
CallMeTheKing 19 SCORE = 1.000000
giveupanddie 19
mynameisotis 19
coletheredditer 20
jalexjsmithj 20
JB_Gibson 20 A Mel Tucker Defense giving up that many rushing yards and losing the TOP battle that bad is surprising. I felt they'd take that next step this season, but now I don't think so.
AnAngryPanda1 21
Devintheroaster 21 696.35 points
DownshiftGD 21
hershculez 21
Dawg-Bite 22
mcdsmaster8824 22
mcfly97 23
mill1634 23
mthompson2320 23
Airparm14 24 Did what they needed to do
Bereft13 24
Harpua99 24
Hugefootballfan44 24
ianmcmoney 24
RJEP22 24 (1-0) 15.880 pts
zachismadewell 24
TheRedKing75 25
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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