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2021 Week 11 Michigan State Spartans Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
confirmd_am_engineer 3
GeauxTri 4
moistats_ 4
Blazeth 5
coogs35 5
ndhuskerpower 5
Sproded 5
12panther 6
52hoova 6
AllHawkeyesGoToHell 6
AlphaH4wk 6
andrewthestudent 6
BabyBladder 6
bwburke94 6
CFBHurts 6
Chucky1539 6
DeceptiveSpeed 6
DrKennethJNoisewater 6
e8odie 6
Ersatzself 6
Extra_Excrement 6
GoBlueScrewOSU7 6
jchall3 6
justsaynotoreddit 6
kamiller2020 6
Lex_Ludorum 6
luckroy 6 Pot 3
malowry0124 6
MoneyManeVick 6
nbingham196 6
orboth 6
physedka 6
RobertNeyland 6
RollWarTideEagle 6
ScarletFever333 6
ShogunAshoka 6
Sometimeswelose 6
spasm01 6
spsellers 6
T-nawtical 6
teddythe3rd 6
transferStudent2018 6
turkishguy 6
typicaliconoclast 6
ACCBiggz 7
admiraltarkin 7
Bill3ffinMurray 7
BosskOnASegway 7
boxman151515 7
bretticus33 7 MSU's dream start to the season took a hit when they lost to Purdue, who has ruined a couple seasons now.  Walker still had a nice game but lost some ground in the Heisman race.  I don't expect MSU to lose much more from here-on-out.
bties 7
Buckeyes2010 7
BugsSuck 7
captain_sasquatch 7
Cars-and-Coffee 7
Cassiyus 7
Chris-P-Creme 7
chrisb19 7
CockADoodleBOOM 7
Corporal_Hicks 7
corundum9 7
d_mcc_x 7
dabul-master 7
Daigotsu 7
DarkLegend64 7 B Tier
DarthYoda2594 7
DavoinShower-handle 7
dicky_________seamus 7
Disregardskarma 7
doggo816 7
eclectic_tastes 7
fourpinz8 7
Foxmcbowser42 7
Frognosticator 7
goblue10 7
Hackasizlak 7
Harmbert_ 7
hypercube42342 7
hythloday1 7
I_am_bot_beep_boop 7
icklebush 7
igloo27 7
Inkblot9 7
jchurch8073 7
JCiLee 7
jlh2b 7
jmac_21 7
JonesUCF34 7
jrichardh 7
LEGEN--wait_for_it 7
LeinadSpoon 7
Mr_Brews 7
myghtymouse 7
Nathanael-Greene 7
nburt13 7
nin478 7
njm1314 7
NyquillusDillwad20 7
olmsted 7
orbania 7
outthawazoo 7
owl-bears 7
owlalwaysloveyew 7 Michigan State were the last undefeated Big 10 team to lose, with a 29-40 loss to the spoilermakers. With Maryland, Ohio State, and Penn State left on their schedule, the Spartans destiny is still very much in their hands.
PHubbs 7
puffadda 7
Rakarei 7
Red261 7
RiffRamBahZoo 7
scronko 7
SCsprinter13 7
seaotter2 7
Spalliston 7
srs_house 7
SSJRoshi 7
stesser 7
strikersteve60 7
tauzeta 7
tdeff19 7
Texasagsman 7
TheZachster 7
ToLongDR 7
TopheryG8er 7
TossedRightOut 7
ucieaters33 7
WarEagle9 7
WeenisWrinkle 7
ya111101 7
_fastball 8
A-Stu-Ute 8
Acm0028 8
ALStark69 8 -5
arrowfan624 8
badgers4194 8
BallSoHerd 8
Bank_Gothic 8
BigBoutros 8
BlueFalcon89 8
bobsled_time 8
BorisNumber1 8
boxbeat 8
Branzilla91 8
buckeyegold 8
buckeyes75 8
CambodianDrywall 8
cfbguy 8
Ch-i-ef 8 Unranked Purdue comes for us all Sparty, don't think too much about it.
ChemicalOle 8
cmdrcaboose2 8
Colton3690 8
creative_penguin 8
crownebeach 8 The universe balances luck out. Sparty was a hair fortunate to beat Michigan, so they got a dose of payback in the form of Purdue.
DafoeFoSho 8
DampFrijoles 8
darkra01 8
djowen68 8
dogwoodmaple 8
Drexlore 8
esoterik 8
Feral_Squirrel 8
G-manP 8
hascogrande 8
HelioOne 8
Hey_Its_Roomie 8
Hobbes_121 8
huskerfan4life520 8
IAmAChemicalEngineer 8
iliketoupvotepuns 8
Jakesnake42 8 Oof that Purdue loss.Last Week: 2
JaxofAllTrades13 8
jnoobs13 8
Johnnycockseed 8
Keener1899 8
King-Clover 8
KommanderKeen-a42 8
LeWoofle 8 Ooof. Spoilermakers strike again.
mellolizard 8
mjacksongt 8
mnmmatt 8
monkeymatt1836 8
nemoran 8
No11223456 8
noahthearc 8
noodlethebear 8
OKgolfer 8
Omegaus492 8
one98d 8
owl_man 8
pascha 8
peachios 8 low spoilermakers nevver fail do they?
PumpSmash 8
RagingWombats 8
RavenclawWiz816 8
roaddogg 8
ruwisc 8
ryseing 8
ryumast3r 8
sasmith2015 8
scotsworth 8
SCRx 8
Shrektastic28 8
SlaminSammons 8
soonerfreak 8
soonersthebetter 8
Sophocles5 8
StevvieV 8
stripes361 8
tabelz 8
tallg8tor 8
TaylorLeprechaun 8 -2
TDenverFan 8
ThaCarter 8
thegreendalegelf 8
TheReformedBadger 8
thexraptor 8
thomasosu 8
tjstanley 8
tmothy07 8
UNC_Samurai 8
VerySeriousBanana 8
Wescat 8
wesman212 8
Zloggt 8
arrow_dynamics 9
BamaPride95 9
bernkastel87 9
Blooblod 9
Cecil_Hardboner 9
Charlemagne42 9 437
ChickenTaco 9
crimsonlaw 9
dan4223 9
dasani3x 9
DisraeliEers 9
drgnlis 9
Dropbackandpunt 9
falconlover79 9
Fmeson 9
fo13 9
GilBrandt 9
halldaylong 9
JamesBCrazy 9
jjjoebox 9
kflinderman 9
Knightro2011 9
LiptonCB 9
ndbroski 9
not_folie 9
NotSoSuperNerd 9 16.27
Noy_Telinu 9
pileatedloon 9
ReallyCreative 9
retnuh101 9
SantiagoRamon 9
SearonTrejorek 9
sirgippy 9
Staind075 9
Striker743 9 Down 1 - should probably drop more, but I cant justify them being below Michigan
studio_sally 9
theb52 9 50.667
Ticklebump 9
ttsci 9
ucfskuba 9
Xtremeloco 9
YellowSkarmory 9 I was never too impressed with MSU, even after their win against Michigan, and their loss at Purdue reinforces that in my mind. The Michigan win is still solid, and they do have a decent win at Miami, but past that their resume falls off a cliff. The games against Ohio State and Penn State will be significant for their resume, but as of now, I'm not impressed enough to shift them above Ohio State.
113milesprower 10
Apep86 10
blahblehblahwhoru 10
cajunaggie08 10
cinciforthewin 10
conchobor 10
emueagles 10
G-Aardvark 10
GoBeaversOSU 10
Greflingorax 10
Helifino 10
jeedf 10
JoshDaws 10
lillipup03 10
Longvols 10
Maladroit44 10
MrTheSpork 10
plannedsickdays 10
Polarbear1914 10
Pollaski 10
ProbablyRickSantorum 10
RegulatorRWF 10
relax_on_the_mat 10
SPRX97 10
TimeBroken 10
ToeInDigDeep 10
vanburen1845 10
velociraptorfarmer 10
wameron 10
boonamobile 11
BUSean 11
Conglossian 11 -5
digdat0 11
HarbingerOfFun 11
MarlinsGuy 11
Pikachu1989 11
ShamusJohnson13 11
tks231 11
woakley 11
chweris 12
eSpiritCorpse 12 0.9302
ExternalTangents 12 8.34
galacticdude7 12
Joester09 12
Laschoni 12
practicallybert 12
Stoneador 12
THECrew42 12
zacheiny 12
BlueSCar 13
GenialGiant 13
infinitempg 13
r0sco 13
The-Gothic-Castle 13
TouchdownHeroes 14 LW: 12
Darth_Ra 15
fshi 15
JeromesNiece 15
trumpet_23 15
kdcoltred 17
bakonydraco 19 79.89
DataDrivenPirate 22
RMathis13 23 63.6
TehAlpacalypse 24

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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