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2019 Week 4 Utah Utes Rankings

Main Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
bread_buddy 2
dabul-master 2
studio_sally 2
VerySeriousBanana 4 Consistent with astronomical potential.
YellowSkarmory 5
Daigotsu 6
Frognosticator 6
gbuntin 6
HarbingerOfFun 6
retnuh101 6
Saxasaurus 6
ACCBiggz 7
Cassiyus 7
DarthYoda2594 7
digdat0 7
fireinvestigator113 7
Harmbert_ 7
KobeOrNotKobe 7
luckroy 7 Pot 1
MrTheSpork 7
olmsted 7
orbania 7
PureCFR 7
Rakarei 7
roaddogg 7
spsellers 7
thegreendalegelf 7
tmothy07 7
311polo 8
BabyBladder 8
beerslingerjay 8
Bill3ffinMurray 8
blahblehblahwhoru 8
BunnySelfDestruct 8
CFSparta92 8
Chris-P-Creme 8
cmdrcaboose2 8
CockADoodleBOOM 8
esoterik 8
Extra_Excrement 8
fshi 8
jshokie1 8
kelling928 8
malowry0124 8
MammothMan34 8
mjacksongt 8
MoneyManeVick 8
ndhuskerpower 8
nejaahalcyon 8
noodlethebear 8
PalmettoFace 8
puffadda 8
ReallyCreative 8
ryseing 8
ryumast3r 8 Score: 359
ScarletFever333 8
SCRx 8
soonersthebetter 8 I didn't see any reason to move Utah from their spot.
srs_house 8
T-Thugs 8 Utah is 3-0. Best win is over BYU. That does look a little better this week with BYU taking down USC, though.
theeguy 8
ThePUNisher96 8
TopheryG8er 8
vanburen1845 8
alextoyalex 9
AllHawkeyesGoToHell 9
bakonydraco 9
bernkastel87 9
BlueFalcon89 9
BobDeLaSponge 9
BorisNumber1 9
Buckeyes2010 9
captain_sasquatch 9
ChemicalOle 9
dan4223 9
diastereomer 9
dicky_________seamus 9
DisraeliEers 9
doormatt26 9
dupreesdiamond 9
e8odie 9
ExternalTangents 9
f0gax 9
fadingthought 9
FellKnight 9
Feral_Squirrel 9
fo13 9
GatorAndrew 9
gms212 9
Greflingorax 9
Hackasizlak 9
Helifino 9
I_am_bot_beep_boop 9
IAmAChemicalEngineer 9
igloo27 9
jlh2b 9
jputna 9
JustAManAndHisLaptop 9
Keener1899 9
lk6 9
lkeg56demn 9
mango_lion 9
MarlinsGuy 9
Miami_da_U 9
mnmmatt 9
moistats_ 9 I need Utah to get a few more wins for them to follow my criteria (i.e., ranked #5-7). I just can't get myself to say that they are better than LSU and Georgia. Unless if they blowout at USC...but that depends on how the other teams do as well. 
nburt13 9
njm1314 9
Omegaus492 9
owl-bears 9
owl_man 9
Papalew32 9
peachios 9 The Pac12's only hope and seem quite strong though they have not played many great teams as of now. 
RatherBeYachting 9
SCsprinter13 9
ShamusJohnson13 9
SSJRoshi 9
T-nawtical 9
tallg8tor 9
TanzaniaMagic 9
TDenverFan 9
Techwid 9
teddythe3rd 9
Ticklebump 9
ToLongDR 9
ttsci 9
twosheepforanore 9
tylerbc 9
typicaliconoclast 9
Wescat 9
Zerosa 9
52hoova 10
A-Stu-Ute 10
AaronRodgers16 10
Arsenal7X 10
ArtificialBadger 10
BamaPride95 10
BigBoutros 10 The leader in the Pac-12 clubhouse gets a boost to its resume with BYU's victory over USC.
Blazeth 10 BYU stocks rising also makes Utah seem even more impressive, but knowing the Pac-12, they'll just blow the hype this week anyway
boxbeat 10
Brostradamus_ 10
bties 10
buckeyes75 10
BugsSuck 10
CambodianDrywall 10
cfbguy 10
CollegeGolf69 10
conchobor 10
CountryRoads8 10
crimsonlaw 10 That win against BYU is looking kind of impressive now. The Utes' next two games (at USC and vs Washington St) are big ones that will set the trajectory for their season.
d_mcc_x 10
dasani3x 10
DavoinShower-handle 10
DEP61 10
Disregardskarma 10
frumious88 10
galacticdude7 10
goblue10 10
grjohnst 10
hawkspur1 10
HelioOne 10
Hobbes_121 10
Hoflax24 10
iliketoupvotepuns 10
itsabearcannon 10
jmac_21 10
joebob431 10
Johnnycockseed 10
JonesUCF34 10
kdcoltred 10
LeinadSpoon 10
Lex_Ludorum 10
monkeymatt1836 10
Nathanael-Greene 10
nbingham196 10 Win over BYU is looking better each week
nin478 10
No11223456 10
orangeslash 10
Our-Gardian-Angel 10
PaulWall31 10
relax_on_the_mat 10
remwin 10
ShogunAshoka 10
tabelz 10
tdeff19 10
TheZachster 10
topher3003 10
W_Is_For_Will 10
WarEagle9 10
WeenisWrinkle 10
wesman212 10
zacheiny 10
Zloggt 10
Acm0028 11
bgr308 11
boxman151515 11
Branzilla91 11
brobroma 11
BrutonGaster77 11
CarbonCamaroZL1 11
Cars-and-Coffee 11
ChickenTaco 11
darkra01 11
deadtofall12 11
GeauxAllDay 11
Ghost_of_Dude 11
halldaylong 11
hascogrande 11
Hey_Its_Roomie 11
huskerfan4life520 11
hypercube42342 11 -1
JaxofAllTrades13 11
LiptonCB 11
Longvols 11
PumpSmash 11
RegulatorRWF 11
scronko 11
seaotter2 11
steelcitygator 11
sunburn_on_the_brain 11
TaylorLeprechaun 11 +0
tjstanley 11
trumpet_23 11
ucieaters33 11
UNC_Samurai 11
AGSattack 12
BosskOnASegway 12
buttforaface 12
cinciforthewin 12
cms186 12
DafoeFoSho 12
DeceptiveSpeed 12
DrKennethJNoisewater 12
Dropbackandpunt 12
hokies220 12 Here's where the human aspect of my poll comes in. BYU was actually here tied at 8th overall points. But I believe head to head when both teams have identical records( or the team that won has less losses) the winning team should be ranked higher. Also, I consider BYU G5 so beating two P5 teams gives them a slight boost. So I switched Utah and BYU because it feels right to do.
JCiLee 12
kelctex 12
myghtymouse 12
PHubbs 12
Pollaski 12
polydorr 12
Red261 12
RobertNeyland 12
Striker743 12
Texasagsman 12
TheFlyingBoat 12
TheReformedBadger 12
tmart12 12
ToeInDigDeep 12 BYU win looks better now
Wurst_Law 12
xelphin 12
ya111101 12
admiraltarkin 13
BallSoHerd 13
corundum9 13
crownebeach 13 Abused a bad team. Has to go to USC on Friday night for the Pac-12's patented "contender on the road after-hours" trap game of the week, but the transitive property of BYU says they should win. Go Utes, #FireLarryScott.
G-manP 13
GenialGiant 13 3-0 after pummeling an FCS team, Utah will look to start its conference schedule in earnest against USC.
GoBlueScrewOSU7 13
icklebush 13
Jakesnake42 13
jnoobs13 13
Knightro2011 13
noahthearc 13
orboth 13
pascha 13
RiffRamBahZoo 13
rmp0005 13
royrules22 13
ruwisc 13
scotsworth 13
strikersteve60 13
taloncarde 13
Trogdor42069 13
uwbjb 13
113milesprower 14
_Brazenhead_ 14 Handled an inferior opponent. It is looking like Utah will be the banner-carrier for the Pac-12 but will have to run the gauntlet to keep climbing. The conference just looks weak this season.
Blooblod 14
mellolizard 14
nickknx865 14
Pieisgood186 14
pileatedloon 14
surreptitioussloth 14
THECrew42 14
thexraptor 14
XSavageWalrusX 14
Xtremeloco 14
Andtheyrustledsoftly 15
Apep86 15
CertifiedSheep 15
kflinderman 15
LEGEN--wait_for_it 15
SearonTrejorek 15 0.57619
sirgippy 15
SPRX97 15
ThaCarter 15
TheJeemTeam 15 3/5 in Tier F: Have looked pretty good against lesser competition
BUSean 16
bwburke94 16
Cecil_Hardboner 16
Charlemagne42 16 So I may have unfairly slandered NIU. Their defense is Pretty Good. And now the MAC seems pretty wide open. That said, blanking anyone is Also Pretty Good, even if it is an FCS team. Moving up thanks to others moving down. (+2)
G-Aardvark 16
Mario_Speedwagon 16
Spiral-Pilot 16
Sproded 16
toocleverbyhalf 16
TopGoose 16
Conglossian 17 -5
eclectic_tastes 17
JeromesNiece 17
qacha 17
stripes361 17 Kyle Wittingham is one of the most underrated coaches out there. This team should compete in just about every game on its schedule. Speaking of schedule, their next six games are brutal.
tks231 17
DarkLegend64 18 +2 (BYU win looking better so they get a resume boost over Boise State)
hythloday1 18
SantiagoRamon 18
confirmd_am_engineer 19
Foxmcbowser42 19
r0sco 19
RMathis13 19 Score: 41.5
andrewthestudent 20
Fmeson 20
jrichardh 20
theReluctantHipster 20
plannedsickdays 21
boonamobile 22
theb52 22 PO Rank   Played Opponents Team Points   W - L #N/A   BYE 0   - - - 64.5   Brigham Young 66.5   2 - 1 85   Northern Illinois 46   1 - 2 #N/A   Idaho St 1   - - - TOTAL 113.5
OKgolfer 24

Provisional Poll Voters

User Rank Reason
Blue = Human
Red = Computer
Green = Hybrid

Bold = before the AP poll was published
Normal = after the AP poll was published

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